scholarly journals Latino o cirillico? Le proposte di un alfabeto misto nelle visioni di unità jugoslava del periodo interbellico

Giustina Selvelli

This paper discusses the context of script choice (Latin and Cyrillic) in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the late 1920s and early 1930s, focusing on bialphabetism and biliteracy as official policies of the country. I place the topic in the framework of Latinization in the interwar period and examine three texts by Yugoslav authors that propose a ‘hybrid’ writing system containing the characters of both alphabets as a solution to digraphia. It then explores some reactions to such proposals, including the one of Aleksander Belić. The article is based on the analysis of previously unknown sources found in the Matica Srpska Library in Novi Sad.

2005 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-163 ◽  
Richard L. Venezky

Philologists, linguists, and educators have insisted for several centuries that the ideal orthography has a one-to-one correspondence between grapheme and phoneme. Others, however, have suggested deviations for such functions as distinguishing homophones, displaying popular alternative spellings, and retaining morpheme identity. If, indeed, the one-to-one ideal were accepted, the International Phonetic Alphabet should become the orthographic standard for all enlightened nations, yet the failure of even a single country to adopt it for practical writing suggests that other factors besides phonology are considered important for a writing system. Whatever the ideal orthography might be, the practical writing systems adopted upon this earth reflect linguistic, psychological, and cultural considerations. Knowingly or unknowingly, countries have adopted orthographies that favour either the early stages of learning to read or the advanced stages, that is, the experienced reader. The more a system tends towards a one-to-one relationship between graphemes and phonemes, the more it assists the new reader and the non-speaker of the language while the more it marks etymology and morphology, the more it favours the experienced reader. The study of psychological processing in reading demonstrates that human capacities for processing print are so powerful that complex patterns and irregularities pose only a small challenge. Orthographic regularity is extracted from lexical input and used to recognise words during reading. To understand how such a system develops, researchers should draw on the general mechanisms of perceptual learning.

1969 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-107
Ronald J. Ross

Heinrich Ritter von Srbik, the foremost Austrian historian in the interwar period, made important contributions to knowledge of the materials and the facts of nineteenthcentury Germany history as well as to the interpretation of that period. No historian of Germany can properly ignore his interpretation of that period. Yet no serious attempt has been made to evaluate his historical thinking and to appraise his extensive contributions to German historical literature. The one exception to this neglect followed his death in 1951 which occasioned the customary obituary notices of his career and work.

Fascism ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-74
John Paul Newman

This article discusses the role played by war veterans in the various fascist and para-fascist groups present in Yugoslavia in the interwar period. The article finds that significant numbers of veterans and the nationalist associations to which they belonged contributed to proposed or actual departures from the democratic norm in interwar Yugoslavia, and were especially supportive of King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic’s dictatorship of 1929–1934. In this respect, they could be termed ‘para-fascist’. The article also notes that whilst the two groups typically identified in the literature as ‘fascist’, the Croatian Ustashe and Serbian/Yugoslav Zbor, fit into the ‘second-wave’ of 1930s fascist forces not usually marked by a strong presence of First World War veterans, their membership and ideological organisation were nevertheless significantly influenced by both the traditions of the war and the men who fought in it.

Konstantina Adinda Putrilani ◽  
Renariah Renariah ◽  
Neneng Sutjiati

Ketika mempelajari bahasa Jepang di sekolah, aspek dasar yang harus dipelajari siswa adalah huruf Jepang. Dalam sistem penulisan, bahasa Jepang memiliki empat huruf, yaitu huruf kanji, hiragana, katakana, dan roomaji. Tetapi sebelum tahap belajar huruf kanji, terlebih dahulu siswa mempelajari huruf hiragana dan katakana yang biasa disebut huruf kana. Huruf kana terdiri atas 96 huruf dimana huruf hiragana dan huruf katakana tersebut bentuknya mirip. Hal ini menyebabkan siswa kesulitan untuk mempelajari huruf kana. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu media untuk mempermudah pembelajar mempelajari huruf kana. Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan adalah media permainan. Dalam penelitian ini, media permainan yang digunakan adalah media permainan sudoku yang sudah di modifikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran huruf kana, sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan media permainan sudoku. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan media permainan sudoku terhadap pembelajaran huruf kana, dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media permainan sudoku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimen quasi dengan desain eksperimen yaitu one group pre-test - post-test. Sampel penelitian adalah anggota Japanese Club sebanyak 20 orang yang diambil dari populasi SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes, angket dan obsevasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, nilai t hitung sebesar 6.53. Nilai t tabel sebesar 2.09 pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan 2.86 pada taraf signifikansi 1%. Dengan demikian, diperoleh hasil t hitung lebih besar dibandingkan nilai t tabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% (6.53 > 2.09). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguanaan media permainan sudoku dalam pembelajaran huruf kana sangat efektif. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil analisis data angket, responden memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap penggunaan media permainan sudoku yaitu menarik, dan mudah diikuti. When studying Japanese at school, basic aspects must study is the Japanese letter. In its writing system, Japanese has four letters, namely kanji, hiragana, katakana, and roomaji. Before the stage of kanji learning, firstly, students have to learn hiragana and katakana which are commonly called kana. Kana, composed of 96 letters where the letter of the hiragana and katakana are barely different. This causes difficulties for students to learn kana. Therefore, we need a media to facilitate learners to learn kana. One medium that can be used are game as the learning media. This study, the media used is a sudoku game that has been modified. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge students’ ability in learning kana, before and after using the sudoku game as a media. In addition, this study also aims to analyze the influence of sudoku game usage as the media in learning kana Letters, and to find out the students' response to the use of sudoku game as a media. This study uses a quasi experiment method with the one group pre-test - post-test as experiment design. Samples were 20 students from Japanese Club members who were taken from a population of SMP Laboratorum Percontohan UPI Bandung. The instrument used was test, questionnaire and observation. Based on the data analysis, the t value at 6.53. T table at 2.09 on a significance level of 5% and 2.86 at 1% significance level. Thus, the results obtained that t value is greater than t table at a significance level of 5% (6.53> 2.09). This shows that the usage of sudoku game as media is a very effective in learning kana. In addition, based on data analysis of the questionnaire, the respondents gave a positive response to the use of media sudoku game that are attractive, and easy to follow

María Villanueva Fernández ◽  
Héctor García-Diego

Resumen: A partir de 1920 Le Corbusier comenzó a elaborar un cuerpo teórico sobre el diseño de objetos que iría difundiendo a través de sus escritos y conferencias. Libros como Vers une architecture, L´art décoratif d´aujourd´hui o Précisions sur un état présent de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme han constituído un rico legado de ideas e imágenes interrelacionadas que permiten analizar la propuesta del arquitecto desde el plano de la teoría. Sin embargo, el poder de sus postulados fue continuamente experimentado y corroborado por su obra en materia de mobiliario, hasta el punto de establecerse relaciones directas entre teoría y obra. Esta evolución conjunta proporciona una completa visión del concepto de mobiliario moderno desarrollado por Le Corbusier. Por tanto, esta investigación persigue, por un lado, sacar a la luz un verdadero cuerpo teórico de cuño 'corbuseriano' y específico del equipamiento moderno, haciendo especial mención a los postulados y dibujos originales del arquitecto y, por otro, comprobar la correspondencia real entre sus teorías y sus obras mediante el análisis de una escogida selección de obras del arquitecto pertenecientes al periodo de entreguerras, para, finalmente, ofrecer una caracterización 'corbuseriana' del mobiliario moderno. Abstract: From 1920 Le Corbusier began to develop a theoretical body on the objects design that went spreading through his writings and lectures. Books like Vers une architecture, L'art décoratif d'aujourd'hui or Précisions sur un état présent de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme have constituted a rich legacy of interlinked ideas and images to analyze the proposal of the architect from the level of theory. However, the power of its principles was continuously experienced and corroborated by his work in furniture, to the point of establishing direct relations between theory and work. This joint development provides a comprehensive overview of modern furniture concept developed by Le Corbusier. Therefore, this research aims on the one hand, to expose a 'Corbusian' and specific theoretical body of modern equipment, with special reference to the principles and original drawings by the architect; and, secondly, to check the real correspondence between his theories and works by analyzing a choice selection of works by the architect belonging to the interwar period, to finally offer a 'Corbusian' characterization of modern furniture.Palabras clave: Teoría; mobiliario; moderno; escritos. Keywords: Theory; furniture; modern; writings. DOI: 

2011 ◽  
Vol 64 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 25-28
Marija Knezevic-Pogancev

Introduction. The decision to withdraw antiepileptic drugs is based mostly on a balanced view of the overall risk of seizure relapse and factors most likely to affect that risk. The aim of this study was to find out the patient and family?s attitudes towards the fear of having antiepileptic drug withdrawn, after three years of seizure control. Material and methods. This research was carried out at the Institute for Child and Youth Health care of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. During the study, which lasted from 2003 to 2008, a face-to-face interview about fear of having the antiepileptic therapy withdrawn was done within the adolescent patient examination. The study population included 150 adolescent patients and 265 of their parents. Results. In general, the adolescent patients were ready to accept a significantly higher risk of having recurrences after the antiepileptic drug withdrawal (p<0.05) than their parents. None of their parents was ready to accept the risk 50% higher than the one in the general population. Conclusion. It is important to take into consideration the fear of both adolescent patients and their parents of having recurrences of epileptic seizures before opting for the antiepileptic drug withdrawal.

PMLA ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 123 (5) ◽  
pp. 1737-1742 ◽  
Walter D. Mignolo

The research that I reported in the darker side of the renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality and Colonization (1995) was driven by my desire and need to understand the opening up of the Atlantic in the sixteenth century, its historical, theoretical, and political consequences. How was it that coexisting socioeconomic organizations like the Ottoman and Mughal sultanates as well as the incanate in the Andes and the tlahtoanate in the Valley of Mexico were either inferior or almost absent in the global historical picture of the time? I became aware, for example, that people in the Valley of Mexico living in the Aztec tlahtoanate, whether in conformity or dissenting, were compared—by the Spaniards—with the Jews. The comparison was twofold: on the one hand, the Indians and the Jews were dirty and untrustworthy people; on the other hand, the Indians in the New World may have been part of the Jewish diaspora. So, the comparison got in trouble, because Indians and Jews may have been the same people. The Jesuit priest José de Acosta, in his Historia natural y moral de las Indias (1589), asked whether the Indians descended from the Jews, addressing a question that was on everybody's mind. He dismissed the possibility of the connection, because the Jews had had a sophisticated writing system for a long time while the Indians were illiterate (in the Western sense of the word). Jews liked money, Acosta pointed out, while Indians were not even aware of it; and while Jews took circumcision seriously, Indians had no idea of it. Last but not least, if Indians were indeed of Jewish origin, they would not have forgotten the Messiah and their religion.

Volodymyr Potulnytskyi ◽  

While studying Polish-Ukrainian relations, outstanding Ukrainian conservative thinkers, namely Vjacheslav Lypynskyi and Stepan Tomashivskyi, focused mainly on the problem of distinguishing the role of Poland in the history of the Ukrainian people and on the issue of orientation towards Poland as a factor in the emergence of the Ukrainian state. The role of Poland in the history of the Ukrainian people, according to conservatives, was twofold. On the one hand, it was Poland that paved the way for Ukraine to Europeanization, providing examples of state-style literature and culture. This constructive role of Poland was especially fruitful in comparison with the Asian influences of Moscow. In this context, the conservatives emphasized that these were the Poles who played a key role in the process of separating Ukrainians from Russia, promoting the rise and establishment of the Cossacks and the Hetmanate, as well as creating the very name “Ukraine”. Conversely, the conservatives negatively assessed the Treaty of Hadiach for Ukraine, which, in their opinion, was very rational, on the one hand, and contributed, on the other hand, to the extermination of the elite and aristocratic democracy, and which disorganized the nobility and made it republican by eliminating its chivalrous essence and adding destructive anarchism instead. The conservatives also sharply assessed the Treaty of Warsaw between Petliura and Pilsudski. Simultaneously, Ukrainian monarchists did not consider Poland a force that could play a role in the creation of the Ukrainian state, although they considered the territorial autonomy of Halychyna under Poland as the first stage in educating the citizens of Western Ukraine in the spirit of the state monarchical idea. They took the position of mutual understanding between Ukrainian conservatives and Halychyna Poles in achieving the autonomy of Ukrainian lands under Poland, although they condemned the concept of a federation of Poland and Ukraine in Halychyna under the conditions put forward by Halychyna Ukrainian National Democrats. Conservatives considered such a strategy doomed to failure without the creation of a conservative territorial group in Halychyna composed of local Poles and Ukrainians. Relying heavily on local Poles not affiliated with metropolitan Warsaw, they placed the main emphasis on the internal organization of the monarchists rather than on external allies, including Poland

Joanna Miklaszewska

<p>Bolesław Wallek Walewski był jedną z czołowych postaci krakowskiego życia muzycznego w okresie międzywojennym. Do jego najwybitniejszych dzieł należy opera <em>Pomsta Jontkowa</em>, której libretto jest kontynuacją <em>Halki</em> Stanisława Moniuszki. W artykule scharakteryzowano muzyczne związki pomiędzy obu operami, widoczne we wprowadzeniu przez Wallek Walewskiego cytatów motywów z <em>Halki</em>, a także wskazano różnice stylistyczne między obydwoma dziełami. Wyznaczają je trzy elementy: warstwa językowa librett, główne założenia dramaturgiczne oraz styl muzyczny. Libretto <em>Halki</em> napisane zostało przez W. Wolskiego bez aluzji do elementów gwarowych, natomiast B. Wallek Walewski w libretcie <em>Pomsty Jontkowej</em> wykorzystał w szerokim zakresie gwarę podhalańską. W przeciwieństwie do <em>Halki</em>, osią dramatu Wallek Walewskiego jest motyw zemsty górala na możnych panach. Styl muzyczny opery Walewskiego wykazuje pokrewieństwo z muzyką Wagnera, z nurtem muzycznego folkloryzmu (poprzez nawiązanie do folkloru podhalańskiego), oraz impresjonizmu. W artykule poruszono ponadto problem recepcji dzieła. <em>Pomsta Jontkowa</em> była najbardziej znanym i często wystawianym w Polsce dziełem operowym krakowskiego kompozytora. Jej prapremiera odbyła się w Teatrze Wielkim w Poznaniu w 1926 roku. Na przełomie lat dwudziestych i trzydziestych opera ta cieszyła się w Polsce dużą popularnością, wystawiły ją także inne teatry operowe w kraju (z wyjątkiem sceny warszawskiej). Po II wojnie światowej <em>Pomstę Jontkową</em> wystawiła Opera Wrocławska.</p><p>SUMMARY</p><p>Born in Lvov but fi rst of all associated with the musical circles in Krakow, Bolesław Wallek Walewski (1885-1944) referred to one of Stanisław Moniuszko’s most famous operas – <em>Halka</em> [Helen] – when composing his own opera Pomsta Jontkowa [Jontek’s Vengeance] (1924). The contemporaries regarded Halka and Pomsta Jontkowa as a series. Both operas share common elements: <em>Halka</em> (Warsaw version) and <em>Pomsta Jontkowa</em> are four-act operas, the same characters appear in their librettos (Jontek, Zofia), and in both works the confl icts between the gentry and the peasants are highly important. The musical connections between the operas are evidenced by Walewski’s use of the leading motifs. Moreover, both in <em>Halka</em> and in <em>Pomsta Jontkowa</em>, there are highlanders’ dances. Walewski also includes melodies from Halka into his work.</p><p>The principal difference between the two operas is determined by three elements: the language of the librettos, the main dramatic assumptions, and the musical style. The libretto of <em>Halka</em> was written by Włodzimierz Wolski (1824-1882) without references to dialectal elements whereas Walewski liberally used the Podhale highlanders’ dialect in his libretto. Moreover, unlike <em>Halka</em>, which emphasizes the personal experiences of the main heroine and social confl icts, the axis of Walewski’s drama is the motif of the highlander’s revenge on the wealthy lords. The musical style of <em>Pomsta Jontkowa</em> shows, on the one hand, a similarity with Richard Wagner’s music (harmony, instrumentation, and the way of treatment of leitmotifs), while on the other – a similarity to the trend of musical folklorism and impressionism. An innovative idea is the combination of impressionist features with the stylization of highlanders’ folklore.</p><p><em>Pomsta Jontkowa</em> was the best known opera of the Krakow composer in Poland in the nineteen-twenties and thirties, and at the same time it was one of the most original Polish operas of the interwar period. It combines traditional elements with modern ones, and it is an expression of the late inspirations by Wagnerian music and esthetics in Polish music, as well as referring to the best traditions of the Polish national opera.</p>

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