scholarly journals The Formation of the Land Court System in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1564–1588)

2005 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Darius Vilimas

This article investigates the formation of the system of land courts in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the period between 1564 and 1588. This process was an integral part of the social and structural modernisation of the GDL in the second half of the sixteenth century. The powiat (district) land courts of the GDL were formally established between 1564 and 1566 in the aftermath of administrative and legal reforms. An analysis of the changes of the officials of land courts and their kinship relations has revealed the beginning of the formation of powiat land court officials as a specific group. The purpose of the land court reform was to formalise the equality of the entire ruling gentry ‘nation’ before the law. However, the magnate families of the GDL managed to preserve both their possessed wealth and high posts.

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-60
Raimonda Ragauskienė

Drawing on an extant list of courtiers (1552) of the wife of the starosta of Žemaitija, references in correspondence, posthumous property inventories and individual pieces of legislation, the present article aims to illustrate the generalized composition of sixteenth-century noblewomen’s court in the GDL, and the functions of those attached to such courts. At the same time an attempt is made to determine the role of noblewomen in appointing officials and co-opting court members and, in general, establishing the limits of their rights and patronage. The size of the court depended on the social position of the lady as its head – on the office held by her husband and on the role of the noblewoman herself in her family as well as on her personality. Minors were attended merely by a few servants, while the courts of married women and in particular those of widows comprised between 50 and 60 courtiers. As a rule, noblewomen’s courts consisted of several parts that functioned as a single unit: court officials, the male quarters (male courtiers and messengers), court specialists (medical practitioners, clergymen and musicians), the female quarters (ladies, young ladies and lady’s maids) and court staff (servants, craftsmen and coachmen). The role of the husband was crucial in the formation of noblewomen’s court. Noblewomen themselves could transform their court after the death of their husbands. The maintenance of a large number of court members required massive investment on the part of noblewomen. Nevertheless, such investment, albeit without any obvious dividends, paid off ultimately. The court was a matter of their prestige; it was important in raising noblewomen’s status in society. A court enabled them to develop their clientele and to participate actively in public life and create their own home clientele. Through their mediation their clients could become clients of their husbands or of their friends of the same high social status.

2016 ◽  
pp. 37-53 ◽  
Irina Koluzaeva

“Within One’s Inner Circle”: The Identity of Ruthenian Szlachta (Noblemen) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the Time of the Union of Lublin (the Case of Filon Kmita Czarnobylski)The main aim of this article is to reconstruct the Ruthenian nobleman’s (szlachcic) perception of “us” and “the sphere of familiarity” in the second half of the sixteenth century and to place him within his respective communities and social groups by analyzing successive levels of his identity. It seems to be particularly important to study ideas and awareness of the common representative of the Ruthenian political nation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as scholars have so far been paying attention only to the notions of identity held by particular representatives of the elite, or else by intellectuals. Clientelist relationships of particular Ruthenian families, which are of crucial importance for reconstructing the complete image of the period, have not commonly been the subject of scientific research.The main thesis posited by this work is that the perception of one’s inner, familiar circle, of “us” as opposed to “them,” in the case of Ruthenian nobility was as multilevel as their national identity. To elucidate the posed questions, I am going to analyze Filon Kmita’s personal correspondence, his public, family and matrimonial relationships, the social practices he engaged in, and military and official environments to which he belonged.Such approach can help us not only to reconstruct the circle of relationships of this remarkable person but also to show how one of three primary nations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – the Ruthenians – was experienced from the perspective of one of its representatives. „W kręgu swoich”: O świadomości ruskiej szlachty Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w dobie Unii Lubelskiej (na przykładzie Filona Kmity Czarnobylskiego)Głównym zadaniem mojego artykułu jest rekonstrukcja postrzegania „swojskości” przez ruskiego szlachcica z drugiej połowy XVI wieku oraz analiza jego wielopoziomowej świadomości, która umożliwi usytuowanie tego pojęcia w systemie odniesień poszczególnych grup i zbiorowości społecznych. Szczególnie istotne wydaje się zbadanie horyzontów i wyobrażeń przeciętnego przedstawiciela ruskiego narodu politycznego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI wieku, dotychczas uczeni skupiali się bowiem najczęściej na wyobrażeniach elit (zwłaszcza ich pojedynczych przedstawicieli) lub intelektualistów, a związki klientalne poszczególnych rodzin ruskich, niezwykle istotne dla skonstruowania całościowego obrazu, praktycznie nie były przez nich jeszcze badane. Jedna z najważniejszych tez mojego artykułu zakłada, że świadomość przynależności do takiego „kręgu swoich” była jednym z nieodłącznych elementów ówczesnej ruskiej tożsamości. Jednocześnie zarówno postrzeganie „swoich”, jak i świadomość narodowa ruskiej szlachty charakteryzowały się wielopoziomową strukturą. Aby uzyskać rzucić światło na tak postawione kwestie, analizie poddam korespondencję osobistą Filona Kmity, jego powiązania społeczno-rodzinne, związki małżeńskie, zależności klientalne, praktyki społeczne, otoczenie wojskowe i służbowe. Takiego rodzaju podejście może pomóc nie tylko w przedstawieniu konkretnej jednostki (wprawdzie wybitnej, ale pozostającej poza środowiskiem elity Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego), lecz również w prezentacji trzeciego największego narodu Rzeczypospolitej w XVI wieku z punktu widzenia jednego z jego przedstawicieli.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-305

The distinction between ‘Lithuanians’ and ‘foreigners’ made by the law of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with regard to eligibility for senior offices was less clear in practice. The protracted dispute, between 1591 and 1600, over the royal nomination of a ‘Pole’ as bishop of Vilna, has traditionally been presented as an expression of Lithuanian particularism after the 1569 union between Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland. Using neglected capitular sources, this article re-examines the crucial, but underappreciated role played by the Vilna cathedral chapter in this cause célèbre. The motives for the chapter's opposition to the royal nominee cast doubt on the allegedly overwhelming importance of the defence of Lithuanian ‘sovereignty’. Instead, the case demonstrates the significance of material interests in the actions of early modern ecclesiastical corporations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-177
Egdūnas Račius

Muslim presence in Lithuania, though already addressed from many angles, has not hitherto been approached from either the perspective of the social contract theories or of the compliance with Muslim jurisprudence. The author argues that through choice of non-Muslim Grand Duchy of Lithuania as their adopted Motherland, Muslim Tatars effectively entered into a unique (yet, from the point of Hanafi fiqh, arguably Islamically valid) social contract with the non-Muslim state and society. The article follows the development of this social contract since its inception in the fourteenth century all the way into the nation-state of Lithuania that emerged in the beginning of the twentieth century and continues until the present. The epitome of the social contract under investigation is the official granting in 1995 to Muslim Tatars of a status of one of the nine traditional faiths in Lithuania with all the ensuing political, legal and social consequences for both the Muslim minority and the state.

2016 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Anželika Smetonienė

The catechism of M. Petkevičius (1598) is the first book in Lithuanian language by Reformers in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the second book in Lithuanian language in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the first hymnal in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, however, there are only few studies of it. In this article verbal nouns abstracts, derivatives with suffix -imas / -ymas from verbs, are analysed. The aim is to determinate whether such abstract making type in the sixteenth century was most numerous, as is it today, and is some rare type of making such derivative abstracts recorded in the catechism of M. Petkevičius. Also, it was fond what Polish words were translated to Lithuanian language as verbal nouns abstracts. In order to achieve the aim, from the catechism of M. Petkevičius were elected all such abstracts: 220 different abstracts with suffix -imas / -ymas, that was used a total of 780 times. In conclusion it can be said that already in the catechism of M. Petkevičius derivatives from verbs with the suffix -imas / -ymas significantly prevails, although there are recorded a different pattern of verbal abstract derivatives (eg. mėgumas). Moreover, at the end of a sixteenth century the formation of verbal abstracts with suffix -imas / -ymas was established and little different from the formation of such abstracts in the current Lithuanian language. Also, there is some correlation between most numerous verbal noun formation type (-imas / -ymas derivatives) in the Lithuanian language and most numerous verbal noun formation type (-anie, -enie, -cie derivatives) in the Polish language: all Polish nomina actionis with suffixes -anie, -enie, -cie were translated to the Lithuanian language as verbal abstracts with suffix -imas / -ymas.

U. A. Padalinski

The article explores the biographies of Peter Kisel and Cimafiej Hurka, who represented the Viciebsk district at the Diet of 1569 and directly participated in the conclusion of the Union of Lublin. For a long time in historiography, attention was paid only to the most influential figures of this Diet. However, the simple, «unremarkable» representatives of the wide circles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’ nobility played their role in the negotiations on the union. Interests and ideas, conscious and values, and finally, the personal experience of these people directly determined their social and political position, and therefore, to one degree or another, the life of the entire state. The aim of research is to reflect the most important forms of social activity of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’ petty and middle nobility in the second half of the 16th century on the example of two Viciebsk noblemen’s unique destinies. It shows the influence of the military and political events of the 1560s on political activities of Peter Kisel and Cimafiej Hurka. The Livonian War’s experience definitely influenced their position on the conclusion of the union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom in 1569. The author concludes that it was the cardinal transformations of the 1560s (state reforms, the establishment of the Commonwealth) that allowed them to actively participate in a public life of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It also enabled Kisel and Hurka noble families to take a firm place among the political elite of the Viciebsk district for a long time. It is emphasized that a detailed study of «unremarkable» noblemen’s biographies provides advanced research of the noble estate of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 41-51
Elżbieta Koniusz

Co-existence of languages in the area of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the light of the works of Jan KarłowiczThe article discusses the issues of the co-existence of languages in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the consequences of the phenomenon as documented in the works of Jan Karłowicz – the outstanding scholar of the second half of the nineteenth century, an expert and researcher of the “Lithuanian” version of Polish language. The article emphasizes the fact that the research on languages in the area of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and results of their co-existence goes back to the second half of the nineteenth century and Jan Karłowicz was the pioneer of this research. He was the first to observe the following phenomena of their co-existence: interference; bilingualism and multilingualism; prioritization of co-existing languages with the unique role of the Polish language in focusing various functions in the history of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania; the diversity of Polish with sociolinguistic classification of its provincia­lisms and their division in the view of their origin; and the dangers to the Polish language in the period of Russification. Karłowicz struggled with the lack of terminology to describe the linguistic phenomena characteristic for the area. The article focuses on the classification of provincial qualities of the “Lithuanian” Polish language executed by Karłowicz in the social and ethnolinguistic area; and on the presentation of the phenomenon of linguistic interference visible in the provincial vocabulary in The Grand Duchy of Lithuania collected in “Dictionary of Polish dialects” by Karłowicz. Сосуществование языков на территории бывшего Великого княжества Литовского в свете произведений Яна КарловичаЦель данной статьи – показать сосуществование языков на землях бывшего Великого княжества Литовского (ВКЛ) и последствий этого явления, засвидетельствованных в работах Яна Карловича, видного ученого второй половины девятнадцатого века, знатока и исследователя „литовского” польского языка. Автор статьи указывает на то, что изучение языков в Великом княжестве Литовском, последствиям их сосуществования относятся ко второй половине девятнадцатого века, а их первым исследователем был Карлович. Им впервые были отмечены такие проявления этого сосуществования, как языковая интерференция, билингвизм и многоязычие, иерархия сосуществующих языков и диалектов. Выделена особая роль польского языка, объединившего целый ряд функций в истории ВКЛ, дифференциация внутри польского языка, социолингвистическая классификация его диалектизмов и их деление по происхождению, угрозы для польского языка в период сильной русификации. Особое внимание автор статьи сосредоточил на классификации провинциальных особенностей „литовского” польского языка, осуществлённой Карловичем в социальном и этнолингвистическом плане, а также на проявлениях интерференции в провинциальной лексике, ведущей своё происхождение из Великого княжества Литовского, собранной в „Словаре польских диалектов” Карловича.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-52
Andrej Ryčkov

The article presents an analysis of internal factors behind the emergence of treason as a crime in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the mid-14th to mid-15th centuries. The research showed that the main social group in which this crime started to form in the early to mid-15th centuries were the grand duke’s adversaries and foes (Latin: adversarius, inimicus; Ruthenian: недруг, неприятель, враг; German: fynd). The appearance of terms for treason within the context of precisely this social group is evidence of the intensifying links between state structures, whereby closer bonds were established between the ruler and his officials/friends, primarily within the institutional milieu of the ruler’s court and the system of public offices. In this particular context, going beyond the boundaries of loyalty and allegiance was no longer understood just as a demonstration of hostility, but as the crime of treason.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė

In the mid-18th century, with the spread of the ideas of the Enlightenment, fundamental reforms of the state’s governance were introduced in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Part of the state’s modernisation concerned the reform of the court system, considered by 18th-century political theorists to be one of the composite branches of the state administration (alongside the treasury, the police and the army). During the reign of Stanislas Augustus Poniatowski, the work of the courts of first instance underwent reform on several occasions in Poland and Lithuania: with the passing of laws in 1764, 1792 and 1793 on the structure and organisation of the activities of the castle and land courts, the existing court system was changed, as was the procedure for electing judges, also defining the scope of competency of the courts, regulating court activities and the duties of judges, introducing new requirements for the handling of court procedural documents, and the calculation of judges’ working hours. During the course of the introduction of these reforms, principles reflecting the administrative ideas of the Enlightenment were gradually entrenched in the court system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which concerned the election of judges and other court officials, the acceptance of collegial decisions, the elimination of the influence of any blood and marital ties, and the principles for remuneration, seeking to introduce stricter requirements for the qualification of judges. In this article, based on legislation on the organisation of court activities passed at the diets (Sejm) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and documents from the dietines (sejmiki) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the author seeks to analyse changes to the activities of the courts and the regulation of judges’ duties, and reforms made in the court chanceries between 1764 and 1793.

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