scholarly journals Changes in vocational training of students in secondary vocational education institutions: Modern challenges

Kirill I. Eseshkin
Виктор Геннадьевич Лысенко

Введение. Современные вызовы системе среднего профессионального образования связаны, в первую очередь, с созданием безопасной цифровой образовательной среды, с появлением новых форм и технологий обучения, переобучения, повышения квалификации специалистов, в том числе с использованием современных информационных систем, сервисов и баз данных (цифровой платформы). Учитывая вышеизложенное, актуальным и востребованным в современной социокультурной ситуации является создание цифровой платформы в условиях деятельности центра опережающей профессиональной подготовки. Цель – определить роль цифровой платформы в реализации программ опережающей подготовки специалистов. Материал и методы. Методологической основой исследования является идея опережения, получившая развитие и распространение в различных науках, в том числе в отечественной педагогике и психологии. Изучение лучшего мирового опыта международного движения WorldSkills, нормативно-правовых, стратегических документов развития профессионального образования и запросов работодателей способствовало систематизации и обобщению знаний в области цифровизации среднего профессионального образования. Результаты и обсуждение. Выполнение теоретических установок и концептуальных подходов к системе опережающей профессиональной подготовки, в том числе авторских, опыт Сибирского политехнического техникума, реализующего программы подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации не только своих обучающихся, но и выпускников учреждений среднего профессионального образования, незанятого населения, лиц, потерявших работу, в условиях обострения социально-экономической ситуации, являются востребованными, особенно в сфере IT-технологий, связанных с трансформацией экономики и социальной сферы регионов. Представлены подходы коллектива центра опережающей профессиональной подготовки Сибирского политехнического техникума по решению первоочередных задач по моделированию цифровой платформы и использованию конструктора компетенций как необходимого условия, обеспечивающего слушателю индивидуальную образовательную траекторию обучения и дальнейшего профессионального развития. Заключение. Описаны первоначальные результаты работы центра опережающей профессиональной подготовки по созданию цифровой платформы, представляющие практическую значимость для руководителей профессиональных образовательных организаций, заинтересованных в подготовке высококвалифицированных специалистов, востребованных на региональном рынке труда. Introduction. Modern challenges that the system of secondary vocational education faces are associated, first of all, with the creation of a safe digital educational environment. New educational environment includes new forms and technologies of teaching, retraining, advanced training supported by modern information systems, services and databases (digital platforms). Therefore, the creation, operation and maintenance of the digital platform in the condition of the advanced vocational training center is relevant, and crucial in the modern socio-cultural situation. The aim of the work is the determination of the digital platform role in the implementation of program for specialist advanced vocational training. Material and methods. As the methodological basis serves the concept of advancing (keeping ahead), which was developed in various sciences, including Russian pedagogy and psychology and then spread all over the world. The study of the best world experience of the international movement Worldskills and regulatory, strategic documents referred to the development of vocational education, as well as the awareness of the employers’ needs, contributes to systematization and generalization of knowledge in the field of digitalization of secondary vocational education. Results and discussion. The implementation of theoretical objectives and conceptual provisions of the advanced vocational training system, including the authors’ contribution; the experience of the Siberian Polytechnic School reflected in its training, retraining and advanced training programs used for training students, graduates of secondary vocational education institutions, and the unemployed people who lost their jobs due to aggravated socio-economic situation. These are the main drives for designing a new digital platform able to ensure the transformation of the regional economy and social sphere. The article describes the approaches used by the staff of the advanced vocational training center of the Siberian Polytechnic College to solve the priority tasks concerning a digital platform modeling and application of the competence constructor that are employed as a prerequisite for providing the listener with an individual educational trajectory within their training and further professional development. Conclusion. Thus, the article presents the initial outcomes of the performance and activities of the advanced vocational training center aimed at creating a digital platform. The design and development of this platform is considered as practical significance for the heads and top managers of professional educational organizations who are interested in training highly qualified specialists being the most popular on the regional labor market.

А.А. Коновалов ◽  
Д.Е. Щипанова ◽  
А.И. Лыжин ◽  
Б.А. Чернышов

Статья посвящена проблеме формирования и развития исследовательских компетенций, которые, по мнению авторов, являются необходимым условием успешной профессиональной деятельности педагога СПО. Цель статьи — выявление дефицита исследовательских компетенций у педагогов профессионального обучения, а также определение направления развития научно-исследовательской деятельности (НИД) в сфере СПО. Для достижения поставленной цели было проведено анкетирование с помощью онлайн-опроса, разработанного на базе инструментов GoogleForms, и применены методы статистической обработки данных исследования. В статье представлены структура и виды научно-исследовательской деятельности педагога СПО, приведены результаты эмпирического исследования, позволившие оценить степень сформированности профессиональных компетенций педагогических работников и их готовность к осуществлению НИД. Авторы предлагают практические рекомендации по восполнению дефицита исследовательских компетенций у педагогов профессионального обучения. The article is devoted to the problem of formation and development of research competencies, which, according to the authors, are necessary for the successful professional activity of a teacher of secondary vocational education. The purpose of the article is to identify the lack of research competencies among teachers of vocational training and determine the direction of development of research activities (RA) in the field of secondary vocational education. In order to achieve this goal, a survey was conducted using an online survey developed based on GoogleForms tools, and methods of statistical processing of research data were applied. The article presents the structure and types of research activities of a teacher of secondary vocational education, the results of an empirical study that allowed us to assess the degree of formation of professional competencies of teachers and their readiness to implement the RA. The authors offer practical recommendations for filling the deficit of research competencies in teachers of vocational training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 14-18
Nadezhda Petrovna Polyakova ◽  
Olga Leonidovna Bogatyreva

Introduction. The problems of inclusive education in the system of secondary vocational education have recently become particularly relevant due to the increasing number of students with limited health opportunities and disabilities. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find the best ways to build an educational route for students of these categories. Such an educational trajectory should not only include special conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of such students, but also be aimed at mastering the professional competencies necessary for a modern competitive individual in the labor market. The main tool for implementing the inclusive model of education should be considered an adapted educational program of secondary vocational education. However, the implementation mechanism of this normative document still continues to raise many questions and difficulties. That is why this study was conducted, which involved teachers and masters of vocational training in the system of secondary vocational education, aimed at identifying the difficulties that arise in the implementation of adapted educational programs. The obtained results demonstrated the ambiguity of the current situation in the field of building and implementing an inclusive model in the system of secondary vocational education and allowed us to offer the authors possible solutions to these situations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 170-182
А.А. Арасланова ◽  
И.В. Афанасьева ◽  
В.В. Батколина ◽  
Г.И. Болотов ◽  
В.И. Бычков ◽  

В статье обоснована актуальность обновления библиотечных фондов, фондов электронных образовательных и информационных ресурсов в соответствии с содержанием образовательных программ системы среднего профессионального образования по специальностям, востребованным в настоящее время в связи с запросами конкретных отраслей экономики и перспективными потребностями рынка труда. Рассмотрены вопросы обеспечения и мониторинга занятости выпускников образовательных организации среднего профессионального образования, как индикаторов качества и развития системы подготовки квалифицированных рабочих, служащих и специалистов среднего звена с целью соответствия запросам реального сектора экономики, социальной сферы, сферы услуг, малого и среднего предпринимательства, в том числе с учетом обновления перечня профессий рабочих, должностей служащих, по которым осуществляется профессиональное обучение, перечней профессий и специальностей среднего профессионального образования. The article justifies the relevance of updating library funds, electronic educational and information resources in accordance with the content of educational programs of the secondary vocational education system in specialties currently in demand in connection with the needs of specific sectors of the economy and the promising needs of the labor market. Issues of ensuring and monitoring employment of graduates of educational organizations of secondary vocational education, as indicators of the quality and development of the system of training of skilled workers, employees and middle-level specialists in order to meet the needs of the real sector of the economy, social, services, small and medium-sized enterprises, including by updating the list of professions of workers, positions of employees in which vocational training is carried out, lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education.

R. I. Nuretdinov

The article is devoted to the problem of the quality of vocational training of graduates of educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the field of information technology. The urgency of the problem is the fact that the popularity of secondary vocational education in the field of information technology is growing: every year a large number of middle-level specialists enter the labor market, who are required to be ready to work, adaptability to work's conditions, which minimizes the need to retrain them. There is a need to control the quality of education and the results of professional training of graduates. The article analyzes the documents regulating the educational process of secondary vocational education on the example of the specialty 09.02.07 Information systems and programming: the decree of the government of the Russian Federation On the approval of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education, the procedure for organizing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education, order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia On the approval of the list of the 50 most in demand in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education, federal state educational standard for the specialty 09.02.07 Information systems and programming, the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia On the approval of the professional standard Programmer. The conclusion is made that educational institutions have the ability to ensure the quality of vocational training if they involve employers and specialists from the industry close to the educational program in the educational process. However, educational institutions should involve external, independent experts from the industry to organize the educational process and monitor its results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 97-103
Виктор Геннадьевич Лысенко

Рассматриваются подходы к разработке концептуальных оснований опережающей профессиональной подготовки кадров для социально-экономического развития региона. Выделяются отдельные аспекты регионализации образования в контексте деятельности учреждений среднего профессионального образования. Обосновывается актуальность и востребованность центра опережающей профессиональной подготовки, ориентированного на потребности приоритетных направлений экономического и технологического развития региона и повышение профессиональной занятости разных групп населения. Определяются цели и задачи опережающей профессиональной подготовки, ожидаемые результаты и эффекты ее реализации в практике работы центра опережающей профессиональной подготовки, созданного на базе ГПОУ «Сибирский политехнический техникум» (г. Кемерово). Продемонстрированы некоторые результаты деятельности центра опережающей профессиональной подготовки Кемеровской области за 2019 и 2020 годы. Nowadays the system of secondary vocational education must be ready to meet modern challenges and requirements for professional training and be able to cope with the contradiction between the existing quality of specialists’ training and the employers and the labor market demands for highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the issue of creating a system of advanced professional training is extremely vital. The article considers approaches to the theoretical basis for the conceptual foundations of advanced professional training of specialists required for the socio-economic development of the region. It distinguishes some certain aspects of the regionalization of education in the context of activities performed by institutions involved in the secondary vocational education. The paper also substantiates the urgency and the relevance of the advanced vocational training center, whose activity is aimed at satisfying the needs of priority directions of economic and technological development of the region and increasing the professional employment of its population. The article determines goals and objectives of advanced vocational training, specifies expected outcomes and effects of their implementation in the practice of advanced vocational training center which was created on the basis of the Siberian Polytechnic College (Kemerovo). Moreover, the author demonstrates the most significant results achieved by the center of advanced vocational training of the Kemerovo region over the period of 2019, 2020. The approbation of the designed model developed on the conceptual foundations of advanced vocational training confirmed that it contributes to the successful solution of the planned goals and objectives.

D. N. Butorin

The article discusses the process of the digitalization of the educational organization of secondary vocational education. When automating routine processes, at some point, problems may arise in the transition from solving local accounting problems to submitting regulated reports. Often, digitalization becomes the only possible solution to the problems of combining the performance of job tasks based on data from various departments. This is especially evident when implementing integration with external federal information systems. The development of digital services for students with the help of the information service “NaLentu!” (”Go to a Class!”) is shown. Based on it, the mailing of the schedule, the “digital student’s record-book”, and the order of documents are implemented. It is described how one of the federal systems became the reason for the digitalization of processes in social accounting, the appointment and accrual of grants. The problems of the implementation of the accounting system on the part of employees, in particular, the perception by some of them of digitalization as a threat to their interests, are indicated. Further automation trends after the implementation of information systems in the decision of the central tasks of the educational organization are demonstrated. The stages of the introduction of information systems for accounting for vocational training and additional professional education are described, the analysis of the results of their implementation on the basis of College of Oil and Gas in Achinsk is given.

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