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Published By Center For Pulp And Paper

2527-6662, 2088-7000

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 69
Frederikus Tunjung Seta ◽  
Xingye An ◽  
Hongbin Liu

Cellulose and chitin are two of the most abundant biopolymer on earth, have been attracted a lot of interest from many researchers, especially related to their nanoparticles form. Recently the method to extract them into nanoscale materials mostly by mineral or liquid acid hydrolysis, such as sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. Despite their high yield production, many disadvantages are produced by their use as a hydrolysis catalyst, such as low thermal stability and are difficult to be functionalized due to the presence of sulfate groups, tendency to be aggregated due to the bare surface charge density, the potential excessive degradation of cellulose; and large amounts of effluent will be produced due to the neutralization stage and corrosion hazards to the equipment and environment. To overcome the drawback of those acids, solid acid can be used to produce cellulose (CNC) and chitin nanocrystals (ChNC). Their ability to recrystallize and recycle makes them more environmentally friendly, furthermore, most of the acid can do esterification on the surface of cellulose and chitin. The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of recent progress related to solid acid hydrolysis since they have interesting characterization even some of their attribute is better than the conventional method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 59
Heri Soedarmanto ◽  
Evy Setiawaty ◽  
Taufik Iskandar

Konversi biomassa melalui pirolisis menghasilkan bio-arang, bio-minyak dan gas. Pirolisis biomassa dipengaruhi oleh kondisi pirolisis seperti bahan baku dan suhu pirolisis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi optimum kadar ultimate (CHO) dan pH bio-arang berdasarkan ukuran partikel bahan baku limbah kayu durian dan suhu pirolisis sebagai pembenah tanah. Limbah kayu durian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berukuran diameter 0,17–0,42 mm; 0,42–1,00 mm; dan 1,00–2,83 mm, dengan variasi suhu pirolisis 350°C, 450°C, dan 550°C sebanyak tiga kali ulangan. Optimasi menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology. Berdasarkan model kuadratik, didapatkan kadar karbon optimum bio-arang sebesar 81,78% dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku pada 2,09 mm dan suhu pirolisis 530,5oC. Kadar hidrogen optimum bio-arang sebesar 3,35% dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku 2,89 mm dan suhu pirolisis 547,4oC. Kadar oksigen optimum bio-arang sebesar 12,22% dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku 1,89 mm dan suhu pirolisis 529,5oC. pH optimum bio-arang sebesar 8,35 dengan ukuran partikel bahan baku 0,6 mm dan suhu pirolisis 521,8oC. Kondisi proses terbaik untuk menghasilkan kadar ultimate dan pH yang paling optimal berada pada range ukuran diameter bahan baku 0,6 mm–2,89 mm dan suhu pirolisis sebesar 521,8oC–547,4oC.  The Optimization of Ultimate Levels and Basicity of Durian Wood Waste Biochar as Soil AmendmentAbstractBiomass conversion through pyrolysis produces biochar, bio-oil and gas. Pyrolysis of biomass is influenced by pyrolysis conditions such as raw materials and pyrolysis temperature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the optimum conditions for ultimate levels (CHO) and pH of biochar based on the particle size of the durian wood waste and the pyrolysis temperature as soil amendment. Particle sizes of durian waste were 0.17–0.42 mm; 0.42–1.00 mm; and 1.00–2.83 mm in diameter where pyrolysis temperatures were 350°C; 450°C; and 550°C. Optimization was used by the Response Surface Methodology method. Based on the quadratic model, the optimum carbon content of biochar was 81.78% with the particle size at 2.09 mm and the pyrolysis temperature of 530.5oC. The optimum hydrogen content of biochar was 3.35% with a particle size of 2.89 mm and a pyrolysis temperature of 547.4oC. The optimum oxygen content of biochar was 12.22% with a particle size of 1.89 mm and a pyrolysis temperature of 529.5oC. The optimum pH of biochar was 8.35 with a particle size of 0.6 mm and a pyrolysis temperature of 521.8oC. The most optimal ultimate levels and pH were in the diameter size range of 0.6 mm-2.89 mm and pyrolysis temperature of 521.8oC-547.4oC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Venditias Yudha ◽  
Ferriawan Yudhanto ◽  
Heru Santoso Budi Rochardjo ◽  
Satriawan Dini Hariyanto

Salacca midrib fibers are abundant natural waste in Turi, Sleman Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Cellulose Microfibers from the salacca midrib fiber has been isolated by mechanical treatment and successfully has good physical characteristics. Cellulose fibers with micro sizes can strengthen the bond effect between the matrix and the fiber due to the vast contact area. The method for isolated cellulose microfibers by mechanical treatment for speed rotation of 5000, 10000 and 15000 rpm. Mechanical stirrer treatment aims to fibrillation and reduces fiber dimensions because of their high rotation. The characterization by XRD, FTIR, and SEM. The XRD results showed that the mechanical stirrer treatment did not damage the crystallinity index of cellulose microfibers. The crystallinity index of the raw material is 64.3%, increased to 79.1% for the microfiber cellulose crystallinity index. Identification of functional groups using FTIR did not show changes in cellulose compounds resulting from mechanical treatment. Morphological observation of fibers by SEM shows that the diameter cellulose microfibers size obtained from salacca midrib fiber ranges 5-10 µm with 100-300 µm in length. Cellulose microfibers have potential materials as reinforcement in the micro composite and extraction into nanocellulose materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 39
Sitatun Zunaidah ◽  
Rendana Saputra ◽  
Hendro Risdianto ◽  
Sri Harjati Suhardi

Biodeinking of Old Newspaper using Crude Laccase from Marasmiellus palmivorus   Abstract Enzymatic deinking is receiving growing attention due to the negative environmental impact caused by chemical deinking. Old newspaper (ONP) is one of the materials that can be used in paper recycling. The use of the crude laccase from Marasmiellus palmivorus in biodeinking is due to its capability to remove the ink. The objective of this research was to determine the potential use of laccase in enzymatic deinking to increase the brightness value and reduce ERIC (Effective Residual Ink Concentration) value on old newspapers. Laccase was produced from M. palmivorus by using cultivation in a static Solid State Fermentation (SSF) reactor with lignocellulosic as substrate. The methodology involves the production of crude laccase extract, laccase optimization using variations of dosage, temperatures, and times. The highest laccase activity is 1,142.86 U/L (16 U/mg). Optimization of laccase crude extract enzyme in biodeinking can increase brightness values by 15.22% (54.27 %ISO) to 25.03% (58.89 %ISO) compared to controls (47.09% ISO) and reduce ERIC values by 46.12% (452.1 ppm) to 68.26% (266.4 ppm) compared to control (839.2 ppm). Keywords: biodeinking, Marasmiellus palmivorus, laccase, old newspaper Abstrak Deinking enzimatis semakin mendapat perhatian karena dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh deinking secara kimia. Kertas koran bekas merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat didaur ulang. Pemanfaatan ekstrak kasar lakase dari Marasmiellus palmivorus digunakan dalam biodeinking karena memiliki kemampuan untuk menyisihkan tinta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak kasar lakase untuk meningkatkan nilai brightness (derajat cerah) dan menurunkan nilai Effective Residual Ink Concentration (ERIC) dalam proses biodeinking kertas koran bekas. Produksi ekstrak kasar lakase dilakukan dalam reaktor statis Solid State Fermentation (SSF) dengan substrat material lignoselulosik. Produksi ekstrak kasar lakase menghasilkan aktivitas tertinggi 1.142,86 U/L (8,33 U/mg). Perlakuan biodeinking dengan enzim ekstrak kasar lakase dapat meningkatkan nilai derajat cerah 15,22% (54,27 %ISO) sampai 25,03% (58,89 %ISO) dibandingkan dengan kontrol (47,10 %ISO) dan menurunkan nilai ERIC 46,12% (452,1 ppm) sampai 68,26% (266,4 ppm) dibandingkan dengan kontrol (839,2 ppm). Kata kunci:  biodeinking, Marasmiellus palmivorus, lakase, kertas koran bekas

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 49
Martha Aznury ◽  
Tjandra Setiadi

Identification of Volatile Fatty Acids from Palm Oil Mill Effluent for Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 Abstract Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a bioplastic which is derived from bacterial fermentation. In this study, PHA is produced by utilizing Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 and volatile fatty acids (VFA) from palm oil industrial wastewater as a precursor. The aim of this research is to study the effect of carbon source, addition time, and VFA concentration on PHA production by fermentation using Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 in batch. PHA and dry cell weight (DCW) concentrations obtained by adding VFA from palm oil industrial wastewater in batches at 20 and 40 hours were 0.014 g/L.hour, 2.76 g/L and 3.66 g/L, respectively. The results also showed that the time of adding VFA greatly affected cell growth, with the best addition time being after the 20th hour. Keywords: palm oil industrial wastewater, polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), batch, Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134, volatile fatty acids (VFA) Abstrak Polihidroksialkanoat (PHA) adalah bioplastik yang diproses melalui proses fermentasi dengan mikroba. Pada penelitian ini, PHA diproduksi dengan menggunakan Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 dan memanfaatkan asam lemak volatil (ALV) dari air limbah industri minyak kelapa sawit sebagai prekursor. Penelitian ditujukan mempelajari pengaruh sumber karbon, waktu penambahan, dan konsentrasi ALV terhadap  poduksi PHA yang difermentasi menggunakan Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 secara batch. Konsentrasi PHA dan berat kering sel (BKS) yang diperoleh pada penambahan ALV dari air limbah industri kelapa sawit secara batch pada jam ke-20 dan 40 masing-masing bernilai 0,014 g/L.jam,  2,76 g/L dan 3,66 g/L. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan pula bahwa waktu penambahan ALV sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan sel, dengan waktu penambahan yang terbaik adalah setelah pada jam ke-20.  Kata kunci: air limbah industri minyak kelapa sawit, polihidroksialkanoat (PHA), batch, Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134, asam lemak volatil (ALV)  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 21
Anissa Ditia ◽  
Teuku Beuna Bardant ◽  
Amaliyah Rohsari Indah Utami ◽  
Roni Maryana ◽  
Yan Irawan ◽  

Kajian ini merangkum teknologi dan inovasi sistem pengendalian yang berpotensi diterapkan dalam intensifikasi proses hidrolisis selulosa pada produksi bioetanol G2. Telaah dimulai dari perkembangan terbaru intensifikasi produksi bioetanol secara umum. Hidrolisis selulosa adalah tahapan pembeda antara proses bioetanol G2 dan generasi sebelumnya. Perhatian utama dalam intensifikasi hidrolisis selulosa adalah pada bagaimana hidrolisis selulosa terintegrasi dengan sistem pengendalinya dan integrasi hidrolisis selulosa dengan bagian hulu (pretreatment) dan hilir (penyulingan). Keunikan proses ini adalah durasi kerja yang membutuhkan 48 jam dan viskositas campuran yang tergantung waktu. Bagian akhir telaah ini memetakan potensi penerapan teknologi dan inovasi terbaru yang telah dirangkum. Pemetaan berdasarkan potensi peningkatan efisiensi dan potensi tambahan investasi. Sakarifikasi Very High Gravity (VHG) pada kecepatan pengadukan optimum dan intermitten dinilai sebagai pilihan paling menarik bila intensifikasi dilakukan pada unit produksi yang telah berdiri. Namun jika intensifikasi untuk rancangan pabrik baru, maka tangki hidrolisis yang dirancang dengan simulasi CFD, dilengkapi dengan sekat (baffles) yang bergerak terkendali, dan rancangan batang pengaduk (impeller) paling cocok menurut simulasi adalah pilihan menarik. Rancangan ini kemudian diintegrasikan dengan sistem pengendali yang mampu memperkirakan perubahan viskositas. Review on Potency of Application Recent Technology in the Integrated Process and Control on Cellulose Hydrolysis in Bioethanol G2 Production ProcessAbstractThis review listed current technologies and innovations in the control system which potentially applied in the intensification of cellulose hydrolysis as part of 2nd Generation Bioethanol production process. The review started from the general latest innovations in the 2nd Generation Bioethanol. Cellulose hydrolysis as the main characteristics in the 2nd Generation of Bioethanol required further attention in the intensification. Especially in how to integrate cellulose hydrolysis with its control system and to integrate it with upstream and downstream units. The special requirements in cellulose hydrolysis are 48 hours agitation duration and time-dependent mixture viscosity. At the end of the review, listed technologies were assessed to be applied in the 2nd Generation Bioethanol. The assessment was based on their potency in increasing process efficiency and the potency of required investment if they are applied. A Very High Gravity (VHG) saccharification at optimum intermittent agitation speed was a promising innovation for cellulose hydrolysis if intensification was conducted onto the existing production plant. If intensification is conducted to a plant design, building an agitation tank according to best Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation, complemented with controlled moving baffles and best suitable impeller design is a promising design for efficient hydrolysis. This agitation tank was then completed with the advanced available control system, which is capable to adapt the viscosity changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 9
Sari Farah Dina ◽  
Lies Indriati ◽  
Nina Elyani ◽  
Muhammad Abror Zamzami

Indonesia merupakan penghasil limbah plastik terbesar kedua setelah Cina, sehingga telah menjadi isu lingkungan. Salah satu kemasan plastik yang banyak digunakan adalah kemasan untuk pembibitan terbuat dari plastik atau dikenal sebagai polybag. Guna membantu mengurangi penggunaan polybag, telah dilakukan percobaan skala laboratorium pembuatan paper bag dari pulp tandan kosong sawit (TKS) sebagai pengganti polybag. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula pembuatan paper bag yang dapat memenuhi persyaratan penggunaan akhirnya. Kegiatan dimulai dari penggilingan pulp TKS, dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan lembaran dengan variasi gramatur 90 g/m2 dan 125 g/m2 pada rentang pH 7-8. Dua jenis bahan kimia penguat basah yang digunakan yakni polietilen imin (PEI) dan poliamin epiklorohidrin (PAE), ditambahkan dengan variasi dosis 1,0 – 2,0 % terhadap berat kering serat. Karakteristik lembaran dievaluasi melalui uji ketahanan tarik, daya regang, daya serap energi (tensile energy absorption atau TEA), ketahanan retak, ketahanan sobek, persen rendemen kekuatan setelah mengalami pembasahan, dan porositas. Uji biodegradabilitas dilakukan untuk melihat tingkat afiliasi bahan kimia yang ditambahkan terhadap lingkungan dan rasio C/N (rasio karbon/nitrogen) untuk mengetahui kontribusinya terhadap proses pengomposan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa lembaran memiliki rendemen ketahanan tarik di atas 10%. Gramatur berkorelasi positif terhadap sifat kekuatan, dan negatif terhadap porositas. PAE memberikan sifat kekuatan lebih tinggi dibanding PEI, namun PEI memberikan persen rendemen ketahanan tarik lebih tinggi dibanding PAE. Seluruh bahan kimia yang ditambahkan dapat didegradasi lebih dari 60% dalam kurun waktu 28 hari namun uji rasio C/N menunjukkan hasil yang belum memadai. Formula optimum diperoleh pada gramatur 125 g/m2 dengan penambahan PEI 2%. Paper Bag Based on Empty Fruit Bunches Pulp as an Alternative for Polybag Substitute in Pre-Nursery Palm Oil PlantationAbstract Indonesia is the second-largest plastic waste producer after China, so it has become an environmental issue. One of the plastic packagings which are large in consumption for nursery packaging is known as polybag. Therefore, to reduce the use of plastic bag, the laboratory scale experiment of paper bag made from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) as polybag substitutes has been done. This study aims to obtain a formula for paper bags that can meet the end using requirements. Laboratory scale started from beating the EFB pulp, then continued with handsheet making at grammage variation of 90 g/m2 and 125 g/m2 with a pH range of 7-8. Two types of wet strength agents were used, namely polyethyleneimine (PEI) and polyamine epichlorohydrin (PAE) which were varied from 1.0 to 2.0% (%db of fiber). Sheet properties were evaluated through tensile and bursting strength, stretch, TEA tests, tearing resistance, % yield of strength after wetting, opacity, and porosity. A biodegradability test was conducted to determine the chemical’s affiliation level to the soil and the C/N ratio to know its contribution to the composting process. The results showed that the paper bag has a tensile strength yield above 10%. Grammage is directly proportional to strength properties and inversely to porosity. PAE gave higher strength than PEI but is lower in % yield of tensile strength. All added chemicals can be degraded by more than 60% within 28 days but the C/N ratio test showed inadequate results. The optimum formula was obtained at 125 g/m2 and PEI of 2.0%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 89
Prima Besty Asthary ◽  
Saepulloh Saepulloh ◽  
Ayu Sanningtyas ◽  
Gian Aditya Pertiwi ◽  
Chandra Apriana Purwita ◽  

Hampir sebanyak 90% industri farmasi di Indonesia masih menggunakan bahan baku impor. Indonesia memiliki salah satu bahan baku yang cukup melimpah yaitu selulosa. Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) adalah hasil sintesis dari bakteri aerobic seperti bakteri asam asetat Gluconacetobacter spp. yang berbentuk selulosa murni dengan diameter berukuran nano. Bahan baku BNC yang digunakan dalam industri farmasi adalah BNC dalam bentuk slurry atau high viscose nanocellulose. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih bakteri dan kondisi optimum dalam memproduksi BNC. Bakteri yang digunakan adalah Gluconacetobacter xylinus dan Gluconacetobacter intermedius yang berasal dari InaCC-LIPI dan Gluconacetobacter sp. dari industri nata de coco. Inokulum dari ketiga jenis kultur bakteri tersebut dikultivasi selama 7 hari dalam medium Hestrin&Schramm (HS) cair menggunakan kultur statis dan agitasi dengan kecepatan pengadukan 150 rpm pada pH 5 dan suhu 25 ºC. Isolat bakteri Gluconacetobacter sp. dipilih sebagai bakteri penghasil BNC karena memiliki nilai yield paling tinggi. Kemudian isolat tersebut ditumbuhkan pada variasi kecepatan agitasi (100, 150, dan 200 rpm), variasi pH (4,0; 4,5; 5,0; dan 6,0), dan variasi suhu (25-30 ºC). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Gluconacetobacter sp. memiliki kondisi optimum pada kecepatan agitasi 150 rpm, pH 5,5, dan suhu 27 ºC. Optimization of Bacterial Nanocellulose Production in Agitation Culture MethodsAbstractAlmost 90% of pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia still uses imported raw material. However, Indonesia has one of the abundant raw materials which is cellulose. Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) is a pure form of nanocellulose biopolymer material synthesized by microbes such as acetic acid bacteria of Gluconacetobacter spp. as pure cellulose and having diameter in nano scale. BNC used in pharmaceutical industry is in the slurry form/high viscose nanocellulose. The purpose of this study is to determine the bacteria and the optimum conditions to produce BNC. The bacteria used were Gluconacetobacter xylinus and Gluconacetobacter intermedius from InaCC-LIPI and Gluconacetobacter sp. from nata industry. The inoculums were cultivated for 7 days in liquid Hestrin & Schramm (HS) medium using static and agitation culture with a stirring speed of 150 rpm at pH 5 and temperature 25 ºC. The production of BNC has been conducted by using Gluconacetobacter sp., because it has the highest yield. Then it was inoculated at different variation of agitation speed (100, 150, and 200 rpm), pH (4.0; 4.5; 5.0; and 6.0), and temperature (25-30 ºC). This research shows that Gluconacetobacter sp. has optimum conditions at the agitation speed of 150 rpm, pH 5.5, and temperature 27 ºC.Keywords: Bacterial nanocellulose, Gluconacetobacter, agitation

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 81
Syamsudin Syamsudin ◽  
Reza Bastari Imran Wattimena ◽  
Ibrahim Syaharuddin ◽  
Andri Taufick Rizaluddin ◽  
Reza Bastari Imran Wattimena

Konsumsi kertas bekas di industri kertas Indonesia mencapai 6.598.464 ton/tahun dan menghasilkan hydropulper reject sebesar 5-10% dari kertas bekas yang digunakan. Penelitian pirolisis hydropulper reject dari industri kertas untuk produksi bio-oil telah dilakukan. Tipikal limbah hydropulper reject terdiri dari 20% serat dan 80% plastik (High Density Polyethylene, HDPE >90%). Bahan padat tersebut berpotensi dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar minyak melalui proses pirolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pirolisis pelet hydropulper reject untuk produksi bio-oil sebagai bahan bakar minyak. Setelah dipisahkan dari logam, hydropulper reject dikeringkan, dicacah, dan dibentuk menjadi pelet berdiameter 10 mm dan panjang 20-30 mm. Nilai kalor pelet hydropulper reject mencapai 29,30 MJ/kg (dried based, db) dengan kadar zat terbang 84,84% (db). Pelet hydropulper reject dipirolisis dengan reaktor kombinasi pembakaran-pirolisis. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa bio-oil mampu bakar sebanyak ±40% bahan baku dengan nilai kalor 77,79 MJ/kg. Perkiraan listrik yang dapat dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan syngas sebesar 1,08 kWh/kg hydropulper reject.Kata kunci: hydropulper reject, pirolisis, bio-oil, syngas, listrikProduction of Oil Fuel From Pyrolysis of Hydropulper Reject Pellet from Paper IndustryAbstract Waste paper consumption in Indonesian paper industries reached 6,598,464 tons/year and produced hydropulper reject about 5-10% of waste paper. Pyrolysis of hydropulper reject from the paper industry for bio-oil production has been investigated. Hydropulper reject consists of 20% fiber and 80% plastic (High Density Polyethylene, HDPE>90%). This solid material has potential to be converted into oil fuel through pyrolysis. This study aims to investigate the pyrolysis of hydropulper reject pellets for bio-oil as fuel oil production. After being separated from the metals, hydropulper reject was dried, shredded, and shaped into pellets with 10 mm diameter and 20-30 mm length. The pellets had calorific value of 29.30 MJ/kg (dried based, db) with volatile matter 84.84% (db). The pellets were pyrolized with a combustion-pyrolysis combination reactor. The product was combustible bio-oil as much as ±40% of feedstock and had calorific value of 77.79 MJ/kg. Estimated electricity generated from syngas utilization about 1.08 kWh/kg.  Keywords: hydropulper reject, pyrolysis, bio-oil, syngas, electricity 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 65
Agung Eko Sucahyono

Penggunaan bahan non-kayu sebagai alternatif dalam pembuatan kertas seni sangat dibutuhkan. Namun, kualitas kertas yang dihasilkan seringkali cukup rendah dari sisi kekuatan tariknya. Salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kertas seni adalah beater machine. Penelitian ini menggunakan tandan kosong nipah (Nypa fruticans) dan batang pisang (Musa sapientum) sebagai bahan baku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara penambahan beban pada mesin beater terhadap kuat tarik kertas seni. Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan variabel bebas yaitu variasi campuran dan berat pembebanan pada mesin beater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besar pembebanan pada mesin beater berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kualitas kertas seni, sedangkan komposisi bahan tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap kualitas kertas. Kualitas kertas yang optimal diperoleh pada proporsi bahan baku pelepah nipah dengan campuran pelepah batang pisang 60%:40% dan berat pembebanan 3,9 kg, dengan nilai ketahanan tarik 4,24 kN/m atau 4.240 N/m.Kata kunci: kertas seni, mesin beater, nipah Effect of Refining Load on The Tensile Strength of Nypa and Banana Trunk Art PaperAbstractThe use of non-wood materials as an alternative in making of art paper is needed. However, the quality of the resulting paper is often quite low in terms of its tensile strength. One of the tools used to improve the quality of art paper is a beater machine. This research used nypha and banana trunk as raw material. This study aims to determine the relationship between the addition of load on the beater machine to the tensile strength of art paper. The method used is a randomized complete design with independent variables of variations in mixture and weight of loading on the beater machine. The results showed that the loading of the beater machine had an effect on improving the quality of art paper, while the composition of the material did not significantly affect the quality of the paper. Optimal paper quality was obtained from the proportion of nypa and banana trunk of 60%:40% and load weight of 3,9 kg, where the tensile strength was 4.24 kN/m or 4,240 N/m.Keywords: art paper, beater machine, nypa 

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