scholarly journals Recycling of three different types of rural wastes employing vermicomposting technology by Eisenia fetida at low temperature

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 601-606 ◽  

This study was conducted to investigate the recycling of rural wastes employing vermicomposting technology by Eisenia fetida. Three medium including kitchen waste, rotting foliage and cow dung were performed in 20 treatments. Results showed that in all 20 treatments the quality of produced compost was in the standard range. Due to the high levels of nitrogen in raw material of some treatments, (e.g. treatments that percentage of cow dung and kitchen waste are zero such as M, N, O, Q, R and U) the concentration of N in mature compost was higher than other treatments. The type of raw material in the medium has particular importance on the quality of compost. So that any change in the composition due to changes in the presence or absence of macro and micronutrients can influence the compost production process and reproduction of worm. Therefore, optimization of medium components, as shown in this study is of specific importance that has effect on the vermicomposting at low temperature.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-113
O. P. Deryugina ◽  
E. A. Trapeznikov

The article discusses the issue of industrial compounding, which improves the quality of the raw materials supplied to the main pipelines. Compounding from "to compound" (English) - to mix. When mixing different types of oil obtained, "incompatibility" is possible, which is expressed in the precipitation of a solid sediment and violation of the stability of the colloidal system and due to the differing properties of oils. Attention to this problem is due to the tightening of requirements for the quality of raw materials that must comply with modern standards. The article discusses the causes of the problem of "incompatibility" of oil during compounding and effective ways of solving it, substantiates the need for a preliminary study of the properties of mixed oil in order to identify possible incompatibility of various types of oil. The standard tests for determination of incompatibility indices characterizing the ability of raw materials to mix are considered. The article substantiates the need to develop methods for diagnosing the incompatibility of oils as the most important task of modern chemical science, the solution of which will improve the quality of the raw material obtained and solve many technological problems in the compounding process.

2012 ◽  
Vol 724 ◽  
pp. 221-224
Lei Wu ◽  
Jun Zhou ◽  
Xin Zhe Lan ◽  
Xi Cheng Zhao ◽  
Yong Hui Song ◽  

Bluecoke is a new type carbon product that prepared by low temperature carbonization process, which take lignite, long flame coal, not sticky and weak glue coal as raw material. At the same time tar and coke oven gas as by-products can be obtained. Two new technologies of Bluecoke production were introduced based on summary of way of producing Bluecoke by low metamorphic coal, namely the rich oxygen carbonization and the microwave carbonization. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. By contrast, the quality of coke and the content of valid gas are better using microwave carbonization, which to follow-up industry chains development significantly.

2014 ◽  
Vol 675-677 ◽  
pp. 851-855 ◽  
Xiao Hua Liu ◽  
Xin Chun Zhang ◽  
Ya Qin Fang ◽  
Ming Ming Zhu

Seawater desalination technology is an important way to solve the freshwater shortage problem. Natural vacuum desalination (NVD) technology generates very low pressure environment in the headspace of 10 meters high water column. The weight of the water column is balanced by atmospheric pressure, and low-temperature desalination proceeds in the headspace. NVD technology drives the desalination process without any mechanical pumping, and requires relatively inferior quality of device material and simple structures. In this paper, the basic theory of NVD technology is introduced and physical model is described. Research progresses of different types of NVD technologies are summarized, and the method of increasing freshwater production is pointed out. This paper also illustrates the outlook on future development of NVD technology.

2021 ◽  
Dimbeswar Das ◽  
Hemen Deka

Abstract Vermicomposting potential of waste biomass of potato crop that are generated at the time of harvesting was studied employing Eisenia fetida. The experiment was carried out in pots taking two treatments; in one only potato plant biomass (PPB) was taken as raw materials whereas in the other a mixture of PPB with cow dung was engaged in the proportion of 5:1. The vermicomposted materials showed a reduction in C/N ratio, humification index, enhancement in nutrients profiles, ash contents, nitrogen-fixing, phosphate and potassium solubilizing bacterial population. The macronutrient enhancement in the vermicompost samples was recorded 3.8-4.4 fold for total N, 5-5.6 fold in available P, 1.6 fold in total K, 5.2-6.2 fold in total Ca and 1.6 fold in total Mg contents. The reduction in C/N was found in the rage of 92.5-94.4% in the vermicompost samples. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed higher disintegration in the vermicompost products when compared with initial raw material and compost samples. Addition of cow dung significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of vermicompost final products besides positively affecting the earthworm population and biomass by the end of 60 days of experimental trials.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-104
Mary Kensa V

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield ofCapsicum annuumvar. frutescens (Kantharimilagu). Vermicompost is a rich source of vitamins, enzymes, macro and micronutrients which when applied to plants help in efficient growth. The major thrust of thisinvestigation was focused on the growth and yield of Capsicumannuumvar. frutescensusing the vermicompost prepared by the earthworm species namely Eudriluseugeniaeon the biodegradation of Banana waste (Musasps) mixed with cow dung 3:1. The present study has been carried out to evaluate thephysico-chemical characteristics, micronutrients and macronutrients, and also a comparative study was done on the effect of vermicompost on growth parameters namely root length, shoot length, number of leaf and number of flower and length of fruits in Capsicum annuumvar. frutescens. The results of the study revealed that the plants treated withvermicompostshowed C/N ratio increasedin macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Na, Mg and C) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Mg and Zn) than the plants grown in leaf mold and control.The vermicompost applied plant (Capsicum annuumvar. frutescens) showed increased root and shoot length, number of leaves, number of flowers and length of fruits than the plants which are not treated with vermicompost. Hence based on the various biochemical studies performed it is concluded that this quality of bio solid vermicompost obtained from the degradation of banana wastes by Eudriluseugeniae is an effective biofertilizer which would facilitate the increased uptake of the nutrients by the plants resulting in higher growth and yield.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 64-73
Viktoriya V. Nasonova

The article describes rationale for using by-products as a source of high-value protein and a number of macro- and micronutrients. The main directions of using the different types of by-products are discussed. Classifications of by-products in different countries are given. The influence of antemortem factors on the quality of by-products is shown. Simultaneously, the ways of optimal by-product utilization are considered depending on their type.

K. B. E. E. Eimeleus

This chapter turns to ski manufacturing. It tries to ascertain when skis are well made from appropriate material and considers the advantages and disadvantages of different types of material used for skis. Concerning the quality of raw material, the chapter asserts that the most useful timber comes from pine or hardwoods. It has to be a hard, lightweight, supple, and durable type of wood. In Scandinavia, several ski makers use primarily deciduous trees: aspen, ash, and even goat willow. Birch is used extensively in Finland because the countryside has almost no other species of trees. Manufacturers have tried to build many kinds of metal skis, but they have not had much success because metal's friction greatly increases as temperatures drop.

2011 ◽  
pp. 30-32
V.B. Zagumennikov ◽  
E.V. Smirnova ◽  
E.U. Babaeva ◽  
S.V. Timofeeva

The technology that is elaborated is to grow purple cone-flower (Echinacea Purpurea L.) producing appropriate roots and rhizomes that can be used to obtain at the same time the additional output in the substance of juice from both the foliage and dry plants. Optimal results on yield and quality of additional output were achieved when the plants were rejuvenated at the stage of budding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 21 ◽  
Chandra Apriana Purwita ◽  
Susi Sugesty

Preparation and Characterization of Long Fiber Dissolving Pulp from Spiny Bamboo (Bambusa blumeana)The need for long fiber dissolving pulp in Indonesia can only be met from imports. Bamboo is a nonwood plant and known as source of long fiber. This research aims to study the potential of spiny bamboo to be used as raw material for producing long fiber dissolving pulp. This research was conducted using two different types of raw materials preparation to produce bamboo chip and decorticated bamboo. The pulping process is carried out by pre-hydrolysis kraft and bleaching performed with two different bleaching sequences, i.e Do ED1 D2 and Do EpD1 D2 . Based on the experimental results, spiny bamboo has good potential to be used as raw material for dissolving pulp. Spiny bamboo belongs to long fibers with an average fiber length of 2.46 mm. The dissolving quality depends on the preparation of the raw material and the bleaching sequence. The yield of spiny bamboo dissolving pulp ranged from 37.97 - 40.76% with alpha cellulose content of 94.88 - 98.67%, and viscosity of 16.43 - 25.75 cP. Decorticated bamboo with bleaching sequence of Do EpD1 D2 produced the highest quality of dissolving pulp with the highest brightness and alpha cellulose were 89.61% ISO and 98.67%, respectively.AbstrakKebutuhan dissolving pulp serat panjang di Indonesia hanya dapat dipenuhi melalui impor. Bambu adalah tanaman nonkayu dan dikenal sebagai sumber serat panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari potensi bambu duri untuk dijadikan bahan baku pembuatan dissolving pulp serat panjang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua jenis persiapan bahan baku yang berbeda untuk menghasilkan serpih bambu dan bambu dekortikasi. Proses pemasakan dilakukan dengan proses pra-hidrolisis kraft dan pemutihan dilakukan dengan dua urutan pemutihan yang berbeda, yaitu  DoED1D2 dan DoEpD1D2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bambu duri memiliki potensi yang baik untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan dissolving pulp. Bambu duri tergolong serat panjang dengan panjang serat rata-rata 2,46 mm. Kualitas dissolving pup yang dihasilkan tergantung dari persiapan bahan baku dan urutan pemutihan. Rendemen dissolving pulp bambu duri berkisar 37,97 - 40,76%, dengan kandungan selulosa alfa 94,88 - 98,67%, dan viskositas 16,43 - 25,75 cP. Bambu dekortikasi dengan urutan pemutihan DoEpD1D2 menghasilkan dissolving pulp paling unggul dengan derajat cerah dan selulosa alfa tertinggi berturut-turut 89,61 %ISO dan 98,67%.Kata kunci: dissolving pulp, bambu duri (Bambusa blumeana), serpih bambu, bambu dekortikasi, prahidrolisis kraft 

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