scholarly journals State of the Art of Telecommunication Systems in Isolated and Constrained Areas

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 3073
Laurent Ferrier ◽  
Hussein Ibrahim ◽  
Mohamad Issa ◽  
Adrian Ilinca

Smart objects are deployed globally, contributing to improved communications and the growth of industrial systems’ performances. Unfortunately, isolated territories are generally excluded from this progress. Remote areas in Canada are no exception. Thus, about two hundred thousand people are living in isolated regions in Canadian territory. The development of these communities is slowed down not only by an outdated energy supply, but they are also dependent on telecommunication systems not fully deployed in those regions, thus contributing to the amplification of those populations’ isolation. Furthermore, the magnetic field in some regions of the planet and very often in isolated areas undergoes partial or total absorption, known as white areas, making the propagation of the signal very delicate. As a part of this article, a state of the art of telecommunication solutions available in an isolated environment is applied with a critical analysis based on several criteria. It shows the ability to use an original approach based on a captive balloon. Despite the proposed solution’s feasibility, several challenges need to be addressed before formally adopting it. These challenges include: (i) controlling the height of the balloon; (ii) stabilization of the balloon; and (iii) powering the system. The list of references given at the end of the paper should offer aids for the industry and for researchers working in this field.

1971 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 389-391
L. Woltjer

The magnetic field and the relativistic electrons in the Crab Nebula cannot have originated at the time of the supernova explosion. The energy density in the magnetic field is so large that it must have been generated using the energy supply in the pulsar. The energies of the electrons are so high, and their lifetimes correspondingly are so short, that they must have been accelerated, again using the pulsar energy. The efficiency of these processes must be high, but there is an adequate energy supply.

1995 ◽  
Vol 10 (28) ◽  
pp. 2125-2134 ◽  
T.C.P. CHUI ◽  
M. SHAO ◽  

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory predicts that vacuum under the influence of a strong magnetic field is birefringence. Recently, several groups have proposed to used a high finesse Fabry—Perot cavity to increase the average path length of the light in the magnetic field. This together with the state-of-the-art dipole magnets, should bring the effect within reach of observation. However, the mirrors used in the FP are known to have intrinsic birefringence which is of orders of magnitude larger than the birefringence of the vacuum. In this letter, we analyze the effect of uncontrollable variations of mirror birefringence on two recently proposed optical schemes. The first scheme,1 which we called the frequency scheme, is based on measurement of the beat frequency of two orthogonal polarized laser beams in the cavity. We show that mirror birefringence contributes to the detection uncertainties in first order, resulting in a high susceptibility to variations of its value. In the second scheme, which we called the polarization scheme, laser polarized at 45° relative to the B-field is injected into the cavity. The ellipticity and polarization rotation of the light exiting the cavity is measured.2 Under this scheme, mirror birefringence contributes as a correction of the QED effect, greatly reducing its sensitivity to the undesirable changes.

1967 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 375-380
H. C. van de Hulst

Various methods of observing the galactic magnetic field are reviewed, and their results summarized. There is fair agreement about the direction of the magnetic field in the solar neighbourhood:l= 50° to 80°; the strength of the field in the disk is of the order of 10-5gauss.

1994 ◽  
Vol 144 ◽  
pp. 29-33
P. Ambrož

AbstractThe large-scale coronal structures observed during the sporadically visible solar eclipses were compared with the numerically extrapolated field-line structures of coronal magnetic field. A characteristic relationship between the observed structures of coronal plasma and the magnetic field line configurations was determined. The long-term evolution of large scale coronal structures inferred from photospheric magnetic observations in the course of 11- and 22-year solar cycles is described.Some known parameters, such as the source surface radius, or coronal rotation rate are discussed and actually interpreted. A relation between the large-scale photospheric magnetic field evolution and the coronal structure rearrangement is demonstrated.

2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 263-264
K. Sundara Raman ◽  
K. B. Ramesh ◽  
R. Selvendran ◽  
P. S. M. Aleem ◽  
K. M. Hiremath

Extended AbstractWe have examined the morphological properties of a sigmoid associated with an SXR (soft X-ray) flare. The sigmoid is cospatial with the EUV (extreme ultra violet) images and in the optical part lies along an S-shaped Hαfilament. The photoheliogram shows flux emergence within an existingδtype sunspot which has caused the rotation of the umbrae giving rise to the sigmoidal brightening.It is now widely accepted that flares derive their energy from the magnetic fields of the active regions and coronal levels are considered to be the flare sites. But still a satisfactory understanding of the flare processes has not been achieved because of the difficulties encountered to predict and estimate the probability of flare eruptions. The convection flows and vortices below the photosphere transport and concentrate magnetic field, which subsequently appear as active regions in the photosphere (Rust & Kumar 1994 and the references therein). Successive emergence of magnetic flux, twist the field, creating flare productive magnetic shear and has been studied by many authors (Sundara Ramanet al.1998 and the references therein). Hence, it is considered that the flare is powered by the energy stored in the twisted magnetic flux tubes (Kurokawa 1996 and the references therein). Rust & Kumar (1996) named the S-shaped bright coronal loops that appear in soft X-rays as ‘Sigmoids’ and concluded that this S-shaped distortion is due to the twist developed in the magnetic field lines. These transient sigmoidal features tell a great deal about unstable coronal magnetic fields, as these regions are more likely to be eruptive (Canfieldet al.1999). As the magnetic fields of the active regions are deep rooted in the Sun, the twist developed in the subphotospheric flux tube penetrates the photosphere and extends in to the corona. Thus, it is essentially favourable for the subphotospheric twist to unwind the twist and transmit it through the photosphere to the corona. Therefore, it becomes essential to make complete observational descriptions of a flare from the magnetic field changes that are taking place in different atmospheric levels of the Sun, to pin down the energy storage and conversion process that trigger the flare phenomena.

1976 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 613-622
I.A. Aslanov ◽  
Yu.S. Rustamov

SummaryMeasurements of the radial velocities and magnetic field strength of β CrB were carried out. It is shown that there is a variability with the rotation period different for various elements. The curve of the magnetic field variation measured from lines of 5 different elements: FeI, CrI, CrII, TiII, ScII and CaI has a complex shape specific for each element. This may be due to the presence of magnetic spots on the stellar surface. A comparison with the radial velocity curves suggests the presence of a least 4 spots of Ti and Cr coinciding with magnetic spots. A change of the magnetic field with optical depth is shown. The curve of the Heffvariation with the rotation period is given. A possibility of secular variations of the magnetic field is shown.

D. E. Speliotis

The interaction of electron beams with a large variety of materials for information storage has been the subject of numerous proposals and studies in the recent literature. The materials range from photographic to thermoplastic and magnetic, and the interactions with the electron beam for writing and reading the information utilize the energy, or the current, or even the magnetic field associated with the electron beam.

S. Horiuchi ◽  
Y. Matsui

A new high-voltage electron microscope (H-1500) specially aiming at super-high-resolution (1.0 Å point-to-point resolution) is now installed in National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials ( NIRIM ), in collaboration with Hitachi Ltd. The national budget of about 1 billion yen including that for a new building has been spent for the construction in the last two years (1988-1989). Here we introduce some essential characteristics of the microscope.(1) According to the analysis on the magnetic field in an electron lens, based on the finite-element-method, the spherical as well as chromatic aberration coefficients ( Cs and Cc ). which enables us to reach the resolving power of 1.0Å. have been estimated as a function of the accelerating As a result of the calculaton. it was noted that more than 1250 kV is needed even when we apply the highest level of the technology and materials available at present. On the other hand, we must consider the protection against the leakage of X-ray. We have then decided to set the conventional accelerating voltage at 1300 kV. However. the maximum accessible voltage is 1500 kV, which is practically important to realize higher voltage stabillity. At 1300 kV it is expected that Cs= 1.7 mm and Cc=3.4 mm with the attachment of the specimen holder, which tilts bi-axially in an angle of 35° ( Fig.1 ). In order to minimize the value of Cc a small tank is additionally placed inside the generator tank, which must serve to seal the magnetic field around the acceleration tube. An electron gun with LaB6 tip is used.

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