2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Joni Tandi ◽  
Ida Yanti Palinggi ◽  
Seblin Tonapa Ramang ◽  
Tien Wahyu Handayani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek penurunan kadar glukosa darah dan gambaran histopatologi pankreas dari daun kelor pada tikus putih jantan hiperkolesterolemia-diabetes serta kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder pada ekstrak fraksi n-heksan, fraksi etil asetat dan fraksi etanol-air daun kelor. Pengujian menggunakan 35 ekor tikus dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok dengan perlakuan yaitu kelompok kontrol normal, kontrol negatif, kontrol positif metformin, kontrol positif simvastatin, dan tiga kelompok sebagai kelompok uji diberikan fraksi ekstrakdaun kelor masing-masing fraksi n-heksan, fraksi etil asetat dan fraksi etanol air dengan dosis 300 mg/kg BB. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 35, 42 dan 49 setelah diberi perlakuan. Data kadar glukosa darah yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis variansi (ANOVA) pada taraf kepercayaan 95% kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji Least Significant Difference (LSD), dan data hasil skoring tingkat kerusakan pankreas dianalisis dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney untuk melihat perbedaan antar perlakuan . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat senyawa metabolit sekunder alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tannin dan steroid Fraksi ekstrak daun kelor yang memiliki efek penurunan kadar glukosa darah dan kolesterol total lebih efektif adalah fraksi etanol-air dengan dosis 300 mg/kg BB.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 173
Asmawati Asmawati ◽  
Bahruddin Thalib ◽  
Nurhayaty Natsir ◽  
Alqarama M. Thalib ◽  
Rafikah Hasyim

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-73
Joni Tandi ◽  
Ida Yanti Palinggi ◽  
Seblin Tonapa Rammang ◽  
Tien Wahyu Handayani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek penurunan kadar glukosa darah dan gambaran histopatologi pankreas dari daun kelor pada tikus putih jantan, serta senyawa metabolit sekunder pada ekstrak fraksi n-heksan, fraksi etil asetat dan fraksi etanol-air. Pengujian menggunakan 35 ekor tikus dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok dengan perlakuan yaitu kelompok kontrol normal, kontrol negatif, kontrol positif metformin, kontrol positif simvastatin, dan kelompok uji (fraksi n-heksan, fraksi etil asetat dan fraksi etanol air) dengan dosis 300 mg/kg BB. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 35, 42 dan 49 setelah diberi perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat senyawa metabolit sekunder fraksi etil asetat dan etanol air yaitu alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tannin dan steroid. Fraksi n-heksan hanya terdapat saponin. Fraksi etanol air ekstrak daun kelor pada dosis 300 mg/kg BB  yang memiliki efek penurunan kadar glukosa darah sebesar 114,6 (mg/dL) dan nilai kerusakan pancreas rata-rata 2. Lebih baik dibandingkan dengan fraksi n-heksan dan etil asetat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 325
Alyah A.P Tamimi ◽  
Edwin De Queljoe ◽  
Jainer P. Siampa

ABSTRACTAnalgesic medicinals are medicinals that can inhibit pain. Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.) are known to contains alkaloid and flavonoid which have analgesic effects.The purpose of this study was to determine the analgesic effects of the ethanol extract of Moringa leaves on male white rats wistar strain (Rattus norvegicus). A total of 15 rats were divided into 5 treatment groups, namely the negative control group (CMC), positive control group (paracetamol), and the group of ethanol extract of Moringa leaves with different doses of 0.1 g, 0.2 g, and 0.4 g. Rat response was observed before giving test material and after giving test material from the 30th, 60th, 90th, and 120th minutes. Data were analyzed using ANOVA then continued with LSD test. The results showed that the ethanol extract of Moringa leaves with dosages of 0.1 g, 0.2 g, and 0.4 g had an analgesic effect on male white rats wistar strain. And among these three doses the best in providing analgesic effect is a dose of 0.4 g. Keywords: Analgesic, Moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera Lam.), Rattus norvegicus. ABSTRAKObat analgesik merupakan obat yang dapat menghambat rasa nyeri. Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) diketahui mengandung alkaloid dan flavonoid yang memiliki efek analgesik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya efek analgesik dari ekstrak etanol daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) pada tikus putih jantan galur wistar (Rattus norvegicus). Sebanyak 15 ekor tikus dibagi 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok kontrol positif, dan kelompok ekstrak etanol daun kelor dengan dosis berbeda 0,1 g, 0,2 g, dan 0,4 g. Respon tikus diamati sebelum pemberian bahan uji dan setelah pemberian bahan uji dari menit ke 30, 60, 90, dan 120. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA kemudian dilanjutkan uji LSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun kelor  dengan dosis 0,1 g 0,2 g, dan 0,4 g memiliki efek analgesik terhadap tikus putih jantan galur wistar. Dan diantara ketiga pemberian dosis tersebut yang paling baik dalam memberikan efek analgesik yaitu dosis 0,4 g. Kata kunci: Analgesik, Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.), Rattus norvegicus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 65
Arinda Octavia ◽  
Budi Utomo ◽  
Sri Pantja Madyawati ◽  
Tri Wahyu Suprayogi ◽  
Agus Sunarso ◽  

 This study aimed to determine the effect of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) leaf extract on the viability and motility of spermatozoa of rats (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to heat (40 ºC). A total of 25 rats aged 2.5 months and weighed 200 grams were randomly divided into five groups. Rats in K (–) group were not exposed to heat and without Moringa leaf extract administration. Rats in K (+) group were exposed to heat (40 ºC) for 1 hour daily without Moringa leaf extract administration. Meanwhile, rats in P1, P2, and P3 groups were administrated with Moringa leaf extract 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg BW/day, then exposed to 40 ºC 1 hour daily for 14 days. The results showed that exposure to 40 °C one hour per day for 14 days in K (+) group caused a decrease (p <0.05) on viability and motility of rat spermatozoa compared to those of the K (–) group. The administration of Moringa leaf extract (P1, P2, and P3 groups) was followed by an increase (p <0.05) in viability and motility of rat spermatozoa compared to the K (+) group. Viability and motility of rat spermatozoa in the P3 group (given Moringa leaf extract 400 mg/kg BW/day and exposed to 40 ºC 1 hour daily for 14 days) were not significantly different (p >0.05) compared to the viability and motility of rat spermatozoa in K (–) group. It could be concluded that administration of Moringa leaf extract 400 mg/kg BW/day can maintain the viability and motility of spermatozoa in white rats exposed to heat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Nurul Istiqomah ◽  
Juliyanti Akuba

Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) is one of the plants that has high antioxidant activity, especially in the leaves. Emulgel is one of the topical dosage which dermatologically has several beneficial properties, namely thixotropic, not oily, easy to spread, easy to clean, soft, easy to wash, long lasting, transparent and comfortable when used. The purpose of this research was to formulate moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) leaves extract into emulgel dosage forms and determine the antioxidant activity of the dosage using DPPH method.The research began with extraction of moringa leaves and optimization of the base by varying the concentration of carbopol 940 as gelling consisting of F1 0.5%, F2 1%, F3 1.5% and F4 2%. The base that met the requirements of good physical stability was F2.  The F2 base was then made into emulgel dosage with 3 concentration variations of the extract, namely F2a 4%, F2b 5% and F2c 6%. The physical stability test result of each formula met the organoleptic test,the pH test, the dispersion test, the adhesion test, the viscosity test, and the freeze-thaw test. The One way ANOVA statistical test result showed that the p value was greater than 0.05, which meant that the emulgel dosage had good physical stability. The IC50values of each antioxidant activity result were F2a (t0 = 120.464 g/mL; t28 = 144.887 g/mL), F2b (t0 = 113.642 g/mL; t28 = 128.407g/mL), F2c (t0 = 74.745 g/mL; t28 = 90.618 g/mL). The statistical results of the t-test showed thep value = 0,027, (0.05), This indicated that there were significant difference results of the antioxidant activity test between the three formulas on the first day (t0) and on the 28th day (t28).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Jais Rauf ◽  
Ishak Isa ◽  
Nur Ain Thomas

Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) is one of the plants that has high antioxidant activity, especially in the leaves. Emulgel is one of the topical dosage which dermatologically has several beneficial properties, namely thixotropic, not oily, easy to spread, easy to clean, soft, easy to wash, long lasting, transparent and comfortable when used. The purpose of this research was to formulate moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) leaves extract into emulgel dosage forms and determine the antioxidant activity of the dosage using DPPH method.The research began with extraction of moringa leaves and optimization of the base by varying the concentration of carbopol 940 as gelling consisting of F1 0.5%, F2 1%, F3 1.5% and F4 2%. The base that met the requirements of good physical stability was F2.  The F2 base was then made into emulgel dosage with 3 concentration variations of the extract, namely F2a 4%, F2b 5% and F2c 6%. The physical stability test result of each formula met the organoleptic test,the pH test, the dispersion test, the adhesion test, the viscosity test, and the freeze-thaw test. The One way ANOVA statistical test result showed that the p value was greater than 0.05, which meant that the emulgel dosage had good physical stability. The IC50values of each antioxidant activity result were F2a (t0 = 120.464 g/mL; t28 = 144.887 g/mL), F2b (t0 = 113.642 g/mL; t28 = 128.407g/mL), F2c (t0 = 74.745 g/mL; t28 = 90.618 g/mL). The statistical results of the t-test showed thep value = 0,027, (0.05), This indicated that there were significant difference results of the antioxidant activity test between the three formulas on the first day (t0) and on the 28th day (t28).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Rizqi Nur Azizah ◽  
Rachmat Kosman ◽  
Syarifah Khaerunnisa

Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) secara empiris digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai antidiabetes. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun kelor terhadap penurunan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 ekor tikus jantan yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok I merupakan kontrol negatif yang diberikan larutan Na.CMC 1%. Kelompok II, III dan IV adalah kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan ekstrak etanol daun kelor, berurutan, 50, 100, dan 150 mg/Kg BB. Kelompok V merupakan kontrol positif diberikan suspensi glibenklamid®. Sebelum perlakuan tikus dipuasakan selama 18 jam kemudian diinduksi dengan aloksan 150 mg/KgBB. Pengukuran kadar glukosa dilakukan pada hari ke 1, ke 3, ke 5, ke 7 dan ke 9. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan ekstrak etanol daun kelor dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Dosis 100 mg/Kg BB memberikan efek penurunan kadar glukosa yang optimal dibandingkan dengan dosis ekstrak lainnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 192

<p align="justify"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><strong></strong></p><p align="justify"><strong>Background</strong>: High fat diet increase the absorption of lipid in the intestinum, that can lead to increase LDL cholesterol level in the blood. Sea grapes extract (<em>Caulerpa racemosa</em>) contains antioxidant polyphenolic group that can reduce MTP and ACAT-2 in the body that can decrease LDL cholesterol level in the blood.The purpose of this study is to know the effect of sea grapes extract  on decreasing LDL cholesterol of white male Wistar rats (<em>Rattus norvegicus</em>) fed with high fat diet.</p><p align="justify"><strong>Method</strong>:  24 white male Wistar rats, that divided into 3 groups: 1) group of rats fed with standard diet for 28 days; 2) group of rats fed with high fat diet for 28 days; 3) group of rats fed with high fat diet for 28 days and given 10 gram/kg body weight/day of sea grapes extract on 15<sup>th</sup>-28<sup>th</sup> days. Then the blood LDL cholesterol level measured on the 29<sup>th</sup> day.</p><p align="justify"><strong>Result :</strong> One-Way ANOVA Test showed there was significant difference (p=0.004) of LDL level between the group of rats fed with standard diet (12.37 mg/dl) compared to group of rats fed with high fat diet (17.87 mg/dl). There was significant difference (p=0.001) of LDL level between the group of rats fed with high fat diet (17.87 mg/dl) compared to group of rats fed with high fat diet and sea grapes extract (10.12 mg/dl).</p><p align="justify"><strong>Conclusion: </strong>high fat diet significantly increase blood LDL cholesterol level and sea grapes extract (<em>Caulerpa racemosa</em>) significantly decrease blood LDL cholesterol level.</p><p align="justify"> </p><p align="justify"><strong>Keywords :</strong>Sea grapes extract, LDL cholesterol, high fat diet</p>

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