scholarly journals La escritura por proceso para mejorar la producción de ensayos expositivos académicos en la asignatura Historia de las Ideas Políticas / Process writing to improve academic expository essays in the subject History of Political Ideas

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Wilson E. Genao

ResumenEste trabajo consiste en una investigación sobre la implementación del enfoque de la escritura por proceso como un mecanismo posible para mejorar la producción de ensayos expositivos académicos. La investigación se sustenta en la visión de la lectura y la escritura como prácticas sociales donde se ponen en juego distintas actividades cognitivas y que incluye tres procesos básicos que interactúan entre sí: la planificación, la textualización y la revisión. En el artículo se desarrolla el proceso llevado a cabo en el marco del Diplomado en Lectura y Escritura a través del Currículo en el Nivel Superior, para la implementación de las estrategias que posibilitaron impactar favorablemente en el desempeño académico de los participantes en la asignatura de Historia de las Ideas Políticas.AbstractThis thesis is an investigation into the implementation of the process writing approach as a way to improve the production of academic expository writing. The research was based on the view of reading and writing as social practices in which come into play different cognitive activities and that it includes three basic processes that interact with each other: planning, textualization and review. In this article the process undertaken in the course “Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum in Higher Education”, to implement strategies that enabled a favorable impact on the academic performance of participants in the subject of History of Political Ideas.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Orisell Medina Lagrange

Resumen Este artículo se deriva del proyecto de investigación-acción realizado durante el Diplomado de Lectura y Escritura a través del Currículo en el Nivel Superior, del Programa de Alfabetización Académica del Centro de Excelencia para la Investigación y Difusión de la Lectura y Escritura de la PUCMM. El objeto de estudio de esta investigación fue el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la escritura en la asignatura Propuesta de Proyecto de Grado de Arquitectura. Los datos fueron recopilados en el período septiembre-diciembre de 2013, con el propósito de determinar las estrategias que facilitan la mejora de la escritura académica en los estudiantes de último año de Arquitectura. Las conclusiones principales fueron que al conocer el proceso de producción escrita y los elementos del discurso, los estudiantes se sintieron capaces de abordar la escritura de textos académicos, que es posible replicar esta experiencia y que se ha sistematizado la asignatura de Propuesta de Proyecto basada en fundamentos científicos. AbstractThis article is derived from the action research project conducted during the course “Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum in Higher Education” offered by the Literacy Program directed by the Academic Center of Excellence for Research and Dissemination of Reading and Writing in PUCMM. The purpose of this research was to study the teaching and learning of writing on the subject Proposal Project Degree in Architecture. Data were collected during the September December 2013 term, which aimed to identify strategies that facilitate the improvement of academic writing in seniors Architecture students. The main conclusions were that knowing the process of writing and the elements of discourse, the students were able to approach the writing of academic texts, that it is possible to replicate this experience and that the subject Project Proposal has been systematize based on scientific foundations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-101
Benno Zabel

Subjects are not simply found. They are constructed by institutions, social practices and societies. The subject is the result of subjectification. This analysis of transformation aims to show, on the basis of penal practices, that an appropriate understanding of the legal subject cannot begin with a history of progress or decay, however conceived, but has to focus on the dialectic of subjugation and liberation. It then becomes visible that every normative order has to be understood as coping with contingencies, crises and struggles that repeatedly drive law into reflexivity. This reflexivity shows the precariousness of all law and yet makes it clear that free societies cannot do without it.

2020 ◽  
pp. 317-332
Mônica De Cássia Siqueira Martines

Este artículo describe los resultados de un experimento que involucró la enseñanza y la investigación en la disciplina de Historia de las Matemáticas, impartido por el autor en la Universidad Federal de Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) desde el comienzo de la oferta del Grado en Matemáticas en esa institución de educación superior. En este sentido, presentamos el formato de las clases y evaluaciones que se realizan para el tema del estudio que originó este artículo. La investigación desarrollada fue del tipo cualitativo, en particular un estudio de caso, ya que la experiencia descrita y explicada se centra en la preocupación por los aspectos de la realidad del aula de una sola situación específica. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de reflexión constante, diálogo y posibles cambios en la didáctica en el aula, ya que los estudiantes, cada día, son diferentes en un mundo globalizado e informatizado. También revelan la necesidad de invitar a los estudiantes a asumir el papel de protagonistas, de modo que las formas de evaluación para cada clase puedan modificarse.Palabras clave: Historia de las matemáticas; Evaluación; Formación inicial de profesores de matemáticas. THE DISCIPLINE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS AT THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF THE MINING TRIANGLE: A BRIEF REPORT AbstractThis article describes the results of an experiment that involved teaching and research in the History of Mathematics discipline, taught by the author at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) since the beginning of the offer of the Degree in Mathematics at that institution of higher education. In this sense, we present the format of the classes and assessments that are carried out for the subject of the study that originated this article. The research developed was of the qualitative type, particularly a case study, since the experience described and explained is centered on the concern with aspects of the classroom reality of a single specific situation. The results show the need for constant reflection, dialogue and possible change in the didactics in the classroom, since the students, each day, are different in a globalized and computerized world. They also reveal the need to invite students to assume the role of protagonists, so that the forms of assessment for each class can be modified.Keywords: History of Mathematics; Evaluation; Initial training of mathematics teachers.A DISCIPLINA HISTÓRIA DA MATEMÁTICA NA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TRIÂNGULO MINEIRO:UM BREVE RELATO ResumoEste artigo descreve os resultados de uma experiência que envolveu ensino e pesquisa na disciplina História da Matemática, ministrada pela autora na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) desde o início da oferta do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática na referida instituição de ensino superior. Neste sentido apresentamos o formato das aulas e avaliações que são realizadas para a disciplina foco do estudo que originou este artigo. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi do tipo qualitativa, particularmente um estudo de caso, uma vez que a experiência descrita e explicada está centrada na preocupação com os aspectos da realidade da sala de aula de uma única situação especifica. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de constante reflexão, diálogo e possível alteração na didática em sala de aula, visto que os(as) alunos(as), a cada dia, se mostram diferentes perante um mundo globalizado e informatizado. Revelam, também, a necessidade de convidar os(as) alunos(as) a assumirem o papel de protagonistas, fazendo com que as formas de avaliação de cada turma possam ser modificadas.Palavras-chave: História da Matemática; Avaliação; Formação inicial de professores de matemática.

2019 ◽  
Josua Ng

Our modern society is made up by people from multiple generations. The ones that are currently on the rise & will take dominance includes Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation Z, commonly known as the iGeneration or Net Gen. While the early Millennials are currently entering the workforce, the rest are either pursuing education or doing part-time jobs. With the current world economy being very unstable, these young people were forced to choose either pursue higher education or take freelance jobs to help their family. In the case of higher education, what will become of their interest in subjects of education, since they are more than likely driven under pressure to complete their education and get higher-paying jobs, rather than pursuing on subjects where their passion may lie in. This paper aims to answer that, specifically the subject of the History of Indonesia during World War 2.

2011 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 59-68
Heloísa Oliveira Macedo

Although there have been several studies about the processses of rewriting texts there is none related to aphasia. Even thou rewriting is considered as an alternative to promote reflection, to searching for new ways and, therefore, as a new possibility of sigfiynig in a text, in language, it was never studied with brain damaged subjects. When the subjects recognizes the need to rewrite his text in order to make themselves understood in a more accurate way by his partners, they change their strategies, adjusts their language and positions themselves as a social subjects. The theory on which this work is based is the Neurolinguistics developed  by Coudry (1986) and Morato (1995), discoursively oriented, which assumes the close relation between language and speech, language and cognition and between the subject and the social practices. Three aphasic subjects were followed while the process of writing texts about their history on aphasia, mainly about the consequences that the condition of being aphasics brought to their lives. The process of writing was carried together with the investigator, when they talked about their doubts and about the hyphotesis they made about the process of writing. The analysis shows that the cognitive aspects related to the knowledge of the roles and structures of a written text are preserved. In fact, they were able to recognize when something is not properly organized. In general, the research shows that the work with rewriting allows the subject to recover and/or improve their competence in reading and writing.

Helmut Reimitz

The writing of history played an important part in Merovingian society, a fact that is well documented in the Merovingian authors’ writing and rewriting of history. The different histories and versions of history also show that Merovingian culture was not a culture in decline after the end of the western Roman Empire. A closer look demonstrates that the transformation of historical knowledge and culture demanded a higher degree of sophistication, expertise, and originality than modern scholars have been willing to allow for the authors of Merovingian histories. The extant historical works from the Merovingian period testify to the historical sophistication and education of their authors. They also show that their authors were well aware of a variety of histories, historical interpretations, models, and genres. This chapter suggests that we might understand the work of these historians better if we take their generic choices more seriously than we usually do. They all worked with the preconception of a genre to define the subject of their historical inquiry while attempting to transform the expectations and patterns of reading and writing history in a post-Roman world. Such an approach might also help us to understand the diversity of generic choices and forms of historical writings in the Merovingian period as one of the characteristic features of a Merovingian historiography.

J. Scott Carter ◽  
Cameron D. Lippard

This chapter discusses the ever-evolving role of race in politics in the history of the US. How the government handled racial and other discrimination has not always been effective. It was not until the 1960s that the US government attempted to make a concrete effort to minimize racial discrimination, which of course effected enrollment at elite US colleges and universities. This chapter then goes onto to discuss the deep ideological divide over affirmative action that exists in the country and provides public opinion data on where whites stand with the subject. This chapter demonstrates that indeed affirmative action is a controversial subject that receives little support from whites.

Perspectiva ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Maria Aparecida Lapa de Aguiar ◽  
Nelita Bortolotto ◽  
Nilcéa Lemos Pelandré

<p></p><p>Neste trabalho procura-se contextualizar a importância para a alfabetização da concepção dialógica da linguagem – da arquitetônica de Bakhtin –, e da perspectiva de aprendizagem de Vigotski, buscando contribuir com discussões que se põem desde a década de 1980 sobre o assunto, estendendo-se aos dias atuais. Para tal intento, são apresentadas, em linhas gerais, as orientações dos documentos oficiais no que diz respeito às concepções de linguagem e às propostas teórico-metodológicas em uma perspectiva de letramento e de interação social. Também se faz a defesa da alfabetização pela abordagem histórico-cultural e de práticas sociais de leitura e escrita constituídas na relação eu/outro. Discutem-se, ainda, algumas possibilidades metodológicas desenvolvidas com base em projetos de docência que possam edificar o  processo alfabetizador pela atividade da comunicação verbal, ou seja, pela palavra real como enunciado concreto. Por fim, defende-se a consolidação de uma metodologia da alfabetização que propicie o desenvolvimento de práticas sociais no decorrer do processo de apropriação do sistema de escrita, ao mesmo tempo em que conduza à valoração do sujeito com responsabilidade sobre o pensar, falar e atuar. Preconiza-se assim o reforço de políticas públicas de formação em serviço de professores, fomentando atitudes responsivas perante os sujeitos-alunos, constituindo-os leitores e escritores competentes.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Literacy and dialogism: meetings with the word in life</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>In this work we tried to contextualize the importance for literacy dialogical conception of language – the architectural Bakhtin – and Vygotsky's learning perspective, seeking to contribute to discussions on the subject that have been put through since the 1980s  until the present day. For such purpose, the guidelines of the official documents with regard to language concepts and theoretical and methodological proposals in a perspective of literacy and social interaction are presented in a general aspect. This paper also makes the defense of literacy by the historical-cultural approach and social practices of reading and writing that are constituted in the relationship self / other. We also discuss some methodological possibilities that are developed based on teaching projects that can build the literacy process by the verbal communication activity, i.e .the real word as a concrete enunciation. Finally, it advocates the consolidation of a methodology of literacy which encourages the development of social practices in the course of the writing system appropriation process, as well as a methodology that can lead to the valuation of the subject with responsibility for thinking, speaking and acting.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Literacy. Verbal interaction. Teacher training.</p><p> </p><p><strong>L’alphabétisation et le dialogisme: rencontres avec la parole dan la vie</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Résumé</strong></p><p>Dans ce travail, on cherche de contextualiser  l’importance pour l’alphabétisation de la conception dialogique du langage – l’architectonique de Bakhtin –, et de la perspective d’apprentissage de Vigotski, en cherchant de contribuer avec les discussions qui s’y posent depuis les anées 1980 jusqu' à aujourd'hui. À cet effet, sont présentées, en lignes générales, les orientations des documents officiels dans ce qui concerne aux conceptions du langage et aux propostes théorique-méthodologiques dans une perspective de lettrement et d’intération sociale. On fait aussi la défense de l’alphabétisation à travers l’approche historique-culturel et des pratiques sociales de lecture et écrite constituées dans le rapport je/l’autre. On discute encore quelques possibilités méthodologiques développées sur des projets d’enseignement qui puisse édifier le processus d'alphabétisation par l’activité de la communication verbale, c’ést à dire, par la parole reél comme énoncé concret. Pour la fin, on défendent la consolidation d’une méthodologie de l’alphabétisation qui favorise le développement de pratiques sociales pendent le processus de l’appropriation du système de l’écriture, au même temps que conduit à valorisation du sujet résponsable de la pensée, du parler et de l’agir. On recommend, ainsi, le renfort de politiques públiques de formation de professeurs dans le travail, en stimulant des attitudes responsables devant les sujets-étudiants, en leur formant de lecteurs et d’écrivains compétents.</p><p><strong>Mots-clés:</strong> Alphabétisation. Interactions verbale. Formation d’enseignant.</p>

Nadiya Kuzmenko

The historiography of the development of higher education in Chernihiv region is considered, the pre-Soviet, Soviet and modern stages of this problem are determined; it was found that researchers of the genesis of higher education in Chernihiv region paid great attention to studying the date of establishment, financing and functioning of the Chernihiv Collegium; it was defined that the development of higher education in Chernihiv region was considered by researchers through the study of two components: the system of educational institutions and educational, philanthropic and pedagogical activities of prominent personalities of Chernihiv region. It was found that the Chernihiv Collegium (1700-1786) was the first institution of secondary education in the Left Bank of Ukraine, whose activities were of great importance for the formation and development of the domestic system of higher education. The question of the history of one of the Ukrainian Orthodox colleges was the subject of study by researchers of the XIX century P. Bogoslovsky, M. Dokuchaev, V. Lytynsky, O. Shafonsky. In the first half of the XIX century some information about the Chernihiv Collegium was contained in the works of V.Askochensky, D. BantyshKamensky, M. Bulgakov, M. Markov, M. Markevich. The introduction into scientific circulation of significant archival material on the history of the college began in the second half of the XIX century, the first articles by A. Starodomsky appeared. F. Gumilevsky's works contained factual material that revealed various aspects of the history of the college, educational and philanthropic activities of its founders. A selection of archival materials on the history of the college of researchers M. Blagoveshchensky P. Dobrovolsky S. Nikolsky was published in the local press in the late nineteenth – early XX century; scientific researches of the history of the educational process of Chernihiv region were intensified (O. Andriyashev, O. Vvedensky, P. Wojciechowski, M. Golik, F. Dmytrevsky, P. Dobrovolsky, M. Domontovych, M. Zhdanovych P. Korobka, O. Musin-Pushkin O. Rusov, S. Rusova, M. Sukhomlinov, M. Tutomlin, V. Khyzhnyakov, E. Shulga). Scientists of the Soviet period studied various aspects of the development of education in Chernihiv region in the context of the genesis of education in Ukraine (V. Borysenko M. Zavoloka J. Isayevach, B. Mityurov S. Siropolko Z. Khyzhnyak, N. Ship). The modern period of historiography of the study of the development of higher education in Chernihiv region is presented in the works of A. Borovik, N. Kuzmenko, O. Pronikov, O. Travkina.

2016 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
Thaís Janaina Wenczenovicz ◽  
Wilson Steimentz

RESUMO:O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a evolução e o processo de inserção das comunidades indígenas na História do Brasil Contemporâneo no sistema de Ensino Superior. Também aborda elementos da evolução histórica da Educação Indígena no Brasil e seus desdobramentos institucionais e pedagógicos do Ensino Superior com base em dados do Ministério da Educação. O procedimento metodológico utilizado é o analítico-interpretativo de investigação e análise da legislação concernente a temática como: Decretos, LDB’en, Plano Nacional de Educação, Regimento da Connei, Resoluções, entre outras. ABSTRACT:This study aims to analyze the evolution and the process of insertion of indigenous communities in the History of Brazil Contemporary  in the system of Higher Education Area. It also addresses elements of the historical development of indigenous education in Brazil based on data from the Ministry of Education. The methodological procedure used is analytical-interpretive research and analysis of the legislation concerning the subject as: Ordinance, LDB’en, National Education Plan, CONNEI’s Regiment, Resolutions and other.

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