scholarly journals Pemodelan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi untuk Mendukung Aktivitas Akademik di STIMIKOM Stella Maris Sumba

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 208
Yulius Nahak Tetik ◽  
Wing Wahyu Winarno ◽  
Eko Pramono

Information technology and information systems are a very fundamental requirement in supporting business functions in an organization or company, whether government or private. Amid the rapid development of information technology, universities are challenged to implement information technology and information systems that can facilitate and accelerate services, both to students, lecturers and the general public in terms of obtaining information. In developing information systems, there needs to be careful planning for the short, medium and long term so that the system that has been built can continue to be developed together with the construction of a new system. Enterprise Architecture Planning is a methodology that can be used to build a structured system architecture starting from planning to the implementation planning stage. In this journal, we will discuss the use of Enterprise Architecture Planning in creating information system architecture to support academic activities in the form of data architecture, applications and technology

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Mokhamad Wahidin

PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company engaged in the production of tires. Good business strategy is necessary for the company to compete with local competitors as well as with other companies in the group XYZ. Business strategy is also needed in order to achieve its goal in providing the best services for customers. Support the implementation of information systems and information technology is needed to support the company's business strategy. Planning of the Enterprise Architecture is necessary for the company to run its business processes. Enterprise architecture is composed of the Business Architecture, Data Architecture, Application Architecture and Technology Architecture. Business processes and organizational activities executed using the data collected, managed, secured and distributed using applications, both custom applications and common applications that run over the technology infrastructure and computer networks. The research report in this thesis discusses about planning the Enterprise Architecture of Manufacturing Information System Architecture Based Cloud Computing using TOGAF, a case study in PT.XYZ. In planning this architecture using the TOGAF-ADM to pass the following stages: Defining planning the Architecture Vision, Planning the Business Architecture, Planning the Information System Architecture, Planning the Technology Architecture, Solutions and Opportunities, Migration Planning, Implementation Management, and Change Management Architecture. The research process is done by looking at the business strategy on the manufacturing process and products distribution from PT. XYZ. The results of this study are planning the enterprise architecture of manufacturing information system at PT. XYZ to support the implementation of enterprise information systems as a whole, to solve the integration problems of information systems, and improve effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of information technology infrastructure.

Hafid Khoiruddin ◽  
Bayu Triharyanto ◽  
Erwin Kristian Putra ◽  
M. Ainul Yaqin

The design of school information systems enterprise architecture is carried out to find detailed information about school activities based on government regulatory standards. So that the existing information system in the school business is in accordance with the existing standards of the government and there will be no errors in school activities later, a research is carried out that implements TOGAF ADM as a method in building the architecture of school information systems enterprise. Then the results obtained by business architecture include PSB (Acceptance of New Students), PA (Academic Process), PS (Release of Students), MTU (Management of Administration), MSP (Management of Facilities and Infrastructure), LAB (Laboratory), and the acquisition of architecture data, application architecture and technology architecture. So it can be concluded that the TOGAF ADM Method was successfully implemented in the School Information System Architecture and the School Information System Architecture can be used as a guide in the development and development of information systems in terms of data and information management in schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Soni Ayi Purnama

Utilization of information systems and information technology is needed in supporting business processes of a company, because the information system is one of the important things in the key to success of a company. Along with the development of information systems have an information system architecture model, where the information system architecture is necessary to plan the information system architecture to be built in the future, where the information system architecture as a spear to improve the competitiveness of a company with other companies.             PT. Ma'soem Arias is one of Pertamina lubricant distributor in West Java. The business activities carried out are to sell Pertamina lubricants to direct customers and direct lubricant procurement from Pertamina's producers. PT. Ma'soem Arias until now in carrying out its business process has not used the information system so needed an Enterprise Architecture planning for PT. Ma'soem Arias.Enterprise architecture model used in this research is by using Oracle Enterprise Architecture Framework (OEAF) model. The advantages of OEAF is to use object oriented concept, where the concept approaches the problem from the perspective of the object and not the perspective of the functional so it is easy to be understood. The method used is Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) method, where OADP method has several stages, ie from start of study about business architecture, architecture vision, current state architecture and future state architecture.The result of this research is recommendation of information system of PT. Ma'soem Arias is a blueprint for enterprise architecture planning that succeeds in defining 4 main business processes, the data architecture produces 24 entities, 4 applications and for its technological architecture produces technology architecture proposal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-70
Fatoni Fatoni ◽  
Edi Supratman ◽  
Darius Antoni

Universities in Indonesia already have academic information systems. This university in developing its academic information system is carried out individually according to conditions and needs. Currently there are no guidelines in providing direction for the planning, development, implementation and service of academic information systems based on information and communication technology in universities. In addition to this, it is based on the planning and development of an academic information system which is what will be planned and developed and how its development guidelines are not yet available. The purpose of this study is to provide guidance in building academic information systems at private universities that can be applied in South Sumatra Province. This goal needs to be done because in general the academic information system business processes and services as well as the need for information in each university have in common namely the acceptance of new students, academic management and academic release. The result of the research is an academic information system architecture as a guideline in planning the development of an academic information system according to the conditions of private universities in South Sumatra Province. This study uses the EAP method with the steps of activities including planning initiation, business modeling and survey of current institutions, systems and technologies, data architecture and application architecture. The results of this study are a guide in building a system in the form of an academic information system architecture that can be applied to private universities in Indonesia especially South Sumatra Province.This study uses the EAP / Enterprise Architecture Planning method with activity steps including planning initiation, business modeling and institutional surveys, current systems and technology, data architecture and application architecture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
I Nyoman Yudi Anggara Wijaya ◽  
I Gusti Agung Ngurah Indra Adnyana

ABSTRACT<br />Information strategic planning and information technology (SI / IT) are identified as key factors in IT integration and business alignment in organizations. Strategic planning carried out at Primakara STMIK uses the TOGAF framework to produce an enterprise architecture that will be a guideline for the development of information systems and information technology (SI / IT) that is aligned with Primakara's STMIK vision, mission and goals. The environmental analysis is done first, the environmental analysis uses SWOT analysis to get an overview of the strategic plan. Stages to get an overview of enterprise architecture and information system development roadmap include Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, which consists of: Data Architecture, and Application Architecture.<br />Keyword :TOGAF, Enterprises Architecture, College<br />ABSTRAK<br />Perencanaan strategis informasi dan teknologi informasi (SI/TI) diidentifikasi sebagai faktor kunci dalam integrasi TI dan keselarasan bisnis pada organisasi. Perencanaan strategis yang dilakukan pada STMIK Primakara menggunakan kerangka kerja TOGAF untuk menghasilkan enterprise architecture yang akan menjadi pedoman untuk pengembangan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi (SI/TI) yang selaras dengan visi, misi dan tujuan STMIK Primakara. Analisis lingkungan dilakukan terlebih dahulu, analisis lingkungan menggunakan SWOT analisis untuk mendapat gambaran rencana strategis. Tahapan untuk mendapatkan gambaran enterprises architecture dan roadmap pengembangan sistem informasi meliputi Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, yang terdiri dari: Data Architecture, dan Application Architecture.<br />Kata Kunci : TOGAF, Perancangan Arsitektur Enterprise, Sekolah Tinggi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Dicky Yudha Handika ◽  
Rahmat Mulyana ◽  
Nia Ambarsari

Dalam mendukung program pemerintah yaitu Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE), Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Bandung Barat (Disparbud KBB) khususnya pada fungsi Kepegawaian Umum dan Bina Budaya diupayakan dapat menyelaraskan antara layanan bisnis dan layanan teknologi informasi dalam melakukan perubahan dari segi layanan internal maupun publik dalam mengembangkan potensi kebudayaan dan pariwisata untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Enterprise Architecture (EA) menjadi jawaban sebagai pengembangan rancangan dokumentasi blueprint TI. Perancangan EA pada penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka kerja TOGAF ADM untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengembangan sistem melalui Phase C: Information System Architecture (Data Architecture & Application Architecture). Metode analisis dokumen, wawancara dan observasi dilakukan dalam menunjang pencaharian kebutuhan informasi organisasi selama pengembangan EA. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan berupa solusi integrase proses data dan aplikasi melalui teknologi Government Service Bus (GSB).

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
Dewi Rahmayanti ◽  
Rachmadita Andreswari ◽  
Ridha Hanafi

Direktorat Metrologi merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang bergerak dibidang pelayanan masyarakat dalam melakukan pengujian alat ukur, takar, timbang, dan perlengkapannya (UTTP). Dalam melaksanakan tugas pokok yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia (Permendagri) nomor 8/M-DAG/PER/2/2016 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kementrian Perdagangan. Terdapat salah satu aktivitas utama yang dilakukan, yaitu program pasar tertib ukur yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan citra pasar tradisional melalui kebenaran hasil pengukuran pada pelayanan perizinan dan non-perizinan. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan adanya teknologi informasi yang digunakan Direktorat Metrologi melalui sistem informasi Pelayanan Satu Pintu (PSP) yang digunakan untuk pengelolaan data penerimaan layanan kemetrologian. Namun dalam sistem informasi yang ada saat ini belum dapat memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan pada aktivitas bisnis yang dilakukan, sehingga sebagian aktivitas harus dilakukan secara manual. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut dan menyelaraskan antara aspek bisnis dengan aspek teknologi informasi, maka dibuat perancangan enterprise architecture dengan metode TOGAF ADM framework. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) terdiri dari beberapa fase yang dijadikan guidelines dalam melakukan perancangan enterprise architecture, yaitu preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, information system architecture, dan technology architecture. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas strategi bisnis dan infrastruktur Direktorat Metrologi khususnya fungsi kepegawaian dan keuangan. Dengan menggunakan framework TOGAF ADM dapat menghasilkan architecture blueprint sebagai bahan untuk menyusun IT master plan Direktorat Metrologi.

Mara Nikolaidou ◽  
Nancy Alexopoulou

System design is an important phase of system engineering, determining system architecture to satisfy specific requirements. System design focuses on analyzing performance requirements, system modeling and prototyping, defining and optimizing system architecture, and studying system design tradeoffs and risks. Modern enterprise information systems (EIS) are distributed systems usually built on multitiered client server architectures, which can be modeled using well-known frameworks, such as Zachman enterprise architecture or open distributed processing reference model (RM-ODP). Both frameworks identify different system models, named views, corresponding to discrete stakeholder’s perspectives, specific viewpoints, and could serve as a basis for model-based system design. The main focus of this chapter is to explore the potential of model-based design for enterprise information systems (EIS). To this end, the basic requirements for model-based EIS design are identified, while three alternative approaches are discussed based on the above requirements, namely, rational unified process for systems engineering (RUP SE), UML4ODP and EIS design framework.

Yifeng Shen

Thanks to the rapid development in the field of information technology, healthcare providers rely more and more on information systems to deliver professional and administrative services. There are high demands for those information systems that provide timely and accurate patient medical information. High-quality healthcare services depend on the ability of the healthcare provider to readily access the information such as a patient’s test results and treatment notes. Failure to access this information may delay diagnosis, resulting in improper treatment and rising costs (Rind et al., 1997).

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (04) ◽  
pp. 38
Fitri Febriana Purba ◽  
RD Rohmat Saedudin ◽  
Basuki Rahmad

Abstrak—Perum Perhutani Unit III merupakan salah satu penyedia sektor pariwisata alam yang mengelola sumberdaya hutan di kawasan Jawa Barat dan Banten. Perkembangan industri pariwisata menuntut Perum Perhutani Unit III untuk memilih strategi pemasaran terbaik dan mengelola hubungan dengan pelanggan untuk menghasilkan keunggulan wisata yang kompetitif. Oleh karena itu, Perum Perhutani Unit III membutuhkan perancangan enterprise architecture yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran dan manajemen hubungan pelanggan melalui pemanfaatan dan penyelarasan teknologi informasi. Perancangan enterprise architecture menggunakan framework TOGAF yang mempunyai beberapa fase, diantaranya preliminary phase, architecture vision, architecture business, information system architecture, dan technology architecture. Hasil perancangan ini berupa model bisnis target dan artifak. Kata Kunci: Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF, Pariwisata, Perum Perhutani, Pemasaran, Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan Abstract—Perum Perhutani Unit III is one of the providers of natural tourism sector that manages forest resources in West Java and Banten. The development of tourism industry demands Perum Perhutani Unit III to choose the best marketing strategy and manage customer relationship to produce competitive tourism advantage. Therefore, Perum Perhutani Unit III requires the design of enterprise architecture that can improve the performance of marketing and customer relationship management through the utilization and alignment of information technology. The design of enterprise architecture use TOGAF framework that has several phases, including preliminary phase, architecture vision, architecture business, information system architecture, and technology architecture. The results of this design are target business models and artifacts. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF, Tourism, Perum Perhutani, Marketing, Customer Relationship Management

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