Introducing Funded Pension Systems: International and Russian Experience

2010 ◽  
pp. 138-148
A. Tabakh

The article reviews international experience of the pension reform switching from PAYG pension system toward funded or mixed ones. Issues related to reception of new institutions and changes in institutional environment are considered, recommendations on correction of the Russian pension system are formulated. Global experience shows that funded pension systems were successfully introduced either by democratic political regimes based on consensus or by dictatorships using authoritarian methods. In the latter case, reform plans were corrected as implementation proceeded. Stability of the reformed pension system strongly depends on its transparency and protection mechanisms for employees and employers built within the system. Funded pension system brings higher formal employment but creates new administrative barriers and transaction costs, increasing stability but reducing flexibility of the social insurance system.

2011 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-266 ◽  
Teodoras Medaiskis

In 2009, Lithuania suffered very deep recession. The fall in GDP by 15 %, high unemployment, and decreased population earnings all affected the pensions system. Before the recession struck, social insurance expenditures had increased considerably and the reserve fund had been exhausted. The recession resulted in the decreased income of the social insurance system and state. While in 2009, the government attempted to maintain the level of pensions, by 2010, it was forced to cut benefits. This shocking decision raised awareness about some theoretical problems concerning the nature of pensions. Is the social insurance payg pension the property of the retiree, or it is only a part of the working generation income shared via the social insurance system with the retired generation? How should the protection against poverty and income replacement components be combined in the pension system and how should they be financed? How should the payg and funded components be united and what are the roles of the private sector and the government? In this article, Lithuania’s attempts to cope with the recession’s consequences and to respond to these newly posed questions are presented.

Inna V. Kolodeznikova ◽  
Roman V. Kondurov ◽  
Diana V. Galitskayа

Social insurance occupies a special place in the entire social policy of the state. Developed system of social insurance in the country provides citizens with effective protection mechanisms and thereby ensures economic stability and creates an atmosphere of social cohesion in society. At present, social insurance systems in Russia and Germany have significant differences that include both the structure and functioning of each type of insurance separately. These differences in the organization of social insurance systems in Russia and Germany are traceable from the very beginning. System of social insurance in modern Russia has been developing to a certain extent inconsistently and to the present time still is not completely formed. The German system developed gradually and improved with regard to the features of the interests of society at various stages of its development. The establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany as a social state determined the modern model of the social insurance system. Therefore, the study of the German model is interesting from the point of view of the subsequent possible introduction of its elements into Russian insurance practice. The article compares social insurance systems of Russia and Germany. The components of the systems are studied; their similarities and differences are revealed. Opinions of experts of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment on the prospects and problems of the development of the Russian model of the social insurance system and the possibility of using the German insurance experience in Russian practice are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1(21)) ◽  
pp. 45-61
Lasha Beridze ◽  
Giorgi Abuselidze

The existence of pension schemes does not count for a long period, but its obligation has been historically proven, as the experience of countries has shown that the countries that have the best practices provide better social protection of the population when retiring. The article discusses the redistribution of pension assets worldwide, pragmatically and theoretically evaluating the pros and cons of retirement plans. The implementation of the pension reform in Georgia has been delayed many times due to the socio-economic situation, accompanied by the psychological attitude of the population towards distrust of the state. Georgia is on the path to European integration, where one of the most important requirements is the proper protection and social equalization of the socially vulnerable, while the existence of pension schemes ensures the accumulation of large amounts of funds, which can play an important role in capital and financial markets. The advantages of the existence of pension schemes may be reflected in the permanent increase of the equalization ratio, but it should be noted that at such times the macroeconomic indicators of the state should be relatively stable, such as inflation, stability of the national currency and others. As of today, the tasks set before the Pension Agency in Georgia are quite ambitious and require effective management, as the pension reform takes only a few years.In the social security system of the population, the pension is a mechanism for maintaining a stable material condition during the period of disability. Following in the footsteps of the development of mankind, pension systems were improved, the main purpose of which was to replace the average income per capita during the working period in a way that would not worsen living conditions. Therefore, the pension replacement rate has become a measure of the evaluation of the pension system of a country. The replacement rate in the pension systems of developed countries is in the range of 60-80%, in developing countries it is 15-30%, which is systematically subject to adjustment. Georgia, despite the normal rate of economic growth in the last decade, is not distinguished by a pension provision mechanism. From the day of independence, the state basic pension was periodically subject to changes. The change, however, was related not so much to the approach to the subsistence level as to the subsequent promises of a change of government. At the present stage, the pension system is in the process of modification, which aims to ensure adequate pension income, fiscal sustainability of pension expenditures and a more effective response to demographic changes in the population. Developing and developing countries are trying to equalize the time of retirement of the population, which is often difficult to achieve and requires both economic and political decisions, because the financing of social security from the state budget requires large expenditures. Which can often be the result of the devaluation of the national currency and high inflation, which in itself can be seen as an impediment to economic development. The increase in social spending is often the subject of controversy among scientists-economists, for example, for the development of the state, what kind of spending will be more effective, financing social or capital projects ?! Often, the increase in capital expenditures, at the expense of the social situation, is not considered a popular political decision, because at this time the dissatisfaction of the socially vulnerable segments of the population increases. One of the goals of the accumulative pension is to achieve social equality and a high replacement rate, but how much it will work in Georgia is also a question, because the unemployment rate and the self-employed are high in terms of labor force, in particular, about 30% of the labor force The amount of monthly salary that is published statistically is also problematic, because the calculation methodology is often disputed and there is no minimum wage at the level of legislation. The main functions of the Pension Agency are to invest the accumulated funds, but investments in investment assets are not defined by the National Bank and are quite narrow, for example, foreign practice allows pension funds to invest funds in both real assets and foreign financial markets. As mentioned, the implementation of such investments by the Pension Agency should be allowed in Georgia and should be used to finance national, strategic projects. Ensuring the stability of inflation and the national currency in Georgia remains a challenge. In the event of inflation approaching double digits, pension savings will lose effectiveness. Also noteworthy is the gender imbalance when receiving a pension, namely in terms of average salary and life expectancy, a man's salary is about 4 times higher than a woman receiving a pension, which should be considered unfair, the state will have to adjust the retirement age in the future. Finally, it should be noted that the pension reform, despite its shortcomings, should be considered a step forward, but it needs to refine certain issues, diversify asset management and economic stability, which will not be easy to achieve.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Roman Garbiec

AbstractThe disability pension system in Poland has operated largely unchanged since the 1970s. A compelling need to reform the system and adjust it to the challenges of the 21st century is an axiom in the Polish social policy. Unfortunately, restructuring of this system has never been, and is not a top priority for the Polish government. Ignoring this problem is a headwind against economic growth in Poland as the state is overburdened with significant social taxes. A need for the state to provide subsidies to cover current expenditures of the Social Insurance Trust Fund (FUS) is a permanent concern of the national economy. This paper highlights legislative errors and omissions in the Polish social insurance system, and the share of the state's budget devoted to financing of this system and benefit payments over the years 1991-2018. In the main part of the article, financial aspects of the operation of the pension system in Poland were presented. At the end of the article, a preliminary concept of a reform of the existing disability pension system was outlined, whose aim is in particular to improve its financial effectiveness and introduce uniform rules for the payment of pension benefits in Poland.

2020 ◽  
Ludmyla Laukhina ◽  
Olena Rabich ◽  
Nadia Kobzar ◽  
Svetlana Scachedub ◽  

In modern conditions, the social policy of the state acquires special significance, which is a set of socio-economic measures of the state, enterprises, organizations, local authorities aimed at protecting the population from unemployment, rising prices, devaluation of labor savings. This is especially important in the Ukrainian reality, as due to the deep economic crisis and the decline in production, the problem of material security of the population, the creation of new jobs has become acute. Social policy follows from the social functions of the state, which it performs in a competitive market mechanism. It has been concluded that the payers of social insurance contributions are the state and employers (enterprises), and employees allegedly do not participate in social insurance and are provided without any deductions (payments) from wages. Social insurance directly and indirectly affects the interests of employees. Therefore, the participation of employees as insurers is mandatory under Ukrainian law. Due to the fact that this process is objective, beyond the control of the individual, is beyond his control, the state, reducing social tensions, takes care of the poor. It has been considered that a serious problem for Ukraine is the reform of the pension system: in fact, it is planned to build 2 new levels of the pension system. Thus, the pension system of Ukraine in the future should look like this: the first level - solidarity - exists today and provides for mandatory payments to the «common pot»; the second level - personalized - also provides for a «common pot», only now the information system of the Pension Fund will store information on the number and amount of individual payments; the third level provides for the emergence of private pension funds and voluntary contributions of working citizens. Bills on pension reform include, in particular, the removal of restrictions on the maximum amount of pension, the restoration of the dependence of the amount of pension on salary and seniority. It has been concluded that the field of social partnership, social policy and social security are those areas that directly affect the living standards of the population and are priority for Ukraine, wich includes the protection of the poor, the fight against unemployment, the regulation of labor relations.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Hanna Rinne ◽  
Jenni Blomgren

Tieto kuntoutuksen kentän kokonaisuudesta ja erilaisten kuntoutuspalveluiden käytöstä samoilla ihmisillä on varsin hajanaista ja puutteellista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kuntoutukseen osallistumisen yleisyyttä ja päällekkäisyyttä eri osajärjestelmissä Oulun asukkailla vuonna 2018 laajalla rekisteriaineistolla (N = 192 844). Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan julkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmän kuntoutusta, Kelan kuntoutusta, työeläkekuntoutusta, työterveyshuollon fysioterapiaa ja Kelan korvaamaa yksityistä fysioterapiaa. Vuonna 2018 oululaisista 18 prosenttia sai vähintään yhden tutkitun osajärjestelmän kuntoutusta (N = 34 061). Yleisintä oli julkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmän kuntoutus, harvinaisinta työeläkekuntoutus. Naiset osallistuivat kuntoutukseen miehiä yleisemmin. Kuntoutukseen osallistuminen oli miehillä yleisintä 65 vuotta täyttäneillä, naisilla 45–64-vuotiailla. Harvinaisinta se oli 16–24-vuotiailla miehillä ja alle 16-vuotiailla naisilla. Suurin osa (90 %) kuntoutukseen osallistuneista oli osallistunut vain yhden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen. Useamman osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuminen oli naisilla miehiä yleisempää. Ikäryhmistä se oli yleisintä 45–64-vuotiailla ja harvinaisinta alle 16-vuotiailla. Vähintään kahden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuneet olivat keskimäärin vanhempia kuin vain yhden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuneet ja myös naisten osuus oli heillä suurempi. Rekisteritietoja kuntoutuksesta on hankala koota kattavasti, sillä järjestelmä on hyvin hajanainen ja toimijoita ja rekisterinpitäjiä on lukuisia. Myös kuntoutuksen määrittely aineistoista osoittautui vaikeaksi. Yhtenäiset tietojärjestelmät kuntoutuksesta palvelisivat paitsi tutkijoita, myös kuntoutujia. Abstract Prevalence and overlap of participation in rehabilitation in different subsystems – a register-based study among residents of the city of Oulu, Finland, in 2018 Knowledge of the whole spectrum of rehabilitation and of the use of different rehabilitation services by the same individuals is quite fragmented and incomplete. The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence and overlap of participation in rehabilitation in different subsystems among residents of the city of Oulu, Finland, in 2018 using extensive register-based data (N=192,844). The study examines rehabilitation organized by the public social and health care system, by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, by the earnings-related pension system, as well as physiotherapy in occupational health care and private physiotherapy reimbursed by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. In 2018, 18 per cent of the residents of Oulu received rehabilitation of at least one of the examined subsystems (N=34,061). Receiving rehabilitation of public social and health care was the most common; the rarest was rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system. Women participated in rehabilitation more often than men. Using rehabilitation services was most common in men aged 65 and over, and in women aged 45–64. It was least common in men aged 16–24 years and in women under 16 years of age. The majority (90%) of those who participated in rehabilitation had participated in rehabilitation of only one subsystem. Participation in rehabilitation of several subsystems was more common in women than in men. It was most common in those aged 45–64 years and least common in those under 16 years of age. Those who received rehabilitation of at least two subsystems were, on average, older than those who received rehabilitation of only one subsystem, and more often women. It is difficult to compile comprehensive register data on rehabilitation, as the system is very fragmented and there are many organizers and registrars. Defining rehabilitation from the data also proved difficult. Unified information systems on rehabilitation would serve not only researchers but also rehabilitees. Keywords: rehabilitation, register-based research, Finland

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 835-842
Roman Garbiec

AbstractSocial risks are an unusual type of risks occurring in insurance. Their specific feature is the implementation of risk in the sphere of social life of a person with special regard to the work environment. Social risks are an element of research in economics and law and in social policy. The author of the paper shows that the structure of the Polish social insurance system is not optimal and requires radical reform. This paper contains, among others, characteristics of the scope of protection of social risks identified in Poland by Social Security Administration and the basis for financing benefits from this system. The summary of the paper presents opinions on improving the financial efficiency of this system.

Tetiana Ivashchenko

The most contradictions arise today over the pension system reforming. Each year the states spent significant resources to finance social and economic needs of the population. The positive effect of the nominal growth of the social and economic guarantees in Ukraine leveled nowadays in terms of financial, economic and political instability. Also the processes of depopulation have a very negative impact on the financial viability of the PAYG pension system. Given this, the research aim was to study and discuss tendencies in financial provision of the pension systems in the European countries and Ukraine under globalization. As a result in the process of research the main features of functioning and providing of the pension insurance systems in European countries and Ukraine were examined; the impact of the depopulation processes on the financial provision of the pension systems was determined; problems, related to introduction of the funded system of pension insurance were analyzed; the role of the minimum pension institute in provision of the effective pension system functioning was disclosed and recommendations in relation to optimization of pension insurance and providing сo-operation under globalization were developed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 22
Lyudmyla Alekseyenko

Introduction. The study of theoretical and empirical aspects of the accumulative pension system should help to identify patterns and contradictions of its development in society. In order to conduct an effective economic policy on the introduction of a funded pension system, it is necessary to define a theoretical concept of a model of the active role of the state in socio-economic processes or a moderate liberal model. Reforming the pension system is a rather long process and requires both the definition of the main directions, principles and measures for the development of the funded pension system, and changes in the values, principles and norms of behavior of citizens.The purpose is to substantiate the theoretical concept, trends, problems of the accumulative pension system and the directions of its introduction into society.Research methods are based on the dialectical method of scientific knowledge and a systematic approach to knowledge of economic phenomena and processes, theoretical generalization, systematization, which allowed to reveal the problems of the accumulative pension system based on theoretical concepts and economic-statistical analysis of demographic load of working age and after working age.Results. The indicators influencing the introduction of the second level of the pension system were monitored. The dynamics of indicators of demographic load of the population of pre-working and post-working age is analyzed. The focus is on the peculiarities of wages and final consumer expenditures of households and the general government sector. It was found that in general, citizens belong to the elderly population, so to prevent further deterioration of the ratio between age groups, it is advisable to increase the effectiveness of the social insurance system. The expediency of paying more attention to actuarial statistics to determine the future size of pensions and their exact calculation is substantiated.Prospects. Further research is important to focus on improving the efficiency of the multi-component funded pension system in the context of ensuring compliance with the values, principles and norms of the society.

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