scholarly journals The identification of the true nature of pseudofungus structures as polyurethane catheter fragments

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 005-008
Lombard Charles M

Pseudofungus structures in lymph node tissues have been reported on multiple occasions. Despite a variety of investigative tests including histochemical special stains and energy dispersive spectral analysis, the underlying nature and origin of these pseudofungus structures has never been clearly defined. The most common hypothesis suggests that they represent collagen fibers that become coated with iron and calcium. Herein, evidence is given that the pseudofungus structures identified in the lymph node tissues represent fragments of polyurethane catheters. The evidence includes both a comparison of these pseudofungus structures to fragments of polyurethane well documented in the literature and a comparison of polyurethane catheter scrapings to the pseudofungus structures identified in the literature. In both of these comparisons, the morphology of the polyurethane fragments are identical to the pseudofungus structures. This is the first definitive report identifying polyurethane catheter fragments as representing the true nature and etiology of pseudofungus structures in lymph node tissues.

2008 ◽  
Vol 368-372 ◽  
pp. 707-709
Shi Gang Long ◽  
Feng Cao ◽  
Liu Heng Sun ◽  
Qing Min Meng

Al2O3 ceramics samples were prepared by changing the ingredient and sintering conditions. The resistance experiment of the Al2O3 ceramics to hydrochloride corrosion and thermal shock were carried out, and then identified by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectral analysis. The results indicated the optimal Al2O3 and sintering condition for the dechlorinating reactor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 974-988
Marinko Škare ◽  
Malgorzata Porada-Rochoń

Financial cycles as a source of financial crisis and business cycles that was demonstrated during the financial crisis of 2008, so it is important to understand proper methods of measuring and forecasting them to unravel their true nature. We searched financial big data for the UK, USA, Japan and China for a period 2004Q1 to 2019Q1 to find important data corresponding to the research and determine their importance for the financial cycle studies. We use singular spectral analysis (SSA without financial big data) and multichannel singular spectral analysis (MSSA with financial big data) to identify significant deterministic cycles in the residential property prices, credits to private non-financial sector and credit share in the GDP. The forecast test results show on the data for the UK, USA, Japan and China that inclusion of the financial big data significantly (on the level from 30% to four times) improves forecast accuracy for financial cycle components. This is a first study on the importance of the link between financial cycles and financial big data. Policymakers, practitioners and financial cycles research should take into the account the importance of financial big data for the studies of financial cycles for a better understanding of their true nature and improving their forecast accuracy.

2000 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-214 ◽  
Jesús Montenegro ◽  
Ramón Saracho ◽  
Román Aguirre ◽  
Isabel Martínez ◽  
Izakun Iribar ◽  

Objective Mupirocin ointment and antiseptics are standard cleansing agents in routine exit-site care of peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters, but these agents have a deleterious effect on polyurethane devices. We assessed the effectiveness of topical use of ciprofloxacin otologic solution for preventing exit-site infection (ESI) in PD patients with polyurethane catheters. Design Prospective study. Setting Service of Nephrology of an acute-care teaching hospital in Galdácano, Bizkaia, Spain. Patients A total of 164 patients with polyurethane catheters inserted was studied from start of continuous ambulatory PD to the end of a 24-month period. Patients were divided into two groups according to exit-site treatment protocols. Intervention Patients in group 1 ( n = 86) were instructed on daily exit-site care with soap and water only; whereas patients in group 2 ( n = 78) cleansed with soap and water, followed by application of a single-dose vial of 0.5 mL ciprofloxacin (1 mg) for application around the insertion site. Main Outcome Measures Episodes of ESI and peritonitis. Results There were 67 episodes of ESI among patients in group 1 versus 9 episodes among patients in group 2 ( p < 0.05), resulting in a rate of 0.41 and 0.06 episodes per patient-year of exposure, respectively ( p < 0.001). Staphylococcus aureus ESI rate was 0.34 in group 1 versus 0.06 in group 2 ( p = 0.001). Infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogens occurred in 11 patients in group 1 and in no patients in group 2 ( p = 0.05). Peritonitis due to S. aureus ESI was significantly less frequent among patients treated with ciprofloxacin (1 vs 9 cases, p = 0.001). Removal of the catheter was necessary in 5 patients in group 1 and in no patients in group 2 ( p < 0.05). Conclusion Daily application of ciprofloxacin otologic solution at the exit site of PD patients with polyurethane catheters inserted significantly reduces the rate of ESI caused by S. aureus and other organisms, particularly P. aeruginosa.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 1709
Nicolas Tokhadzé ◽  
Philip Chennell ◽  
Bruno Pereira ◽  
Bénédicte Mailhot-Jensen ◽  
Valérie Sautou

Silicone and polyurethane are biocompatible materials used for the manufacture of implantable catheters, but are known to induce drug loss by sorption, causing potentially important clinical consequences. Despite this, their impact on the drugs infused through them is rarely studied, or they are studied individually and not part of a complete infusion setup. The aim of this work was to experimentally investigate the drug loss that these devices can cause, on their own and within a complete infusion setup. Paracetamol, diazepam, and insulin were chosen as models to assess drug sorption. Four commonly used silicone and polyurethane catheters were studied independently and as part of two different setups composed of a syringe, an extension set, and silicone or polyurethane implantable catheter. Simulated infusion through the catheter alone or through the complete setup were tested, at flowrates of 1 mL/h and 10 mL/h. Drug concentrations were monitored by liquid chromatography, and the silicone and polyurethane materials were characterized by ATR-IR spectroscopy and Zeta surface potential measurements. The losses observed with the complete setups followed the same trend as the losses induced individually by the most sorptive device of the setup. With the complete setups, no loss of paracetamol was observed, but diazepam and insulin maximum losses were respectively of 96.4 ± 0.9% and 54.0 ± 5.6%, when using a polyurethane catheter. Overall, catheters were shown to be the cause of some extremely high drug losses that could not be countered by optimizing the extension set in the setup.

E.M. Kuhn ◽  
K.D. Marenus ◽  
M. Beer

Fibers composed of different types of collagen cannot be differentiated by conventional electron microscopic stains. We are developing staining procedures aimed at identifying collagen fibers of different types.Pt(Gly-L-Met)Cl binds specifically to sulfur-containing amino acids. Different collagens have methionine (met) residues at somewhat different positions. A good correspondence has been reported between known met positions and Pt(GLM) bands in rat Type I SLS (collagen aggregates in which molecules lie adjacent to each other in exact register). We have confirmed this relationship in Type III collagen SLS (Fig. 1).

O. Faroon ◽  
F. Al-Bagdadi ◽  
T. G. Snider ◽  
C. Titkemeyer

The lymphatic system is very important in the immunological activities of the body. Clinicians confirm the diagnosis of infectious diseases by palpating the involved cutaneous lymph node for changes in size, heat, and consistency. Clinical pathologists diagnose systemic diseases through biopsies of superficial lymph nodes. In many parts of the world the goat is considered as an important source of milk and meat products.The lymphatic system has been studied extensively. These studies lack precise information on the natural morphology of the lymph nodes and their vascular and cellular constituent. This is due to using improper technique for such studies. A few studies used the SEM, conducted by cutting the lymph node with a blade. The morphological data collected by this method are artificial and do not reflect the normal three dimensional surface of the examined area of the lymph node. SEM has been used to study the lymph vessels and lymph nodes of different animals. No information on the cutaneous lymph nodes of the goat has ever been collected using the scanning electron microscope.

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