scholarly journals Features of postoperative healing after osteoplasty of alveolar applications in patients with a galvanic pathology

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (3) ◽  
pp. 54
O. Tymofieiev ◽  
V. Kohut ◽  

Purpose. The features of healing of postoperative wounds after osteoplasty of alveolar processes of jaws with the use of titanium and bioresorbable membranes in patients with galvanic pathology were studied. Methods. There were examined 120 patients, aged 19 to 35 years, with or without metal dentures. In the course of surgical preparation of alveolar processes of jaws for further dental implantation (osteoplasty of alveolar processes), bioresorbable membranes based on polylactic acid and membranes made of titanium were used. Depending on the presence or absence of galvanic pathology, all patients were divided into 4 groups. Results. It was found that in patients without galvanic pathology, postoperative healing occurs without inflammatory complications. In patients with galvanic (compensated and/or decompensated form) in the early postoperative period, 51.6 % of the examined patients appeared complications in the form of severe pain and other inflammatory complications. In patients with galvanosis (atypical and typical forms) both early (82.8 %) and late (10.4 %) postoperative complications occurred in the postoperative period. All postoperative complications were equally common in the subjects who were using titanium membranes and in patients with bioresorbable membranes. Conclusions. It was established that in the presence of non-removable metal dentures in the oral cavity made of base of ignoble metal alloys, leading to the development of galvanism or galvanosis, there are early and late inflammatory complications in the preparation of alveolar processes for dental implantation, which significantly prolongs the time of healing of postoperative wounds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-79
M. V. Kannoeva ◽  
E. V. Zoryan ◽  
A. I. Ushakov

The relevance of the research topic. Despite of the improvement of methods of dental implantation the frequency of infectious and inflammatory complications caused mainly by infection of the surgical wound with the microflora of the oral cavity remains relatively high.Purpose. Improving of the effciency of surgical treatment of patients with partial secondary adentia during dental implantation and reducing the risk of development and the volume of complications by changing the protocol of medical support in the pre-and postoperative period.Methods. A comparative analysis of the results of the use of various schemes of medical support including the inclusion of antihomotoxic drugs in 346 patients during intraosseous dental implantation with preliminary surgical preparation of bone tissue in the period 2010-2017 was done. In accordance with the nature of the therapy, all patients were divided into 2 groups. Patients of the 1st group (140 people – 40,5%) underwent standard medical preparation in combination with antihomotoxic medicines. Patients of the 2nd group (139 people – 40,2%) received pre - and postoperative medication without the inclusion of antihomotoxic drugs according to the above scheme. There was also a separate group of patients who were contraindicated antibacterial therapy (67 people – 19,3%), who were prescribed antiseptic and antihomotoxic medicines.Results. In the early postoperative period, inflammatory complications were signifcantly more common in the group of patients received standard therapy in contrast to the groups in which antihomotoxic drugs were included (p < 0.05). In the long-term postoperative period the complications of bone augmentation operations were revealed in 29 cases out of 346, the rate of complications was 8.4% (frequency 10.0%; confdence interval: 5.6-16.4%).Summary. On the basis of our research we made a conclusion about the usefulness of homeopathic medicines in the standard scheme of the pre - and postoperative medical support of patients during dental implantation and related operations.

2019 ◽  
pp. 126-129
I. S. Pulyaeva

Aim. To define tactics of treatment of patients with infecting of synthetic patch after carotid endarterectomia(CEA). Materials and methods. As a result of treatment of 123 patients with hemodynamically meaningful stenosises of carotids and/or presence of embolic plate in SI «Zaycev V.T. IGUS of NAMSU» from 2014 for 2018 51 CEA was executed with in seaming of patch. In 5 cases autove in used as a patch, at 46 patients were used synthetic patch. As a rule, this group was entered by patients with extensive stenosis (more than 2 cm) - 33 patients, patients with insufficient retrograde pressure and/or presence of neurological deficit in the period of crossclamping of internal carotid — 18 patients. Results. The direct results of operation we estimated complex on the basis of degree of change of clinical status and presence of postoperative complications. At 43 patients in a postoperative period are not educed complications. At 8 patients an early postoperative period was complicated by bleeding from a patch, that demanded the repeated operative treatment. In two cases through 2 and 2,5 year, infecting of synthetic patch, that demanded urgent operative intervention as excision of synthetic patch and inseaming of autovein patch, was educed. To the patients control of passableness of carotids was executed through every 6 months Hemodynamically meaningful Restenilооm was observed in 3 cases at this group of patients. Conclusion. At hemodynamically meaningful extensive stenosises of carotids and insufficient level of retrograde arteriotony it is necessary to execute CEA with inseaming of synthetic patch. In case of the repeated interference on a carotid careful hemostasis and antibacterial therapy allows to bring down the level of infectious complications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 75-79
Yu.P.  Vdovichenko ◽  
V.I.  Boyko ◽  
V.A.  Terehov

The objective: to analyze the results of repeated laparoscopy in gynecological patients with suspected intraperitoneal postoperative complications.Materials and methods. The study involved 42 patients (mean age 46±11,3 years), in whom postoperative abdominal complications after surgical treatment of various gynecological diseases required repeated operations. Depending on the method of re-intervention, the patients were divided into 2 groups: the main group (n=20) – women who only used laparoscopy to correct postoperative complications; control (n=22) – women who were given indications for relaparotomy to correct postoperative complications during diagnostic laparoscopy. Relaparotomy was performed in 8 patients of the control group. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination using clinical, instrumental and laboratory research methods. The groups were homogeneous in terms of age and structure of operations performed on the pelvic organs, and statistically comparable.Results. During the study, the results of repeated laparoscopy of 34 gynecological patients with suspected intraperitoneal postoperative complications were analyzed. In all patients of the main group (47,6%), laparoscopy was revealed as the only and final method of treatment of postoperative complications, while in 7 women repeated relaparoscopy was used from 2 to 4 times, and in 13 women laparoscopy was performed once. In the control group (53,3%), 10 patients during diagnostic laparoscopy were exposed to indications for relaparotomy, in 4 patients the capabilities of the operating team and laparoscopic technique allowed performing some elements of the operation and completing it with a minilaparotomy approach, and 8 patients underwent relaparotomy immediately.Peritonitis and intraperitoneal bleeding prevail in the structure of early abdominal complications. The use of the video laparoscopic technique made it possible in 28,6% of patients with diffuse peritonitis to successfully eliminate the developed complication, eliminate its source and sanitize the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopic hemostasis was successfully performed in 7 patients.Compared with the standard, the use of video endoscopic technique allowed improving the indicators of diagnostic value: to increase the sensitivity level by 1,07 times, specificity by 1,39 times and diagnostic accuracy by 1,11 times.Conclusion. In general, in the early postoperative period, 47 relaparoscopies were performed for suspected complications, which is explained by programmed abdominal sanitization and the use of dynamic laparoscopy to control the course of intraperitoneal complications. Based on the analysis of the material under study, we proposed general indications and contraindications for relaparoscopy in the early postoperative period in order to diagnose and treat postoperative complications. Justifying each of the points, we were guided by the real possibilities of the method in general clinical practice, which in some cases are inferior in their effectiveness to relaparotomy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-39
A. G. Grintcov ◽  
R. V. Ishenko ◽  
I. V. Sovpel ◽  
I. E. Sedakov ◽  
O. V. Sovpel ◽  

Purpose. To analyze short-term and long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of the patients with hiatal hernia complicated by gastroesophageal reflux disease, depending on the choice of fundoplication method.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the short and long-term outcomes of the treatment of 171 patients suffering hiatal hernia complicated by gastroesophageal reflux disease was performed. All patients were underwent laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair supplemented by Nissen fundoplication - 109 patients or Toupet fundoplication – 62 patients.Results. In the Nissen fundoplication group the incidence of intraoperative complications was 9.2% (11 patients), postoperative complications – 8.3% (9 patients), dysphagia in the early postoperative period was noted in 24 (22%) patients. In 5 years after surgery, gastroesophageal reflux was observed in 6 (5.5%) patients, anatomical recurrence in 13 (11.9%) patients. Dysphagia in the late postoperative period was noted in 7.3% (8 patients). In the Toupet fun doplication group the incidence of intraoperative complications was 11.3% (7 patients), the incidence of postoperative complications was 6.5% (4 patients), functional dysphagia in the early postoperative period was noted in 8 (12.9%) patients. In 5 years after surgery, gastroesophageal reflux was observed in 8 (12.9%) patients, anatomical relapse in 13 (11.9%) patients. Persistent long-term dysphagia in the late postoperative period was noted in 2(3.2%) patients.Findings. The choice of fundoplication method did not significantly affect on the duration of surgery, the frequency of intraoperative and postoperative complications, duration hospital stay, the incidence of early functional postoperative dysphagia, the number of unsatisfactory results in the long term period, including recurrence and dysphagia.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Ромащенко ◽  
V. Romashchenko ◽  
Мануйлов ◽  
B. Manuylov ◽  
Дробышев ◽  

Prescription of antibacterial drugs for patients after operation of dental implantation remains the main method of prevention of postoperative complications. Despite the correct the postoperative period, these drugs have several side effects, and in some cases the use of antibiotics is contraindicated due to the presence of allergic reactions. The study involved 20 patients of different ages (from 25 to 70 years) without the comorbidity or at the stage its compensation accompanied allergic history and of odontogenic infection foci. Dental implantation was carried out due to the complete or partial absence of teeth. In the postoperative period antibiotic therapy and modern herbal drugs were prescribed to patients. The modern herbal drugs were the &#34;Tonzinal&#34; and the plates «ЦМ-1», consisting of medicinal plant extracts obtained using innovative technologies that allow to select targeted water-soluble therapeutic substances at the molecular level. The study consists of evaluation the dynamics of subjective feelings of patients, clinical healing, as well as the degree of contamination of the wound pathogenic microflora. In the early postoperative period after dental implantation, the healing occurred by primary intention, without dehiscence and inflammation in patients of both groups (in the first – antibiotics therapy, in the second - application of modern herbal drugs). The analysis of microbiological studies in patients of both groups proved the reduction in the degree of contamination of the wound surface by opportunistic pathogens. The results defined high efficiency of modern herbal drugs.

A. N. Shikhmetov ◽  
L. A. Osin ◽  
A. M. Zadikyan ◽  
A. A. Pazichev

The authors analyzed the results of simultaneous operations in 238 patients with regard to the combined surgical and gynecological pathology performed in the hospital-replacing environment of the ВСDС of PAO «Gazprom». Previously, all patients were assigned to the sequence of stages, the location of trocars, taking into account the additional stages of the operation, the position of the monitor, the location of the operating team, the position of the patient on the operating table during each stage. Performing simultaneous laparoscopic operations does not lead to an increase in the number of intra- and postoperative complications in comparison with isolated interventions and is not accompanied by great technical difficulties, but causes a somewhat longer duration (on average, 20.6 ± 1.5 min), which, in our opinion , is not critical for anesthesia. There were no significant differences in the course of the early postoperative period and the intensity of the functional systems of the body. Advantages of simultaneous operations are undeniable: two or three surgical diseases are cured simultaneously, progression or serious complication of the disease is prevented, operative treatment of which would be postponed for a later period, the risk of repeated surgery and anesthesia is eliminated, the time of total stay of the patient in the hospital and subsequent treatment is reduced, economic efficiency of treatment is increased.

2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-28
I F Akhtyamov ◽  
G G Garifullov ◽  
A N Kovalenko ◽  
I I Kuz'min ◽  
A G Rykov

The reasons of intraoperative and early postoperative complications i.e. implant dislocation and periprosthetic fractures, after hip replacement were analyzed and ways of their surgical prevention were elaborated. After 497 operations dislocation of the femoral component was detected in 24 (4,8%) cases including 15 - in the early postoperative period. The main reason of complication was inobservance of the prescribed motion activity regimen in the first postoperative days. In primary joint replacement periprosthetic fractures occurred in19 (3,8%) cases: in 15 (3%) cases the fracture developed intraoperatively and in 4 (0,8%) cases - after patients' discharge from the hospital. Application of the elaborated techniques of surgical prevention enabled to minimize the risk of such complications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-83
I. K. Morar

Postoperative surgery is one of the most dangerous complications, especially in patients with malignant tumors of the abdominal cavity, where secondary immunodeficiency, cachexia, anemia, etc. occur. Today, there are many ways to prevent postoperative surgery in patients at high risk for this complication, but all of them, along with their advantages, have a number of disadvantages that greatly limit their use. Developing an effective, non-invasive device for preventing postoperative surgery may to some extent solve this problem. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of the device for the prevention of postoperative events, by studying the frequency of development of postoperative complications in patients with malignant tumors of the abdominal organs. Material and methods. We have proposed a device for the prevention of postoperative surgery, the use of which does not require additional surgical techniques during surgery, and also allows the use of the latter in the event of the incomplete (subcutaneous) event (patent No. 120209 from 25.10.2017). The device consists of 5 soft plates lined with soft cloth and connected to each other by the widest parts. The central plate is adjustable depending on the width of the back surface of the patient's torso. The two side plates at the free edges have 11 lacing loops. To substantiate the effectiveness of the use of this device, we investigated 107 operated patients with malignant tumors of the abdominal cavity. The comparison group consisted of 60 people who did not use the proposed device. The main group consisted of 47 patients who used the above device in the early postoperative period. Results of the study and their discussion. The results obtained indicate a significant predominance of the incidence of postoperative events in patients in the main group. It should be noted that there is no significant difference in the frequency of development of "systemic" and other "local" postoperative complications between the two study groups of patients, which indicates the representativeness of the sample since "local" postoperative complications lead to the development of eventration. Patients in the main group, starting from day 2 after surgery, had a markedly lower intra-abdominal pressure during the first 12 days of the early postoperative period. Conclusion. The use of the proposed device for the prevention of postoperative surgery allows a non-invasive way to prevent the development of the latter, as well as the occurrence of the incomplete event to prevent the development of full, without significantly affecting the level of intra-abdominal pressure, compared with conventional use of the bandage.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 32
E. R. Charchyan ◽  
A. B. Stepanenko ◽  
N. A. Galeev ◽  
A. A. Skvortsov ◽  
A. P. Gens

The problem of sternal osteosynthesis after cardiac surgery is relevant because of a relatively high incidence of postoperative complications associated with inadequate sternal consolidation. The use of nitinol clips is one of the reliable and versatile methods of sternal osteosynthesis. Our research included 208 postoperative patients with different cardiac surgical pathologies. All interventions were carried out with cardiopulmonary bypass using median sternotomy. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to sternal fixation methods: group 1 (105 patients) - wire suture osteosynthesis, group 2 (103 patients) - nitinol clips closure. The short-term postoperative results were analyzed by using the major criteria for comparison. Radiographically confirmed varying degrees of sternal defects in the immediate postoperative period were observed in 15.2% of patients in group 1 and 3.8% of patients in group 2. In group 1 significant sternal defects requiring sternal refixation were observed in 4.8% of patients; in group 2 no such cases were identified. The mean blood loss in the drainages for 24 hours after surgery in group 1 was 351 65 ml; in group 2 - 192 43 ml. The total number of resternotomies for bleeding in group 1 was 6.7% of cases, with half of them being the patients with the source from the sternum in the site of wire sutures, while in group 2 4.9% patients underwent resternotomy, with no bleeding from the sites of clip fixation. Thus, the use of nitinol clips after longitudinal median sternotomy is a more reliable method of sternal osteosynthesis (as compared with the classical method), which enables us to minimize the risk of damage to the retrosternal structures, preserve sternal consolidation and reduce blood loss in the drainages in the early postoperative period.

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