scholarly journals Characterization of migrants in Goiás and the Federal District: 1980-2000

2018 ◽  
Ernesto F. L. Amaral

Title in Portuguese: Caracterização de migrantes em Goiás e Distrito Federal: 1980-2000Abstract: This paper aims to characterize the migrants in the state of Goiás and the Federal District, concerning their region of origin and destination. This study utilizes the 1980, 1991 and 2000 Brazilian Censuses, provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The demographic, educational and economic analyses of migrants suggest that population flows are related to labor market opportunities, mainly those ones in direction to the Federal District and the micro-region of Goiânia. Migrants with lower socio-economic and educational status are moving to the municipalities around the Federal District. The migration flows in 1986–1990 suggest that the Federal District surrounding municipalities are the final destination of migration movements that start in urban areas with high costs of life. This area is becoming the new expansion area in the Center-West region for low income migrants from the Southeast and the Federal District.Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é de realizar uma caracterização dos migrantes do Estado de Goiás e Distrito Federal quanto à região de origem e destino. Este estudo é realizado com base nos dados dos Censos de 1980, 1991 e 2000 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). As análises demográfica, educacional e econômica dos migrantes sugerem fluxos populacionais típicos de pessoas em busca de oportunidades de emprego, principalmente para o Distrito Federal e microrregião de Goiânia. Migrantes de menor nível socioeconômico e educacional se direcionam para o entorno de Brasília. Os fluxos migratórios de 1986–1990 sugerem que o entorno de Brasília é a região de absorção final de movimentos migratórios, provenientes de centros urbanos com alto custo de vida. Essa microrregião está se caracterizando como uma nova área de expansão no Centro-Oeste para migrantes de baixa renda do Sudeste e Distrito Federal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-155 ◽  
Rashid Chiposa ◽  
Rochelle H. Holm ◽  
Chimuleke Munthali ◽  
Russel C. G. Chidya ◽  
Francis L. de los Reyes

The urban areas of many low-income countries must balance a rising demand for pit latrines for household sanitation provision against limitations in space, resulting in a need for pit latrine emptying services. This study was undertaken in the peri-urban neighborhood of Area 1B in the city of Mzuzu, Malawi, to examine the characteristics of household pit latrines for designing and selecting pit latrine emptying tools. We used 150 structured household surveys and field observations. From this, a subset was selected and 30 manual cone penetrometer tests were conducted at full latrines. Chemical oxygen demand analysis was also performed for 14 pit latrines. The results indicated that in addition to serving as a disposal for fecal matter, 90% of households also used pit latrines for domestic waste. Only 10% of the studied pit latrines were lined. The filling rate in the study area is calculated to be about three years, and no respondents reported previous emptying. It is suggested pit latrine emptying technology development focuses on a maximum tool diameter of 10 cm to fit through the keyhole (squat hole) and height of 146 cm to fit inside the superstructure, as well as supporting unlined pits and the ability to pump trash.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Adriane Dias da Silva Lisboa ◽  
Yovanka Pérez Ginoris ◽  
Marco Antonio Almeida de Souza

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>In the Federal District of Brazil, the cleaning waste from on-site sanitation facilities is transported by septage trucks to sewage treatment plants (STPs) to be treated in conjunction with sewage. This research aimed to characterize the waste from septage trucks that were discharged in the two STPs in Brasilia, Federal District of Brazil. The methodology included the characterization (sampling and laboratory tests) of waste samples collected from septage trucks that discharged waste at the two STPs in Brasília, and the collection of information on the origin of this waste and the frequency of cleaning the on-site sanitation units. Great variability was found in the frequency of cleaning cesspools and septic tanks. The cleaning of the on-site sanitation facilities took place daily in some places and monthly in the remaining sites, and eventually, facilities with annual cleaning were reported. The characteristic that had the lowest variation coefficient was the pH. The presence of large concentrations of oils and greases in the residues of the septage trucks is a major inconvenience. The results obtained contribute to the knowledge of the characteristics of waste from septage trucks, its management and proper treatment.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: septage; grease trap waste; septage collection and transport truck; oil and grease.</p><p> </p><p align="center">CARACTERIZAÇÃO DOS RESÍDUOS DOS CAMINHÕES LIMPA-FOSSAS NO DISTRITO FEDERAL, BRASIL</p><p><strong>Resumo</strong></p><p>No Distrito Federal, os resíduos da limpeza das instalações de tratamento descentralizado de esgoto são transportados por caminhões limpa-fossas para as estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETEs) para serem tratados em conjunto com o esgoto. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar os resíduos de caminhões limpa-fossas que descarregaram nas duas ETEs de Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil. A metodologia incluiu a caracterização (amostragem e exames laboratoriais) de amostras de resíduos coletadas dos caminhões limpa-fossas que descarregaram lodo de fossa nas duas ETEs de Brasília, e a coleta de informações sobre a origem desses resíduos e a frequência de limpeza das unidades de tratamento descentralizado de esgoto. Encontrou-se grande variabilidade nas frequências de limpeza de fossas e tanques sépticos. A limpeza das instalações de tratamento descentralizado de esgotos ocorria diariamente em alguns locais e mensalmente nos demais e, eventualmente, foram registradas instalações com limpeza anual. O pH foi a característica que apresentou o menor coeficiente de variação. A presença de grandes concentrações de óleos e graxas nos resíduos dos caminhões limpa-fossas é um grande inconveniente. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o conhecimento das características dos resíduos de caminhões limpa-fossas, sua gestão e tratamento adequado.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: lodo de fossas e tanques sépticos; resíduos de caixas de gordura; caminhões limpa-fossas; óleos e graxas.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-61
Ailton Teixeira do Vale ◽  
Jorge Breno Palheta Orellana ◽  
Bruno Sant'Anna Chaves ◽  
Alessandro César de Oliveira Moreira

CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE RESÍDUOS AGROINDUSTRIAIS DA REGIÃO DO DISTRITO FEDERAL PARA FINS ENERGÉTICOS   BRUNA BARBARA MACIEL AMORAS ORELLANA¹, AILTON TEIXEIRA DO VALE², JORGE BRENO PALHETA ORELLANA³, BRUNO SANT'ANNA CHAVES4, ALESSANDRO CÉZAR DE OLIVEIRA MOREIRA5   ¹Heko Tech Consultoria, SIG, Quadra 4, Lote 25, CEP 70610-440, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, [email protected] ² Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, s/n, CEP 70910-900, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, [email protected] ³Heko Tech Consultoria, SIG, Quadra 4, Lote 25, CEP 70610-440, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, [email protected] 4Laboratório de Bioenergia, Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, SCEN, Trecho 2, CEP 70818-900, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, [email protected] 5Laboratório de Produtos Florestais, Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, SCEN, Trecho 2, CEP 70818-900, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, [email protected]   RESUMO: O Distrito Federal, apesar do seu restrito limite geográfico, tem apresentado potencial de crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma das agriculturas mais tecnológicas do país. As atividades agrícolas geram expressiva quantidade de resíduos que podem se tornar um passivo ambiental se não forem corretamente destinados. Visando contribuir para que o agronegócio da região do DF seja mais eficiente e sustentável, este trabalho objetivou caracterizar alguns resíduos agrícolas para seu aproveitamento energético. Utilizaram-se 10 tipos de resíduos, a fim de determinar o teor de umidade, análise imediata, análise química, granulometria, poder calorífico, densidade a granel e densidade energética. Os resíduos que apresentaram características energéticas mais aceitáveis foram: madeira de madeireira, madeira de construção civil, palha de milho e sabugo de milho. O feijão foi satisfatório, com ressalvas para o teor de cinzas. A quirela de milho e de sorgo não apresentou aptidão como fonte de energia devido ao excesso de amido.   Palavras-chave: agricultura, bioenergia, biomassa, centro-oeste, energias renováveis.   CHARACTERIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL RESIDUES FROM FEDERAL DISTRICT REGION FOR ENERGY PURPOSES   ABSTRACT: The Federal District, although restricted geographical limit, has shown potential for growth and development of one of the most technological agriculture in the country. Agricultural activities generate a significant amount of waste that can become an environmental liability if not properly disposed. Aiming to contribute to the DF region agribusiness be more efficient and sustainable, this paper aims to characterize some agricultural residues for energy use. It was used 10 types of residues, where the moisture content, immediate analysis, chemical analysis, granulometry, heating value, bulk density and energy density were verified. The residues that presented the most acceptable energy characteristics were: timber, construction timber, corn straw and corn cob. The beans were satisfactory, with caveats to the ash content. Quirela of corn and sorghum showed no aptitude as energy source due to excess starch.   Keywords: agriculture, bioenergy, biomass, midwest, renewable energy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Victor Aguiar Jardim De Amorim

<p><strong>CONTRIBUTOS PARA O ESTABELECIMENTO DE CRITÉRIOS DE RESOLUÇÕES DE CONFLITOS DE COMPETÊNCIA LEGISLATIVA EM MATÉRIA DE LICITAÇÃO E CONTRATOS ADMINISTRATIVOS </strong></p><p><strong>Resumo:</strong> Com base na técnica de repartição vertical de competência, a Constituição Federal, no art. 22, XXVII, preconiza que caberá à União definir as normas gerais sobre licitação e contratos administrativos, permitindo, por outro lado, aos demais entes federativos legislar sobre normas específicas de acordo com as suas particularidades. Atualmente, é a Lei nº 8.666, de 1993, editada pela União, que cumpre o papel de definir as normas gerais sobre licitações e contratos administrativos. Contudo, com esteio na diferenciação entre “lei nacional” e “lei federal”, tem-se que a Lei nº 8.666/93, apresenta não só “normas gerais” – que ostentam âmbito nacional – como também normas de cunho “específico”. A despeito da inexistência de um critério preciso para a caracterização de “norma geral” e “norma específica”, é possível depreender, a partir da análise jurisprudencial e doutrinária, que enquadrarem-se como “normas gerais” os princípios, os fundamentos e as diretrizes conformadoras do regime licitatório no Brasil. Com efeito, a regulamentação das condições de participação no certame e demais nuances relativas ao procedimento licitatório poderão constituir objeto de normatização pelos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios, desde que respeitadas as normas gerais fixadas por lei da União e o limites traçados quanto ao núcleo essencial dos princípios inerentes à atividade licitatória.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chaves:</strong> Licitação; competência; federação; normas gerais.</p><p><strong>CONTRIBUTIONS FOR ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTIONS OF LEGISLATIVE POWERS ON BIDDING AND ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACTS</strong></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Based on the technique of vertical allocation of competence, the Federal Constitution, in art. 22, XXVII, recommends that it be up to the Union to define the general rules on bidding and administrative contracts, allowing, on the other hand, other federal entities to legislate on specific rules according to their particularities. Currently, it is Law No. 8,666 of 1993, published by the Union, which has the role of defining the general rules on bids and administrative contracts. However, with the distinction between "national law" and "federal law", Law No. 8.666 / 93 presents not only "general rules" - which have a national scope - but also "specific" rules. In spite of the lack of a precise criterion for the characterization of "general rule" and "specific rule", it is possible to deduce, from the jurisprudential and doctrinal analysis, that the principles, fundamentals and Guidelines for the bidding regime in Brazil. In fact, the regulation of the conditions for participation in the contest and other nuances related to the bidding procedure may be subject to regulation by the States, Federal District and Municipalities, provided that the general rules established by the law of the Union are respected and the limits established for the essential nucleus Of the principles inherent to the bidding activity.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Bidding; competence; federation; General rules.</p><p><strong>Data da submissão:</strong> 08/11/2016                   <strong>Data da aprovação:</strong> 08/12/2016</p>

Daniela Da Silva Rodrigues ◽  
Gabriela Belarmino De Lima ◽  
Carolina Cangemi Gregorutti ◽  
Marina Batista Chaves Azevedo de Souza

A existência de condições de trabalho inadequadas resulta em novas formas de adoecimento dos trabalhadores e desencadeia o aumento de acidentes e doenças relacionadas ao ambiente laboral. O objetivo foi identificar e caracterizar os acidentes de trabalho graves e fatais registrados no Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador do Distrito Federal. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, caracterizado por uma amostra geograficamente definida, com base nos dados do Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN/NET) notificados durante os anos de 2014 e 2015. Os achados revelaram que no período destacado foram notificados 997 casos de acidentes de trabalho graves e fatais. As notificações foram predominantemente com o gênero masculino (n= 872; 87,46%) na faixa etária de 20 a 59 anos (n= 898; 90,07%), que desenvolviam a ocupação de pedreiro (n= 118; 11,83%). A maioria dos acidentes ocorreram nos locais de trabalho (n=554; 55,5%), desencadeando fraturas da extremidade distal do rádio (n=32; 3,2%). A emissão da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT) foi feita em 13,54% (n= 135) dos casos. Conclui-se que o reconhecimento dessas características é essencial para o planejamento de estratégias de prevenção de acidentes graves e fatais no trabalho, no entanto, ressalta-se a necessidade de investigação das principais causas de acidentes com ações de vigilância em saúde do trabalhador no ambiente de trabalho. Abstract The existence of inadequate working conditions results in new forms of sickness of workers and trigger the increase of accidents and diseases related for their working environment. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize serious and fatal occupational accidents recorded in the Reference Center on Occupational Health of Federal District. This is a retrospective descriptive study with a quantitative approach, characterized by a geographically defined sample, based on data from the Health Information Systems reported during the years 2014 and 2015. The findings revealed that has been reported 997 cases of serious and fatal occupational accidents in the period. The reports were predominantly male (n = 872, 87.46%) in the age range of 20 to 59 years (n = 898, 90.07%), whose occupation is bricklayer (n = 118, 11, 83%). Most of the accidents occurred at work sites (n = 554, 55.5%), triggering fractures of the distal radius (n = 32, 3.2%). The Communication of Occupational Accidents was done in 13.54% (n = 135) of the cases. It has been concluded that the recognition of these characteristics is essential for planning strategies to prevent serious and fatal occupational accidents, however, it is highlighted the need to investigate the main causes of accidents with surveillance actions on occupational health for their working environment.Keywords: Occupational Health, Occupational Accidents Registry, Health Information Systems.

Heringeriana ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 87-95
Lígia Cristina Cazarin-Oliveira ◽  
Leonardo Pereira Fraga ◽  
Manoela Volkweis Lombardi ◽  
Fabiana Sperb Volkweis ◽  
Maria Júlia Martins-Silva

Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica is present in most Brazilian States. This paper aims at providing a diagnosis of the occurrence and dispersion of A. fulica in the Distrito Federal. Pages and posts for social medias were created to identify areas of A. fulica occurrences. In addition, interviews and active searches at commercial plant nurseries were undertaken. Collection took place from March 2019 to February 2020 and January 2021. The sampled areas were categorized into commercial nurseries, Paranoá Lake shore, other urban areas, and agricultural areas. Commercial nurseries were identified as the main sources of A. fulica in the Distrito Federal

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 5
Audu Onyemocho ◽  
Agwa Moses ◽  
Aboh Kisani ◽  
Omole Namben Victoria ◽  
Anejo-Okopi Joseph

Objective: Rabies, one of the oldest and fatal infectious diseases known to human race, is transmitted by infected dogs. The global target of zero dog-mediated rabies human deaths has been set for 2030; however, the realization of this goal poses challenges in most low-income countries where rabies is endemic due to weak surveillance. Dogs have been increasingly deployed for domestic uses over the years, especially for security purposes. This study assessed the assessment of knowledge and practice of vaccination of dogs against rabies by dog owners. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional community-based study was employed to study 400 dog owners in Makurdi metropolis through multistage sampling techniques. Sighting of valid dog vaccination card was used as criteria for current vaccination. Bivariate analysis was carried out to establish the relationship between the respondent knowledge of rabies and dog vaccination with significant value set at P < 0.05. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 31 (Â ± 0.8) years, majority of them had tertiary and secondary education (40.0% and 39.0%, respectively), 26.0% were traders, and 50.0% were married. Overall, 73.0% of the respondents had good knowledge score, 61.0% had seen at least a rabid dog in their life time, and 74.0% have a history of dog vaccination, but evidence of up to date vaccination of dogs by owners was seen in only 18.0% of all the vaccination cards sighted. The relationship between the educational status of the respondents, their knowledge score, and their dog vaccination was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Knowledge of rabies among dog owners in Makurdi was good, but the practice of dog vaccination was poor. Educational status was a good predictor of practice. Awareness campaign on dog vaccination should be strengthened and adequate measures should be put in place at the veterinary hospitals in Makurdi for vaccination of dogs.

Juliana Martins de Mesquita Matos ◽  
Rosana De Carvalho Cristo Martins ◽  
Valéria Regina Bellotto ◽  
Lilian Gomes da Silva Rocha ◽  
Eloiza Aparecida Barbosa ◽  

Dalbergia miscolobium or Jacarandá do Cerrado is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family. It occurs in the sensu stricto Cerrado and in the dystrophic cerradão. It shows potential for landscaping and for recovering damaged areas. It is an endangered species and therefore is protected by the law that prevents cut in areas of the Federal District (Decree No. 14.783/93). The purpose of this study was to determine the best procedure to prepare seeds of Dalbergia miscolobium to assess viability in the tetrazolium test. We carried out the following treatments: i) hydration on filter paper at 25 ° C, ii) hydration on filter paper at 25 ° C followed by a cut in the tegument and iii) hydration on filter paper at 25 ° C followed bya complete removal of the tegument. The results were analyzed using analysis of variance and the Tukey range test. The analyzes showed that the best procedure to prepare seeds of Dalbergia miscolobium is the treatment in which there is a hydration followed by the complete removal of the integument. Where 78% of the seeds showed uniform staining, indicating that the seeds analyzed are of good quality. The other treatments, hydration and hydration followed by cutting, showed respectively 35% and 41% of viable seeds. RESUMO A Dalbergia miscolobium ou Jacarandá do Cerrado é uma espécie de leguminosa da família Fabaceae. Ocorre no sentido stricto Cerrado e no cerradão distrófico. Possui potencial para paisagismo e para recuperar áreas degradadas. É uma espécie ameaçada de extinção e, portanto, está protegida pela lei que previne o corte em áreas do Distrito Federal (Decreto 14.783 / 93). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o melhor procedimento de prepararação das sementes de Dalbergia miscolobium para serem submetidas à análise de viabilidade pelo teste de tetrazólio. Foram realizados os seguintes tratamentos: i) hidratação em papel de filtro a 25 ° C, ii) hidratação em papel de filtro a 25 ° C seguida de um corte no tegumento e iii) hidratação em papel de filtro a 25 ° C seguido de remoção completa do tegumento. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se a análise de variância e o teste de médias de Tukey. As análises mostraram que o melhor procedimento para preparar sementes de Dalbergia miscolobium é o tratamento em que há uma hidratação seguida pela remoção completa do tegumento, onde 78% das sementes apresentaram coloração uniforme, indicando que as sementes analisadas são de boa qualidade. Os demais tratamentos, hidratação e hidratação seguida de corte, mostraram respectivamente 35% e 41% de sementes viáveis.

Remus Runcan

According to Romania’s National Rural Development Programme, the socio-economic situation of the rural environment has a large number of weaknesses – among which low access to financial resources for small entrepreneurs and new business initiatives in rural areas and poorly developed entrepreneurial culture, characterized by a lack of basic managerial knowledge – but also a large number of opportunities – among which access of the rural population to lifelong learning and entrepreneurial skills development programmes and entrepreneurs’ access to financial instruments. The population in rural areas depends mainly on agricultural activities which give them subsistence living conditions. The gap between rural and urban areas is due to low income levels and employment rates, hence the need to obtain additional income for the population employed in subsistence and semi-subsistence farming, especially in the context of the depopulation trend. At the same time, the need to stimulate entrepreneurship in rural areas is high and is at a resonance with the need to increase the potential of rural communities from the perspective of landscape, culture, traditional activities and local resources. A solution could be to turn vegetal and / or animal farms into social farms – farms on which people with disabilities (but also adolescents and young people with anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide, and alexithymia issues) might find a “foster” family, bed and meals in a natural, healthy environment, and share the farm’s activities with the farmer and the farmer’s family: “committing to a regular day / days and times for a mutually agreed period involves complying with any required health and safety practices (including use of protective clothing and equipment), engaging socially with the farm family members and other people working on and around the farm, and taking on tasks which would include working on the land, taking care of animals, or helping out with maintenance and other physical work”

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