2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Y Tanamal ◽  
S F Tuhumury ◽  
M Sangaji

Coral reef ecosystem in the one of the coastal ecosystems which have an important role both ecologically and economically. Coral reef in Ihamahu Village have been damaged  at lagoon area due to pressure of community activities. This research was carried out at Laguna Besar and Slope Reef (Labuang) Laguna Kipuo, Ihamahu Village, East Saparua District, Central Maluku on March to August 2018. The purposes of the research were: to analyze the suitability and support capacity of the area for coral reefs rehabilitation in lagoon as well as to analyze social support of the community for the management of coral reefs rehabilitation area. The primary data was collected directly through observing the condition of coral reefs and supporting parameters of coral transplantation, distributing questionnaire, and interviewing the community of Ihamahu village, while the secondary data was collected through relevance literature from some previous research. The result showed that the condition of coral reefs was damaged. The parameters used to analyze the suitability of coral transplantation showed that both areas were suitable for coral transplantion. The area of coral reefs rehabilitation at station 1 was 4.45 ha which is able to accommodate  988,980 artificial block substrates, while stasion 2 had 0.90 ha with 200,000 artificial block substrates. The result also showed that 100% of Ihamahu Villagers supported this program. Keywords : coral reef, rehabilitation, transplantation, lagoon, carrying capacity   ABSTRAK Ekosistem terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir yang peranan penting baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi. Terumbu karang telah mengalami kerusakan pada daerah laguna Negeri Ihamahu akibat tekanan aktivitas masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan di perairan Negeri Ihamahu tepatnya di Laguna Besar dan Slope Reef (Labuang) Laguna Kipuo, Negeri Ihamahu, Kecamatan Saparua Timur, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah pada Maret-Agustus 2018. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kesesuaian daerah rehabilitasi terumbu karang di Laguna dan menganalisis daya dukung dalam pengelolaan daerah rehabilitasi terumbu karang di daerah Laguna. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh melalui pengamatan secara langsung meliputi kondisi terumbu karang, parameter penunjang transplantasi karang, penyebaran kuisioner, dan wawancara langsung masyarakat di Negeri Ihamahu. Data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui literatur-literatur dari berbagai penelitian terkait sebelumnya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terumbu karang berada pada kategori rusak. Parameter yang dipakai untuk menganalisis kesesuaian transplantasi karang menghasilkan kedua lokasi sudah sesuai untuk dilakukan transplantasi karang. Luas lahan rehabilitasi terumbu karang pada stasiun 1 adalah 4,45 Ha dengan daya dukung sebanyak 988.890 substrat buatan, stasiun 2 sebanyak 200.000 substrat buatan dengan luas areal rehabilitasi 0,90 Ha. Kegiatan rehabilitasi dengan teknik transplantasi ini didukung 100% oleh masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 795
Arif Rudianto ◽  
Yohana S. K Dewi ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

Lemukutan Island has the potential of coral reefs to be developed into snorkeling and diving destinations. This study aims to (1) Analyze the suitability and carrying capacity of Lemukutan Island Conservation area in the development of snorkeling and diving ecotourism; (2) Formulate a strategy for developing Snorkeling and diving ecotourism in Lemukutan Island. Primary data collection with field observations and structured interviews to 30 respondents on Lemukutan Island. Secondary data is collected by various libraries and related. Based on results of the study, Lemukutan Island's coral reef ecosystem for the purpose of snorkeling and diving tourism was in the appropriate category (S2) with an IKW value of 76.8% and 68.86%. While the Ecological Carrying Capacity of each ± 6,139 people / day and ± 1,008 people / day. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis obtained alternatif strategies (1) Management and utilization of coral reefs optimally by taking into account the sustainability; (2) Increased access to Lemukutan islands, such as speed boats and timely departures; (3) Adding snorkeling and diving equipment, and improving resort services; (4) Arrangement of land and sea space in accordance with its designation so that marine resources can be sustainable; (5) Packaging of unique and environmentally based snorkeling and diving tours; (6) Increasing promotion through digital technology and promotion through tourism events to build partnership networks; (7) Improving skills for the community to open up alternative opportunities for new jobs; (8) Disseminating the importance of protecting coral reefs and making rules for snorkeling and diving tours

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Yar Johan

Abstract. The Sebesi Island has coral reefs, mangrove and seagrass ecosystems, and therefore this island has the potenticy to be developed as a tourism destination object. The objectives of the present study were to analysis the suitability and carrying of Sebesi Island for for marine ecotourism activities of diving and snorkeling. The primary data were collected through field sampling, direct observation of field conditions, questionnaires and interviews. The secondary data were collected from previous studies, journals, technical reports and related agencies. The results showed that the Sebesi Island was suitable for diving and snorkeling activities  (S2 category) with the carrying capacity for diving and snorkeling activities were 2,394 person/day and 2,489 person/day, respectively.Keywords: coral reef, marine ecotourism, suitability, carrying capacity, Sebesi Island Abstrak. Pulau Sebesi berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi salah satu Objek Daerah Tujuan Wisata (ODTW). Ekosistem Pulau Sebesi sebagian besar merupakan ekosistem terumbu karang, mangrove dan lamun. Penelitian tentang analisis kesesuaian dan daya dukung ekowisata bahari Pulau Sebesi Provinsi Lampung bertujuan mengkaji kesesuaian kawasan Pulau Sebesi untuk kegiatan ekowisata bahari yaitu diving dan snorkeling dan menganalisis daya dukung (carryng capacity) kawasan Pulau Sebesi. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui sampling, observasi langsung di lapangan, kuisioner, wawancara terbuka/langsung dan wawancara mendalam  di lokasi penelitian. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan penelusuran berbagai pustaka, dan instansi terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kegiatan ekowisata bahari diving dan snorkling termasuk dalam kategori sesuai (S2), dengan daya dukung kawasan 2.394/hari orang untuk diving dan 2.489 orang/hari untuk snorkling.Kata kunci: terumbu karang, ekowisata bahari, kesesuaian, daya dukung, Pulau Sebesi

Isra Wahyudi ◽  
Asbar Asbar ◽  
Danial Sultan

Coral reefs are one of the marine tourism potentials that need to be managed in a sustainable manner by looking at the suitability of tourism and the carrying capacity of the environment. Data on the potential for coral reefs will support government programs related to conservation and rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems as a focus area for maritime research. This study aims to determine the potential and percentage of coral reef cover, know the tourism suitability index and environmental carrying capacity, know the direction of coral reef ecosystem management. The research method is using UPT (Underwater Photo Transect), as well as measurement of environmental parameters on Larea-rea Island. Data analysis using CPCe 4.1 software, and Arcgis 10.8 (Kismanto, 2018). Than, an analysis of the suitability of diving tourism and an analysis of the carrying capacity of the area is carried out (Yulianda, 2018).Coral reefs are one of the marine tourism potentials that need to be managed in a sustainable manner by looking at the suitability of tourism and the carrying capacity of the environment. Data on the potential for coral reefs will support government programs related to conservation and rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems as a focus area for maritime research. This study aims to determine the potential and percentage of coral reef cover, know the tourism suitability index and environmental carrying capacity, know the direction of coral reef ecosystem management. The research method is using UPT (Underwater Photo Transect), as well as measurement of environmental parameters on Larea-rea Island. Data analysis using CPCe 4.1 software, and Arcgis 10.8 (Kismanto, 2018). Than, an analysis of the suitability of diving tourism and an analysis of the carrying capacity of the area is carried out (Yulianda, 2018).  The results of this study indicate that the percentage of potential coral reef cover at all stations is 10-36%, indicating that the coral condition is not good (according to the conditions). Damage to coral reef ecosystems due to environmentally unfriendly fishing activities (Wardani, 2018). The number of lifeform types ranged from 8-12, while the number of fish species obtained was 37-44 species. The suitability class category based on the results of the analysis at the three stations obtained the appropriate category (S2), with a percentage of the IKW value of 50-67% (Yulianda, 2018). Then, area carrying capacity (DDK) in the diving tourism category is an average of 528 people / day from the three stations. Management and development of marine tourism can be done by determining the zone of utilization and rehabilitation of coral reef ecosystems, as well as limiting visitors for certain periods to reduce the potential impact of environmental degradation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Cornelia Mirwantini Witomo ◽  
Nuddin Harahap ◽  
Andi Kurniawan

Penelitian ini mengambarkan pola pemanfaatan pariwisata terumbu karang di Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Gita Nada dan mengestimasi nilai manfaat ekosistem terumbu karang dengan pendekatan biaya perjalanan sebagai dasar rujukan perencanaan pengembangan kawasan pariwisata di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di Taman TWP Gita Nada Sekotong Lombok pada bulan Januari-Maret 2020. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuisoner dan observasi segala aktivitas pariwisata yang ada di TWP Gita Nada. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan cara penelusuran literatur pada hasil penelitian terdahulu serta publikasi yang dilakukan oleh instansi terkait. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Zona Travel Cost Method (ZTCM). Perairan TWP Gita Nada memiliki kombinasi perairan dangkal dengan tipe fringing reefs dan letak TWP Gita Nada yang berbatasan dengan Selat Lombok. Atraksi wisata yang ditawarkan di TWP Gita Nada adalah wisata pantai dan bahari. TWP Gita Nada dengan luas terumbu karang sebesar 1279 ha memiliki nilai manfaat pariwisata Rp3.004.031.073/ha dengan jumlah total pengunjung per 1000 penduduk pada kedua zona adalah sebanyak 51.228 orang. Berdasarkan model fungsi permintaan pariwisata TWP Gita Nada pengembangan kedepan adalah wisata alam yang dikemas menjadi wisata edukasi yang fokus pada anak muda dengan minat belajar tinggi. Perbaikan aksesibiltas dan peningkatan kualitas sarana dan prasarana yang memadai akan menambah daya tarik TWP Gita Nada, dan kedepan lokasi wisata harus mampu memberikan jaminan 2H yaitu healthy dan hygiene.Title: Benefit Value of Coral Reef Ecosystem Tourism in The Marine Park Gita Nada Sekotong LombokThis study describes the use patterns of coral reef tourism in Marine Park Gita Nada. It estimates the benefit value of coral reef ecosystem with travel cost approach as a reference for planning the development of tourism areas in West Lombok Regency. The research conducted at Marine Park Gita Nada Sekotong Lombok in January to March 2020. Primary data were collected by interview questionnaires and observations of entire tourism activities in Marine Park Gita Nada. Secondary data were collected by literature review on the results of previous research and publications of related agencies. The research used zona travel cost method (ZTCM) analysis.The waters of Marine Park Gita Nada is a combination of shallow water with fringing reef circulation, and Marine Park Gita Nada is located in the border of Lombok Strait. Marine Park Gita Nada offers beach and marine attraction, and coral reefs cover 1279 ha in the area. Marine Park Gita Nada has a tourism benefit value of Rp3,004,031,073/ha with total number of visitors in both zones are 51,228 people per 1000 inhabitants. Based on tourism demand function, the future development for Marine Park Gita Nada would be educational nature-based tourism focusing on young people with high learning interests. Improvement of accessibility and quality of infrastructure will attract more tourists to TWP Gita Nada, and in the future it must guarantee the healthy and hygiene (2H) of the tourism park.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Andrian Ramadhan ◽  
Lindawati Lindawati ◽  
Nendah Kurniasari

Ekosistem terumbu karang memiliki fungsi baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengestimasi nilai ekonomi (baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung) dari ekosistem terumbu karang.  Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Wakatobi pada tahun 2015.  Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder.  Pemilihan responden dilakukan secara purposive sampling, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 67 orang.  Metode analisis data menggunakan pendekatan produktivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilihat dari fungsi ekologinya, estimasi nilai ekonomi terumbu karang sebagai penahan gelombang sebesar Rp. 372.208.100.000/tahun (Rp. 18.742.929/ha/tahun), sedangkan estimasi nilai ekonomi sebagai tempat pertumbuhan ikan sebesar Rp, 400.024.550.999/tahun (Rp. 7.339.900/ha/tahun).  Selain dari sisi ekologis, keberadaan ekosistem terumbu karang juga dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan perikanan tangkap dan budidaya rumput laut.  Estimasi nilai ekonomi untuk kegiatan perikanan tangkap sebesar Rp.  373.017.285.444/tahun (Rp. 6.844.354/ha/tahun), sedangkan estimasi nilai ekonomi untuk kegiatan budidaya rumput laut sebesar Rp. 8.160.682.302/tahun Rp.15.397.524/ha/tahun).  Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga kelestarian ekosistem terumbu karang perlu adanya koordinasi yang intensif antara masyarakat dan pemerintah terkait pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan dari keberadaan ekosistem terumbu karang.Title: Economic Value of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Wakatobi DistrictEcosystem of Coral reef hasecological and economical function. The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic value of the functionsboth directly and indirectly. The research was conducted in Wakatobi in 2015. Data collected consist of primary data and secondary data. Data were collected from 67 respondents which are determined by purposive sampling method. The result estimate the economic value of coral reefs from its function as a wave barrier is Rp. 372.208.100.000/year(Rp. 18,742,929 /ha/year), while the economic value as a fish growth reach Rp, 400.024.550.999/year (Rp. 7.3399 million / ha / year). Ecosystem of coral reef is also used for fishing and seaweed farming where the estimated economic value is  373.017.285.444/year (Rp. 6,844,354 / ha / year)and Rp. 8.160.682.302/year(Rp.15.397.524 / ha / year). Considering these benefits, the ecosystem management need to be coordinated intensively between the community and government especially in the utilization. 

Ipanna Enggar Susetya ◽  
Desrita ◽  
Zulham Apandy Harahap

Coral reefs are one of the typical ecosystems in coastal areas that have ecological and economicvalue. There are many cases of coral reef damage in Salah Nama Island caused by natural andhuman factors. Coral reefs damage is mostly caused by human activities such as water pollution,destructive fishing and using of ship anchors. Activity of devotion society aims to provideinformation and skills to fishermen groups in Salah Nama Island about coral transplantationtechniques, as well as conducting coral transplantation activities as one of the efforts to preservethe ecosystem of coral reefs. Based on the description of the problems and objectives of devotionsociety, the activities that have been done are counseling to the partner fishermen abouttransplantation and coral benefits in ecosystem, transplantation practice and coral transplantationmonitoring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Rega Permana ◽  
Nora Akbarsyah ◽  
Pringgo KDNY Putra ◽  
Aulia Andhikawati

The coral reef ecosystem is one of the typical tropical ecosystems with high biodiversity which has an important role both biologically, ecologically, physically as well as socially and economically. Several coral reef areas in Indonesia were reported to have suffered damage, not only due to climate change which has an impact on rising sea surface temperatures and ocean acidification but also due to anthropogenic factors and irresponsible management of marine tourism. This study aimed to analyze the condition of coral reefs based on covering in Pramuka Island, which is one of the famous tourist destinations in the Seribu Islands. The study was conducted using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method at predetermined coordinate points. The results showed that the dominant coral reef life form was Acropora Submassive (ACS), namely 18.9%, and Acropora Branching (ACB) as much as 12.48%. Besides, the types of life forms found were coral foliase (9.42%), Miliepora Coral (9.2%), Coral Massive (4.8%), Acropora Encrustring (4.24%), and so on. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the condition of coral reefs in Pramuka Island is still relatively good with a total coral cover percentage of 72.38%. Efforts to protect the coral reef ecosystem in this area need to be considered so that its condition can be maintained. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Zulham Apandy Harahap ◽  
Ipanna Enggar Susetya

Highlight Calculated and assested the percentage of live coral coverIdentified reef fishes and calculated fish abundanceMeasured physical and chemical oceanography parameter Analyzed carrying capacity and suitability of Unggeh Island for tourism utilization especially marine diving and snorkeling.AbstractUnggeh Island located in the administration of the Village Sitardas Badiri District, Central Tapanuli Regency into a marine tourism area. The development of marine ecotourism Unggeh Island is an alternative to the economic improvement of so- ciety. This study aims to assess the potential of coral reef ecosystem in the form of percentage of life form coral, coral species and species and abundance of reef fish found in Unggeh Island waters of Central Tapanuli Regency and to analyze the suitability of coral reef ecosystem in Unggeh Island for tourism utilization es- pecially marine diving and snorkeling. Coral reef community data collection was done by using SCUBA divers equipment, in identifying The coral community used underwater photo transect (UPT) method, while coral fish diversity was observed by underwater visual census (UVC) method. Physical and chemical oceanography parameter data such as temperature, salinity, pH, current, transparency and DO are performed at each observation station. The survey results of coral reef observation at four stations showed different results. Percentage of live coral cover of station 1 to 4 were 25.40 %, 12.33%, 28.53%, and 25.53 respectively. Therefore, reef fishes found 36 species that consist of ten families and 423 individual fishes. The results showed that Unggeh Island was suitable (S2) for diving and snorkeling activities, with the carrying capacity was 3.054 persons/day.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-76
Marthen L.R. Bartholomeus ◽  
Dirk Y.P. Runtuboi ◽  
Rosye H.R. Tanjung

Conservation effort and knowledge on coral reef ecosystem are necessary to protect marine ecosystem. Coral reef ecosystem is very important to support marine biota especially fishes and benthos. The presence of coral reef indirectly support local people income, therefore is is necessary to conserve coral reef ecosystem. District of South Waigeo is one of tourist area as well as preserve area in Raja Ampat Regency of Papua Barat Province. The aim of this study is to identify the current condition of coral reef in Saporken Village of South waigeo District. Data were collected by survey method using coral reefs Point intercept transect method, observation and interviews to determine the social, economic and cultural impact., and measures taken to manage coral reef management in village Saporkren Marine Protected Areas. The results showed that knowledge Saporkren Village community, the conservation community knows about how destructive such arrests are not carried out the bombing, while the traditional way people work is local wisdom. Condition of coral cover in the village of Marine Protected Areas Saporkren in good condition (live coral cover=51%) and very good water quality, flow velocity at high tide ranged from 4.25 to 22.3 cm/sec and the flow velocity at low tide over small ranging from 5.07 to 19.60 cm/sec, salinity ranged from 32–35‰ and wave height ranged from 0.75 m. Based on the results of this study concluded that: Village community know Saporkren conservation activities of local government programs, and the traditional way to preserve coral reef still implemented.Key words: Conservation, coral reefs, Saporkren village, Raja Ampat. 

Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 366 (6472) ◽  
pp. eaay9321 ◽  
Jacob E. Allgeier ◽  
Timothy J. Cline

Brandl et al. (Reports, 21 June 2019, p. 1189) report that cryptobenthic fishes underpin coral reef ecosystem function by contributing ~60% of “consumed fish” biomass and ~20% of production. These results are artifacts of their simulation. Using their data and model, we show that cryptobenthic species contribute less than 4% to fish production, calling into question the extent to which they contribute to the high productivity of coral reefs.

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