2020 ◽  
pp. 153-165
N. Shcherbak
2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-285
Claudia Petrescu ◽  
Flavis Mihalache

Public services represent an important dimension of quality of society, as they create the contextual conditions for people to further their quality of life. Romanian public administration reform has brought about a constant institutional transformation, which has influenced both the specific features and the quality of the services. This article aims to analyse trends regarding the perceived quality of public services in Romania, in European comparative perspective, using the data of the European Quality of Life Survey (2003–2016). The article aims to understand the low satisfaction with public services in Romania against the background of the public service reform measures taken by government in this period. The article describes the context of Romanian public administration and public service reform, the most important public policy measures adopted and the most important challenges. The lack of vision in the public service reform, the partial introduction of reform elements, the permanent and, sometimes, conflicting changes are issues that may have influenced the way in which the population perceives the quality of public services. The decentralisation process of public services and the insufficient allocation of public funds for delivering such services at local level might have an impact on their quality and quantity perceived by the population. Keywords: public services; public administration reform; citizens’ satisfaction; New Public Management; New Weberianism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Dejan Milenković ◽  
Vladimir Đurić

Public administration reform, better known as the New Public Management - NPM, which began in the mid-1970s, had a key impact on the development of modern public administration. The NPM emphasizes the economic values of public administration, to the detriment of its other values. Public Private Partnership- PPP is one of the basic elements of NPM doctrine. PPP is a partnership between the public and private sector that aims to provide a service traditionally provided by the public sector. An integral part of every PPP is the Value for Money methodology. The “Value for money”- VfM method emerged in this process of public administration reform, first in the UK. The document of the British Government Private Finance Initiative (PFI) from the year 1992, presented the basis for the creation of a new so-called “Venture”, which at that time was called a joint venture, and which is today known as PPP. PPP is a relatively new institute that has existed in the Republic of Serbia since 2011. In this paper, we will deal with the application of the VfM methodology in PPP projects related to street lighting in the Republic of Serbia, and try to give answer about social and economic justification of PPP and potential economic savings that can be achieved in the public sector through the implementation of PPP. At the present time, when there is more and more talk about the need for environmental protection, sustainable development and energy efficiency, PPP projects can have an increasing importance in this area. For this reason, we have limited the application of VfM methods in PPP projects in the Republic of Serbia only to street lighting projects which provide the mentioned goals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 209-216
Valerii Bakumenko ◽  
Oleksiy Krasnorutskyy ◽  
Anatolii Hatsko

The modernization of the management system and the knowledge management model is needed in the context of the public administration reform, taking into account the concept of decentralization and Good Governance. That is why the article focuses on the author’s approach to substantiating the formation of a modern knowledge system in public management and administration in Ukraine. It is proved that the approach to the knowledge system formation should be based on the identification of the needs of public administration objects. The need to comply with the necessary diversity law for a management subject of public entity regarding its knowledge of the entity has been identified. The content of the principle «from general to specific» for the objects of public administration is considered. The formation structure of the basic knowledge system in the public sphere is presented, which unites a number of blocks. The first block deals with the system of basic knowledge of public management and administration. The second block deals with the idea of a public authorities system at different levels. The third block concerns the formation of basic knowledge about public service. The fourth block concerns the formation of a basic knowledge system about current trends in the development of domestic public administration. The fifth block deals with the knowledge about the development and implementation of public policy and implementation of public administration. The sixth block deals with the consideration of public administration as a deliberate activity to establish internal procedures and processes in public administration to ensure their smooth functioning. The seventh block concerns the knowledge system for ensuring social stability. The eighth block is a glossary of basic terms and the ninth is a bibliography. The proposed approach is the scientific substantiation of the development of educational and professional programs of the basic textbook and standards for the specialty 281 – «Public Management and Administration». Keywords: knowledge, public administration, the necessary diversity law, public policy, public service, public authorities, public stability.

foresight ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-279 ◽  
Marian Zulean ◽  
Liviu Andreescu ◽  
Radu Gheorghiu ◽  
Andra Maria Roescu ◽  
Adrian Curaj

Purpose The purpose of this practice-oriented paper is to look at a recent, late-phase development in public administration (PA) reform in Romania, specifically the drafting of the recently adopted national Strategy on Strengthening the Efficiency of Public Administration (2014-2020). In particular, the paper focuses on the opportunities and limits of outsourcing the building of the vision underlying the strategy and the prioritization of strategic objectives. The article’s story is also placed in the broader context of agencification literature and, more specifically, the involvement of executive agencies in policymaking. Design/methodology/approach The paper describes the vision-building exercise, developed according to a script already tested in several sectoral strategy-making processes, and the objectives and procedure of the online participatory consultation by using an adapted real-time Delphi format (similarly tested in the recent past). Findings The paper reports on the ways in which the output of the visioning process and of online consultations may be used to enhance a strategic process already underway. Originality/value PA reform in post-communist countries has been among the most hotly debated, intensely pursued, yet seemingly elusive policy objectives of the transition and post-transition periods. Among pre-accession and then European Union (EU) member states, the need to get in and then to get involved in European policymaking provided some impetus for such reforms and also set substantial constraints, without however always adding much predictability or significantly streamlining the public sector. The paper contributes to this debate by proving an innovative method of devising a reform strategy by outsourcing the strategy-building process to an agency with the necessary know-how and experience.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Svajūnė Ungurytė-Ragauskienė ◽  
Mantas Bileišis

Some public administration literature that focuses on public administration reform indulges in constructing grand narrative theories such as New Public Management (NPM), or New Governance (NG). The most recent such theory that has been gaining attention over the past decade is the Neo Weberian State (NWS). The content of the theory with regard to its practical implication when it comes to reform is still unsettled. However, one key assumption behind the NWS is that reforms should be handled with care, as they may undermine the very institutions that have brought Western societies to the levels of their development they are in now. NPM’s drive to increase efficiency, and NG’s – democracy from the point of view of NWS is impossible if reforms deconstruct institutions that ensure the protection of the public interest and rule of law. NWS’s critique of post-communist reform efforts in the new eastern EU member-states is a case in point suggesting that leapfrogging the construction of a professional bureaucracy is ill-advised and does not lead to politically desired outcomes. In this paper we aim to evaluate which path of reform may lead to the best outcomes in a particular area of the public service – two non-military uniformed services of Lithuania – customs and penitentiary. These services have to a large degree avoided sweeping reforms throughout the independence period, in both cases – a soviet institutional legacy is also a factor. Both Customs and the Penitentiary service are suffering from multiple corruption scandals and very low public trust levels. These services are continuously in the crosshairs of reform, but few have been clearly articulated, even less so – implemented. Applying NPM to uniformed services, due to the nature of their functions was complicated, so as reforms in the 1990s and 2000s went along in the other sectors, policy-makers have largely left uniformed to their own devices, and this has led to retrenchment of the bureaucratic principles as would historical institutionalisms theory predict. We suggest that NPM-oriented governance avoids intervention in areas where NPM principles are hard to apply, leaving such areas without proper attention to continue down undesirable development paths. When the deconstruction of a hierarchy appears impossible, higher order governance needs to remain modelled as hierarchy as well. NWS in this case does offer a management modernization agenda, which could keep state institutions in step with social, technological, and economic developments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Andon Kume ◽  
Olta Qejvani ◽  

European integration is a very important process in Albania being accompanied with many requests that asks for implementing the right answers. One of these requests, in order to reach out the European values, is the fair recruitment in public administration Even though, the profile of employees in public administration is strongly related to the inside power of government and national framework, the public administration performance as a whole is a key dimension of being dressed with EU standards. The public administration reform, which started in 2013 is still a prolong process, which keeps improving also the recruitment in public administration. Basically, the most crucial changes are referred to civil service system. This paper aims to: analyze some issues of the approximation level of Albanian legislation towards recruitment according to EU standards; presenting some alternatives on how this process can be improved by strengthening institutional cooperation; giving some practical issues for recruitment in local governance, too.

Giuseppina Pensabene Lionti

<p>Las normas contenidas en la Ley n. 124/2015 (“Reforma Madia”) abren un nuevo período de reformas del empleo público italiano, según los (proclamados) principios de simplificación, flexibilidad y unidad. Las previsiones concernientes al personal directivo público contenidas en el art. 11 de la citada Ley y en el esquema de decreto legislativo aprobado el 26 agosto de 2016 suscitan especial interés. Entre ellas, destacan las relativas a la unificación de los “ruoli dirigenziali” y a la abolición de las “due fasce”; no sólo por su alcance innovador, sino también por las conexas consecuencias que de ellas derivan y que se reflejan tanto en las modalidades de selección de dicho colectivo (aún en el ámbito de la especificidad de cada una de las “ramas” de la Administración Pública), como en la asignación del puesto y en el sistema de atribución de los cargos directivos. Se señalan pues los aspectos de mayor criticidad de la nueva regulación, sobre todo bajo el perfil de las responsabilidades, de la eficacia de las funciones públicas y de la armonía constitucional; pudiendo derivar este “hipernormativismo” en una disminución de tutelas efectivas. Todo ello sin abandonar un enfoque crítico sobre la “evanescencia” de dicha reforma que todavía no ha entrado en vigor, puesto que el Tribunal Constitucional italiano, con la sentencia n. 251 del 25 de noviembre de 2016, ha declarado la inconstitucionalidad, entre otras normas, del citado art. 11.</p><p>This paper examines the provisions contained in Law n. 124/2015, that opened a new season of reforms for the Italian public labour, in accordance with the (declaimed) principles of simplification, flexibility and unity. It is worth highlighting the legal framework provided by article 11 and by the decree law approved last August, in particular focusing on the unification of directive roles and the abolition of the two executive classes. The innovative character of the recently mentioned article (which was affected by the n. 251/2016 ruling of the Constitutional Court), has also affected the process for the selection of executives in the different areas of the Public Administration; hence, the new norms have adjusted the procedure for the assignment of roles and entrustment of the heads of the Administration. All of this it is examined without leaving a critical view of this reform that has not been approved yet.</p>

2022 ◽  
pp. 107-124
Tanzer Celikturk

PA education is closely related to the public administration understanding of the relevant country and the public administration reform process. In this context, the structure of the Italian public administration, its historical roots, traditions, and public administration reform processes are discussed in order to understand the PA education in Italy. Since Italy is from the Continental European school of public administration, its effects on public administration reforms and PA education in Europe have been examined. Factors such as the spread of the new public management approach and the Bologna process initiated by the European Union, the convergence process in PA education and its effects on Italy are discussed. It is aimed to shed light on the PA education studies in Turkey by considering the PA education in Italy, one of the important representatives of the Continental European public administration understanding, which constitutes the intellectual foundation of the Turkish administrative system.

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