legal sociology
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-164
Nursalam Rahmatullah

Marginalization of women in marriage is an issue that always invites debate among Islamic law thinkers, given the ever-changing social conditions of society so that the laws and regulations governing marital problems underwent the first amendment in 2019. This paper focuses on how the position of women in unregistered marriages and child marriages in Islamic law perspective. With a normative approach and legal sociology, this paper confirms a conclusion that the position of women in unregistered marriages and child marriages is very vulnerable to obtaining legal certainty and justice. Even though it is said that child marriage in under age, the original law is permissible according to Islamic law, but it does not mean that it is absolutely permissible for all women in all circumstances. Because in some women there are several conditions that indicate that it is better for her not to marry at an early age. Likewise, unregistered marriages are legally valid according to Islamic law because they have fulfilled the requirements and pillars of marriage, but have not received recognition from the state which results in legal uncertainty for the status of marriage and children born from the marriage. Therefore, Indonesia as a state of law, regulates matters relating to this matter. Namely by requiring the registring of every marriage held and amending the articles of legislation governing the provisions of the age of marriage in order to ensure legal protection and benefit for the parties bound in a marriage bond, especially for wives and children born from marriages. Abstrak Marginalisasi perempuan dalam perkawinan merupakan isu yang selalu mengundang perdebatan di kalangan pemikir hukum Islam, mengingat kondisi sosial masyarakat yang selalu berubah sehingga peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur masalah perkawinan mengalami amandemen pertama pada tahun 2019.  Tulisan ini fokus pada bagaimana kedudukan perempuan dalam nikah sirri dan nikah anak di bawah usia dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Dengan pendekatan normativitas dan sosiologi hukum tulisan ini menegaskan suatu kesimpulan bahwa kedudukan perempuan dalam perkawinan sirri dan perkawinan anak di bawah usia sangatlah rentan untuk memperoleh kepastian dan keadilan hukum. Sekalipun dikatakan bahwa perkawinan anak di bawah usia, hukum asalnya diperbolehkan menurut syariat Islam, tetapi tidak berarti ia di bolehkan secara mutlak bagi semua perempuan dalam semua keadaan. Sebab pada sebagian perempuan terdapat beberapa kondisi yang menunjukkan bahwa lebih baik ia tidak menikah pada usia dini. Begitupun dengan nikah sirri yang hukumnya sah menurut syariat Islam karena telah memenuhi syarat-syarat dan rukun nikah, akan tetapi tidak memperoleh pengakuan dari negara yang mengakibatkan ketidakpastian hukum bagi status perkawinan dan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan tersebut. Oleh karenanya Indonesia sebagai negara hukum, mengatur hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hal ini. Yaitu dengan mengharuskan pencatatan terhadap setiap perkawinan yang diselenggarakan serta mengamandemen pasal-pasal peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang ketentuan umur perkawinan guna menjamin perlindungan hukum dan kemaslahatan bagi pihak-pihak yang terikat dalam suatu ikatan perkawinan, khususnya bagi istri dan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan tersebut.

2021 ◽  

H. Patrick Glenn (1940–2014), Professor of Law and former Director of the Institute of Comparative Law at McGill University, was a key figure in the global discourse on comparative law. This collection is intended to honor Professor Glenn's intellectual legacy by engaging critically with his ideas, especially focusing on his visions of a 'cosmopolitan state' and of law conceptualized as 'tradition'. The book explores the intellectual history of comparative law as a discipline, its attempts to push the objects of its study beyond the positive law of the nation-state, and both its potential and the challenges it must confront in the face of the complex phenomena of globalization and the internationalization of law. An international group of leading scholars in comparative law, legal philosophy, legal sociology, and legal history takes stock of the field of comparative law and where it is headed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-256
Abraham Abraham

sociology of law examines why humans obey the law and why it fails to obey the law and the social factors that influence it. as a relatively new branch of sociology, the science of legal sociology was developed to explain the interrelationships of patterns of behavior and law that cannot yet be explained by other branches of social science.

2021 ◽  
pp. 233150242110347
Maya P Barak

The Executive Office for Immigration Review houses America's trial-level immigration courts, which adjudicate hundreds of thousands of cases annually, many resulting in deportations. Most proceedings require interpretation and all rely heavily upon technology. Yet, we know little about communication and technology in these hearings, and even less about the views of attorneys who navigate this system daily. I examine the effects courtroom interpretation and technology have on immigrant voices as described in interviews with immigration attorneys representing clients facing deportation. Attorneys overwhelmingly characterize the court as procedurally unjust, pinpointing how flaws in interpretation, telephonic conferencing, and videoconferencing offer the illusion of due process. Drawing upon criminology, legal sociology, and linguistics, this study finds profound improvements are needed to ensure due process in the nation's immigration courts, including: Elimination of telephonic and videoconferencing in all but extreme circumstances. Modernization of telephonic and videoconference technology. Improvement of interpreter standards and working conditions. Education of attorneys, judges, and interpreters regarding challenges inherent to courtroom interpretation and technology. Although enhancing the quality of interpretation and technology protocols may improve immigrants’ access to justice in immigration court, meaningful immigration court reforms should reduce the need for an immigration court altogether.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-35
Andrea Kretschmann

Abstract The state of research on legal compliance in socio-legal studies is limited and partially outdated. Like theories on coercion, recognition, or legitimacy, notions around compliance with the law appear plausible in themselves. However, each of them hold only part of the explanation and yet they cannot be reconciled due to theoretical incompatibilities. Legal sociologists therefore speak of a theory gap regarding legal compliance. The following article takes on this research desideratum and attempts to formulate an alternative concept of legal compliance based on an entirely new terminology without, however, completely renouncing the previous findings of legal sociology. Relying on the above-mentioned theory gap alongside the introduction of this new terminology, I argue that it is possible to analyze legal compliance while heuristically integrating all previous theoretical concepts of its. As a starting point, the article draws on Bourdieu’s fragmentary sociology of law and, by extending it, proposes a larger practice and field-theory-based interpretation of compliance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (07) ◽  
pp. 89-101
Fatma AISSAOUI ◽  

The study focuses on a fundamental issue of legal sociology and the philosophy of law, which is the the force of law, which means his effectiveness and applicability in the community of those addressed by it, as the study linked the law to its purpose, and made the common general goal of the abstract law to achieve justice. When the law adopts justice it ensures its effectivness and its continuity in fact which acheive legal security. The study raised the hypothesis of the opposite situation, when the law is against justice, and it presented the possibilities avaible to the original commissionners of the base from individuals in a given community, and from the sub-commissionners represented in the enforcement agencies and judges to get out of the impasse on injust law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 656-660
Elanda Welhelmina Doko ◽  
I Made Suwitra ◽  
Diah gayatry Sudibya

The tradition of capture marriage (Pitti Rambang) of the Sumbanese tribe in East Nusa Tenggara still exists and is carried out continuously with the forced marriage of Sumba women which causes the victim to experience physical, sexual, psychological and social violence. That a strong and inevitable tradition in the culture of the Sumbanese people, who still have a patriarchal culture, upholds customs and this culture facilitates the men. The purpose of this study was to examine the existence of the tradition of mating capture (Pitti Rampang) of the Sumbanese tribe in East Nusa Tenggara and to discuss the factors that influence interbreeding. The methods in this research are the statutory approach, the customary law approach, the concept approach, the legal sociology approach, and the case approach. The results showed that the occurrence of capture marriages (Pitti Rambang) was due to economic factors related to debt, social strata, trust and the level of understanding of the Sumbanese indigenous people towards positive law and the settlement process in this capture marriage was carried out through adat, namely from the stages of search, close the shame, knock on the door, traditional mats, religion (for those of other religions outside the Moruyu belief) until the final stage.

Nada I Asmani ◽  
Agus Machfud Fauzi

The Omnibus Law, which has been valid and has become a regulation in the constitution in Indonesia, has experienced many new things in the process and has not opened up the flow of democracy from the people. There were several articles that were changed, especially regarding employment which eventually got rejected in society. Workers as subjects who are bound by the Omnibus Law are also involved in demonstrations and expect a change to the law. In terms of legal sociology, social revolution, as the answer desired by modern society today, will never occur because it is hampered by social mobility through the decomposition of the new labor force and middle class. Articles that have the potential to become a legality tool for suppressing human rights and discriminating against workers against employees must be further guarded by academics so that practices of abuse of the rules in the Omnibus Law will not occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Aldi Putra

<p>Abstract<br />This research focuses on law enforcement against acts of hazing that are based on bullying  in the college environment in the New Student Life Introduction (PKKMB) activity with the victim being a student from the Faculty of Engineering, Bengkulu University with bullying. Bullying is an act of violence committed by someone who has power by oppressing the victim both physically and verbally. The victim was subjected to verbal abuse by being forced to cross her own face with lipstick by forcing a high tone and was ordered to stand for 2 hours during the Introduction to Humanity at the Faculty of Engineering Campus. In this study, using the doctrinal method (normative) by analyzing cases studied with related regulations and legal theory according to the research. Actions carried out by perpetrators of perpleoncoan with the accusation of bullying include criminal acts by means of coercion in accordance with the Criminal Code. Based on the perspective of legal sociology that law is seen based on reality on the ground (empiric), in this study usingtheory lawas a tool of social engineering. who viewed “the law as a tool to tool of engineering”. In this case, it is seen that in theory the law used is that the law is made based on the reality on the ground to be a correction to the existing legal umbrella. However, this case is a fairly common problem in hazing, but bullying done by seniors to new students of Bengkulu University from the Faculty of Engineering is a hazing which should not be done on the basis of humanist principles. Laws should be dynamic in nature and change according to people’s lives, but such actions must be changed if they harm others on the basis even though they are based on habits</p><p>Abstrak<br />Penelitian ini berfokus pada penegakan hukum terhadap tindakan perpeloncoan yang yang  dilandasi pada tindakan bullying di lingkungan perguruan tinggi dalam kegiatan Pengenalan Kehidupan Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) dengan korban seorang mahasiswi dari Fakultas Teknin Universitas Bengkulu dengan tindakan bullying. Bullying adalah suatau tindakan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh sesorang yang memiliki kekuasaan dengan cara menindas korban baik secara fisik maupun verbal. Korban mendapatkan perlakuan kekerasan secara verbal dengan dipaksa mencoret wajahnya sendiri dengan lipstick dengan memaksa nada tinggi serta diperintah untuk berdiri selama 2 jam pada kegiatan Pengenalan Kehipuan Kampus Fakultas Teknik. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode doktrinal (normatif) dengan menganalisis kasus dikaji dengan peraturan terkait dan teori hukum yang sesuai penelitian. Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku perpleoncoan dengan diseratai bullying termasuk karenah pidana dengan adanya pemaksaan sesuai Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Berdasarkan perspektif sosiologi hukum bahwa hukum dilihat berdasarkan kenyataan di lapangan (empirik), dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori law as a tool of social engineering yang dipandang bahwa hukum sebagai alat untuk mengontrol masyarakat. Dalam kasus ini dipandang secara teori yang digunakan hukum adalah hukum sebekumnya dibuat berdasarkan kenyataan di lapangan untuk menjadi koreksi terhadap payung hukum yang ada. Namun kasus ini menjadi permasalahan yang cukup lumrah dalam perpeloncoan, namun bullying yang dilakukan oleh senior tehdap mahasiswa baru Universitas Bengkulu dari Fakultas Teknik merupakan suatu perpeloncoan yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan dengan dasar asas humanis. Hukum seharusnya bersifat dinamis berubah sesuai kehidupan masyarakat, namun tindakan seperti itu harus diubah apabila merugikan orang lain atas dasar walau berdasarkan kebiasaan.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-91
Hepridayanti ◽  
Agus Machfud Fauzi

Abstract The formation of the Draft Law through the Omnibus Law method raises resistance in the community and a number of its contents have caused controversy. The research objective is to find out the concept of the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law in a sociological (legal sociology) perspective by focusing on the resistance of the community to the ratification of the Job Creation Law and the role of the company in responding to the process of resistance by the community. The research method uses descriptive qualitative methods, by searching for data sources obtained from various literature studies such as journals, articles, news, mass media and so on. The results show that there are several causes of community resistance to the ratification of the Job Creation Law and the more dominant role of companies in supporting the ratification of the Job Creation Law. The conclusion is that since the draft law becomes the work copyright law, it is still reaping resistance among the public.   Keywords : Community Resistance, Omnibus Law: Law on Employment (Employment), Sociology: Sociology of Law. Abstrak Pembentukan Rancangan Undang-Undang melalui metode Omnibus Law memunculkan resistensi di masyarakat dan sejumlah materi muatannya menimbulkan kontroversi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui konsep Omnibus Law UU Cipta Kerja dalam perspektif sosiologi (sosiologi hukum) dengan berfokus pada resistensi masyarakat terhadap pengesahan UU Cipta Kerja  dan peran dari perusahaan dalam menanggapi proses penolakan oleh masyarakat. Metode penelitian  menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, dengan mencari sumber data yang diperoleh dari berbagai studi literatur seperti jurnal, artikel, berita, media massa dan lain sebagainya. Hasil penelitian bahwa terdapat beberapa penyebab terjadinya resistensi masyarakat terhadap pengesahan UU Cipta Kerja dan peran perusahaan yang lebih dominan mendukung pengesahan UU Cipta Kerja. Kesimpulan bahwa dengan sejak adanya rancangan undang-undang hingga menjadi undang-undang cipta kerja masih  menuai resistensi di kalangan masyarakat.   Kata Kunci : Resistensi Masyarakat, Omnibus Law: Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja ( Ketenagakerjaan ), Sosiologi: Sosiologi Hukum.      

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