scholarly journals Perancangan Web Jasa Penyewaan Sound System Pada Eman Sounds

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Ika Yuniva ◽  
Andriansah ◽  
M. Seprian Alfath Arkab

Eman Sounds is a business venture in the field of sound system rental services. The Eman sounds does not currently have a website application. The leasing service transaction system is still done conventionally, where if anyone wants to rent a sound system for a wedding or other official event can come directly to the Eman Sounds to see and rent it. For transaction reports sound system rental services are still recorded with paper so as to allow for data loss and errors in recording transactions. The purpose of this study is that the author will design a web sound system rental service for Eman Sounds so that it is expected to simplify the process of leasing transactions and making rental reports. The author uses the system development method, namely the waterfall model for this study. The use of PHP and HTML programming languages ​​the author uses to create web rental services and MYSQL as the database. The results of this study are expected that with a web design sound system rental service can help Eman Sounds in the process of managing rental transactions and reports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Dwi Cita Septia Candra ◽  
Lutfi Syarifullah ◽  
Muhammad Nur Faiz

The Tuition Payment Information System was designed because at this time the payment of tuition at SMP Islam Cilacap still uses the general ledger, causing inaccuracies in payment data by employees (administrative). The purpose of this research is to help solve problems in the processing of tuition payment data, making payment data reports, searching payment data, knowing payment data information, and knowing the school money payment report. The system is designed using MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and SMS Gateway notifications as well as system development methods using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall model. In addition, the system design uses PHP and HTML programming languages, database management is MySQL and uses the Laravel framework. Based on the results of the system test and the results of the questionnaire by 10 respondents that 14% stated enough, 44% stated well and 42% stated very well calculated by the calculation of the Likert scale of 86% entered the excellent qualification which means successful. So it can be concluded that this system can solve existing problems by facilitating the processing of payment data, assisting in the creation of school money payment reports, helping in speeding up the search for payment data, knowing the payment information of tuition without having to come to school, and knowing the payment data report quickly without having to go through a long recap process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Rafika Akhsani ◽  
Ahmad Taufiq Hidayat

Abstract The organization is a unit that is a means to achieve various goals or targets carried out through joint activities. In achieving organizational goals certainly will not be separated from various problems. One way to solve the problem is to discuss the problem in a meeting. Meetings are used to find solutions to problems that are expected to reach consensus, resolution, and decision. In this study will develop an application that is used for meeting management. The meetings that have been held will be grouped according to their main activities. So it can be seen how many times a meeting has been held and what the results will be. Office internal applications for documentation of web-based meeting results are built using the PHP programming language and using a MySQL database. The framework used is Laravel. System development method with a waterfall model. From the results of testing with the blackbox method it is known that the office's internal application for the documentation of the results of the web-based meeting is 100% as planned. Keywords: Internal Office Application Meetings, Frameworks, Laravel, Meeting Information Systems. __________________________ Abstrak Organisasi merupakan suatu kesatuan yang merupakan sarana untuk mencapai berbagai tujuan atau sasaran yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan bersama. Dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi tentunya tidak akan lepas dari berbagai permasalahan. Salah satu cara untuk memecahkan permasalan adalah dengan mendiskusikan permasalahan tersebut dalam suatu rapat. Rapat digunakan untuk menemukan solusi dalam suatu permasalahan yang diharapkan dapat mencapai suatu mufakat, penyeleseian, dan keputusan. Pada penelitian ini akan mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk pengelolaan rapat. Rapat-rapat yang telah dilakukan nantinya akan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan kegiatan utamanya. Jadi dapat diketahui sudah berapa kali mengadakan rapat dan hasilnya seperti apa. Aplikasi internal kantor untuk dokumentasi hasil rapat berbasis web dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan database MySQL. Framework yang digunakan adalah Laravel. Metode pengembangan system dengan model waterfall. Dari hasil pengujian dengan metode blackbox telah diketahui bahwa aplikasi internal kantor untuk dokumentasi hasil rapat berbasis web 100% sudah sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Kata Kunci: Rapat Aplikasi Internal Kantor, Framework, Laravel, Sistem Informasi Rapat. __________________________

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Alfis Arif

Based on observations at the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Pagar Alam it was found that increased drug abuse among adolescents and their lack of understanding of the dangers posed when consuming drugs. To reduce drug abuse, BNN promotes information on the types of drugs, their impact and prevention of abuse. However, the socialization process incurred considerable costs, was less effective and the lack of interest in the participants to read the brochure because it was monotonous. This research resulted in the introduction of an Android-based type of drug application on BNN Pagar Alam. The system development method is the SDLC method with the waterfall model. With this application can provide information about the types of drugs and how to prevent them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 252-260
Miftakhurrizal Kurniawan ◽  
Faizatul Amalia ◽  
Danang Setiyawan

Apples are one of the fruits that much post-harvest processing can do. Apples can be processed into drinks or snacks. The need for information about nutritional content is needed by consumers. Therefore, a traceability information system is needed that can enable consumers to know the nutritional content involved. This research uses the Waterfall model information system development method and the Unified modeling language (UML). This method allows for the sequential development of information systems. The results of this research will be in the form of an information system that has been tested using the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) and Response for a Class (RFC) method. The resulting Response for a Class (RFC) value is 5.17, meaning that this information system will be easy to adapt later

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Apit Priatna ◽  
Yahya Suherman ◽  
Indaryono Indaryono ◽  
Diany Anggrainy

Chio Medical Center is one of the services in the health sector that is engaged in special medical check-ups for prospective employees who will work and permanent employees in a company. Currently, the system that processes medical check-up report data has not been computerized properly, so that data or files are stored conventionally and it is difficult to find the required data. The research method used in this study is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method and system development using the Waterfall model which starts from analysis and observation of the system running in the company. The results of the observations show that the system that runs at the Chio Medical Center clinic has not been computerized properly, namely in recording examination reports using excel and word files so that they have not been stored in a structured database. This system is designed using the Dreamweaver application as a web-based editor tool and uses the PHP and MySQL programming languages ​​as the database. The result of this research is a web-based medical check-up report information system which is expected to assist employees in inputting data and improve the process of providing information services to clients so that it is faster and more accurate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-66
Sri Rejeki, Kusdarnowo Hantoro, Rahmat Purnomo

This writing discusses the creation of a correspondence filing information system with the aim of making it easier for the secretariat to archive letters in incoming and outgoing mail data at the Environmental Service, and minimizing data loss, and speeding up the process of retrieval of archived data at the time needed so as not to repetition of archiving so that it is faster and more precise. The development of information systems uses the programming language PHP, HTML, CSS, and Java Script and uses the MySQL database. The information system development method uses the waterfall method. The results of this research can be implemented in the form of a web-based archiving information system.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Ferdiyani Haris ◽  
Tri Kurnia Ningsih

Smartphone has an important role in the world of information. This is because some smartphone already have more functions and capabilities beyond basic capabilities.  The most popular smartphone today is A smartphone with Android-based information systems. Utilization  of smartphone as A companion in carrying out daily activities is very often used is fundamental in the making recognitions Application Of Handicrafts Dayak's People in Central Borneo Province Based on Android. The problem of this research is how to design and create recognitions Application Of Handicrafts Dayak's People in Central Borneo Province Based on Android that can help users to provide ease in the knowledge of handicrafts from Central borneo. So it can be know later by the public, not only the locals people but people outside the region. The method used in this research include observation, interviews, literature and documentation. Software development method that used for creation flow system using methods developed software system development life cycle ( SDLC ) with the waterfall model development approach. Software used in the manufacture of recognitions Application Of Handicrafts Dayak's People in Central Borneo Province is A version of the Eclipse ADT Mars.2.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 61-69
Desi Puspita

The new admissions website at SMP PGRI Pagaralam is still done manually, that is the acceptance of new students have not used the programming language, where the new student acceptance is still recorded in the big books, so the peroses of service on the acceptance of new students become slow and ineffective. Results and this study is a new admissions system that has been asked directly at SMP PGRI Pagaralam City. This system is built using Macromedia Dreamweaver CS3 application, programming languages ​​PHP and MySQL, while the system development method is Web ngineering. From the research it can be concluded that to create a new student admissions website that must be done first is to create a new admissions website. If the new admissions system is built is able to input new student admissions data and generate output in the form of reports then it can be concluded that the new admissions website SMP PGRI Pagaralam Pagaralam successful.

Doni Andriansyah

Abstract - System design is a solution in solving work process problems by utilizing advances in technology and information. Required selection of system development methods that are effective and efficient so that the needs of users can be immediately fulfilled. D'cuci in laundry is a company engaged in laundry services with a wide selection of services such as kiloan (dry washing and ironing, dry and folding, ironing only, and express), laundry and dryclean. In transactions recording has not been computerized thus causing slow work process in obtaining information. It takes the right innovation to solve the problem, one of which is building a website based information system. The system development method used is Waterfall with 5 stages, namely requirement analysis, system design, program code generation, implementation, support and maintenance. The results of this study will produce a website-based laundry service information system that provides ease in conducting the transaction process. Keywords: waterfall model, web design, laundry information system

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 180-192
Ria Anggraini ◽  
Andri Andri

Toko DK Corner is a trading company that specializes in selling women's daily fashion needs. Currently, the DK Corner Store records more than thousands of sales transactions every year, thus requiring the company to be able to provide ordering services for consumers to support better sales and service transactions and of course increase sales profits. The system development method used in system development is Web Engineering. To implement this sales and ordering information system, supporting components are needed in order to work properly. These components include using the PHP programming language (Personal Homepage), Bootstrap Framework and "for data storage using a MySQL database". "The design of this system is expected to help and overcome existing problems so that it can be useful for interested parties". The purpose of this research is expected with the information system is expected to make it easier for companies to promote the products on offer and make it easier to make online sales transactions so that they can be done anytime and safely, and can increase sales.

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