scholarly journals Penyuluhan Penegakkan Hukum di Lingkungan Sekolah

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Yulita Pujilestari ◽  
Endang Prastini ◽  
Amelia Haryanti

Law is the rule of human behavior that is adhered to by society, nowadays violations of the law among the community is often done. In an effort to minimize legal violations in the community, there is a need for counseling on law enforcement in the school environment. Devotion activities aim to assist in cultivating a sense of responsibility in enforcing the law in daily student life. In this devotion, using counseling methods and awareness. The results of community devotion are increased awareness of students to uphold the law both in school and home environment. Advice to the school to involve students directly to enforce the rules of law in schools and communities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Yulita Pujilestari ◽  
Endang Prastini ◽  
Amelia Haryanti

Law is the rule of human behavior that is adhered to by society, nowadays violations of the law among the community is often done. In an effort to minimize legal violations in the community, there is a need for counseling on law enforcement in the school environment. Devotion activities aim to assist in cultivating a sense of responsibility in enforcing the law in daily student life. In this devotion, using counseling methods and awareness. The results of community devotion are increased awareness of students to uphold the law both in school and home environment. Advice to the school to involve students directly to enforce the rules of law in schools and communities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-158
Kania Dewi Andhika Putri ◽  
Ridwan Arifin

Law is a tool used to regulate human behavior and living order so that it is in accordance with applicable values ​​and norms, in the law there is a sanction. These sanctions have a strict and real nature so that sanctions cannot be contested by anyone. Someone if you break the law, you will get a sanction. Completion of a law is carried out by law enforcement agencies in Indonesia. In the law there are actions that are used to resolve a case. We often understand these actions as a legal process. The running of a legal process must be in accordance with the applicable provisions, cannot be arbitrary because the legal process is the most important thing in the world of law. The legal process is a reflection of the success or failure of a legal settlement. In a law, it must apply the aspects used to settle the case before the law. These aspects are things that must be applied for the continuity of a judiciary and law in the world and in Indonesia. Namely justice and legal certainty in the continuity of the law. Justice and legal certainty are at the same time the foundation in the law that must be applied and must be reflected in the law. Because without justice and legal certainty a legal process cannot work properly. If justice and legal certainty are not applied in the world of law, then the continuity of a law cannot be fair. As a result of not implementing justice and legal certainty, there arises an imbalance between rights and obligations in the law. The settlement of a matter must be fair between the rights and obligations of one party must be the same between the rights and obligations of the other party. So if you have applied justice in the law, you can achieve legal certainty. Legal certainty must be mutually beneficial for the parties concerned. Legal certainty cannot harm various parties. So that legal certainty must be balanced. So the case can be justified by the law.   Hukum merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengatur tingkah laku manusia dan tata kehidupan agar sesuai dengan nilai maupun norma yang berlaku, didalam hukum terdapat suatu sanksi. Sanksi tersebut mempunyai sifat tegas dan nyata sehingga sanksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat oleh pihak siapapun. Seseorang jika telah melanggar hukum, maka akan mendapatkan suatu sanksi. Penyelesaian suatu hukum dilakukan oleh aparat-aparat hukum di Indonesia. Didalam hukum terdapat suatu tindakan-tindakan yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu perkara. Tindakan-tindakan tersebut sering kita pahami adalah suatu proses hukum. Berjalannya suatu proses hukum haruslah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, tidak dapat sewenang-wenang karena proses hukum hal yang paling penting dalam dunia hukum. Proses hukum merupakan pencerminan dari berhasil atau tidaknya suatu penyelesaian perkara di dalam hukum. Di dalam suatu hukum harus menerapkan aspek-aspek yang di gunakan untuk penyelesaian perkara di depan hukum. Aspek tersebut merupakan hal yang harus di terapkan untuk kelangsungan suatu peradilan dan hukum di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Yaitu keadilan dan kepastian hukum di dalam kelangsungan hukum. Keadilan dan kepastian hukum merupakan pokok sekaligus landasan dalam hukum yang harus diterapkan dan harus di cerminkan dalam hukum. Karena tanpa keadilan dan kepastian hukum suatu proses hukum tidak dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Jika keadilan dan kepastian hukum tidak diterapkan dalam dunia hukum, maka kelangsungan suatu hukum tidak dapat berjalan degan adil. Akibat dari tidak diterapkannya keadilan dan kepastian hukum timbul suatu ketidak seimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban di dalam hukum. Penyelesaian suatu perkara harus adil antara hak dan kewajiban satu pihak harus sama antara hak dan kewajiban pihak yang lainnya. Sehingga jika sudah menerapkan keadilan di dalam hukum, maka dapat tercapainya suatu kepastian hukum. Kepastian hukum harus saling menguntungkan bagi pihak-pihak yang terkait. Kepastian hukum tidak dapat merugikan berbagai pihak-pihak. Sehingga kepastian hukum harus seimbang.  Sehingga perkara tersebut dapat dipertanggungjawabkan hukumnya

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Aldi Putra

<p>Abstract<br />This research focuses on law enforcement against acts of hazing that are based on bullying  in the college environment in the New Student Life Introduction (PKKMB) activity with the victim being a student from the Faculty of Engineering, Bengkulu University with bullying. Bullying is an act of violence committed by someone who has power by oppressing the victim both physically and verbally. The victim was subjected to verbal abuse by being forced to cross her own face with lipstick by forcing a high tone and was ordered to stand for 2 hours during the Introduction to Humanity at the Faculty of Engineering Campus. In this study, using the doctrinal method (normative) by analyzing cases studied with related regulations and legal theory according to the research. Actions carried out by perpetrators of perpleoncoan with the accusation of bullying include criminal acts by means of coercion in accordance with the Criminal Code. Based on the perspective of legal sociology that law is seen based on reality on the ground (empiric), in this study usingtheory lawas a tool of social engineering. who viewed “the law as a tool to tool of engineering”. In this case, it is seen that in theory the law used is that the law is made based on the reality on the ground to be a correction to the existing legal umbrella. However, this case is a fairly common problem in hazing, but bullying done by seniors to new students of Bengkulu University from the Faculty of Engineering is a hazing which should not be done on the basis of humanist principles. Laws should be dynamic in nature and change according to people’s lives, but such actions must be changed if they harm others on the basis even though they are based on habits</p><p>Abstrak<br />Penelitian ini berfokus pada penegakan hukum terhadap tindakan perpeloncoan yang yang  dilandasi pada tindakan bullying di lingkungan perguruan tinggi dalam kegiatan Pengenalan Kehidupan Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) dengan korban seorang mahasiswi dari Fakultas Teknin Universitas Bengkulu dengan tindakan bullying. Bullying adalah suatau tindakan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh sesorang yang memiliki kekuasaan dengan cara menindas korban baik secara fisik maupun verbal. Korban mendapatkan perlakuan kekerasan secara verbal dengan dipaksa mencoret wajahnya sendiri dengan lipstick dengan memaksa nada tinggi serta diperintah untuk berdiri selama 2 jam pada kegiatan Pengenalan Kehipuan Kampus Fakultas Teknik. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode doktrinal (normatif) dengan menganalisis kasus dikaji dengan peraturan terkait dan teori hukum yang sesuai penelitian. Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku perpleoncoan dengan diseratai bullying termasuk karenah pidana dengan adanya pemaksaan sesuai Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Berdasarkan perspektif sosiologi hukum bahwa hukum dilihat berdasarkan kenyataan di lapangan (empirik), dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori law as a tool of social engineering yang dipandang bahwa hukum sebagai alat untuk mengontrol masyarakat. Dalam kasus ini dipandang secara teori yang digunakan hukum adalah hukum sebekumnya dibuat berdasarkan kenyataan di lapangan untuk menjadi koreksi terhadap payung hukum yang ada. Namun kasus ini menjadi permasalahan yang cukup lumrah dalam perpeloncoan, namun bullying yang dilakukan oleh senior tehdap mahasiswa baru Universitas Bengkulu dari Fakultas Teknik merupakan suatu perpeloncoan yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan dengan dasar asas humanis. Hukum seharusnya bersifat dinamis berubah sesuai kehidupan masyarakat, namun tindakan seperti itu harus diubah apabila merugikan orang lain atas dasar walau berdasarkan kebiasaan.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92 ◽  
Masdar Masdar

Cash waqf in Indonesia has been long enough implemented based on some rules enacted by government and other rules defined by The Waqf Board of Indonesia (BWI). However, the implementation of cash waqf has not reached the level of success. Therefore, this article studies the application of cash waqf law in Indonesia according to Friedman’s legal system theory. The legal system theory of Friedman firstly looks at the substance of the law, which is the rules or regulations; and secondly it examines the structure of the law, encompassing the law enforcement agencies, such as judge, prosecutor, police and legal counselors. And lastly the theory examines the element of legal culture, which is a response from Muslim society. The first two examinations indicate that there is nothing to be a problem. But from the last examination there is a problem regarding the trust from Muslim society. From the legal culture point of view, the implementation of cash waqf by the government, which is performed by BWI, needs attracting society’s credentials in order to improve and maximize the performance of cash waqf in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 4
Liya Suwarni

Background. Cases of sexual violence increase every year, victims ranging from adolescents, children to toddlers. Based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission, abuse and violence against children in Indonesia in 2013 were 23 cases, in 2014 there were 53 cases, in 2015 there were 133 cases, 2017 reached 1,337 cases, and as of July 2018 there were 424 cases. Purpose. Knowing the factors that influence the law enforcement process of sexy violence cases in Semarang City. Method This study uses descriptive analytical methods for cases of violence against children, based on medical record data in hospitals, documents in Mapolrestabes, the District Attorney's Office and the Semarang City Court for the period of January 2015 to December 2018. Results. Based on research results obtained 213 experimental cases section from medical record data in hospitals in the city of Semarang. Most cases of child abuse occurred in 2018 with 72 cases. Most victims are 12-14 years old age group, female. Most types of cases are cases of intercourse. The majority of violations are persons known as victims, perpetrators not working, and most of the places of occurrence are in the defendant's house. At the time of prosecution and trial, the number of cases was significantly reduced to only 8 cases. Factors related to this include lack of evidence, difficulty in obtaining information from victims, convoluted statements of coverage, lack of election, and obtaining diversion rates. Conclusion Cases of sexual violence have increased from year to year. The process of law enforcement on this problem still has many difficulties in each manufacturing process which is still difficult to overcome.

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