scholarly journals Implementasi Frontend Website Dinamis Sebagai Company Profile dan Delivery Order Restaurant Hotel Olympic Surabaya

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-278
Nazarinus Artasawarga Purnomo ◽  
Rinabi Tanamal ◽  
David Boy Tonara

Teknologi informasi sangat berkembang pesat pada saat ini, salah satunya adalah website. Website membantu sebuah perusahaan untuk menunjang  media promosi terhadap produk – produk yang dimiliki. Restoran Hotel Olympic Surabaya merupakan restoran yang membutuhkan media promosi online dan juga dapat melakukan proses delivery order. Kebutuhan website yang difokuskan untuk delivery order berguna untuk mendapatkan target baru melalui media online. Berdasarakan masalah yang ada, pihak Technovision memberikan solusi berupa website delivery order. Website tersebut dapat menambah penjualan melalui online dengan delivery order. Metode yang akan digunakan adalah metode RAD (Rapid Application Development). Langkah pertama menganalisa aliran proses bisnis Restoran Hotel Olympic (business modeling), langkah kedua adalah data modeling, langkah ketiga adalah mengamati proses – proses yang dapat dijabarkan melalui aktivitas diagram, langkah keempat adalah melakukan application generation, dan langkah terakir adalah melakukan testing dan turnover dengan melakukan proses UAT ( User Acceptance Test). Hasil akhirnya adalah Restoran Hotel Olympic Surabaya membuat website delivery order untuk membantu kenaikan penjualan online serta untuk mempromosikan restoran tersebut. Kata Kunci:   Restoran Hotel Olympic Surabaya,website, dinamis, e-commerce, delivery order

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Muhammad Amin ◽  
Maskur Maskur ◽  
Wildan Suharso

AbstrakSistem rekam medis Rumah Sakit Wijaya Kusuma Lumajang digunakan untuk mengelola data rekam medis yang meliputi data pendaftaran dan data medis pasien. Dimana sistem rekam medis yang digunakan ada saat itu sudah tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan petugas rekam medis saat ini, sehingga dibuatkan sistem yang baru khusus bagian rekam medis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan petugas rekam medis dengan cara menambahkan dokumen elisitasi agar supaya sesuai dengan kebutuhan petugas rekam medis. Sistem tersebut berbasis website dengan menggunakan model pengembangan perangkat lunak Rapid Application Development (RAD) dengan adanya penambahan fitur perhitungan rekam medis otomatis yang dulunya perhitungan tersebut dilakukan secara manual, fitur untuk menampilkan diagram rekam medis, dan fitur kode ICD10 dan ICD 9 yang lebih lengkap sesuai dengan buku kamus besar kode rekam medis. Pengujian sistem rekam medis ini nantinya akan di uji dengan menggunakan pengujian Blackbox Testing dan pengujian User Acceptance Test (UAT). Sistem rekam medis yang dibuat dan kembangkan sudah digunakan pihak bagian rekam medis rumah sakit sampai saat ini.AbstractHospital medical record system Wijaya Kusuma Lumajang is used to manage medical record data including registration data and medical data of patient. Where the medical record system used there at that time was not in accordance with the needs of the current medical record officer, so created a new system specifically the medical record in accordance with the needs of medical record officers by adding elicitation documents to fit the needs of medical record staff. The system is based on a website using Rapid Application Development (RAD) software development model with the addition of automatic medical record calculation feature which used to be done manually, feature to display medical record diagram, and feature ICD10 and ICD 9 code more complete accordingly with a large dictionary book of medical record codes. Testing of this medical record system will be tested by using Blackbox Testing test and User Acceptance Test (UAT). The medical record system developed and developed has been used by the hospital medical record to date.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-69
Arina Nur Syahputri ◽  
Dimas Aryo Anggoro

Sari Husada Pharmacy is one of the regional companies engaged in drug sales in Demak Regency. The company prioritizes innovation in information technology to face globalization and modern business competition in the industrial era 4.0. Improved services are needed so they can add regular customers and provide comfort to the existence of e-commerce. E-commerce solutions will overcome the problem of some customers who do not easily reach the location of the pharmacy because the transaction activities do not have to be in one place and it is difficult to check the stock of the drug, so that information systems are made more effective and efficient. The method used uses SDLC application development, namely waterfall. This method consists of five sequences, including: analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation. This information system is created using PHP programming with CodeIgniter, Javascript, CSS (Bootstrap) and Sublime Text frameworks and database management using PHPMyAdmin which is installed together in Xampp, Apache Web Server and MySQL. The testing technique uses Blackbox and User Acceptance Test (UAT). The results of calculations from the User Acceptance Test (UAT) is 85,4% determine that the information system is very good to implemented at Sari Husada Pharmacy.

Chee Ling, Thong

Bus delay in transportation service is a common issue to be addressed. This issue is verified in a preliminary study conducted earlier among the bus riders. With the proliferation of mobile technology particularly in mobile application development, transportation service providertoday is able to address delay issue usingmobile application. In this study, a GPS based mobile application (App) is proposedto estimatetime arrival (ETA) of buses and an user acceptance test is used to verify the usability of the App. 76 bus riders have completed bus App testing and follow by a survey. The overall results show mobile time tracker is usable and able to solve issue of bus delay and reduce long waiting time. In future work, mobile time trackers associate with other ETA prediction  models will be explored and issues such as ETA accuracy will also be addressed.

I Gusti Ngurah Indra Mahathanaya ◽  
Ni Kadek Ayu Wirdiani ◽  
Ni Kadek Dwi Rusjayanthi

Bukaloka is an application from Bali which is engaged in tourism regarding e-vouchers. The e-voucher service provided by Bukaloka allows users to easily buy and exchange e-vouchers without the need to print vouchers. The Bukaloka Marketplace application is not yet available for the mobile platform, so it does not facilitate access for mobile users. User Experience design is needed to facilitate application development, as well as user acceptance. The User Experience design method used is Five Planes so that the basic foundation that produces a prototype with a high fidelity level can be tested to resemble the final application. Testing the prototype using the User Acceptance Test Method with a Likert's Summated Rating. The result is that the Marketplace prototype gets a score of 815 which falls into the very good category range.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 703
Riyanthi Angrainy Sianturi

<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan proses penerapan User Experience Design (UXD) dalam pengembangan aplikasi mobile dengan studi kasus pertanian dan budidaya kopi. Latar belakang penulisan ini untuk menjembatani jarak antara petani dan fasilitator kopi dalam proses mencari dan berbagi informasi. Dalam proses penerapan UXD ini, peneliti melakukan tahapan dalam penerapan UXD yaitu preliminary research, prototype, user testing, dan maintenance. Dalam setiap tahapan akan menghasilkan output sesuai dengan tahapan yang sudah dilakukan. Pada tahapan preliminary research peneliti akan menentukan user, lokasi, dan akan melakukan user interviews dan observasi untuk mendapatkan informasi dan kebutuhan user. Luaran dari tahapan ini yaitu user persona, user stories, user scenario, dan user flows. Pada tahap prototyping, peneliti merancang prototype sesuai dengan kebutuhan user yang telah diperoleh pada tahap sebelumnya. Prototype yang sudah dirancang akan diuji kepada user, yang menjadi user testing pada tahap ini yaitu petani kopi dari Lumbanjulu, fasilitator kopi dari daerah Lumbanjulu dan Sipolha. Peneliti melakukan observasi dan menerima feedback user selama proses user testing. Hasil feedback user dan observasi dari peneliti diperbaiki pada tahap maintenance. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis android yang mengakomodir informasi cara budidaya kopi mulai dari penanaman, pemupukan, sanitasi kebun dan pembibitan. Fasilitator dapat menambahkan informasi pada aplikasi, sedangkan user hanya dapat membaca informasi yang tersedia.</p><p> </p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p><em>This research aims to apply the User Experience Design (UXD) process in developing mobile applications for coffee farming. The application built to bridge the coffee farmers and facilitators in the process of finding and sharing the informations. There is no application that can facilitate farmers in getting good coffee farming information, and also concern about good user experience. For applying UXD process, researchers combines the general process of UXD with software development process, namely preliminary research, prototyping, user testing, maintenance, application development, heuristic evaluation, blackbox testing and user acceptance test. The success of application development is determined by the UXD process that was carried out first. Implementation is not immediately carried out before user needs was defined, so after the research stage, prototype is tested by the user. Application development is done after the user agrees the prototype design, which measured through the USE Questionnaire. Android-based applications are built to accommodate information on coffee farming from planting, fertilizing, sanitation gardens and nurseries. The facilitator can add information to the application, while the user can only read the information available. From the research process it was concluded that the application built meets user needs based on the functions provided in the application and the ease and satisfaction of use, as measured through the User Acceptance Test. Stages by the researcher can be used as a reference in developing applications that meet a good User Experience.</em></p><p><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Tedi Budiman

One example of the growing information technology today is mobile learning, mobile learning which refers to mobile technology as a learning medium. Mobile learning is learning that is unique for each student to access learning materials anywhere, anytime. Mobile learning is suitable as a model of learning for the students to make it easier to get an understanding of a given subject, such as math is pretty complicated and always using formulas.The design method that I use is the case study method, namely, learning, searching and collecting data related to the study. While the development of engineering design software application programs that will be used by the author is the method of Rapid Application Development (RAD), which consists of 4 stages: Requirements Planning Phase, User Design Phase, Construction Phase and Phase Cotuver.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 611
Ahmad Haidar Mirza ◽  
Ade Putra

Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) merupakan suatu kegiatan usaha menghasilkan suatu produk komoditi yang berada pada level menengah kebawah, dimana sektor usaha ini lebih menyentuh langsung dalam hal peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas yang pada umumnya adalah masyarakat menengah kebawah, sektor usaha UKM mampu memberikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan walaupun pertumbuhannya tidak cepat seperti sektor perekonomian yang lain. Rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang diharapkan mampu memberikan stimulus yang pesat terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya sektor UKM Kota Palembang serta membantu pihak – pihak yang terkait baik instansi yang membutuhkan, masyarakat luas dan para inventor, dimana dalam mengembangkan rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang meggunakan 2 metode yaitu metode Database Lifecylce untuk pengembangan Database sebagai media penyimpanan data melalui beberapa proses antara lain Design Database secara Konseptual, Design Database secara Logikal serta Design Database secara Fisikal dan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) untuk pengembangan User Interface sebagai rancangan tampilan terhadap rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Mamay Syani ◽  
Nindi Werstantia

Ordering catering is an activity undertaken by customers to buy products in the form of food packages. In Cimahi Catering catering ordering process is done by customers by coming directly to the location or calling to Cimahi Catering. Based on interviews with the authors related parties, in the process of ordering catering there are some customers who complain about the order process is due to take time, energy and more costs. In the case of recording data ordering was deemed less effective because the data is still conventional. This is at risk of logging errors. As a solution of these problems the authors build an Application Ordering Catering Based Android Mobile to assist in the process of ordering catering by customers and the management of reservation data catering by the Cimahi Catering. Research methodology used is Extreme Programming method. In making this application the author uses android programming base and MySQL as the data storage. This application is made to efficiently time, effort and produce accurate information. The results of testing the built application has a performance that suits the needs of the user. Based on the results of User Acceptance Test get a positive response with 85% percentage. Keyword: Android, application, catering, mobile, ordering, uat

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Peres Sampebua ◽  
Vecky C. Poekoel ◽  
Xaverius B.N. Najoan

 Aplikasi Penentuan Jenis Suara pada Paduan Suara merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk mengetahui jenis suara seseorang dengan memanfaatkan handphone Android. Penentuan Jenis Suara biasanya dilakukan secara manual dengan mengikuti beberapa tahap seperti tes jangkauan suara, dan warna suara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah aplikasi Penentuan Jenis Suara berbasis mobile yang dapat digunakan pada smartphone Android dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan aplikasi RAD(Rapid Application Development). Metode RAD ini terdiri dari 4 fase yaitu fase analisis persyaratan, fase analisis modeling, fase desain modeling, dan konstruksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu menentukan jenis suara untuk orang/masyarakat umum yang ingin bergabung di paduan suara.

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