residential neighborhood
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Rolana Jamil Rabih, Razan Jihad Mtanus Rolana Jamil Rabih, Razan Jihad Mtanus

The city has grown and developed with time over several eras, and at each stage different concepts were defined in city planning, such as the residential neighborhood theory that Berry identified and considered it as the smallest planning unit that contributes to the formation of the city. The concepts of residential neighborhood have developed by a number of planners and have social, economic and urban dimensions. It is essential that it cannot be ignored when developing any plan for neighborhoods or cities, but these dimensions have differed between countries and planners, and it was necessary to set some guidelines in their planning as a primary goal to show their role in the formation of cities as the smallest component in the city formation in order to avoid the many problems In the processes of urban, population and economic development in general. From this logic, the research dealt with a theoretical and analytical study of the theoretical concepts of residential neighborhoods for some planners and identifying the elements of residential neighborhoods and their basic components in order to reach an analytical approach to assess residential neighborhoods and determine the guidelines for their study. Then, some international, Arab and local experiences were studied according to those principles in order to draw some important results, and project them to the city of Homs to demonstrate the importance and role of residential neighborhoods as a basis for the formation and development of residential neighborhoods and cities. The guidelines necessary to be available in the study of residential neighborhoods were deduced, and by conducting a comparative approach between the research experiences,  it was noted that the environmental and regional dimension was provided in most by 100%, as well as the availability of the appropriate radius by 90%, except that there are bicycles and pedestrians paths and the movement of people with special needs was 10% which needs to be developed and improved. The research recommends adoption the concluded guidelines because they include all urban and planning aspects and meet the resident social and economic needs and thus contribute to the city formation (urban, economic and social). The research also recommends following a basic idea in the study of the neighborhood so that it achieves the possibility of dividing it into residential groups that contain service centers according to radii suitable for the movement of the population on foot (between 400- 500 m) with securing an area for regional or city services, and attention to sustainability and the provision of the green element. And work to limit the movement of pedestrians according to special paths, taking into account the movement of people with special needs, and securing the necessary site coordination elements.

В. А. Ильичев ◽  
В. И. Колчунов ◽  
Н. В. Бакаева ◽  
А. А. Кормина

Постановка задачи. Новые вызовы современности существенным образом влияют на методологию градостроительства. Актуальной научной задачей, требующей выявления закономерностей функционирования городских элементов планировочных структур (жилых районов), следует считать разработку новых принципов жизнедеятельности города, регламентирующих биосферную совместимость городов и развитие человеческого капитала. Результаты. В работе получили развитие методологические основы градостроительного планирования, проектирования и оценки вариантов проектных решений жилых планировочных единиц города (квартала, микрорайона, жилого района) на принципах парадигмы биосферной совместимости городов и поселений, развивающих человека. Предложена концептуальная модель функционально-планировочной организации территории - иерархия функций города. Разработан алгоритм оценки вариантов проектов планировки жилых районов на основе индекса обеспеченности городскими функциями. Для каждой из функций города определен необходимый и достаточный состав индикаторов оценки проектных решений. Обсуждается перспектива количественной оценки социального благополучия населения жилых районов биосферосовместимого города как безальтернативного условия формирования комфортной городской среды. Вывод. Выполненная численная оценка проектного решения и сравнительный анализ уровня благоприятности жилого микрорайона с использованием принципов парадигмы биосферной совместимости показывают, какие изменения требуются в составе градостроительных решений не только для достижений качества материальной среды жизнедеятельности, но и для развития человека во всех отношениях. Statement of the problem. New challenges of our time significantly affect the methodology of urban planning. The development of new principles of city life, regulating the biosphere compatibility of cities and the development of human capital, should be considered an urgent scientific task that requires identifying the patterns of functioning of urban elements of planning structures (residential areas). Results. The paper develops the methodological foundations of urban planning, design and evaluation of design options for residential planning units of the city (quarter, neighborhood, residential area) on the principles of the paradigm of biosphere compatibility of cities and man-made settlements.. A conceptual model of the functional and planning organization of the territory-the hierarchy of city functions is set forth. An algorithm for evaluating variants of residential area planning projects based on the index of urban function provision has been developed. For each of the functions of the city, the necessary and sufficient composition of indicators for evaluating design decisions is identified. The article discusses the prospect of quantifying the social well-being of the population of residential areas of a biosphere-compatible city as an alternative condition for the formation of a comfortable urban environment. Conclusion. The numerical evaluation of the design solution and a comparative analysis of the level of favorability of a residential neighborhood using the principles of the biosphere compatibility paradigm show what changes are required in the composition of urban planning solutions not only to achieve the quality of the material environment of life, but also for human development in all respects.

2021 ◽  
Jennifer Candipan ◽  
Robert Sampson

Sociological research has established the greater exposure of African Americans from all income groups to disadvantaged environments compared to whites, but the traditional focus in studies of neighborhood stratification obscures heterogeneity within racial/ethnic groups in residential attainment over time. Also obscured are the moderating influences of broader social changes on the life-course and the experiences of Latinos, a large and growing presence in American cities. We address these issues by examining group-based trajectory models of residential neighborhood disadvantage among whites, Blacks, and Latinos in a multi-cohort longitudinal research design of over 1,000 children from Chicago as they transitioned to adulthood over the last quarter century. We find dynamic consistency among whites and dynamic heterogeneity among nonwhites in exposure to residential disadvantage, especially Blacks and those born in the 1980s compared to the 1990s. Racial and cohort differences are not accounted for by early-life characteristics that predict long-term attainment. Inequalities by race in trajectories of neighborhood disadvantage are thus at once more stable and more dynamic than previous research suggests, and they are modified by broader social changes. These findings offer insights on the changing pathways by which neighborhood racial inequality is produced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (18) ◽  
Lobna Mostafa

Two primary objectives of the Saudi QoL program are Improving individuals` lifestyles by developing new approaches that boost residents` participation in cultural, entertainment, and sports activities. The second is enhancing the quality of life by creating activities that contribute to diversifying economic activity and boosting the status of sustainable development plans of Saudi Arabian cities are. Improving and adapting open public spaces and streets in the city of Riyadh into pedestrian-friendly ones and fewer cars' dependent can do much change and help accomplish the country's vision. In this regard, the main research goal is to investigate the reflections of the QoL program on the urban and social life in Riyadh neighborhoods with a focus on the quality of public spaces to promote social activities and walkability as the prime physical activity of neighborhoods residents. The research follows mixed methods for its different parts. The research followed a qualitative approach is in the theoretical studies and literature review. The research involves a quantitative analysis for the research survey, which investigates factors affecting the community's tendency to use public spaces and practice walkability as a main physical activity in their daily lives within their neighborhoods. The research significance is to link the national perspective of QoL and international best practices in placemaking and public spaces according to their global initiatives and the UN-Habitat Public Space program launched in 2020. On that track reducing the dependence on autos and encouraging physical activities and walkability among all community members. The research outcomes will help transform Riyadh Neighborhoods into more pedestrian-friendly urban public spaces by concluding the main parameters and their responsive design solutions to promote community tendency of using public spaces and practice walkability. The research provides recommendations for developing public spaces and pedestrian infrastructure to encourage the city planners to bear that in mind in the early stage in planning transportation infrastructure, an appropriate level of pedestrian service must be established and provided across the roading hierarchy and path network. In addition, the research results include proposing design guidelines for different members of the community, older people, children, and disabled people. Scope of work and limitations: This research's main scope of implementation is the residential neighborhood Al-Falah in the City of Riyadh, yet the suggested strategies and design guidelines could be extended and applied to most cities of Saudi Arabia and beyond. Keywords: Quality of life, Public Space, Saudi Vision 2030, walkability, neighborhood design eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI:

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-143
Dr. Noori Saadoon Abdulla

The present study aims to clarify the role of decentralization in the development of local community. It is one of the first studies of this kind that examines the relationship between levels of decentralization and community development in Al-Anbar and Iraq. In addition, it sheds light on multiple meanings such as: public participation, especially in local councils. In Al-Anbar in terms of importance, role, influence, preparations, needs, and social problems. The present study examines official community development programs in Al-Anbar in light of sufficient information about Residential Neighborhood Committee and development of community members ’awareness of the importance of decentralization in community development. To achieve these objectives, the researcher uses both the descriptive approach in the analysis based on primary and secondary information sources, conducting a study on a sample of members of the local council, interviewing members of the local committees in Al-Anbar, and holding meetings with those responsible for the local development program. The present study reached a number of results, the most important of which was that there is a strong desire among the members of the local council to implement decentralization in order to develop The local community and increase the awareness of the council members or its committees about decentralization for its influential role in popular participation and the development of the local community. The present study also concluded that members of the Al-Anbari community have a good understanding of the activities carried out by the various council committees and they fully participate in them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-374
Dwira Nirfalini Aulia ◽  
Annisa Anindita Nasution

Student dormitories are the residential neighborhood as student residences during their lectures. The dorms are increasing as students access different regions to study at a university. Medan city has several dorms which one is of Medan State University. This student dormitory is a special dormitory for male students of Medan State University who come from areas in North Sumatra. The condition of the dormitories is considered inadequate as a Student dormitories capacity is less than required. The existing student dormitory facilities are not complete for student dormitory facilities. It is necessary to design the male student dormitory of Medan State University. In this design, the Medan State University male student dormitory requires additional supporting facilities around the student dormitory and good building conditions. The location of the building is in the educational Area on Jalan William Iskandar Pasar V, New Memories, Percut Sei Tuan. The Male Student Dormitories applies green architecture with a basic concept approach to land use which is considered to respect every criterion contained in the land, made as comfortable as possible, responsive to the factors evaluated at the construction site.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 3375
Ying Zhang ◽  
Hongliang Xu ◽  
Honglei Liu ◽  
Bin Zhou

In recent decades, low impact development (LID) has become an increasingly important concern as a state-of-the-art stormwater management mode to treat urban flood, preferable to conventional urban drainage systems. However, the effects of the combined use of different LID facilities on urban flooding have not been fully investigated under different rainfall characteristics. In this study, a residential, neighborhood-scale catchment in Shenzhen City, southern China was selected as a case study, where the effects of four LID techniques (bio-retention, bio-swale, rain garden and pervious pavement) with different connection patterns (cascaded, semi-cascaded and paralleled) on runoff reduction efficiency were analyzed by the storm water management model (SWMM), promoted by the U.S. EPA. Three kinds of designed storm events with different return periods, durations and time-to-peak ratios were forced to simulate the flood for holistic assessment of the LID connection patterns. The effects were measured by the runoff coefficient of the whole storm–runoff process and the peak runoff volume. The results obtained indicate that the cascaded connect LID chain can more effectively reduce the runoff than that in the paralleled connect LID chain under different storms. The performances of the LID chains in modeling flood process in SWMM indicate that the runoff coefficient and the peak runoff volume increase with the increase in the rain return periods and the decrease in rain duration. Additionally, the move backward of the peak rain intensity to the end of the storm event slightly affects the peak runoff volume obviously while gives slight influence on the total runoff volume. This study provides an insight into the performance of LID chain designs under different rainfall characteristics, which is essential for effective urban flood management.

2021 ◽  
Mehrgol Tiv ◽  
Ethan Kutlu ◽  
Jason William Gullifer ◽  
Ruo Ying Feng ◽  
Marina M. Doucerain ◽  

Human cognition occurs within social contexts, and nowhere is this more evident than language behavior. Regularly using multiple languages is a globally ubiquitous, individual experience that is shaped by social environmental forces, ranging from interpersonal interactions to ambient language exposure. Here, we develop a Systems Framework of Bilingualism, where embedded layers of individual, interpersonal, and ecological sociolinguistic factors jointly predict people’s language behavior. Of note, we quantify interpersonal and ecological language dynamics through the novel applications of language-tagged social network analysis and geospatial demographic analysis among 106 English-French bilingual adults in Montréal, Canada. Consistent with a Systems view, we found that people’s individual language behavior, on a global level (i.e., overall language use), was jointly predicted by the language characteristics of their interpersonal social networks and the ambient linguistic patterns of their residential neighborhood environments, whereas more granular aspects of language behavior (i.e., word-level proficiency) was mainly driven by local, interpersonal social networks. Together, this work offers a novel theoretical framework, bolstered by innovative analytic techniques to quantify complex social information and empower more holistic assessments of multifaceted human behaviors and cognition, like language.

V. A. Ilyichev ◽  
V. I. Kolchunov ◽  
N. V. Bakaeva ◽  
A. A. Kormina

Statement of the problem. New challenges of our time significantly affect the methodology of urban planning. The development of new principles of city life, regulating the biosphere compatibility of cities and the development of human capital, should be considered an urgent scientific task that requires identifying the patterns of functioning of urban elements of planning structures (residential areas). Results. The paper develops the methodological foundations of urban planning, design and evaluation of design options for residential planning units of the city (quarter, neighborhood, residential area) on the principles of the paradigm of biosphere compatibility of cities and settlements that develop people. A conceptual model of the functional and planning organization of the territory- the hierarchy of city functions - is proposed. An algorithm for evaluating variants of residential area planning projects based on the index of urban function provision has been developed. For each of the functions of the city, the necessary and sufficient composition of indicators for evaluating design decisions is identified. The article discusses the prospect of quantifying the social well-being of the population of residential areas of a biosphere-compatible city as an alternative condition for the formation of a comfortable urban environment.Conclusion. The numerical evaluation of the design solution and a comparative analysis of the level of favorability of a residential neighborhood using the principles of the biosphere compatibility paradigm show what changes are required in the composition of urban planning solutions not only to achieve the quality of the material environment of life, but also human development in all respects.

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