scholarly journals Héroes y leyendas de Popayán: un juego serio basado en realidad aumentada para la apropiación del patrimonio.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-73
M.I. Vidal Caicedo ◽  
M.C. Camacho Ojeda ◽  
P.D. Burbano Ceron ◽  
H.F. Muñoz Muñoz ◽  
V.H. Agredo Echavarria

El patrimonio cultural constituye una de las riquezas más importantes de los pueblos, preservar los espacios históricos es una función social, sin embargo la preservación de los sitios históricos depende de la apropiación que tengan las personas que residen en esos lugares. En los últimos años se han desarrollado aplicaciones que buscan comunicar la importancia del patrimonio haciendo uso de tecnologías como la realidad aumentada y los juego serios, la tecnología permite llegar a diferentes espacios incluso a los que físicamente ya no existen y viajar en el tiempo a épocas pasadas, por lo cual se convierten estas herramientas en facilitadores de la apropiación del patrimonio. En este artículo se presenta un juego serio que emplea realidad aumentada para crear una experiencia de inmersión. The cultural heritage is one of the most important riches of the people, preserve the historical spaces is a social function. However, the preservation of historical sites depends on the appropriation that have people living in those places. In recent years, applications have been developed that seek to communicate the importance of heritage using of technologies such as augmented reality and serious games. The technology allows to get places even those who physically no longer exist and also travel to the past, so these tools become facilitators of the appropriation of heritage. This paper presents a serious game that uses augmented reality to create an immersive experience.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-17
M.I. Vidal Caicedo ◽  
M.C. Camacho Ojeda ◽  
P.D. Burbano Ceron ◽  
H.F. Muñoz Muñoz ◽  
V.H. Agredo Echavarria

Los juegos serios y la realidad aumentada se han combinado para lograr potencializar el interés que despiertan en sus jugadores y poder alcanzar su objetivo educativo, publicitario o de difusión, en los últimos años se han desarrollado juegos serios que haciendo uso de la realidad aumentada enriquecen la experiencia de los jugadores al visitar un museo o sitios históricos, despertando el interés por la cultura y el patrimonio, brindando la oportunidad de que el jugador sean parte de la historia. En ese artículo se presentan inicialmente algunos juegos serios que han empleado la realidad aumentada para incrementar la experiencia del usuario, y luego se expone la experiencia de desarrollo de un juego serio que usa la realidad aumentada como un medio para propender la apropiación del patrimonio. The Serious gaming and the augmented reality have combined to achieve wake the interest in their players and reach its educational, advertising or dissemination goals. In recent years have developed serious gaming that making used of augmented reality for enrich the experience of players when visiting a museum or historical sites, increasing interest in culture and heritage by allowing that player be part of the story. In this article we present initially some serious games that have used augmented reality to increase the user experience, and then expose the experience of developing a serious game that uses augmented reality as a means to promote the appropriation of heritage.  

Cristina Portalés ◽  
Sergio Casas ◽  
Lucía Vera ◽  
Javier Sevilla

Cultural heritage (CH) tells us about our roots, and therefore, constitutes a rich value for the society. Its conservation, dissemination, and understanding are of utmost importance. In order to preserve CH for the upcoming generations, it needs to be documented, a process that nowadays is done digitally. Current trends involve a set of technologies (cameras, scanners, etc.) for the shape and radiometric acquisition of assets. Also, intangible CH can be digitally documented in a variety of forms. Having such assets virtualized, a proper dissemination channel is of relevance, and recently, new technologies that make use of interaction paradigms have emerged. Among them, in this chapter, the authors focus their attention in the technologies of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and serious games (SGs). They aim to explore these technologies in order to show their benefits in the dissemination and understanding of CH. Though the work involving them is not trivial, and usually a multidisciplinary team is required, the benefits for CH make them worth it.

Erickson Melo de Albuquerque ◽  
Israel Manoel da Silva ◽  
Henando Nunes da Silva ◽  
Everaldo Barbosa da Silva ◽  
Francisco De Assis da Silva

<p class="western" lang="en-US" align="justify">Princesa Isabel, a municipality located in the backwoods of Paraíba state, Brazil, has a vast historical wealth and carries an inheritance from the striking periods of the past, such as historical buildings, records of the 1930’s Revolt and the cultural traditions of its people. The rescue and preservation of its history strengthens the identity of the people in their own territory, however, the Paraíba state still needs investments in the sector to modernize the way of registration of its cultural heritage. Based on the technologies currently available, with emphasis to the geoprocessing, it is appropriate to use collaborative mapping techniques to record and share information, with a goal to the preservation and dissemination of history. Because it is a constantly evolving technology, a simple, free and practical solution is presented through the use of GIS Cloud and smartphone as equipment to collect geo-referenced data. Therefore, the objective of this work was to map the cultural heritage of Princesa Isabel (PB) using a smartphone and applications capable of executing the geoprocessing for collecting, storing, managing and sharing georeferenced data. The dynamic maps produced provide information synthesized in a user-friendly interface that makes navigation easier to any user. These maps are shared in Google My Maps. Thus, a secure record about the cultural heritage of the municipality was reached, whereby the technology employed proved to be timely, practical, cheap and accessible.</p>

Giuseppe Conti ◽  
Raffaele De Amicis ◽  
Gabrio Girardi ◽  
Michele Andreolli

The widespread adoption of IT technologies by cultural heritage (CH) has transformed how cultural heritage is presented both to experts and the broad public. In the last few years a large number of multimedia applications, including virtual and augmented reality simulations, have been proposed by researchers and industry alike. However some of these technologies struggle to achieve mass diffusion, most probably due to limitations of their interfaces. Conversely, the recent widespread success of both serious games and mobile applications are laying the foundations for true extensive access to digital information on cultural heritage, creating new possibilities. This chapter illustrates this technological trend, highlighting their potential effects on the public and discussing a number of emerging scenarios of interest for the cultural heritage domain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-247
Wanda listiani ◽  
Sri Rustiyanti ◽  
Fani Dila Sari ◽  
IBG. Surya Peradantha

The name Galunggung is very well known to the people of Indonesia as the name of the mountain and the name of an Old Sundanese Manuscript. The ancient manuscript of Amanat Galunggung is a manuscript written in the 16th century and contains the teachings of life or local genius of the Sukapura or Tasikmalaya people. Mount Galunggung has experienced several eruptions from 1822 to 1983. The eruption of Mount Galunggung has had a catastrophic impact on the community and provided long term benefits for improving the soil fertility around the Mount Galunggung site such as the Indihiang site. Various disasters that have occurred due to volcanic eruptions in various regions have become a source of learning for the community to mitigate disasters from an early age. This research uses qualitative methods and digital augmented reality techniques. Augmented Reality can be used in visualizing and simulating mountain sites or other cultural heritage sites. The results of this study recommend the application of Augmented Realty technology in the conservation of cultural heritage sites and disaster mitigation as well as the planning program for the nomination of mountain sites in Indonesia for UNESCO’s world cultural heritage by the Indonesian government. Various efforts to develop site conservation with digital 4.0 technology and assistance for local communities involving universities, local governments, museum communities and the cultural arts tourism industry. The use of Augmented Reality can be useful for increasing understanding and learning experiences about cultural sites and heritage in tertiary, primary and secondary education.

Sylvie Barma ◽  
Sylvie Daniel ◽  
Nathalie Bacon ◽  
Marie-Andrée Gingras ◽  
Mathieu Fortin

This qualitative research is part of a learning effort to better understand how serious games are exploited in a science education context. The research team examined this issue by focusing on augmented reality as a technological innovation imbedded on a tablet. Given the current state of knowledge related to serious games and augmented reality, and given the fact that its use in the context of teaching/learning is not extended, this paper focuses on an initial exploration of how a new teaching practice involving a serious game based on an interactive augmented reality solution would impact on students in a physics class. A Design Based Research methodology was applied in a real‑world context within a college‑level physics class. Two conceptual tests containing ten questions on spatial notions regarding electromagnetic fields were administered to two control groups and two groups using the proposed serious game. The latter groups were administrated a game evaluation questionnaire as well. Thematic interpretation of students written responses to the evaluation questionnaire as well as the lessons and observations we derived from the in-class experimentation are provided and discussed in the paper.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Muhammad Fadhlan Syuaib Intan ◽  
Nasruddin Nasruddin

AbstractThe South Nias cultural heritage presented through the artifacts, in the form of traditional architectural buildings, as well as various megalithic stone buildings with all their forms, is an ancestral cultural work that not only contains aesthetic values, uniqueness and art, but also local wisdom as a source of knowledge which is very valuable to be studied and studied. This important and very valuable heritage must be preserved and preserved. But the attitudes and views of the people towards their cultural heritage are changing, as if they no longer have sacred values, even the value of local wisdom begins to fade over time. The existence of South Nias traditional houses is relatively more sustainable compared to other traditional houses. To maintain its existence, changes are needed to accommodate the current residential needs of the community. On the other hand, these changes have the potential to eliminate the character or authenticity of traditional Nias Selatan architecture. This study aims to find out about traditional technologies and architectural changes that occur and their impact on the existence of traditional South Nias houses. From the various problems of the South Nias cultural heritage that are being faced, this study tries to highlight aspects of traditional architecture and local wisdom, including the accompanying megalithic elements. The subjects that will be studied use an ethno-archaeological approach with emphasis on the observation method through direct observation of objects of material culture and social aspects at the research site. In this way it makes it easier for us to observe directly and in detail the architectural forms and components, both exterior and interior as well as the decorative types in the past cultural context of South Nias.Keywords: Traditional Architecture, Megalithic, Cultural HeritageAbstrak Warisan budaya Nias Selatan yang dipresentasikan lewat  peninggalan artefak, berupa  bangunan berarsitektur tradisional, maupun beragam bangunan batu megalit dengan segala rupa bentuknya, merupakan karya budaya leluhur  yang tidak hanya mengandung nilai estetika, keunikan dan seni semata, tetapi juga merupakan kearifan lokal sebagai sumber ilmu pengetahuan yang sangat berharga untuk dikaji dan dipelajari.  Warisan yang penting dan sangat berharga  ini wajib dipelihara dan dilestarikan. Namun sikap dan pandangan masyarakatnya  terhadap warisan budayanya, sedang berubah, seakan tidak lagi memiliki nilai-nilai sakral, bahkan  nilai kearifan lokal pun mulai luntur seiring perjalanan waktu. Keberadaan rumah tradisional Nias Selatan relatif lebih bertahan eksistensinya dibandingkan rumah tradisional lainnya. Untuk mempertahankan eksistensinya, diperlukan perubahan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan hunian masyarakat saat ini. Di sisi lain, perubahan tersebut berpotensi menghilangkan karakter atau keaslian  arsitektur tradisional Nias Selatan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknologi tradisional dan perubahan arsitektur yang terjadi dan dampaknya terhadap eksistensi dari rumah tradisional Nias Selatan. Dari berbagai masalah warisan budaya Nias Selatan yang sedang dihadapi itu,  maka penelitian ini mencoba menyoroti aspek  arsitektur tradisional maupun kearifan lokalnya, termasuk unsur megalitik yang menyertainya. Subyek yang akan  dikaji ini memakai pendekatan etnoarkeologi dengan  penekanan  pada metode  observasi melalui pengamatan langsung terhadap obyek-obyek budaya material dan aspek sosial di lokasi penelitian. Dengan cara ini memudahkan kita mengamati secara langsung dan detil bentuk-bentuk arsitektur dan komponennya, baik eksterior dan interior maupun ragam hias dalam konteks budaya masa lalu Nias Selatan.Kata Kunci: Arsitektur Tradisional, Megalitik, Warisan Budaya

Галина Викторовна Сёмина

В статье автор исходит из понимания феномена культуры (как в искусстве, так и в философии) как культуры, способной жить и развиваться только в одновременном диалоге с другими культурами, который В.С. Библер назвал «культурологическим парадоксом». В процессе проведенного исследования выстроено понимание того, что культура есть мир «вещей», основанный на диалоге их создателей не только с людьми настоящего, но и с последующими поколениями, так как рассказывают потомкам о мировоззрении прошедшей эпохи, о ценностях культуры предков, о мировидении создателей произведений. Автор считает этот аспект достаточно важным и значимым для решения проблем по дальнейшему сохранению культурного наследия народов Северного Кавказа в глобализирующемся мире, стремящемся к всеобщей унификации и нивелирующим тем самым самобытность культур этносов. Культурфилософский анализ предметов как «вещей» способствует выявлению их смыслов, несущих на себе печать человека как homo faber, как созерцателя и как пользователя, которому не только открыто их предназначение, но и без которого в принципе невозможно их существование. В качестве примера рассмотрены узорные карачаево-балкарские ковры - кийизы. Проведена сравнительная параллель между возможными интерпретациями орнаментальных мотивов жыйгыч кийизов - узких полосок, покрывавших полки в патриархальных жилищах этих этносов, и предполагаемым диалогом с Другим. Материал дает основание сделать вывод о том, что эти ковры-занавеси «читаются» по типу «культурного текста» - неких закодированных таким образом посланий предков. In the paper, the author proceeds from the understanding of the phenomenon of culture (both in art and in philosophy), as a culture capable of living and developing only in a simultaneous dialogue with other cultures, which V.S. Bibler called "a cultural paradox". In the process of the study, the understanding is built that culture is a world of "things", basing on the dialogue of their creators not only with the people of the present, but also with subsequent generations. They tell descendants about the worldview of the past era, about the values of ancestral culture, about the worldview of the creators of works. The author considers this aspect important and significant enough to solve the problems of further preserving the cultural heritage of the peoples of the North Caucasus in a globalizing world, striving for universal unification and thereby leveling the identity of ethnic cultures. Cultural-philosophical analysis of objects as "things" helps to identify their meanings, bearing the stamp of a human being, as a homo faber, as a contemplator and as a user, to whom not only their purpose is open, but also without which, in principle, their existence is impossible. The patterned Karachay-Balkarian rugs - kiyizes - are considered as an example. A comparative parallel was drawn between possible interpretations of the ornamental motifs of the zhyigych kiyizes -narrow strips covering shelves in the patriarchal dwellings of these ethnic groups, and the alleged dialogue with the Other. The material gives reason to conclude that these curtain rugs are "read" according to the type of "cultural text" which is a kind of coded message from the ancestors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-184
Zuzanna Bogumił

This article looks on Jedwabne and the debate on Polish involvement in the Holocaust from the perspective of the Jedwabians. The author shows that until the erection of the national monument to the murdered Jews in Jedwabne in 2001, the Jedwabians’ memory of their Jewish neighbors was a part of local memory. Jedwabians commemorated the Jews in accordance with their frames of memory. The point is that the people in Jedwabne are first of all a members of parish community, so their memory is religious in nature. This has a profound effect on their relationship to the past and their perception of the role of monuments and memorials. By reconstructing the history of the erection of selected monuments in Jedwabne, the author shows which events of the past Jedwabians want to commemorate and what social function is played by memory of the commemorated events. She also considers to what degree memory of the group’s past lies at the base of the Jedwabians’ contemporary identity.

Ainur Rohimah ◽  
Joni Wibowo ◽  
Ricky Yulius Kristian

The discovery of Statue and Red Bricks (Bata Abang) located in Sukoreno Village. The Red Brick in Sukoreno site has scattered in settlements and suspected that many Red Bricks has been crushed by residents. Being a cultural heritage of the past, this site needs deep attention and is very important to be studied as an Indonesian nation's self-image. The researcher used the folklore method to uncover the surrounding of the cultural and historical context. In addition, through physiological comparative studies, the shape and characteristics of decapitated statue and red bricks with Majapahit relics in Trowulan, it is found that decapitated statues (Sukoreno statues) have physiological characteristics (shapes and models) that are similar to the Nandiswara or Mahakala statues. The first identification lead the researcher how the connection of  the Sukoreno Site with The East Majapahit Kingdom. This effort is expected to be able to support the development of the cultural tourism area in Jember Regency and contribute to the retention of assets of national culture, especially the culture of the people in Jember. This research concludes that The Sukoreno Site as an important area and assume The Sukoreno Site as a palace.

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