2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 178
Aan Handayani ◽  
Gustaman Saragih

<p>The research aims to analyze the characters and moral values contained in the film "The<br />Sound of Music" by Robert Wise. Based on the theories of character and moral values, there are four primary points to analyze: 1) There are three kinds of characters that appear in the characters in "The Sound of Music" by Robert Wise based on Russel, those are the Protagonist, the main protagonist played by Maria and the Von Trapp Family and the sisters in the monastery, the Antagonist, played by The Baroness and Herr Zeller, and Foil character played by Rolfe and Franz, 2) There are seven types of moral values that appear in "The Sound of Music" by Robert Wise based on Borba, they are respect, kindness, conscience, self-control, justice, empathy and tolerance.<br />Keywords: content analysis; moral values; movie</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa ◽  
Lutfi Syauki Faznur ◽  
Liana Meilinda

Moral Values in Guru Aini Written by Andrea Hirata ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berisi tentang nilai-nilai Akhlak Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan dalam novel Guru Aini karya Andrea Hirata. Nilai akhlak menjadi fokus utama pada penelitian ini karena akhlak merupakan salah satu pondasi dasar dari sifat manusia yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan perilaku manusia dengan Tuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai nilai-nilai akhlak berupa nilai takwa, tawakal, kejujuran, keikhlasan, sabar  dan syukur dari novel Guru Aini karya Andrea Hirata. Novel tersebut memiliki nilai akhlak yang perlu diterapkan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat serta menjadi khazanah keilmuan berkaitan antara agama dan sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan analisis isi. Metode kualitatif ini dapat menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau atau isi komunikasi berupa percakapan, teks tertulis, dan fotografi. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian ini terdapat 6 kutipan dari nilai takwal, 14 kutipan nilai tawakal, 18 kutipan dari nilai kejujuran, 4 kutipan dari nilai keikhlasan, 1 kutipan dari nilai sabar, dan 14 kutipan dari nilai syukur. Kata kunci: Nilai-nilai akhlak, karya sastra, novelABSTRACTThis study contains moral values based on Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The value of akhlak (moral) is the main focus of this research because it is one of the basic foundations of human nature which is very closely related to human behavior with God. This study aims to gain deep understanding of akhlak (moral) values in the form value of piety/morals, resignation/never giving up, honesty, sincerity, patience and gratitude from the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The novel has a moral value that needs to be applied in social life and becomes a scientific treasure related to religion and literature. This research uses qualitative method and content analysis approach, this qualitative method can produce descriptive data in the form of written words or communication content in the form of conversation, written text, and photography. Conclusions from the results of this study there are 6 quotes from the value of piety/morals, 14 quotes from the value of resignation / never give up, 18 quotes from the value of honesty, 4 quotations from the value of sincerity, 1 quote from the value of patience, and 14 quotes from the value of gratitude.Keywords: Akhlak (moral) value, literature, novelThis study contains moral values based on Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The value of akhlak (moral) is the main focus of this research because it is one of the basic foundations of human nature which is very closely related to human behavior with God. This study aims to gain deep understanding of akhlak (moral) values in the form value of piety/morals, resignation/never giving up, honesty, sincerity, patience and gratitude from the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The novel has a moral value that needs to be applied in social life and becomes a scientific treasure related to religion and literature. This research uses qualitative method and content analysis approach, this qualitative method can produce descriptive data in the form of written words or communication content in the form of conversation, written text, and photography. Conclusions from the results of this study there are 6 quotes from the value of piety/morals, 14 quotes from the value of resignation / never give up, 18 quotes from the value of honesty, 4 quotations from the value of sincerity, 1 quote from the value of patience, and 14 quotes from the value of gratitude.

Nani Solihati ◽  
Ade Hikmat ◽  
Yoma Elmikasri

NILAI MORAL DALAM ANTOLOGI CERPEN FILOSOFI KOPIDAN IMPLIKASINYA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SASTRAAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menemukan nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam antologi cerpen Filosofi Kopi melalui kajian hermeneutik serta implikasinya dalam pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis isi. Nilai moral yang diteliti dibatasi pada nilai positif dalam antologi cerpen Filosofi Kopi. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni antologi cerpen Filosofi Kopi karya Dewi Lestari yang berisi 18 cerita yang terdiri 8 cerita pendek dan 10 prosa liris, tetapi yang diteliti hanya 8 cerita pendek. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan terhadap delapan cerpen, dapat disimpulkan bahwa cerpen-cerpen karya Dewi Lestari mengandung nilai-nilai moral positif yang meliputi kejujuran, bertanggung jawab, kesetiaan, sopan santun, hati nurani, rendah hati, dan konsekuen. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran sastra di sekolah dengan menggunakan beberapa judul cerpen dalam antologi cerpen Filosofi Kopi karya Dewi Lestari sebagai sumber pembelajaran berpotensi menghasilkan siswa yang mempunyai nilai-nilai moral yang baik. Kata kunci: nilai moral, cerpen, pembelajaran sastraAbstractThis study was aimed at identifying the moral values contained in Filosofi Kopi short story anthology through hermeneutic studies and its implications in the study of literature in thesenior high school. The study used a descriptive qualitative method with a content-analysis technique. The moral values under study were limited to positive values. The data source used in this study was written by Dewi Lestari. This short story contained 18 stories consisting of 8 short stories and 10 lyrical proses. The samples of this study were 8 short stories. Results show that the short stories of Dewi Lestari's work contain positive moral values that include honesty, responsibility, loyalty, courtesy, conscience, humility, and consequence. The implications of the study include the fact that literature learning using this anthology is able to improve the students’ moral values.Keywords: moral value, short-story, literature education

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-67
Helma de Keijzer ◽  
Gaby Jacobs ◽  
Jacqueline van Swet ◽  
Wiel Veugelers

This article focuses on the moral values that teachers consider important for their teaching practice. First, we investigated the tensions experienced and questions raised by teacher’s experience of the moral matters that arise in their profession. These moral tensions and questions arise in three different areas of interactions with pupil(s): (1) pupils’ attitude, (2) class climate and (3) teachers’ professional role.Second, we investigated the moral values that inform the narratives teachers construct to give meaning to their experiences. We conducted a qualitative content analysis that used three moral orientations—discipline, autonomy, and social commitment—as a theoretical framework. The moral values in the area of pupils’ attitude concerned autonomy, discipline and social commitment. In the area of class climate, the moral values of discipline and social commitment were explicit in teachers’ narratives. In investigating teachers’ professional role, disciplinary moral values and a broad spectrum of the moral value of social commitment were found. Our findings also show that moral values are actualized in teaching practice in multiple ways.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Meity Dhaliani Sastrawijaya

<p class="Penulis">The purpose of the research is to find out the character and the moral values in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. This research is designed as qualitative research. The approach that the writer uses is qualitative. The data are collected by analyzing the data found in the novel. The analysis of the novel is undertaken on the dialogues. The result of the research is the form of character and moral values. 1) The character that emerges in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” is the protagonist, antagonist, and foil characters. The protagonist is 70 %, the antagonist is 18 %, and the foil character is 12 %. It means that the character who dominates in the novel is the protagonist. This novel's point is to lead the readers to appreciate others 2) There are seven moral values in the novel: respect, kindness, conscience, self-control, empathy, tolerance, and fairness. The moral value in the novel, respect gets 28 %, kindness is 10 %, conscience is 15%, self-control is 5 %, empathy is 15%, tolerance is 13%, and fairness is 15%. It means that moral values that dominate in the novel convey particularly to the readers is respect.</p>

2020 ◽  
risman iye

Literary work is a personal reflection of the author. The purpose of this study is to describe Moral Values in Kyria's My Perfect Sunset Novel. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research is done by not prioritizing numbers, but prioritizing the depth of appreciation of the interaction between concepts that are being studied in an implicit manner. Based on the results of overall data research Moral Value Analysis in My Perfect Sunset Novel by Kyria, there are 7 aspects, namely Patience, Tawakal, Worship, Help Help Work Hard, Self-Control, and Regret, as for the results of the above quotations namely: Patience is a virtue that adorns a believer, where the person is able to overcome various difficulties and remain in obedience to God even though the tribulation and trials are so terrible. The Moral Value of patience aspects in Kyria's My Perfect Sunset novel contained 2 quotes, Tawakal is a full willingness of all that it receives, and henceforth it will always have hope for everything that it wants and aspires to. The Moral Value of the aspects of resignation in the My Perfect Sunset novel by Kyria there are 2 quotes, Worship is a case of tauqifiyah namely there is no form of worship that is prescribed except according to the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah, Worship in Islamic sharia is the final destination that is loved and blessed. The Moral Values of the Worship aspect of Kyria's My Perfect Sunset novel contained 2 quotes, Please Help fellow social beings, humans cannot live alone. As for the Moral Value aspect, please help with Kyria's My Perfect Sunset by 13 excerpts. Working hard will get what you want even if you do it hard. As for the Moral Value, the diligent aspect of working on Kyria's My Perfect Sunset novel contained 4 quotes, Self-Control makes one accustomed to enjoying the regularity of life, accustomed to being obedient, and feeling happy. The Moral Value aspects of being able to control themselves in the novel My Perfect Sunset by Kyria there are 5 quotes, Regret is a feeling that must be felt in life. Because with regret, someone will try to be better, and minimize mistakes in his life. The Moral Value aspects of regret in the novel My Perfect Sunset by Kyria there are 23 quotes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 287
Nuke Nugraha Cahyawati

<p><strong>Abstract</strong>: The purpose of the research is to find out: 1) the moral values contained in the true story of Greg Mortenson. 2) Educational values provided by Greg Mortenson. The research method used in this study is qualitative with a structural approach. The study results are: 1) The moral values in the novel Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin are caring 26.9%, friendly 15.4%, helpful 11.5%, brave 11.5%, hardworking 19.2%, and optimistic 15.4%. The most moral value in the data is caring with 7 data or 26.9%. 2) The educational values contained in the novel Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin are attitudes toward the world of education amounting to 28.6% and the struggle to establish schools 71.4%. The most data found in the struggle to establish schools amounted to 71.4%.<br /><strong>Keywords</strong>: moral values, educational values, content analysis</p>

Anisa Alawiyyah ◽  
Sri Hastin Oktavi

This  research aims is to find out: The intrinsic element in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith, The kinds of moral values in Dangerous Movie Minds by John N. Smith, The Cause of the moral value in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith, The solution of moral values  in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith. The research method used is content analysis and literary psychoanalysis. The subject of the study was Dangerous Movie Minds by John N. Smith. The results of this study include the intrinsic elements in Dangerous Movie Minds by John N. Smith are theme, plot, characterization and background. The kinds of moral values found in this research are honesty, authentic value, self-confidence, moral independence, humility, responsibility, tenacity, reality and crisis, moral faith and courage. These findings suggest that this technique is effective for analyzing the moral values in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-106
Muhammad Briyan Agunginardi ◽  
Aceng Rahmat ◽  
Fahrur Rozi

 ABSTRACT   This research is a qualitative research. The technique is content analysis using the data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. Writer uses a psychoanalysis study. In revealing moral values infringement, writer focuses on three questions; how are the type, cause, and effect of moral values violations in the story. Based on psychoanalysis, there is a moral value infringement. The type of moral values infringement is a murdering case. The cause of moral values violations is a self ambition to reach wealth and prosperity. The effect of moral values violations is a charge of death sentence. Based on the research, there are practical implications in education; to improve the quality and quantity of literature learning in high schools in accordance with the objectives contained in the curriculum. Teachers invites the students to enjoy literature study to differ on good and bad moral teachings and to enhance their ability in using English.   Keywords: Moral, psychoanalisis, novel

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Muhamad Yusuf ◽  
Trie Utari Dewi

Abstract: The Teacher’s Diary film by Nithiwat Tharathorn raises the theme of the struggle of teachers who teach in remote school. The problem discussed in this research is didactic value. The researcher describes the didactic values found in the depiction of characters through actions, speech and mind. Didactic value analysis in this film used Ali's theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative content analysis approach. The results showed that the didactic values contained in the film The Teacher's Diary, namely intellectual / intelligence value, skill value, self-esteem value, social values / community relations / association, moral value, beauty value, divine / religious value, self-control value / emotional stability, value of behavior / customs of courtesy, the value of will / desire or ideals. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the didactic values in this film can be used as a reflection or example for teachers to teach and educate students and understand the meaning of teacher in a complete perspective. Keywords: Didactic Value, The Teacher’s Diary, Film.

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