scholarly journals Designing Dialogue Journal to Guide Teaching Practice Process through Online Tutorial at Universitas Terbuka

Andayani Andayani ◽  
Siti Julaeha

During this time, PGSD Program at UT provides the face-to-face tutorial (TTM) for practice courses such as the Strengthening of Teaching Skill (PKM). By reason of the students are spread far apart and the number is less, so it is inefficient to organize TTM for PKM. Therefore, in the year of 2017,  it was conducted a trial of an online tutorial for PKM. Whereas the tutor manages the online tutorial activity from a distance, the supervisor guides the teaching practice activities of the students directly in the classroom. The challenges occur due to student failure in interpreting tutor direction, and uncontrolled validity of teaching practice process. To answer the challenge, a Dialogue Journal is designed, as an instrument that presents the validity of the supervision process. Through a descriptive method approach, it will be developed the pattern of online tutorial activities for PKM conducted by UT. In addition, some concepts of online dialogue and teaching supervision activities will be reviewed as well. Based on reviews of a document and the results of observation of the ongoing online tutorial, the hypothetical design of the dialog journal will be proposed as well as to be presented the pattern of the online tutorial with journal dialogue for PKM.

A. Andayani ◽  
Siti Julaeha

During this time, PGSD Program at UT provides the face-to-face tutorial (TTM) for practice courses such as the Strengthening of Teaching Skill (PKM). By reason of the students are spread far apart and the number is less, so it is inefficient to organize TTM for PKM. Therefore, in the year of 2017,  it was conducted a trial of an online tutorial for PKM. Whereas the tutor manages the online tutorial activity from a distance, the supervisor guides the teaching practice activities of the students directly in the classroom. The challenges occur due to student failure in interpreting tutor direction, and uncontrolled validity of teaching practice process. To answer the challenge, a Dialogue Journal is designed, as an instrument that presents the validity of the supervision process. Through a descriptive method approach, it will be developed the pattern of online tutorial activities for PKM conducted by UT. In addition, some concepts of online dialogue and teaching supervision activities will be reviewed as well. Based on reviews of a document and the results of observation of the ongoing online tutorial, the hypothetical design of the dialog journal will be proposed as well as to be presented the pattern of the online tutorial with journal dialogue for PKM. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-246
Hida Tazkiatul Muktafa ◽  
Uwoh Saepulloh ◽  
Moch Fakhruroji

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gaya kepemimpinan  KH Dede Saepudin dalam meningkatkan kinerja Asatidz di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mua’awanah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun analisis data dilakukan melalui penafsiran logika yang dihubungkan dengan konteks Manajemen Dakwah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Gaya Komunikasi KH. Dede Saepudin dalam meningkatkan kinerja asatidz Pondok Pesantren Al-Mu’awanah menggunakan dua gaya komunikasi, yaitu gaya komunikasi satu arah kepada para santri dalam proses belajar mengajar dengan metode sorogan, setoran hafalan dan ceramah.; Kedua, Jenis pemberian motivasi yang digunakan oleh KH. Dede Saepudin kepada para asatidz adalah motivasi positif yang berupa non-materiil berupa dukungan sosial dan psikologis berupa pendekatan face to face dan musyawarah keluarga setiap bulannya.; Ketiga, Proses pengawasan KH. Dede Saepudin terhadap kinerja asatidz dilakukan dengan cara melihat dari segi kehadiran dan peningkatan belajar santri yang akan dibahas dalam musyawarah keluarga setiap bulannya.   This study aims to find out how the style of KH Dede Saepudin's leadership in improving Asatidz's performance at Al-Mua'awanah Islamic Boarding School. This research method uses descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study are through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis is carried out through the interpretation of logic which is related to the context of Da'wah Management. The results showed that: First, Communication Style KH. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of asatidz Al-Mu'awanah Islamic Boarding School using two communication styles, namely the one-way communication style to the students in the teaching and learning process with the sorogan method, rote deposit and lecture; Second, the type of motivation given by KH. Dede Saepudin to the asatidz is a positive motivation in the form of non-material in the form of social and psychological support in the form of a face to face approach and family deliberations every month; Third, the supervision process of KH. Dede Saepudin on the performance of asatidz is carried out by looking at the presence and improvement of students' learning which will be discussed in family meetings every month.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 857-868
Sri Tatminingsih

This purpose paper describes a pattern of micro teaching in teacher education through online learning programme using the moodle application. This article was the result of a study with qualitative paradigm. Research method with survey and data collecting using structured interviews and questionnaires. The research subjects were students who took online tutorial in Strengthening Teaching Courses (STC) in The Early Childhood Teacher Education in Universitas Terbuka (UT), Indonesia in 2018. The finding of the research are online micro teaching patterns in the Online STC that have similarities with face-to-face tutorials. Teaching practices should be a cycle: planning, implementation, evaluation and reflection on their own teaching practices. In addition, to evaluate themselves, students can also be evaluated by the others students and peers by online. In online tutorial, the pattern of micro teaching developed is simpler to understand by students independently and can be an alternative practice teaching course in online teacher education program

José Rosendo Alvarado Vázquez ◽  
Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio

El propósito del presente artículo es realizar un análisis documental a partir de una reflexión conceptual de evaluación desde la socioformación, donde las rúbricas permiten evaluar el desempeño, e identificar el impacto que tienes los cursos presenciales con sus respectivas características en los formadores activos. Para la metodología se tuvieron en cuenta las categorías, y subcategorías que se emplearon para eficientizar la información puesta en la cartografía conceptual al estudiar un concepto o teoría a partir de documentos. Respecto a los resultados, existe una distancia entre los cursos que se imparten a los docentes y la forma de llevarlos a su práctica docente, además de ausencia y pertinencia en temas sustanciales sobre el desarrollo sostenible. Se concluye que aun cuando a los formadores de docentes activos se les ofrece un programa de capacitación, se siguen reproduciendo contenidos programáticos desde su óptica, de lo que a su juicio el estudiante deberá aprender. The purpose of this article is to carry out a documentary analysis from a conceptual reflection of the evaluation from the socioformation, where the rubrics allow to evaluate the performance and to identify the impact that the face-to-face courses with their respective characteristics have on active trainers. For the methodology, the categories and subcategories that were used to make the information put into the conceptual cartography efficient when studying a concept or theory from documents were taken into account. Regarding the results, there is a distance between the courses that are taught to teachers and the way to take them to their teaching practice, in addition to the absence and relevance of substantial topics on sustainable development. Conclusions: Even when active teacher educators offer them a training program, programmatic content continues to be reproduced from their perspective, from which, in their opinion, the student must learn.

Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva ◽  
Lorena Cristina Pereira ◽  
Lívia Ferreira Oliveira ◽  
Mariana Ramos ◽  
Michele Aparecida Silva Maciel ◽  

In times of pandemic, the social distance made the teaching practice suffer several adjustments to meet emerging demands, thus the aim of this study was to report the experience of the authors with problem-based learning as reinforcement to remote teaching in times of COVID-19 utilizing the moodle learning environment, as a way to implement changes in the discipline Interdisciplinary Project II of the Undergraduate Nursing course, which has always been offered in the face-to-face modality. The study was conducted from March to July 2021 with students enrolled in the course. The results of this study indicate that the use of problem-based learning resources during remote teaching can become an efficient resource for professional training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-93
Amri Syarif Hidayat ◽  
Syamsul Hadi ◽  
Subejo Subejo

This paper examines the implementation of counter-radicalization extension by Islamic Extension Workers (IEW) and the policies issued in the effort at the Ministry of Religion Affairs (MoRA) in Sukoharjo, Central Java. The descriptive method was used by using the qualitative approach. The results show that the MoRA had established a program for disseminating Islamic moderation in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan as a counter-radicalization, which the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance programmed to optimize the role of IEW. However, until the end of the Strategic Plan, the program was unclear to the level of extension workers. Although there was no policy for operational guidance on it, MoRa of Sukoharjo made a policy to enact the decision of the General Director of Islamic Guidance number 297/2017 as a reference for radicalism extension. In the implementation of the face-to-face approach of extension (inter persona communication), it has not run optimally by IEW due to their competency and capacity factors. While in the mediated communication approach, IEW of Sukoharjo has succeeded in developing the extension activities through counter radicalism narratives, mosque coaching, and forming the communication forum for Mosque administrators as counter radicalism efforts.   Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang implementasi penyuluhan kontra radikalisasi oleh Penyuluh Agama Islam (PAI) dan kebijakan-kebijakan yang telah dikeluarkan dalam upaya tersebut di Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. Metode deskriptif digunakan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kemenag telah menetapkan program diseminasi moderasi Islam dalam Renstra 2015-2020 sebagai kontra radikalisasi, yang oleh Ditjen Bimas Islam diprogramkan optimalisasi peran penyuluh agama Islam, namun sampai akhir Renstra upaya tersebut belum terealisasi dengan jelas sampai ke tingkat penyuluh. Meskipun belum ada kebijakan berupa pedoman penyuluhan moderasi Islam, Kemenag Sukoharjo mengambil kebijakan untuk memberlakukan keputusan Dirjen Bimas Islam No. 297/2017 sebagai acuan penyuluhan radikalisme, namun dalam implementasi penyuluhan tatap muka (inter persona communication) belum dijalankan secara maksimal oleh PAI karena faktor kompetensi dan kapasitas. Sementara dalam penyuluhan dengan pendekatan mediated communication, PAI Sukoharjo telah berhasil mengembangkan kegiatan penyuluhan melalui kontra narasi radikalisme, pembinaan masjid dan membentuk forum silaturahmi antar pengurus masjid sebagai upaya kontra radikalisme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Brenda Cecilia Padilla Rodriguez ◽  
Alejandro Armellini ◽  
John Traxler

The COVID-19 global pandemic resulted in the cancellation of face-to-face classes in Mexico, as it did across the world. This paper focuses on the experiences of 75 rural teachers in Mexico, who represent a minority in a country where approximately 80% of the population lives in urban areas. An online survey was administered to participants, who taught in a variety of schools, including K-12 and university settings. These participants shared how they changed their teaching practice, the challenges they faced, and the support they required. The digital divide represented a key challenge for both teachers and their students. In the face of inconsistent, unclear, or non-existent government support, most rural teachers showed commitment, resilience, and resourcefulness. They took control of, and responsibility for, their professional development by seeking ways to fill gaps in their knowledge and continue supporting their learners. Recommendations for institutional authorities and policy makers are discussed.

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nádia Prazeres Pinheiro-Carozzo ◽  
Mauro Enrique Carozzo-Todaro

Na modalidade de Educação a Distância (EaD), com o apoio da equipe multidisciplinar, professor, estudantes e tutor se relacionam social e midiaticamente, ou seja, encontram-se virtualmente para trocar conhecimentos e informações, exigindo a adoção de um novo conceito de aula, sala de aula, aluno e professor. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar se a experiência do professor com a EaD contribui ou contribuirá com o trabalho do professor no ensino presencial, bem como, identificar de que forma, na sua atuação com o ensino presencial, essa contribuição pode ser vista e implantada. Setenta e dois professores responderam a um questionário on-line elaborado para esta pesquisa. Pelos resultados, 97% dos respondentes relatam que a experiência em EaD contribuiu de forma significativa para sua prática docente como professor presencial. Mais especificamente, constatou-se que as contribuições se deram nos seguintes aspectos: 68% dos professores aproveitaram a experiência e os conhecimentos adquiridos no processo avaliativo; 41,6% aproveitaram o uso de redes sociais; 70,8%, a incorporação de mídias; 59,7%, planejamento da ação pedagógica; e 50% referiram a incorporação de novos conteúdos. Conclui-se que as experiências em EaD são transpostas e aproveitadas na modalidade presencial e que, portanto, a EaD pode contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do trabalho docente e, por conseguinte, na melhoria da qualidade da educação. Palavras chave: Educação a Distância; Educação Presencial; Aproveitamento de aprendizagens.  How Can the Distance Education Contribute to the Face to Face Education? Abstract In the Distance Education, with the support of a multidisciplinary team, professor, student and tutor interact social and virtually, they get in touch through the internet, in order to share information and knowledge, requiring the adoption of a new concept of class, classroom, student and teacher. The aim of this study is to verify if the experience that the teacher had in Distance Education contributes or will contribute to his/her work in Presencial Learning Education, as well as to identify how, in his performance with face to face classroom, this contribution can be seen and deployed. Seventy two professors answered an online questionnaire elaborated for this research. From the results, 97% of them reported that their experience in Distance Education contributed, in a significant way, to their teaching practice as a professor at face to face education. More specifically, it was found that the contributions are given in the following aspects: 68% of the professors used the experience and knowledge at the evaluation process; 41.6% at the using of social networks; 70.8% embedding media; 59.7% planning the pedagogical action; and 50% incorporating new contents on their subject. The experiences in Distance Education are useful and repeated at the classroom mode education and, therefore, the Distance Learning is an education modality that contributes to the improvement of teaching and, consequently, to the improvement of education quality.Keywords: Distance Education; Face to Face Learning; Learning contribution.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-139 ◽  
Lauren Zubow ◽  
Richard Hurtig

Children with Rett Syndrome (RS) are reported to use multiple modalities to communicate although their intentionality is often questioned (Bartolotta, Zipp, Simpkins, & Glazewski, 2011; Hetzroni & Rubin, 2006; Sigafoos et al., 2000; Sigafoos, Woodyatt, Tuckeer, Roberts-Pennell, & Pittendreigh, 2000). This paper will present results of a study analyzing the unconventional vocalizations of a child with RS. The primary research question addresses the ability of familiar and unfamiliar listeners to interpret unconventional vocalizations as “yes” or “no” responses. This paper will also address the acoustic analysis and perceptual judgments of these vocalizations. Pre-recorded isolated vocalizations of “yes” and “no” were presented to 5 listeners (mother, father, 1 unfamiliar, and 2 familiar clinicians) and the listeners were asked to rate the vocalizations as either “yes” or “no.” The ratings were compared to the original identification made by the child's mother during the face-to-face interaction from which the samples were drawn. Findings of this study suggest, in this case, the child's vocalizations were intentional and could be interpreted by familiar and unfamiliar listeners as either “yes” or “no” without contextual or visual cues. The results suggest that communication partners should be trained to attend to eye-gaze and vocalizations to ensure the child's intended choice is accurately understood.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-133
조현 ◽  
Jaeshin Park ◽  
ki-jin jang

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