2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-96
Debbi V Pattimahu ◽  
Antho Netty Siahaya ◽  
Terezia V Pattimahu

Natural resource management that does not pay attention to the principles of conservation of natural resources and the environment will have negative implications for environmental sustainability. With the discovery of gold on the coast of Tamiouw Village at this time, residents' activities have shifted to gold mining activities in the coastal area of Tamilouw. This study aims to determine the impact of gold mining on the physical environment in Tamilouw Village, Amahai District, Central Maluku Regency, as well as to determine the impact of gold mining on the social and economic environment of the local community. The research  was  conducted  using  non-experimental  methods,  namely exploratory descriptive,  field observations  and literature study. The results showed that gold mining carried out in Tamilouw Village uses mercury in the process of separating gold from sand, although there are also some people who carryout traditional processing. What some people are worried about is that the disposal of mercury waste is not carried out according to the required procedures, so that it will have an impact on environmental damage. The existence of mining activities does not affect the social aspects, namely education, health and age and gender; while from the economic aspect, it also contributes to increasing people's income. Keywords : Gold mining, environment, Tamilouw Villageout traditional processing. What some people are worried about is that the disposal of mercury waste is not carried out according to the required procedures, so that it will have an impact on environmental damage. The existence of mining activities does not affect the social aspects, namely education, health and age and gender; while from the economic aspect, it also contributes to increasing people's income.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 443-444
Marion Repetti ◽  
Toni Calasanti

Abstract Discussions of precarity in later life have tended to focus on the uncertainties of material resources, and the feelings of anxiety that this evokes (e.g., Lain et al. 2019) as some older people thus face the risk of being excluded from the broader society. Although scholars often point to inequalities, such as those based on class and gender, as having an influence on the likelihood of older people experiencing such precarity, ageism is considered only to the extent that it can exacerbate the impact of these statuses through, for instance, labor market experiences. Here, we expand upon the impact of ageism on the social aspects of precarity: the loss of recognition and respect as a person that is at the core of social bonds. Drawing on qualitative interviews we have conducted among Swiss, British, and U.S. older people who migrated to cheaper countries in retirement, we demonstrate that ageism can influence precarity regardless of classes. We find that even among wealthier older migrants, who otherwise might fit the image of the retiree seeking an active lifestyle in a sunny location, the attempt to escape the devaluation heaped upon older people in their original country plays an important role. In their new countries, retired migrants of all classes felt that they were valued and part of a community, and this differed from the ageism in their home countries. We thus argue that ageism be considered in future analyses of precarity in later life.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
M. Adlim

Abstract. The issue of mercury pollution in Aceh waters, Indonesiadue to gold mining activities hasbeen a polemic in local media and Aceh Local Government and the communities have much concern on this case. The impact of mercury pollution in the Teunom and Tangse (Aceh)rivers was often assumed that it has similarity with Minamatapollution in Japan. This article intends to enlighten the characteristic mercury either as elements or compounds including methyl mercury which is highly toxic. Gold mining using elemental mercury is poorly soluble in water, the solubility is only 0.06 g per ton of mercury but the solubility can increase indark the sea-bed and ina lot of dissolved oxygen. Based on the properties of solubility, it is understood that the mercury levels in the Teunom and Tangse rivers still below the tolerance limit, but the gold mining activities still bringsthe risk of environmental damage especially inadequate supervision. Many researchers were trying to prove the natural conversionfrom mercury into methyl mercury (biomethylation) but they usedthe salt instead of the elemental mercury in their experiments. Methyl mercury is found in nature, but the process mercury conversion into methyl mercury compound is still controversial and it has not obtained adequate evidence for the natural alteration,therefore gold pollution which is due to releasing elemental mercury into environment might not be analogue to Minamata case.Keywords: Aceh; Methyl-mercury; Minamata; Mining; Gold Abstrak. Informasi pencemaran merkuri di perairan Aceh dan kaitannya dengan aktivitas pertambangan emas telah menjadi polemik sehingga menjadi perhatian Pemda Aceh dan Masyarakat. Dampak pencemaran merkuri di Sungai Teunom dan Tangse sering dianalogikan dengan kasus pencemaran merkuri di teluk Minamata, Jepang. Artikel ini bermaksud memberi pencerahan kharakteristik merkuri baik sebagai unsur maupun sebagai senyawa seperti metil merkuri yang sangat beracun. Penambangan emas menggunakan unsur merkuri yang sukar larut dalam air, kelarutannya hanya 0,06 g per ton unsur merkuri  namun kelarutannya dapat meningkat jika di dasar laut yang gelap dan banyak oksigen terlarut. Berdasarkan sifat kelarutannya, dapat dipahami bahwa kadar merkuri di Sungai Teunom masih di bawah batas toleransi, namun aktivitas penambangan emas tetap saja memiliki resiko kerusakan lingkungan apalagi jika tidak mendapat pengawasan yang memadai. Banyak peneliti berusaha membuktikan perubahan merkuri menjadi metil merkuri (biometilasi) tetapi mereka menggunakan garam merkuri dan bukan unsur merkuri dalam ekperimen mereka. Metil merkuri memang ditemukan di alam tetapi proses perubahan dari senyawa merkuri menjadi metil merkuri masih diperdebatkan dan belum diperoleh bukti yang kuat perubahan dari unsur merkuri menjadi metil merkuri dalam air sehingga di Peraian Aceh belum tentu tercemar metil merkuri sebagaimana kasus Minamata.Kata kunci: Aceh; metil-merkuri; minamata; penambangan; emas

2021 ◽  
pp. 147332502110028
Emmy Högström Tagesson ◽  
Carina Gallo

This article examines how seven social workers within the Swedish social services describe intimate partner violence between teenagers (IPV-BT). The article adds to the literature by examining IPV-BT outside a U.S. context, where most studies have been conducted. Based on semistructured qualitative interviews, the authors analyze descriptions of IPV-BT in relation to Charles Tilly’s notion of category making through transfer, encounter, negotiation, and imposition. They also analyze how the social workers’ descriptions of IPV-BT relate to the intersection between age and gender. The results show that the social workers mostly described IPV-BT by referring to encounters with teenagers and by transferring knowledge and theoretical definitions from their specialized working areas, primarily intimate partner violence between adults (IPV-BA) and troubled youth. More rarely, the social workers based their definitions of IPV-BT upon negotiating dialogues with teenagers. Also, those who worked in teams specialized on IPV had the mandate to impose their definitions of IPV-BT to other professionals and teenagers. When taking age and gender hierarchies in consideration, the results show IPV-BT risks being subordinate IPV-BA on a theoretical level, a practical level and in terms of treatment quality. The study suggests that social work with IPV-BT needs to be sensitive to the double subordinations of the teenage girl and of the teenagers who do not follow gender expectations.

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 374 ◽  
Sudhanshu Kumar ◽  
Monika Gahalawat ◽  
Partha Pratim Roy ◽  
Debi Prosad Dogra ◽  
Byung-Gyu Kim

Sentiment analysis is a rapidly growing field of research due to the explosive growth in digital information. In the modern world of artificial intelligence, sentiment analysis is one of the essential tools to extract emotion information from massive data. Sentiment analysis is applied to a variety of user data from customer reviews to social network posts. To the best of our knowledge, there is less work on sentiment analysis based on the categorization of users by demographics. Demographics play an important role in deciding the marketing strategies for different products. In this study, we explore the impact of age and gender in sentiment analysis, as this can help e-commerce retailers to market their products based on specific demographics. The dataset is created by collecting reviews on books from Facebook users by asking them to answer a questionnaire containing questions about their preferences in books, along with their age groups and gender information. Next, the paper analyzes the segmented data for sentiments based on each age group and gender. Finally, sentiment analysis is done using different Machine Learning (ML) approaches including maximum entropy, support vector machine, convolutional neural network, and long short term memory to study the impact of age and gender on user reviews. Experiments have been conducted to identify new insights into the effect of age and gender for sentiment analysis.

2004 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 678-685 ◽  
Alexander Choukèr ◽  
André Martignoni ◽  
Martin Dugas ◽  
Wolfgang Eisenmenger ◽  
Rolf Schauer ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-250
Sabiha Yeasmin Rosy ◽  
Fatemeh Nejati

Abstract This study investigates the impact of male labor migration upon wives living among their husbands’ extended families in Tajikistan. It studies the risks and choices available to such wives in bargaining for remittances, with a particular focus on the risks that daughters-in-law (kelin in Tajik) undertake when negotiating remittances with their mothers-in-law. This paper explores age and gender-specific norms in Tajik transnational families and their minimal opportunities for kelins to bargain and negotiate the risks associated with making “claims” on remittances by using Deniz Kandiyoti’s “patriarchal bargain” and Bina Agarwal’s household bargain framework, as well as extensive fieldwork conducted in Tajikistan. The study concludes that international migration and remittances have had a complex impact on gender norms in Tajikistan, with emerging new forms of passive negotiation by kelins unlikely to undermine patriarchal gender norms in their favor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 520-525 ◽  
Vlatka Lajnert ◽  
Daniela Kovacevic-Pavicic ◽  
Hrvoje Pezo ◽  
Aleksandra Stevanovic ◽  
Tatjana Jovic ◽  

Background/Aim. Dental appearance plays an important role in practically all personal social interactions. The main factors that define the dental appearance are tooth colour, shape and position, quality of restoration, and the general position of the teeth in arch, especially in the anterior region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of dental status (tooth shape, fracture, dental and prosthetic restorations and presence of plaque) on patient''s satisfaction with the dental appearance, controlling for the age and gender. Methods. A total of 700 Caucasian subjects (439 women) aged 18?86 (median 45 years) participated in the cross-sectional study. Study included clinical examination and self-administrated questionnaire based on selfperceived aesthetics and satisfaction with the appearance of their maxillary anterior teeth. Results. A regression analysis demonstrated that presence of dental plaque, tooth fracture, composite fillings and crowns had significant independent contribution and were negative predictors of satisfaction with teeth appearance. Participants with presence of plaque on upper teeth (p < 0.001), fractures (p = 0.005), composite fillings (p < 0.001) and crowns (p = 0.032) were less satisfied than those without it. Model explains 12% or variance of general satisfaction with the appearance of maxillary frontal teeth (p < 0.001) and the major contributors are composite fillings (5.3%) and plaque (3.2%). Tooth shape, age and gender were not significant predictors of satisfaction. Conclusion. Satisfaction with the teeth appearance is under the influence of many factors with significant negative influence of presence of dental plaque, fractures, composite restorations, and crowns.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 251
Rita Yulianti ◽  
Emi Sukiyah ◽  
Nana Sulaksana

Daerah penelitian terletak di desa Muaro Limun, Kecamatan Limun Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi. Sungai limun, salah satu sungai besar di daerah kabupaten sarolangun yang dimanfaatkan oleh mayarakat sekitarnya sebagai sumber penghidupan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan penambangan terhadap kualitas air sungai Batang Limun, dan perubahan sifat fisik dan  kimia yang diakibatkan   kegiatan penambangan.Metode yang digunakan adalah  metode grab sampel, serta stream sedimen untuk dianalis di laboratorium. Sejumlah sampel diambil di beberapa lokasi Penambangan Emas berdasarkan Aliran Sub-DAS dan dibandingkan dengan beberapa sampel lain yang diambil pada lokasi yang belum terkontaminasi oleh kegiatan penambangan. Analisis kualitas air mengacu pada  SMEWWke 22 tahun 2012 dan standar baku mutu air kelas II dalam PP No 82 yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. Diketahui sungai Batang Limun telah mengalami perubahan karakteristik fisika dan kimia. Dari grafik  kosentrasi kekeruhan, pH, TSS, TDS  Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Hg terlihat bahwa penambang emas tanpa izin (PETI) dengan cara amalgamasi yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas air sungai. Sejak tahun 2009 sampai tahun 2015  sungai Limun dan sekitarnya terus mengalami penurunan kualitas air. Penurunan kualitas yang cukup tinggi terjadi  yaitu peningkatan nilai Rata-rata konsentrasi merkuri pada sungai Batang Limun dari 0,18ppb (0,00018 mg/l)  menjadi 0,3ppb (0,0003 mg/l), peningkatan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh proses kegiatan penambangan dan nilai tersebut masih dibawah standar baku mutu air kelas II  pp nomor 82 tahun 2010.Kata kunci :   Kualitas Air, Sungai Limun,TSS, Merkuri, PETI Limun river is one of the major rivers in the area of Sarolangun, which utilized by the society as a source of livelihood. The aim of study  to analyze the effect of mining activities on  the water quality of Batang Limun River, and the changes of physical and chemical properties of water. The method used are grab  and stream samples to  sediment analyzed in the laboratory. A number of samples were taken at several locations based Flow Gold Mining Sub-watershed and compared to some other samples taken at the location that has not been contaminated by mining activities. Water quality analysis referring to SMEWW, 22nd edition 2012 and refers to Regulation No 82 that issued by Minister of Health No. 492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010.The results showed that the Limun river has undergone chemical changes in physical characteristics. These symptoms can be seen from the discoloration of clear water in the river before the mine becomes brownish after mining, based on graphic of muddiness concentration: pH, TSS, TDS Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Hg have seen that  the illegal miner which used amalgamation caused deterioration in water quality, data from 2009 to 2015 Limun river and surrounding areas continue to experience a decrease in water quality. The decreasing of water quality showed in the TSS parameter which found in the area is to high based on  the standard of water quality class II pp number 82 of 2010. An increase in the value of average concentrations of mercury in the Batang Limun river before mine 0,18ppb (0.00018 mg / l) into 0,3ppb (0.0003 mg / l) on the river after the mine. The increase was affected by the mining activities and the value is still below the air quality standard Grade II pp numbers 82 years 2010, although the value is still below with the standards quality standard, the mercury levels in water should still be a major concern because if it accumulates continuously in the water levels will increase and will be bad for health. In contrast to the concentration of mercury in sediments that have a higher value is 153 ppb (0,513ppm ) .Key Words :   Water Quality, Limun River, Mercury, Illegal gold mining

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1552
Kamsang Woo ◽  
Changqing Lin ◽  
Yuehui Yin ◽  
Dongshuang Guo ◽  
Ping Chook ◽  

To evaluate the impact of PM2.5 air pollution on atherogenic processes in modernizing Southern versus Northern China, we studied 1323 asymptomatic Chinese in Southern and Northern China in 1996–2007. PM2.5 exposure and metabolic syndrome (MS) were noted. Brachial flow-mediated dilation (endothelial function FMD) and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) were measured by ultrasound. Although age and gender were similar, PM2.5 was higher in Northern China than in Southern China. The Northern Chinese were characterized by lower lipids, folate and vitamin B12, but higher age, blood pressures, MS and homocysteine (HC) (p = 0.0015). Brachial FMD was significantly lower and carotid IMT was significantly greater (0.68±0.13) in Northern Chinese, compared with FMD and IMT (0.57 ± 0.13, p < 0.0001) in Southern Chinese. On multivariate regression, for the overall cohort, carotid IMT was significantly related to PM2.5, independent of location and traditional risk factors (Model R2 = 0.352, F = 27.1, p < 0.0001), while FMD was inversely related to gender, age, and northern location, but not to PM2.5. In Southern Chinese, brachial FMD was inversely correlated to PM2.5, independent of age, whereas carotid IMT was significantly related to PM2.5, independent of age and gender. In Northern Chinese, brachial FMD was inversely related to gender only, but not to PM2.5, while carotid IMT was related to traditional risk factors. Despite a higher PM2.5 pollution in Northern China, PM2.5 pollution was more significantly associated with atherogenic surrogates in Southern compared to Northern Chinese. This has potential implications for atherosclerosis prevention.

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