Lingual Dominance and Symbolic Power in the Discourse of Using the PeduliLindungi Application as a Digital Payment Tool

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Adelina Sabrina ◽  
Iskandarsyah Siregar, Salsabila ◽  
Somadi Sosrohadi

This study uses a qualitative method with a 3-dimensional Critical Discourse Analysis approach to N. Fairclough's model and Pierre Bourdieu's constructive structural theory to dismantle linguistic domination and symbolic power. The object of the research developed; the researcher took an object published in the online media portal owned by with the title "The Reason Luhut Wants to Care for Protect as a Digital Payment Instrument. The researcher aims to dismantle the concept of symbolic power in the discourse of using the PeduliLindungi application as a digital payment instrument, to explain the language process as an instrument of power in the discourse of using the PeduliLindungi application as a digital payment instrument, and to explain the influence of language dominance on a person. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that language is not only a means of communication but in language, there is an ideology and power, from the discourse on the use of the PeduliLindungi application as a means of digital payment using symbolic power and language as an instrument of power. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan uses language styles such as paralogistic sentences, repetition figureheads, and metaphors to convince and persuade the interlocutor in his language dominance strategy. The social irregularity in the text is the manipulation of information; his argument is in the form of hegemony which gives the impression that the ability to build premium products and the progress of the Indonesian nation is due to digital payments. From text analysis, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan inserts ideology during the opening ceremony of the peak of Indonesian Creative Works on September 23, 2021. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan uses his position as Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investments to give his symbolic power.

Nanan Abdul Manan

This study discusses Joko Widodo’s utterance in several moments. Jokowi is the president of the Indonesian Republic. He would like to participate in the reelection of the presidential election in April 2019. Many statements of him make public perceptions appear different. In this case, there is two big points of research that can be famous dictions in this era. ‘sontoloyo’ and ‘genderuwo’ are two interesting dictions to discuss. As a popular person, Jokowi’s utterances occur as public discourses. Many perspectives are produced by many analysts in multidiscipline views. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used as a framework to analyze the utterances related to many perspectives of language. Fairclough model is a choice for analyzing in depth of the research. It states in three big points; text analysis (description), processing analysis (interpretation) andsocial analysis (explanation). The researcher uses a qualitative method. The data related with the sontoloyo and genderuwo utterance comes from news online the Jakarta Post. By using Fairclough theory, the researcher explains the text in the relationship with the situation of political moment, the speaker as government and candidate of the presidential election. The text gives many interpretation and relationship with the social condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-57
Sri Susanti

This research is aimed at describing the use of language in beauty ads (Pantene and Garnier ads), elaborating the way of the strategy are used in persuading the consumers and investigating the reason for the use of strategies. This is a descriptive qualitative method in which the data were collected from the advertisements of Pantene and Garnier. The collected data are the words, phrases, clauses, sentences that are used in ads. The data were analyzed according to Fairclough’s three dimensional approach of discourse analysis; they are textual features, discursive features, and social feature. The findings of this study show that the language used in Pantene and Garnier advertisements appear very interesting in building image to the audience and were successful in utilizing the various discourse strategies to gain people’s attraction to buy the product being advertised. For the social practices, the words found in their advertisement are considered have control or power over people.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Fikri Hakim ◽  
Aveny Septi Astriani ◽  
Shinta Rosiana

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi representasi Veronica Koman yang dibentuk dalam pemberitaan konflik (dengan pihak LPDP) terkait pengembalian dana beasiswa. Terdapat lima wacana yang menjadi sumber data analisis penulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan kombinasi pendekatan kajian wacana kritis Theo van Leeuwen dan Teun A. van Dijk. Dengan pendekatan analisis Theo van Leeuwen, penulis menganalisis bagaimana Veronica Koman dieksklusi (dihilangkan) atau diinklusi (dimunculkan) dalam wacana, guna mengakomodasi kepentingan representasi yang diinginkan pihak Tataran analisis tekstual terkait eksklusi dan inklusi kemudian dikombinasikan dengan analisis sosial dari Teun A. van Dijk. Hasil analisis tekstual menunjukkan bahwa Veronica Koman direpresentasikan secara positif oleh Hal tersebut dikuatkan juga oleh hasil analisis sosial yang menunjukkan adanya kedekatan emosional antara Veronica Koman dan tanah Papua. Kedekatan emosional tersebut tentu menimbulkan kecenderungan tertentu dalam wacana yang diproduksi Kata Kunci: Media, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Veronica Koman AbstractThe purpose of this research was to identify the representation of Veronica Koman who was formed by in reporting the conflict (with LPDP) regarding the refund of the scholarship. There are five discourses that become the source of the author's analysis data. This research used a qualitative method with a combination of critical discourse analysis approaches from Theo van Leeuwen and Teun A. van Dijk. With Theo van Leeuwen's analytical approach, the author analyzes how Veronica Koman is excluded (removed) or included (raised) in discourse, in order to accommodate the representational interests desired by The level of textual analysis related to exclusion and inclusion is then combined with the social analysis from Teun A. van Dijk. The results of the textual analysis show that Veronica Koman is represented positively by This is also corroborated by the results of social analysis which show the emotional closeness between Veronica Koman and the land of Papua. This emotional closeness certainly creates a certain tendency in the discourse produced by Keywords: Media, Critical Discourse Analysis, Veronica Koman

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Rahmi Surya Dewi

Meme, as part of visual communication, is happening during Jakarta's governor elections in 2017. The existence of the meme is not detached from the creativity of meme creators on social media. The research aims to reveal the characteristics of meme creators based on the type of meme and uncover the construction of meanings from the meme creator's viewpoints on Jakarta's governor election. This research used a qualitative method with a virtual ethnographic approach. Virtual ethnography is used to view visual phenomena or user culture in cyberspace. Data were collected in the form of meme posts, and user comments on the posts in Instagram accounts, interviews, and literature studies. The meme was analyzed using Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis focused on the social cognition section to observe the meaning of construction performed by the meme creator. The results showed that there are three characteristics of meme creators. Firstly, the meme creators who promote the candidate and counter the negative issue of the opposing party about the supported candidate. Secondly, they who provide the awareness of the community to be more critical and not easily deceived by negative symbols and issues. Thirdly, the chaotic creators who do not have a precise orientation in creating memes and upload memes just for jokes on social media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Andi Indah Yulianti

AbstractThis paper is entitled "Penggunaan Bahasa pada Akun Media Sosial Instagram Lambe Turah: Analisis Wacana Kritis". The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method with the approach of critical discourse analysis of three dimensional model from Norman Fairclough. The purpose of this study is to describe the aspects of language, the relationship between Lambe Turah ideology with the linguistic aspects that are produced and describe the hegemony of Lambe Turah with the social situation underlying the language aspect used in representing the characters and news themes in Lambe Turah account. The results indicate that the linguistic aspect of diction, sentence use, and source selection in the direct quotes used by Lambe Turah has placed the characters in their content as negative representations.Keywords: Analysis of critical discourse; language; social media. AbstrakTulisan ini berjudul “Penggunaan Bahasa pada Akun Media Sosial Instagram Lambe Turah: Analisis Wacana Kritis”. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis model tiga dimensi Norman Fairclough. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan aspek-aspek kebahasaan, hubungan antara ideologi Lambe Turah dengan aspek kebahasaan yang dihasilkan dan mendeskripsikan hegemoni Lambe Turah dengan situasi sosial yang melatarbelakangi aspek kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam merepresentasikan tokoh dan tema pemberitaan dalam akun Lambe Turah. Hasil penelitian me­nunjukkan bahwa aspek kebahasaan berupa diksi, penggunaan kalimat, dan pe­milihan sumber dalam kutipan langsung yang digunakan Lambe Turah telah me­nempatkan tokoh-tokoh dalam isi pemberitaannya sebagai representasi yang negatif.Kata kunci:  Analisis wacana kritis; bahasa; media sosial.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Indah Mustika Santhi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskanbagaimana kematian Putri Diana direpresentasikan oleh The Daily Mail dalam artikelartikelpemberitaannya melalui dimensi tekstual dan juga memaparkan cara pandang TheDaily Mail sebagai pelaku media konspirasi pada praktik kerjanya terkait berita kematianPutri Diana dalam dimensi sosiokultural. Objek penelitian ini adalah The Daily Mail, salahsatu tabloid harian terbesar di Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode kualitatif, analisis deskriptif. Penulis menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritisFairclough (1995), disertai dengan beberapa teori pendukung lainnya, seperti teori klausasebagai representasi Halliday (2004), teori konspirasi Feaster (2008), Birchall (2006),Barkun (2003), Hodapp dan von Kannun (2008). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa representasi kematian Putri Diana dalam dimensi tekstual didapat melalui prosesmaterial, proses mental, proses relasional, proses verbal, dan proses eksistensial yangterdapat dalam artikel-artikel The Daily Mail. Sementara itu, cara pandang The Daily Mailsebagai pelaku media konspirasi atas berita kematian Putri Diana didapat melalui prosestataran sosial, tataran institusional, tataran sosial pada dimensi praktik sosiokultural.Kata Kunci: Transitivitas, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Media konspirasi.ABSTRACTThis thesis is entitled “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. This thesis is aimed to describe therepresentation of Princess Diana’s death and The Daily Mail’s perspective as a mediaconspiracy actor through textual and sociocultural dimension. The object of this thesis isThe Daily Mail, one of the widest national daily newspapers in England. The method that isused in this thesis is a qualitative method, a descriptive analytic method. The writer uses thecritical discourse analysis theory of Fairclough (1995) and some other supported theories,such as clause as representation theory by Halliday (2004), the conspiracy theory by Feaster(2008), Birchall (2006), Barkun (2003), Hodapp and von Kannun (2008). The result of thisresearch shows that the representation in textual dimension that appear on Princess Diana’sdeath is derived from material process, mental process, relational process, verbal process, andexistential process. While The Daily Mail’s perspective on Princess Diana’s death is derivedfrom situational level, institutional level and social level of sociocultural practice dimension.Keywords: Transitivity, Critical Discourse Analysis, Media Conspiracy.

Alexandra-Niculina Babii

The digital era has determined a very easy creation and propagation of fake news. As a consequence, it has become harder for people to fight this malicious phenomenon. However, the only weapon that can have results in this informational war is critical thinking. But who should use it? The creators of fake news that do this for different reasons? The social platforms that allow the circulation of fake news with ease? Mass media which does not always verify with much attention and rigour the information they spread? The Governments that should apply legal sanctions? Or the consumer that receives all the fake news, him being the final target? Even if critical thinking would be useful for every actor on fake news’ stage, the one who needs it the most is the consumer. This comes together with the big responsibility placed on his shoulders. Even if others are creating and spreading disinformation, the consumer must be aware and be careful with the information he encounters on a daily basis. He should use his reasoning and he should not believe everything just because it is on the Internet. How can he do that? Critical thinking seems to be a quite difficult tool to use, especially for non-specialized individuals. This paper’s aim is to propose a simplified model of critical thinking that can contribute to detecting fake news with the help of people’s self judgement. The model is based on theories from Informal Logic considering the structure of arguments and on Critical Discourse Analysis theories concerning the patterns found in the content of the information.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101 ◽  
Febrina Zulmi

<p><em>Media bias will always be an interesting topic to be examined. Media plays some important roles in society. One of its roles is building public opinions. In this case, media has been assumed to be biased as it might take some advantages from its position. This study aims at investigating The Jakarta Post’s bias towards the environmental preservation issues (an ecolinguistic study). The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method by applying Van Dijk’s model of critical discourse analysis. This research model does not only analyze the aspect of text structure but also social cognition and social context. The object for this study is the news texts taken from The Jakarta Post Online. The result of the study showed that The Jakarta Post showed its bias towards environmental preservation issues by positioning itself as a pro’s side . In the text structure level, its bias can be identified with the way it chose the theme, topics, schemes and lexical choices which were in accordance with environmental ethics principles. In the social cognition level, its bias can be identified with the nature of the knowledge involved in showing its position in accordance with environmental preservation mission. In the social context level, its bias can be identified with the social values reflected from the news and certain group domination involved in the Jakarta Post’s news report which was in accordance with pro-environmental preservation. Generally, The Jakarta Post showed its progressive attitude or tendency to the change by intensely discussing environmental issues which implied the ideas of improving the way people should preserve their environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Keberpihakan media akan selalu menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk diteliti. Media memainkan peran penting dalam masyarakat. Salah satu peran media adalah membangun opini publik. Dalam hal ini, media telah diasumsikan memiliki keberpihakan karena media dapat mengambil keuntungan dari posisinya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberpihakan The Jakarta Post terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup (sebuah kajian ekolinguistik). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis model Van Dijk. Model penelitian ini tidak hanya menganalisis aspek struktur teks, melainkan juga kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial. Objek penelitian ini adalah teks berita yang diambil dari media berita online The Jakarta Post. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa The Jakarta Post menunjukkan keberpihakannya terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup dengan meposisikan dirinya sebagai pihak yang mendukung. Dalam tataran struktur teks, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari tema, topik, skema wacana dan pilihan kata yang digunakan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip etika lingkungan. Dalam tataran kognisi sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari sifat pengetahuan yang dilibatkan yang menunjukkan posisinya yang sejalan dengan misi pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Dalam tataran konteks sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari nilai-nilai sosial yang tercermin dari berita dan dominasi kelompok yang dilibatkan dalam pelaporan berita yang ditulis The Jakarta Post yang berada pada posisi pro-pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Secara umum, The Jakarta Post menunjukkan sikap progresif atau cenderung kepada perubahan dengan mengulas secara intens isu-isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup yang secara tersirat menyarankan perlu adanya peningkatan terhadap upaya-upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup.</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Gwynne Mapes ◽  
Andrew S. Ross

Abstract In this article we consider the discursive production of status as it relates to democratic ideals of environmental equity and community responsibility, orienting specifically to food discourse and ‘elite authenticity’ (Mapes 2018), as well as to recent work concerning normativity and class inequality (e.g. Thurlow 2016; Hall, Levon, & Milani 2019). Utilizing a dataset comprised of 150 Instagram posts, drawn from three different acclaimed chefs’ personal accounts, we examine the ways in which these celebrities emphasize local/sustainable food practices while simultaneously asserting their claims to privileged eating. Using multimodal critical discourse analysis, we document three general discursive tactics: (i) plant-based emphasis, (ii) local/community terroir, and (iii) realities of meat consumption. Ultimately, we establish how the chefs’ claims to egalitarian/environmental ideals paradoxically diminish their eliteness, while simultaneously elevating their social prestige, pointing to the often complicated and covert ways in which class inequality permeates the social landscape of contemporary eating. (Food discourse, elite authenticity, normativity, social class, locality/sustainability)*

2021 ◽  
pp. 1326365X2110485
Kaifia Ancer Laskar

Most of the studies on children’s programming conducted in America or India, indicating an unbalanced and stereotypical gender representation, remain limited to those on older children. The present study explores if cartoon shows for preschoolers resort to the counter-hegemonic portrayal of male/female characters, and if thereby have any scope for representation of gender fluidity within it. Consequently, it also attempts to discern the ways in which interpersonal relationships between the protagonists, and between the protagonist(s) and the secondary character(s) portray any ‘dominant/submissive’ dichotomies. Drawing on Bandura’s ‘Social Learning Theory’ and de Beauvoir’s notion of the social construction of women as the ‘other’, this study presents the results of textual analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis of a popular Russian cartoon show ‘Masha and the Bear’ (M&TB) telecast on Nick Jr. The study findings indicate more gender-sensitive representation in the show for preschoolers than those for the older children. Bearing the tropes of Soviet Russian egalitarian and cultural traits, the characters of M&TB portray non-binary gender roles compared to their American or Indian counterparts.

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