scholarly journals Rechtstaat dan Konstitusionalisme dalam Pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid (1940-2009) dan Hasyim Muzadi (1944-2017)

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Mustofa Mustofa

Abstract: Rechtstaat and Constitutionalism in the Thought of Abdurrahman Wahid (1940-2009) and Hasyim Muzadi (1944-2017). This study aims to explore the thoughts of Abdurrahman Wahid and Hasyim Muzadi about rechtstaat and constitutionalism. This study uses the juridical-normative method with the historical-normative approach and the type of qualitative data. The data sources consist of primary, secondary, and tertiary data obtained from the number of literature and documentation. While the data collection techniques are obtained from book reviews and documentation. Data analysis method is conducted deductively and inductively. The result of this study reveals that the state law and the constitutionalism in the thoughts of Abdurrahman Wahid and Hasyim Muzadi refer to the constitution of Madinah and civil society in relation to religion and state. Abdurrahman Wahid and Hasyim Muzadi can be positioned as substantial, pluralist, nationalist, and humanist religious thinkers. Abdurrahman Wahid and Hasyim Muzadi’s contribution has proved to give improvements in strengthening the relationship between religion and state in Indonesia and has implications for rechtstaat’s future and constitutionalism in the Islamic legal system in Indonesia. The critical findings of this research are the thoughts of Abdurrahman Wahid, and Hasyim Muzadi provides enlightenment of idea and solution to the problematic rechtstaat with a cultural-religious approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Dhelima Putri Laksana ◽  
Dominikus Rato ◽  
Emi Zulaikha

This research aims to examine the legal phenomena of the application of the panai money, the cost imposed for the migrant Bugis customary law community in Sukabumi Village, Mayangan District, Probolinggo City, East Java. In other words, Panai' money is such customary money which must be handed over in Bugis tribal marriages. The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the submission of panai money has become a tradition that originated from an ancestor that is still valid today. Due to the high panai money, however, many of the Bugis people who wander no longer use panai money, as it takes into account the weakness of their customary values, as well as the many other cultures that influence, but there are still people who still defend it because of their strong customary values ​​which they still hold even though in the migrant area. Because panai money ’is a tradition that has long been a benchmark for Bugis people, this tradition still strongly considers moral sanctions, and the avoidance of this money is responded by some people to decide to elope. Keywords: Migrant Bugis Tribe, Marriage Law, Adat Law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Kartika Bintari ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam

Exocentric Phrase Forming Elements in Hikayat Hang Tuah. The purpose of this study was to describe the exocentric phrase forming elements in Hikayat Hang Tuah. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with the object of research in the form of phrases in Hikayat Hang Tuah. The data in this study are sentences containing exocentric phrases from data sources in the form of Hikayat Hang Tuah book documents. Observation techniques are used in data collection techniques, while the data analysis method in this study is the agih method with techniques for direct elements as a basic technique and advanced techniques in the form of sloping techniques. In Hikayat Hang Tuah there are three types of exocentric phrases (1) exocentric phrases directive with phrase-forming elements in the form of prepositions+nouns; (2) nondirective exocentric phrases with phrase-forming elements, namely particles/designations +adjectives and particles/word designations+nouns; and (3) connective exocentric phrases which form the phrase in the form of conjunctions+verbs. The diversity of linguistic elements in Hikayat Hang Tuah shows the manifestation of literary works as a manifestation of the richness of language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Ni Wayan Ririn Putri Darmayanti ◽  
Luh Putu Kerti Pujani

This research was conducted to determine the effect of Mount Agung eruption on the production of sculpture in Sebatu Village, Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency. The types of data and sources of data used are qualitative, primary and secondary data. Data collection is conducted by observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Analysis of the data used was qualitative data analysis to seek the relationship between the influence of the Mount Agung eruption on the qaunitity of sculpture production and the distribution network of sculpture crafts in Sebatu Village. The results of this study indicate that sculpture crafts produced in Sebatu Village are a type of contemporary sculpture that is dominated by animal statues. The production capacity of sculpture crafts in Sebatu village after the eruption of Mount Agung has increased, contrary to when the eruption occurred tourists could not come directly to order sculpture and their production capacity had declined. The working system of sculpture craftsmen has started to run normally with increasing production capacity. The distribution network of sculpture crafts in Sebatu Village can be distributed in five ways through distribution to the Sukawati art market, Balinese souvenirs, shipping by sea, shipping via cargo and distribution to the villa. From the conclusion, the Gianyar Regency Government should provide capital support for the sculpture industry, especially in Sebatu Village, Tegallalang District.There is a need to increase capital for handicraft business owners by providing financial or credit assistance for sculpture.Thus, there will be many entrepreneurs who are growing and increasing their production.   Keywords: Statue Craft, Mount Agung Eruption, and Distribution Network.

Heru Wahyudi ◽  
Sri Adi Widodo ◽  
Dafid Slamet Setiana ◽  
Muhammad Irfan

This study aims to examine the ethnomathematics of batik activity in the Batik Tancep Gunungkidul artwork as contextual mathematics learning. This research is a type of qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The data was obtained in the form of qualitative data, research data sources obtained through observation, interviews, documentation. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself. Data collection is done by participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data is done by triangulation of data collection techniques and then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. Data analysis is reduced based on Bishop's mathematical fundamental activities. The results of data analysis are then explored in mathematical aspects. The results of the study found mathematical aspects of the area of flat wake area, congruence and congruence of flat wake, comparison, translation, multiplication of count numbers, and volume of curved side space. The results of the study show that the batik activity in the Batik Tancep Gunungkidul artwork is one of the real events that can be raised into contextual mathematics learning. Keywords: Ethnomatematics, Tancep Batik, Contextual Mathematics Learning

2019 ◽  

This study aims to describe the; (1) forms of student administration services; (2) student administration services; and (3) students' administrative services constraints and solutions. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative data analysis. The research lasted for one month, from May to June, located at SMK Negeri 2 Sewon. The subjects of this study were the Head of School Administration and the school administration officer as the student administration service provider. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and study of documents. Test the validity of the data used in the study is the degree of trust (credibility) using triangulation techniques and data sources. The results of the study were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Dewi Puspa Arum

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektivitas mata kuliah Bela Negara terhadap kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa kepada dosen sesuai dengan teori kesantunan Leech. Terdapat perbedaan sikap dalam hal kesantunan berbahasa antara mahasiswa yang belum dan telah mempelajari mata kuliah Bela Negara. Perbedaan sikap ini merupakan indikator yang menandakan bahwa mata kuliah Bela Negara terbukti berhasil dan efektif dalam membentuk karakter mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jawa Timur.  Penelitian ini mengkaji penggunaan maksim-maksim kesantunan berbahasa pada tuturan tertulis menggunakan media komunikasi WA (whatsapp) antara dosen dan mahasiswa di Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. Metode pengumpulan data berupa dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah agih dengan teknik pilah dan perluas. Metode pengujian kesahihan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kesantunan berbahasa antara mahasiswa yang telah menerima dan belum menerima mata kuliah Bela Negara. Mahasiswa yang telah menerima Mata Kuliah Bela Negara lebih santun dalam berbahasa dan berkomunikasi menggunakan media WA dibandingkan mahasiswa yang belum menerima mata kuliah Bela Negara.Kata kunci: bela negara, kesantunan berbahasa, maksim percakapanABSTRACTThis study aims to measure the effectiveness of the Defending Country course on the politeness of students' language to lecturers in accordance with Leech politeness theory. There are differences in attitudes in terms of politeness in language between students who have not and have studied the Defending Country courses. This difference in attitude is an indicator that indicates that the Bela Negara course has proven to be successful and effective in shaping the character of UPN Veteran students in East Java. This study examines the use of maxim politeness language in written speech using WA (whatsapp) communication media between lecturers and students at the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veteran East Java. The data collection method is in the form of documentation. The data analysis method used is divided into sort and expand techniques. The validity test method uses triangulation of data sources. The results showed a difference in politeness in language between students who had received and had not received the Defending Country course. Students who have received Defending Country courses are more polite in language and communication using WA media compared to students who have not received Defending Country courses.Keywords: bela negara, politeness in language, maxim of conversation


This study examined the compliance and violation in the principle of cooperation within a WA group in the University of Muhammadiyah Jember. There were several WA groups used as the data sources. The method for data collection method is documentation. The data analysis method is agih. To check the data validity triangulation of data sources was done by observing the data of speech in other WA groups outside the research data. The results of the study indicated the existence of compliance and violation of the maxim of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. The maxim of quantity compliance appears in the provision of information appropriateness to the needs of WA group members.

Priyastiwi Priyastiwi

This study aimed to examine the effect of demographic factors and organizational climate on the intention of internal whistleblowing. The sample was an accountant who had worked as an auditor. Data collection methods using questionnaires with financial statement fraud case scenarios. This research use ANOVA data analysis method to examine demographic factors include age, gender, and experience, as well as organizational climate on the intention of internal whistleblowing. The results showed only the experience of demographic factors that influence internal whistleblowing. Besides internal whistlelowing also influenced by organizational climate in the company.Keyword: Demographics, Organizational Climate, Whistleblowing

Nurdan Gürkan ◽  
Ahmet Ferda Çakmak

The concept of entrepreneurial orientation, which emerges with the development of strategic management, refers to entrepreneurship orientations of businesses. The businesses need resources in other words organizational slack in order to develop their entrepreneurial trends. The organizational slack consists of three slack type. These slack types are available slack, recoverable slack and potential slack. The purpose of this study is to examine whether organizational slack in the businesses has an effect on entrepreneurial orientation. The relationship between organizational slack and entrepreneurial orientation was investigated through 20 companies that were traded in Borsa Istanbul Corporate Governance Index for 2010-2014 period using panel data analysis method. The results of the study indicate the existence of a statistically significant relationship between and the available slack and the recoverable slack with the entrepreneurial orientation in the businesses. According to findings; there was no statistically significant relationship between potential slack and entrepreneurial orientation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 50
Efi Yulistyowati ◽  
Endah Pujiastuti

<p align="center">ABSTRAK</p><p>Artikel hasil penelitian tentang kajian normatif keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang akan mengkaji mengenai keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang apakah sudah  memenuhi ketentuan dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007. Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis, metode pengumpulan datanya : studi dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan, sedangkan metode analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah analisis kualitatif.</p><p>Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang sudah memenuhi beberapa ketentuan yang ada dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007, yang belum terpenuhi adalah : ketentuan Pasal 13  &amp; Pasal 15 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007.</p><p><em>Articles of research on the normative study of the existence of modern stores in the city of Semarang will examine the existence of modern stores in the city of Semarang whether they have fulfilled the provisions in Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2007. To discuss these problems, the approach method used is normative juridical, with the specifications of analytical descriptive research, data collection methods: documentation and literature study, while the data analysis method used is qualitative analysis.</em></p><p><em>            </em><em>The results of the study show that the existence of a modern shop in Semarang City has fulfilled several provisions in the Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2007, which has not been fulfilled are:</em></p><p><em>p</em><em>rovisions in Article 13 </em><em>and p</em><em>rovisions Article 15</em><em> </em><em>of the Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2007</em><em>.</em><em></em></p><p><em>Keywords: Study, Normative, Modern Shop, Semarang City.</em><em></em></p><p> </p>

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