scholarly journals The Concept of Dilthey’s Hermeneutics as Reflected in Juliasih’s Potensi Perempuan Amerika (Tinjauan Feminisme)

M Afifulloh

This paper aims at the description of Dilthey’s hermeneutics concept in the book entitled “Potensi Perempuan Amerika (tinjauan feminisme)”. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The data were analyzed by Dilthey’s hermeneutic approach. The result showed that in understanding and interpreting meaning, there are 3 formulas that can be used as interpretive methods according to Dilthey, namely Erlebnis (living experience), Ausdruck (expression), and Verstehen (understanding). The experience referred to here is the life history of the author, everything that was experienced by the director during his lifetime. The expressions are works written by the author through the language used to voice their desires, opinions, and actions. Understanding is the process of bringing together all the data generated from the process of experience and expression so that it can draw conclusions. In the book of Juliasih Kusharyanto, the three main aspects of the hermeneutics have been carried out well so that at the end of the research, Juliasih was able to provide a complete meaning from the historical side as well as language expressions that exist in the storyline of each novel studied.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Irvan Setiawan

Tradisi lisan Maca Syekh di Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten merupakan salah satu bentuk pengajaran yang memiliki tujuan untuk mendengar dan memahami riwayat hidup sosok Syekh Abdul Qadir Jaelani sebagai salah satu tokoh penyebar agama Islam. Hal menarik untuk diteliti dari tradisi lisan Maca Syekh adalah adanya sebuah proses akulturasi dengan melibatkan unsur budaya, agama, dan unsur politik untuk kemudian menghasilkan sebuah produk akulturasi yang dapat bertahan hingga kini. Penelitian deskriptif dengan mengacu pada data kualitatif merupakan pilihan tepat mengingat sumber data yang dicari adalah informasi essay yang banyak membutuhkan analisa kualitatif. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa akulturasi dari tradisi lisan Maca Syekh di Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten terbagi menjadi dua yaitu akulturasi tradisi dan akulturasi kebahasaan. Unsur politik dideskripsikan secara singkat karena hanya melibatkan penggunaan huruf Arab dalam penulisan Maca Syekh yang pada masa Penjajahan menjadi sebuah hal yang dianggap mewakili kalangan modernis. Maca Syekh oral tradition in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, is one form of teaching that aims to hear and understand the life history of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani. An interesting thing to examine from Maca Shaykh's oral tradition is the existence of an acculturation process involving elements of culture, religion, and political elements to then produce an acculturation product that can survive until now. Descriptive research with reference to qualitative data is the right choice considering the source of the data sought is essay information which requires a lot of qualitative analysis. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the acculturation of the Maca Shaykh oral tradition in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, is divided into two: traditional acculturation and linguistic acculturation. The political element is described briefly because it only involves the use of Arabic letters in the Maca Syekh writing which in the colonial period became something considered to represent modernists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-86
Muhtar Luthfie Al Anshory

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui problematika pembelajaran SKI di Madrasah Tsanawiyah YAPI Pakem Kabupaten Sleman. Jenis penelitian yang akan kami digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menekankan pada penggunaan data lapangan (alamiah). Data yang bersumber dari tatanan realitas yang dilakukan langsung oleh peneliti dalam situasi apa adanya. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif berusaha mendeskripsikan seluruh gejala atau keadaan yang ada, yaitu keadaan gejala menurut apa adanya pada saat penelitian dilakukan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketika dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dilapangan tentang pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam di MTs YAPI Pakem Kabupaten Sleman mengalami beberapa kendala. Diantara kendala yang dialami dalam pembelajaran SKI adalah; pertama, adanya latar belakang peserta didik yang berbeda-beda. Kedua, latar belakang pendidikan guru yang tidak berkompeten. Ketiga, kurangnya sarana dan prasaranya dalam menunjang proses belajar mengajar SKI. Keempat, keterbatasan waktu dalam proses pembelajaran SKI di kelas. Title: Problematics Ski Learningin Madrasah Tsanawiyah YAPI Pakem       Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the learning problems of SKI in Madrasah Tsanawiyah YAPI Pakem. This type of research is descriptive qualitative that emphasizes the use of field data (natural). Data sourced from the order of reality is carried out directly by researchers in the situation it is. Qualitative descriptive research seeks to describe all the symptoms or conditions that exist, namely the state of symptoms according to what they are at the time the study was conducted. The resullt of this reseaarch is  in reality, when conducted research using a qualitative approach and data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation in the field of learning the history of Islamic Culture in MTs YAPI Pakem Sleman Regency experienced several obstacles. Among the obstacles experienced in SKI learning are; First, there are different backgrounds of students. Second, the educational background of teachers who are not competent. Third, the lack of facilities and infrastructure in supporting the SKI teaching and learning process. Fourth, limited time in the SKI learning process in class.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Aji Wicaksosno

Abstract - This study aimed to examine the interest of tourists at the HM General Memorial Museum. Suharto in Bantul Regency. This study employed descriptive qualitativemethodand the data were collected through interview, observation, literature studies, and documentation. Interview wascarried outwith managers and visitors (public peopleand students). The data analyzed using Miles Hubberman's qualitative descriptive analysis coveringdata reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion . The results showed that the interest of tourists at the HM General Memorial Museum Soeharto was quite high. In addition to that,the interest of the vast majority ofthe students who visited the HM General Memorial Museum. Soeharto was to conduct a study tour and find out the life history of the Great General HM. Suharto, while the personal interest of the university studentswas to find out information about the life history of the Great General HM. Suharto and gather with fellow students to just discuss and enjoy wifi facilities. The interest of the public peoplewasto reminisceaboutthe late Great General HM. Suharto. Visitors werealso interested coming to the HM General Memorial Museum. Suharto for recreation and gathering with friends and family.Moreover, they enjoyed adequate facilities available, of museum’s collections which were diverse and packaged in a modern way, as well as the historical elements related to Soeharto's life that invited visitors to be curious while providing education for visitors. Visitors also showed social interest when they visited to the HM General Memorial Museum. Soeharto either gathering with family and friends or participating in various community activities such as commemorating national holidays and participating in competitions, gymnastics and others. Keywords: Soeharto museum, tourism, tourist interest Abstract - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji minat wisatawan di Museum Memorial Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto di Kabupaten Bantul. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada pengelola dan pengunjung (umum, pelajar, dan mahasiswa). Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif Miles Hubberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat wisatawan di Museum Memorial Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto cukup tinggi, Minat pribadi pelajar yang mengunjungi Museum Memorial Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto umumnya adalah untuk melakukan study tour serta mengetahui sejarah kehidupan Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto, sedangkan minat pribadi mahasiswa adalah untuk mengetahui informasi tentang sejarah kehidupan Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto serta berkumpul dengan rekan-rekan sesama mahasiswa untuk berdiskusi maupun menikmati fasilitas wifi. Minat pribadi masyarakat umum adalah bernostalgia dengan mendiang Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto. Pengunjung juga berminat datang ke Museum Memorial Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto untuk berekreasi dan berkumpul bersama teman dan keluarga sambil memanfaatkan beragam fasilitas yang cukup memadai. Adanya koleksi museum yang beragam dan dikemas secara modern, serta adanya unsur historis terkait kehidupan Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto yang mengundang rasa penasaran pengunjung sekaligus memberikan edukasi bagi pengunjung. Pengunjung juga menunjukkan minat sosial ketika datang ke Museum Memorial Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto baik sekedar berkumpul dengan keluarga dan teman maupun mengikuti berbagai kegiatan komunitas seperti memperingati hari besar nasional maupun mengikuti kegiatan lomba, senam dan lain-lain. Kata kunci: museum soeharto, pariwisata, minat wisatawan

NALARs ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Anisa Anisa

ABSTRAK. Kota Lama Kudus atau yang lebih sering disebut Kudus Kulon adalah sebuah kawasan bersejarah yang berada di Kabupaten Kudus, Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten Kudus terbagi menjadi dua yaitu Kudus Kulon dan Kudus Wetan dengan sebuah sungai sebagai pemisah kedua area tersebut. Kudus Kulon atau Kota Lama Kudus merupakan cikal bakal kota Kudus dan sebuah tempat bersejarah dengan adanya makam Sunan Kudus dan Masjid Menara Kudus.  Kudus yang kita kenal sekarang ini selain adanya Masjid Menara dan Makam Sunan Kudus, juga terkenal karena industri rokok. Dalam sejarah dikisahkan dahulu industri rokok berkembang mulai dari home industry di Kota Lama Kudus sekitar tahun 1900. Jauh sebelum industri rokok berkembang, sudah ada perdagangan yang memajukan daerah Kota Lama Kudus yaitu perdagangan palawija dan tembakau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang mendeskripsikan serta menginterpretasikan karakteristik arsitektur Kota Lama Kudus. Deskripsi dan interpretasi ini penting dilakukan karena kondisi terkini Kota Lama Kudus sudah mengalami banyak perubahan. Data diambil melalui observasi lapangan tentang kondisi rumah, permukiman dan kawasan Kota Lama Kudus. Pada daerah sekitar Masjid dan Menara Kudus, permukiman didominasi oleh rumah-rumah Kilungan sehingga membentuk jalan-jalan berbentuk lorong seperti labirin. Semakin jauh dari Masjid dan Menara Kudus bentuk permukimannya berubah menjadi rumah-rumah terbuka tanpa dinding kilungan. Selain lingkungan permukimannya, arsitektur rumah di Kota Lama Kudus juga beragam. Ada rumah tradisional Kudus dengan bangunan sisir (tempat usaha), rumah tradisional Kudus tanpa bangunan sisir, rumah gedong (gaya eropa) dan rumah kilungan (rumah di dalam pagar tinggi). Tiga arsitektur rumah tersebut adalah asli sebagai karakteristik arsitektur Kota Lama Kudus. Faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik arsitektur di Kota lama Kudus adalah aktivitas yang di lakukan di kawasan tersebut  Kata Kunci: karakteristik, arsitektur, rumah, permukiman, Kota Lama Kudus ABSTRACT. Kota Lama Kudus or more commonly called Kudus Kulon is a historic area located in Kudus District, Central Java Province. Kudus District is divided into two namely Kudus Kulon and Kudus wetan with a river as a separator of both areas. Kudus Kulon or Kota Lama Kudus is the forerunner of Kudus city and a historic place with the tomb of Sunan Kudus and Mosque of Menara Kudus. Kudus that we know today besides the existence of the Masjid Menara and the Tomb of Sunan Kudus, also famous for the cigarette industry. In the history of the first cigarette industry began to grow from the home industry in the Kudus Old City around the year 1900. Long before the cigarette industry develops, there is a trade that promotes the area of the Old Town Kudus palawija and tobacco trade. This research is  qualitative descriptive research that describes and interpret the architectural character of Kota Lama Kudus. These descriptions and interpretations are essential because the current condition of the Kudus Old City has undergone many changes. The data was taken through field observations on the condition of houses, settlements and the area of the Old City. In the area around the Mosque and the Menara, the settlements are dominated by Kilungan houses to form alley-shaped streets such as labyrinths. The farther away from the Mosque and the Menara form the settlements are transformed into open houses without the globe walls. In addition to its residential neighborhood, the architecture of the house in the Kudus Old City also varied. There is a traditional Kudus house with a sisir building (place of business), a traditional Kudus house without a sisir building, a gedong house (European style) and a kilungan house (house inside a high fence). The three architectural houses are genuine and are a character of the architecture of the Kudus Old City. Factors affecting the architectural characteristics of the old city of Kudus are the activities undertaken in the region Keywords: characteristics, architecture, house, settlement, kudus Old City

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (spe) ◽  
pp. 577-583 ◽  
Martha Lucio Alvarez

This qualitative descriptive research aimed to analyze pregnancy dynamics, experienced by a group of women who, at the time, were at most 19 years old, and identify the role attributed to the consumption of alcohol in such dynamics. The research was developed with a group of 20 students from the Colombia National University. Six of them were selected for in dept investigation through interviews, which were analyzed by content analysis. Based on the literature and the subjects' life history, the study examines the following categories: pregnancy, making love, maternity, being a woman, and drinking. Through these categories, was possible to identify the dynamics experienced by these women during pregnancy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Cindy Ayustin Noya ◽  
Angkit Kinasih ◽  
Venti Agustina ◽  
R.Rr Maria Dyah Kurniasari

Infeksi saluran pernafasan akut atau yang sering disebut ISPA merupakan infeksi pada saluran pernafasan baik saluran pernafasan atas atau bawah.ISPA juga kebanyakan terjadi pada anak balita karena daya tahan tubuh mereka tidak kuat dalam menghadapi penyakit ISPA. ISPA mengakibatkan kematiansekitar15%-20% per tahun pada usia balita di Negara berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa peran ibu dalam meningkatkan sistem imun anak dengan ISPA.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan sampel purposive sampling.Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah ibu yang mempunyai anak dengan riwayat dan saat ini menderita penyakit ISPA di Batu Gajah Kota Ambon.Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang. Hasil dari penelitian mendapati 4 kategori yaitu pemberian nutrisi pada anak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan agar sistem imunnya terjaga, kebersihan lingkungan, peran ibu dalam melakukan pencegahan pada anaknya yang mengalami ISPA, dan  peran ibu dalam menjaga dan mempertahankan kesehatan anaknya.   Kata kunci: peran ibu, sistem imun, ispa THE ROLE OF MOTHERS IN INCREASING IMMUNE SYSTEM OF CHILDREN WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION    ABSTRACT Acute respiratory infections or often called ARI is an infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract. ARI occurs mostly in children under the age of five because their endurance is not strong in dealing with ARI. ARI results in deaths of around 15%-20% per year at the age of under-five in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the role of mothers in improving the immune system of children against ARI. The research method used in this study was qualitative descriptive with a purposive sampling sample. Respondents and samples of this study were five mothers who had children with a history of ARI and currently suffering from the disease in Batu Gajah, Ambon City. The results of the study found 4 categories, namely providing nutrition to children to meet their needs so that their immune systems are maintained, clean environment, mother's role in preventing children with ARI, and mother's role to preserve and maintain the health of their children. The findings indicated that in terms of coping or improving the immune system of a child to avoid ARI, it is necessary to have role the of mothers in providing nutrition so that the immune system is boosted, besides that the mother can prevent and protect her child from various diseases, especially ARI. Keywords: role of mothers, immune system, acute respiratory infections

1990 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 39 ◽  
S H Lee ◽  
J Y Chai ◽  
S T Hong ◽  
W M Sohn

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