B.A. Voronin ◽  
I.P. Chupina ◽  
Ya.V. Voronina ◽  

The article discusses a non-standard view of the formation of human capital for work in organizations of the agricultural sector of the economy, in the context of modern socio-economic transformations. In the classical sense, human capital for agriculture should be formed and developed in rural areas. But in real life, this is not always the case, because there are many factors that prevent the classical solution of this problem. First, the demographic factor affects, second, social and household factors, and third, in many rural areas there are no working agricultural organizations where qualified agricultural specialists can work. All these and other circumstances actualize the problem of the quality of human capital in rural areas in relation to the development of agricultural production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (10) ◽  
pp. 58-63

The article is devoted to research of dynamics of disposable resources of rural and urban households; components of disposable resources of households depending on the place of residence (per household member on average); structure of consumer expenditures of rural households based on official statistics for 2018–2020. The presented findings may serve as a basis for justifying the trends in social and economic conditions necessary for the growth of human capital in rural areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2384-2369
V.G. Zakshevskiy ◽  
Z.V. Gavrilova ◽  

The article discusses the problems that arise when monitoring the conditions for the development of human capital in rural areas, since, despite the sufficient number of works on monitoring the human capital in rural areas or the agricultural sector, the integral system of quantitative socio-economic indicators for assessing the human capital development conditions in rural areas remains poorly studied. First of all, a basic concept of monitoring is given, as well as an applied concept - monitoring the human capital development conditions in rural areas, which is understood as a system of constant monitoring, collection, registration, storage and analysis of several key parameters that assess the conditions for the formation and development of congenital and accumulated physical, mental and personal abilities and qualities of the population of rural areas, as well as acquiring knowledge and skills that can be used by them in order to deliver economic income or social effect. The monitoring process is presented in detail in the relationship of this category with concepts close to it (diagnostics, as a preliminary stage, monitoring as the main stage, appropriate policy development, as the final stage). The diversity of monitoring indicators used in the social sphere of human life is reflected: for rural areas, for the agrarian sphere, for the regional socio-economic system, for the development of municipalities' social and labor systems, for social factors of the region's development, etc. The authors' idea of an integral system of indicators for monitoring the human capital development conditions in rural areas is given, which is a combination of six blocks: health care, education, culture and sports, demography and migration, infrastructure, as well as socio-economic conditions.

Tat'ianа Tsetsiarynets

The relevance of the research topic is to study the features and factors of human capital formation in the agricultural sector. Purpose: the analysis and assessment of the key macroeconomic indicators, socio-economic factors and institutional conditions of investment ensuring formation of the human capital in the Republic of Belarus. Methods – analysis, synthesis, comparisons, tabular, etc. Results of work: the development of human capital allows us to solve numerous socio-economic problems and accelerate the innovative development of the agricultural sector. Human capital is becoming the main source of change in society, as well as a factor in its improvement and transition to a new quality. There is an important problem of the lack of smart and resourceful people in the agricultural sector. It requires people with a high level of professionalism, good knowledge and skills. Nowadays, the possibilities of using and developing innovative labor potential and the effective involvement of resourceful people in labor activity are unfortunately limited. Conclusions: the characteristics of the formation of human capital in the agrarian sphere have been studied, as well as the evolution of their development. The factors determining the accumulation of human capital in agroindustrial complex have been systematized. The main problems of the shortage of agricultural specialists have been identified. These problems are the decline in the vocational qualifications of workers, the outflow of personnel from rural areas, the decline in the prestige of agrarian professions and as a result reluctance of graduates to go to work after their education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (110) ◽  
pp. 48-57
Freddy Carrasco Choque ◽  
Rudy Francheska Castillo Araujo

Education promotes progress and economic and social growth, improves the quality of life of the population. The first objective of the study was to identify people's income according to the years of schooling, the second was to estimate the income gap according to gender, residence and working conditions, the third was to identify the return of education, work experience towards the income of the Peruvian inhabitants. Parametric tests and the two-stage Heckman model were used to obtain the results. The data come from the National Household Survey. Income differs according to schooling. There are gaps in earned income. For one more year of education, the monetary return amounts to 12,46%, if it is a woman, it is 13,23%, if it is a man, it is 11,51%, if it resides in an urban area it amounts to 10,62%, if it is a resident in rural areas it amounts to 9,83%. Keywords: Labor income, returns to education, Mincer equation, Heckman methodology. References [1]J. Mincer, “Schooling, Experience, and Earnings,” Natl. Bur. Econ. Res., 1974, [Online]. Available: [2]T. W. Schultz, “Investment in Human capital,” Am. Econ. Rev., vol. Vil. (1)2, 1961. [3]J. Freire and M. Teijeiro, “Las ecuaciones de Mincer y las tasas de rendimiento de la educación en Galicia,” Investig. Econ. la Educ. 5 - Univ. A Coruña, 2010. [4]K. Ogundari and A. Abdulai, “Determinants of Household’s Education and Healthcare Spending in Nigeria: Evidence from Survey Data,” African Dev. Rev., vol. Vol. 26, N, pp. 1–14, 2014. [5]C. Montenegro and H. Patrinos, “Comparable estimates of returns to schooling around the world,” Policy Res. Work. Pap. Ser. 7020, World Bank., 2014. [6]G. Fink and E. Peet, “Returns to Education in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from the Living Standards and Measurement Surveys,” Progr. Glob. Demogr. Aging Harvard Univ., vol. PGDA Worki, 2014, [Online]. Available: [7]L. Godínez, E. Figueroa, and F. Pérez, “Rentabilidad privada de la educación en el Estado de México,” Papeles Poblac. - Univ. Auton. Mex., vol. Vol. 22 N°, 2016. [8]M. Diaz, “Brecha Salarial por Género en Colombia.,” Econ. y Finanz. Int. - Univ. la Sabana - Colomb., 2014. [9]M. Urroz and M. Salgado, “La relación entre educación e ingresos: estimación de las diferencias salariales por nivel educativo alcanzado,” Fund. Zamora Terán, 2014. [10]E. Tarupi, “El capital humano y los retornos a la educación en Ecuador,” Gest. - Rev. Int. Adm., 2015, [Online]. Available: [11]R. Arpi and L. Arpi, “Retornos Heterogeneos a La Educación En el Mercado Laboral Peruano, 2015,” Rev. Investig. Altoandina, vol. Vol. 18, 2016. [12]R. Paz and J. C. Quilla, “Retornos a la Educación de los Jefes de Hogar en la Región de Puno, 2011 – 2015,” Rev. Investig. Altoandina, vol. V. 18, 2016. [13]INEI, “Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e Informatica - Evolucion de la Pobreza Monetaria 2008 - 2019,” 2020. [Online]. Available: [14]A. Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Londres: Londres - Reino Unido, 1776. [15]G. Becker, “A Theory of the Allocation of Time,” Econ. J., vol. Vol. 75 N°, p. pp.493-517, 1964. [16]R. Hernández, C. Fernández, and M. del P. Baptista, Metodologia de la Investigación, vol. 6ta Ed. 2014. [17]W. Mendoza, Cómo Investigan los Economistas, 1ra Ed. Lima - Perú, 2014. [18]D. Alfaro and E. Guerrero, “Brechas de genero en el ingreso: Una mirada mas alla de la media en el sector agropecuario,” Consorc. Investig. Econ. y Soc. - CIES, 2013, [Online]. Available: [19]J. Wooldridge, Introduccion a la Econometria. Un enfoque moderno, 4ta Ed. Mexico, D.F., 2009. [20]D. Gujarati and D. Porter, Econometría. 2010.

Boris Voronin ◽  
Yana Voronina ◽  
Dmitry Bagretsov ◽  
Nikolay Simonovich ◽  
Irina Chupina ◽  

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