scholarly journals Early Childhood Sex Education in Coastal Areas

Pahlita Ratri Ramadhani ◽  
Amir Syamsyudin
Rachma Hasibuan ◽  
Sri Martini Meilani ◽  
Ruqoyyah Fitri ◽  
Gokma Nafita Tampubolon

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Ainul Hasanah

Abstract Sex education needs to be introduced from an early age as an effort to provide understanding for children about the role of their sexuality and as an effort to prevent sexual violence against children. Early childhood education must be implemented in accordance with the needs and stages of child development, then the process of early childhood education must be packaged in an attractive and fun form for children. This study aims to determine how the application of the introduction of sex education to children using interesting and fun media, namely the media of images and the singing method. The subjects in this study were 30 students aged 5-6 years and 9 teachers at TK Muslimat VI NU Pademawu Pamekasan. The data collection methods in this research are observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis used was the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the introduction of sex education in children by personal health and sex education through the media of pictures and the singing method. Keywords: sex education, media of pictures, singing method

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Lely Camelia ◽  
Ine Nirmala

This article discusses the conceptual studies on the implementation of early childhood sex education according to Islamic perspective. The number of cases of violence and sexual abuse against children has recently made various parties, no exception for parents, that must be alert to the threat. The big point of that is in 2015 when Indonesian Child Protection Commission said that cases of violence and abuse against children is a latent danger for the children of Indonesia. Several attempts have been made, some like starting to give a sex education early for parents and children, limiting the viewing access to pornography, limiting the contents of pornography on the internet and games, and stopping the attempts of the perpetrators in violence and sexual abuse against children by give them the weightest punishments. Rasullullah SAW as good role model has provided some guidance for us on how to educate children in detail, not only about early sex education, but also how to educate them since they are in the loins of their father. With reference to the sunnah that has showed by our Prophet to us, we as teachers and parents can apply it in everyday life, that will have a positive impact on children and the environment in the prevention of violence and sexual abuse against children.  Keywords: sex education, children, islamic perspective, Prophet’s sunnah perspective

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 78-87
Latifah Permatasari Fajrin ◽  
Subar Junanto ◽  
Diyah Kurniasari

The problem in this research is the lack of knowledge of sex in early childhood and the methods used by educators in sex education are too monotonous in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of sex education in TK IT AL-Muhlas Yusro. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. This research was conducted at TK IT AL Muhlas Yusro. Sawit, Boyolali, Central Java from June to December 2019. The subjects of this study were teachers. The informants of this research are: Kindergarten Head and students. Data is collected by observation, interview and documentation. The validity of the data is obtained using source and method triangulation. The collected data is then analyzed by the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The implementation of sex education includes teacher preparation, namely preparing RPPH as a preliminary guide before learning in class. Implementation of learning with the storytelling method which consists of three processes namely opening, core activities, and closing. Evaluation is carried out through several stages, among others, observation of students' activities, children's work, and analysis of developments seen in children's behavior. Sex education is considered quite successful even though there are still shortcomings such as the lack of media, different children's understanding and minimal parental participation when at home. Keywords: Implementation, Sex Education, Early Childhood

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-80
Sumiyati Sumiyati

Child is a mandate given by God as a surrogate. The mandate received by each parent will be asked about the responsibility someday. Parents certainly hope their children will be success in their life. Some case of sexual violence in children of course led to a deep concern for parents. How crime and sexual violence can happen to an innocent children. One of the efforts to prevent sexual violence against children is through giving sex education. Sex education provide children about how he understands sex, keep their self and limbs, and how to train children to be able to communicate effectively with parents. Hopefully, by the sex education, children can build a positive attitude and behaviour, also they have a good confidence to ask information to parents and the significant others about all of the things that they wanted to know, include something like why some organ in men and women are different. If the sex education for early childhood is successful, then the opportunity for children to enjoy the future will be more wide open, without overshadowed by the fear of child predators who will take away their future. Keywords: sex education, sexual violence, early childhood. Anak merupakan amanah yang diberikan oleh Allah sebagai titipan. Amanah yang diterima oleh setiap orangtua tentu saja akan dimintakan pertanggungjawabannya kelak. Orangtua tentu berharap kesuksesan dan keberkahan bagi putra putrinya. Terjadinya tindak kekerasan seksual pada anak tentu saja membuahkan keprihatinan yang mendalam bagi orangtua. Bagaimana kejahatan dan kekerasan seksual ini dapat menimpa anak usia dini yang tidak berdosa. Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya kekerasan seksual pada anak ini adalah melalui sex education atau pendidikan seks untuk anak. Sex education membekali anak tentang bagaimana dia memahami jenis kelaminnya, menjaga diri dan anggota badannya, serta bagaimana melatih anak untuk dapat berkomunikasi yang efektif dengan orangtua. Diharapkan dengan adanya sex education ini anak mampu untuk selalu bersikap positif dan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi untuk bertanya dan mencari informasi kepada orangtua dan orang terdekat tentang segala hal yang ingin diketahuinya, termasuk tentang organ tubuh, kenapa laki-laki berbeda dengan perempuan. Apabila pendidikan seks untuk anak usia dini ini berhasil, maka kesempatan atau peluang anak untuk menikmati masa depannya akan semakin terbuka lebar, tanpa dibayang-bayangi oleh ketakutan akan adanya predator anak yang akan merenggut masa depan mereka. Kata kunci: sex education, kekerasan seksual, anak usia dini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Fitri Erna Erfiany ◽  
Ahmad Suryawan ◽  
Nur Ainy Fardana Nawangsari ◽  
Ivon Diah Wittiarika

AbstractBackground : Cases of child sexual abuse in Indonesia continue to increase. The need for a parent's role in providing sex education from an early age is expected to prevent children from sexual abuse. Savy Amira Women Crisis Centre mentions that Tambaksari sub-district has the highest crime rate in Surabaya. Perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of parents in the provision of sex education in early childhood can be described in PAUD Tunas Mandiri Pacar Keling Subdistrict Tambaksari Method: This research method is qualitative with phenomenological approach. The number of samples as many as 10 mothers with purposive sampling techniques. The variables studied were perception, attitude and behavior of the mother. Data is collected by indepth interview method and processed with Interactive Model Of Analysis. Result : Most respondents have a perception that sex education is behavior, but respondents know that sex education has a good purpose. This is reflected in the attitudes and behaviors shown by most respondents about how they provide sex education. All they've been doing is part of sex education, it's just that they don't know or realize that. The age, level of education and employment in this study had little effect on perceptions of providing sex education. Conclusion: Almost all mothers interpret the provision of sex education in early childhood is still a taboo thing to give, while for the attitude and behavior of the mother is shown by limiting the child and supervision when playing gadgets,introducing genitalia and teaching toilet training.

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