scholarly journals A Systematic Review of Augmented Reality in Health Sciences: A Guide to Decision-Making in Higher Education

Carlos Rodríguez-Abad ◽  
Josefa-del-Carmen Fernández-de-la-Iglesia ◽  
Alba-Elena Martínez-Santos ◽  
Raquel Rodríguez-González

The objective of this study was to investigate the usability of the augmented reality (AR) in higher education in the area of health sciences to describe what type of interventions have been developed, their impact on various psychopedagogical aspects of the students as well as the main advantages, disadvantages and challenges in incorporating AR in the teaching-learning process. A systematic review was carried out in the CINAHL, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Web of Science databases and the Google Scholar search engine. The search was limited to original research articles written in English, Spanish or Portuguese since 2014. The quality of the selected articles (n = 19) was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). The applications and electronic devices used and the measurement instruments used were described. The use of AR made it easier for students to acquire skills, especially in courses with a high component of three-dimensional visualization, and positively influenced various aspects of the learning process such as motivation, satisfaction or autonomous learning. As an educational technological tool applied to higher education in health sciences, AR improves the teaching-learning process by influencing it in a multidimensional way.

Andrés Mauricio Arciniegas ◽  
José Alonso Oviedo Monroy

Introduction: this article is a product of the innovation project “Integration of augmented reality in the teaching-learning process of bone injuries”, developed during 2018 in the Trade and Services Center of the National Training Service SENA in Tolima. Problem: The Trade and Services Center, and the technological network of health services does not have an easily accessible tool that allows you to permanently develop a knowledge check against possible cases of polytraumatism and the incidence of fractures in front of the epidemiological profile making an identification of the characteristics of the same. Objective: Integrate augmented reality tools in the teaching-learning process of bone injuries. Methodology: Descriptive-propositive of qualitative nature, descriptive when skeletal lesions were characterized and propositive as soon as an application for mobile devices was generated aimed at improving the teaching-learning process of fractures. Results: a mobile application based on Augmented Reality was developed, which supports the teaching-learning process of bone injuries. Conclusions: three-dimensional models of bones and bone lesions have been recreated, allowing trainees to assimilate their characteristics and primary management effectively, thus reinforcing their learning through interactive contents. Limitations: the project only covers the learning of bone injuries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-191
Edmilson Francisco ◽  
Patrícia Vasconcelos Almeida

RESUMO: O presente trabalho é resultado de um levantamento bibliográfico feito com amostras de trabalhos acadêmicos publicados e disponibilizados online de 2015 até o final do 1º semestre de 2017, sobre a temática da utilização dos blogs educacionais não institucionais no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de língua portuguesa. O resultado indica que a maioria das publicações trata do blog como ferramenta de ensino-aprendizagem e foi do tipo teórico-reflexiva. Em relação ao nível de ensino, a maior parte dos trabalhos se voltou para o Ensino Superior (graduação e pós-graduação) e para formação de professores da Educação Superior. O levantamento bibliográfico indicou que existem lacunas quanto à formação de professores de Educação Básica para uso do blog como ferramenta tecnológica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A análise dos estudos publicados apontou para a necessidade de realização de estudos que tragam experiências e relatos sobre o uso dos blogs para ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos e experiências de professores que os utilizam, na prática, como recurso tecnológico para formação de outros professores. O exame dos trabalhos acadêmicos revelou que existe carência de materiais didáticos que permitam que o(s) professor (es) se capacitem para o uso do blog como recurso tecnológico e estudos que o tratem como potente ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: trabalhos acadêmicos;ferramenta tecnológica; educação.   ABSTRACT: The present work is the result of a bibliographical survey done with samples of academic papers published and made available online from 2015 until the end of the first semester of 2017, about the use of non-institutional educational blogs in the Portuguese language teaching-learning process. The result indicates that most publications treat the blog as a teaching-learning tool and was of a theoretical-reflexive type. Regarding the level of education, most of the work was focused on Higher Education (undergraduate and postgraduate) and for the training of Higher Education teachers. The bibliographic survey indicated that there are gaps regarding the formation of Basic Education teachers to use the blog as a technological tool in the teaching-learning process. The analysis of the published studies pointed to the need to carry out studies that bring experiences and reports about the use of blogs for teaching-learning of students and experiences of teachers who use, in practice, the blog as a technological resource for training other teachers. The examination of the academic work revealed that there is a shortage of didactic materials that allow the teacher(s) to be able to use the blog as a technological resource and studies that treat the blog as a powerful virtual learning environment. KEYWORDS: academic work; technology tool; education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-147
Natércia Felgueiras Seabra Durão ◽  
Fernando Moreira ◽  
Maria João da Silva Costa Ferreira ◽  
Carla Santos Pereira ◽  
Nagaletchimee Annamalai

The pervasive digitization is now a reality for organizations and society at large. In the last decade, for example, smartphones have been gradually transforming their scope from just voice communications providers to powerful media and computing devices. This transformation has led to a growth in business initiatives, namely in the services provision through mobile applications. In this context, higher education as an organization and part of society is compelled to change its operant mode in general and in particular in the teaching-learning process making it more digital and at the same time more motivating for students. The aim of this study is to investigate the perception that higher education professors in the area of technology, across Southern Europe, South America, and Asia have about the use of mobile technologies such as gamification and augmented reality and how they can be used to promote student’s engagement inside and outside of the classroom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 376
Jacks Fernandes ◽  
Ariel Teles ◽  
Silmar Teixeira

Health education is one of the knowledge areas in which augmented reality (AR) technology is widespread, and it has been considered as a facilitator of the learning process. In literature, there are still few studies detailing the role of mobile AR in neuroanatomy. Specifically, for the spinal cord, the teaching–learning process may be hindered due to its abstract nature and the absence of three-dimensional models. In this sense, we implemented a mobile application with AR technology named NitLabEduca for studying the spinal cord with an interactive exploration of 3D rotating models in the macroscopic scale, theoretical content of its specificities, animations, and simulations regarding its physiology. To investigate NitLabEduca’s effects, eighty individuals with and without previous neuroanatomy knowledge were selected and grouped into control and experimental groups. Divided, they performed learning tasks through a questionnaire. We used the System Usability Scale (SUS) to evaluate the usability level of the mobile application and a complimentary survey to verify the adherence level to the use of mobile applications in higher education. As a result, we observed that participants of both groups who started the task with the application and finished with text had more correct results in the test (p < 0.001). SUS results were promising in terms of usability and learning factor. We concluded that studying the spinal cord through NitLabEduca seems to favor learning when used as a complement to the printed material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (06) ◽  
pp. 940-960
Dr. Kendaganna Swamy S ◽  
Shaila H Kopal ◽  
Sushmitha N ◽  
Shruthi P ◽  

Education is a process that simplifies learning. It should be a continuous process in one’s life to attain success. Over the decades, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have gradually begun to play a very important role in education, with their usage in education is growing worldwide continuously. These methods allow access to information through the internet. In education, ICT is the method of teaching that uses information and communication technology to support, improve and optimize the transfer of information, in turn leading to the invention of smart education. This improves the quality of teaching, the learning process of students and ultimately facilitates e-learning. It is commonly believed that technology can empower educators and students, making substantial contributions to knowledge and achievement. This paper gives an insight into the various tools that help instructors to develop online course content using Learning Management System tools. These tools allow the instructors to conduct online classes from any location using tutor tools and desktop recording tools to record screen output for further use. The instructor can assess the students in their course using assessment tools and can also enhance teaching methods using innovative teaching tools. The paper also throws limelight on the feedback taken by the faculty as well as the students about the usage of various tools in higher education which helps in analyzing the best suitable tools.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Akhmad Soleh

This study discusses the accessibility of university education in the four public universities in Yogyakarta; Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI), University of Gajah Mada (UGM),Yogyakarta State University (UNY), and State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga. Upto now, the disability groups have not got an equal access and the opportunity in a higher education. There are only a few students with disabilities that are accepted in Universities in Indonesia, because of physical limitations that would interfere the teaching-learning process in their classrooms. The research findings showed that the education systems in the UGM, Yogyakarta State University, and the ISI have a system of “integration”, while at UIN has led to the inclusion system, that is “accommodative” and has the ability to service for persons with disabilities.Penelitian ini membahas tentang aksesibilitas pendidikan di perguruan tinggi di empat perguruan tinggi negeri di Yogyakarta; yaitu Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), an Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga. Sampai saat, kelompok masyarakat yang menyandang disabilitas masih belum memperoleh persamaan dan kesempatan dalam mengakses pada pendidikan tinggi. Hanya sedikit mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas yang diterima pada Perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, karena keterbatasan fisik yang akan mengganggu proses belajar-mengajar di kelasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan baha pendidikan di UGM, UNY, dan ISI memiliki sistem “integrasi”,sedangkan di UIN telah memiliki sistem inklusi, yang “akomodatif”, dan mampu memberi layanan mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas.

Laima Kuprienė ◽  
Vaida Žegunienė

Contemporary society is actively engaged into technology innovations due to their multi-purposeful usage for personal, professional and educational reasons. Many new terms defining information communication technologies appear but the paper focuses on the interactive media, which may be considered as an integral part of the phenomenon. It is aimed to analyze and discuss the possibilities of integration of interactive media into language learning process to support the efficiency of the study process taking into consideration the needs and achievements of students. The lectures organized with traditional teaching material are getting old-fashioned gradually; therefore, new trends appear in the education process and technologies have to be successfully integrated by the teachers working in higher education institutions. Currently life pace is extremely fast, and rapid changes influence the life of young people who want to be well-educated and prepared for the further professional career. The research was organized to investigate whether the students of higher education institution demonstrate willingness to integrate interactive media into language learning process, i.e. students do not have to be passive users but actively apply and use interactive media in the learning process. Consequently, the teachers have to be familiar with the opportunities provided by the interactive media and acknowledge the necessity of its integration, but still some considerations and uncertainty exist. The methods used for the research are as follows: analysis of the scientific literature sources, content analysis, and questionnaires. Findings of the research are formulated after analysis of the collected data and they revealed the capabilities of the students to use interactive media and perception of the importance and usefulness of such measures.Majority of teachers demonstrate conservative attitude towards innovations and implementation of modern teaching/learning methods, but the situation will be improved putting the efforts in order to seek positive learning outcomes and modernize the study process.

Ilmawan Mustaqim

AbstrakAugmented Reality (AR) dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah teknologi yang mampu menggabungkan benda maya dua dimensi atau tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan yang nyata kemudian memunculkannya atau memproyeksikannya secara real time. AR dapat digunakan untuk membantu memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek. Beberapa aplikasi AR dirancang untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih detail pada pengguna dari objek nyata. Media merupakan sebuah alat atau objek yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara penerima dan pengirim pesan.Media pembelajaran merupakan suatu alat perantara antara pendidik dengan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran yang mampu menghubungkan, memberi informasi dan menyalurkan pesan sehingga tercipta proses pembelajaran efektif dan efisien. Media pembelajaran mengakibatkan terjadinya sebuah komunikasi antara pendidik dan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Apabila dalam proses pembelajaran tidak menggunakan media maka tidak akan terjadi proses pembelajaran.Pemanfaatan media pendidikan menggunakan Augmented Reality dapat merangsang pola pikir peserta didik dalam berpikiran kritis terhadap sesuatu masalah dan kejadian yang ada pada keseharian, karena sifat dari media pendidikan adalah membantu peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran dengan ada atau tidak adanya pendidik dalam proses pendidikan, sehingga pemanfaatan media pendidikan dengan augmented reality dapat secara langsung memberikan pembelajaran dimanapun dan kapanpun peserta didik ingin melaksanakan proses pembelajaran. Media Pembelajaran AR dapat memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek memungkinkan AR sebagai media yang lebih efektif sesuai dengan tujuan dari media pembelajaran. Kata kunci:  augmented reality, media pembelajaran AbstractAugmented Reality (AR) can be defined as a technology that can combine virtual objects two-dimensional or three-dimensional into a real environment and then bring it or project it in real time. AR can be used to help visualize abstract concepts for the understanding and the structure of an object model. Some AR application designed to provide more detailed information on the user of the real object. Media is a tool or object that serves as a liaison between the recipient and the sender of the message.Learning Media is an intermediary tool between educators with learners in the learning that is able to connect, inform and distribute the messages so as to create an effective and efficient learning process. Instructional media resulting in a communication between educators and learners in the learning process. If the learning process does not use the media then there will be a learning process.Implementation media education using Augmented Reality can be stimulate the mindset of students in critical thinking about something issues and events that exist in everyday life, because of the nature of the medium of education is to help learners in the learning process with the presence or absence of teachers in the educational process, so that the use of the media augmented education with reality can directly provide learning wherever and whenever the learner wants to implement the learning process. Learning Media AR can visualize abstract concepts for the understandingand the structure of an object model enables the AR as a more effective media in accordance with the purpose of learning media. Keywords : augmented raeality, utilzation of instructional media

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Chetlal Prasad ◽  
Pushpa Gupta

ICTs in Education refers to the development of information and communications technology specifically for teaching/learning purposes, while the ICTs in education involves the adoption of general components of information and communication technologies in the teaching learning process. The National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT), launched in 2009 by the Central Government. Let’s see how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) evolved the Higher Education system: The role of ICT in higher education, what students learn, The role of ICT in Higher Education, how Students Learn, The role of ICT in Higher Education, when students learn, The role of ICT in higher education, where students learn. Online courses, development of e-content, e-learning, digital libraries, online encyclopaedias, journals, and books would promote learning and make knowledge available to all irrespective of the distance or location or financial resources. Government intervention is necessary so that ICT can be made successful in higher education. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has the proven power to change the world. This acronym refers to the merging of audiovisual and telephone networks with the computer single unified system of cabling.

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