Mass media in the system of political socialization of Russian youth

2020 ◽  
pp. 50-53
Elena Malik

The article reveals the problem of the influence of media information flows on the processes of political socialization of the young generation in modern Russia. Conditions for activation of social and political potential of young people in conditions of mediatization of Russian society have been identified. The author outlined the main directions for optimizing the information impact of mass media on the political orientation of young citizens.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-37
Elena N. Malik

The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the main directions of optimizing the system of political socialization of young people in the context of the development of the electronic media environment. The article identifies and reveals the main problems of the influence of media information flows on the formation of socio-political orientations of young citizens. The mass media were and remain the most important institution of political socialization of the younger generation, having a direct influence on the assimilation of social norms by young citizens, the formation of political values among them and, as a result, the expression by the younger generation of various forms of socio-political activity.An assessment of the role of the media in the political socialization of modern Russian youth showed that the activities of traditional media in the Russian political space are noticeably lost in relation to electronic media resources. In the digital age, it is advisable to assess the possibilities of the influence of various digital media channels on the political consciousness and behavior of young people.The conclusion is justified that young people are not only an object, but also a subject of political socialization. Under the influence of the media environment, this process is increasingly not vertical, but horizontal in nature, when young citizens demonstrate alternative forms of socio-political activity and models of political behavior — from electronic elections to the signing of online petitions, as well as continuously choose from possible images of the world thanks to the activities of electronic media, etc. Electronic media, especially network media, are largely responsible for initiating models of socio-political activity of young citizens. Based on a large factual material, the author considers the media preferences of young citizens when exposed to traditional, electronic and online media. The role of Internet socialization of youth in the activation of institutional forms of its participation in the democratization of Russian society is justified.

T. N. Samsonova ◽  
E. S. Naumova

The article analyzes the role of mass media in the process of political socialization of the Russian youth, taking place in the context of deep socio-economic and political transformations. The crucial impressionable years in the development of citizens’ political outlook are between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. Young Russian citizens are just in the process of developing political habits and are easily influenced by different factors. Much of political information comes from the traditional and innovative mass media: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. Television helps to shape public opinion by providing news and analysis, its entertainment programming addresses important contemporary issues that are in the political arena. The growth of the Internet is especially significant. Political news aggregators and online bloggers present a broad range of political opinion, information, and analysis. The importance of an adequate assessment of the role of the traditional and innovative media in the political socialization of young people, in shaping the political subjectivity of young Russian citizens is obvious.

I. N. Konovalov ◽  
A. S. Azarova ◽  
D. N. Markin ◽  

The article is concerned with the phenomenon of extremism among youth. Analyzing the features of modern youth extremism the authors substantiated their conditioning by social, age, historical, and cultural factors. Young people tend to protest and reject the existing system, all-or-nothing thinking. While the phenomena identified as extremism today, repeatedly arose in the process of historical social development. A distinctive feature of the majority of extremist organizations at the present time is their focus on the issues of national identity or the political structure of the Russian society and state, using the principles of a totalitarian sect. In their activities destructive religious organizations themselves are also, as a rule, based on radical ideas, which is why they are recognized as extremist. The article presents the findings of the sociological study conducted in Saratov’s higher educational institutions. Based on the analysis of the study results the authors came to the conclusion that extremist sentiments among student youth are growing towards representatives of various nationalities and religions. The authors assumed that in order to successfully counter youth extremism, first and foremost it is necessary to clearly distinguish its causes, rooted in the society itself and shortcomings of state youth policy, from the forms of its manifestation that have social and group specific features.

E. A. Eliseeva ◽  
A. A. Nechkina ◽  
R. Yu. Zulуar ◽  

The article analyzes a protest activity as one of the areas of political activity of young people in modern Russian society. The purpose of the study is to explore the attitude towards the opposition and the oppositional potential of the youth of the Irkutsk region. The authors revealed that the portrait of an average young man in the Irkutsk region (in terms of his attitude to the opposition and protest potential) is as follows: he or she is a person who latently criticizes the authorities and expects changes, but whose political activity is below the average level.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 88
Galina Viktorovna Morozova ◽  
Artur Romanovich Gavrilov ◽  
Bulat Ildarovich Yakupov

If we sum up the tasks facing the Russian state in relation to the young generation, then all of them are associated with its harmonious inclusion in the social and political development of the country. At the normative level, the current need is declared for young people to form active citizenship and democratic political culture, which is possible only in a constant and equal dialogue between the authorities and young people. Ensuring the interaction of the younger generation with the political elite presupposes the existence of certain conditions - the creation and effective functioning of the information infrastructure of youth policy, as well as the conduct of an open active information policy. The article describes the results of a study of the political status of students of the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan, in particular, such parameters as youth interest in political information, trust in the sources of this information, and political participation. Together with the data of secondary studies, this made it possible to characterize the youth sector of political communication, identify the existing difficulties in the interaction of the government and youth, in particular, identify some difficulties in receiving and disseminating political information among the youth, which impede the development of a democratic political culture and the accumulation of social capital of the young generation.

L.M. Ashnokova ◽  
M.N. Namitokova

In the article the author considers the issue that currently mentality is influenced primarily by economic, social, cultural, religious, political factors. The most important factor affecting the mentality, behavior, character of an individual, social group is religion. Today in the world the mental traits of any social group, especially youth, are more susceptible to change, since the historical development of the mentality of young people is more dynamic than the development of the mentality of other demographic groups, as it is more susceptible to innovation and innovation. Most young Russians in all regions of our multi-confessional country perceive themselves as believers. The difference in religious beliefs contributes to the separation of the youth social group. To prevent religious conflicts, it is important to form a tolerant attitude of representatives of different faiths to each other. It is indicated that the so-called imaginary religiosity appeared, when only external religiosity is presented without a deep internal commitment to dogma. These processes are most clearly visible among young people. The confessional identification of the young generation of Russians in most cases is determined purely ethnically. Often young people determine their religion not by deep convictions, but by a formal-ethnic principle. It is emphasized that at present in Russian society there are not enough cultural and moral prerequisites for the revival of genuine religious spirituality, and the difference in religious beliefs contributes to the separation of the youth environment.

2020 ◽  
pp. 36-44
S.G. Ivchenkov ◽  
M.S. Ivchenkova ◽  

Presented is analysis of results of sociological research of reproductive attitudes of young people in modern Russian society. The article states, that they are gradually transforming from traditional to adaptive ones. Reproductive attitudes are regulated partly by common norms and values and partly by personal reproductive views. However, they are changing. In the structure of life values of modern youth, children were ranked on the 3rd place in the hierarchy of importance (after health, family). While having a child is still dominant attitude, instrumental orientation to the child is strengthened. Only 18% of young people traditionally see the joy of life in children to some extent; 47% — categorically reject traditional attitudes to childhood as a guarantee of personal and family happiness; 14% — share liberal tolerant values of individualism in their reproductive attitudes. The modern young generation is characterized by an orientation towards having few children. This is manifested in a decrease in the orientation to have two children and an increase in the orientation to have only one child, or to be childfree. From one hand, that indicates the growing value of children themselves, from other hand that shows a reduction of having children among young people. A significant degree of actual distancing of reproductive behavior attitudes from traditional values and practices in this sphere of life, their individualization and rationalization are revealed. Young people who would like to have 2 or 3 children has only one especially among younger groups when their life strategy is more orientated on study, professional self-development and achievement economical comfort life. According to youth opinion the birth of a child brings more difficulties to life than positive changes, which provokes rationalism and pragmatism of individual reproductive attitudes of the younger generation. Unwillingness to have children contributes to the growth of contraceptive culture. Although, the development of contraceptive attitudes related to the reproductive sphere is slow, that provokes the problem of abortions or “accidental” “unwanted” children. Distribution of methods of making decisions about the birth of children and their number, as well as responsibility for the onset of pregnancy have already begun to acquire the character of asymmetry, shifted towards the woman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-280
Sarah Pickard ◽  
Benjamin Bowman ◽  
Dena Arya

Abstract The year 2018 was a watershed in environmental activism, especially regarding young activists. Greta Thunberg started her School Strikes for Climate and the environmental movement Extinction Rebellion was founded. This article deals with young people’s involvement in these two global movements. It draws on 60 semi-structured interviews carried out with young environmental activists before, during and after protest actions under the auspices of the climate strikes and/or Extinction Rebellion in five British locations. The period of the political socialisation of this young generation is outlined and how it contributes to young people becoming environmental activists. The article then identifies the “radical” demands made by young environmental activists and their “radical” repertoire of contention in relation to their perceptions of the “radical” compared to hegemonic definitions. The interviews show that these young environmentalists are part of a generation of activists committed to obtaining significant change from powerholders through the use of deliberately non-violent direct action that challenges academic perceptions of radical repertoires of contention.

Антонина Владимировна Селезнева ◽  
Наталья Валентиновна Смулькина ◽  
Александра Федоровна Яковлева

В статье исследуются психологические и социально-политические особенности молодого поколения россиян, определяющие основные черты, пути и способы формирования гражданского самосознания молодежи. Категория «гражданское самосознание» понимается как комплекс ценностных, когнитивных, рефлексивных, мотивационных и эмоциональных особенностей личности, определяющих ее устойчивую и осознанную самоидентификацию в качестве гражданина и выражающихся в ее взаимоотношении с государством и обществом. Структурно-содержательные характеристики образа России в сознании молодежи даны с позиций теории политического восприятия и разработок политических психологов в области изучения политического сознания молодежи, различных положений теории идентичности в аспекте понимания гражданской идентичности как основы политического самоопределения индивида. Присущий современной молодежи образ России (комплекс представлений о ней как стране и государстве) исследуется в его визуальном измерении – через рисунки молодых людей, репрезентирующие их представления о России в виде изображений. В исследовании использована проективная рисуночная методика «Россия в виде дома», которая, как и любая другая подобная диагностическая техника, направлена на выявление глубинных и слабо осознаваемых особенностей восприятия окружающей действительности и себя в этом мире. Основное внимание уделено смысловому содержанию представленных в рисунках сюжетов, их символическому наполнению, эмоциональному знаку изображений. Обобщение данных осуществлялось по параметрам когнитивной сложности и конгруэнтности образов. Целевую группу исследования составили молодые российские граждане в возрасте от 15 до 30 лет в рамках трех возрастных групп: 15–17 лет, 18–23 лет, 24–30 лет. В ходе исследования было собрано и проанализировано 540 рисунков (по 180 рисунков респондентов каждой возрастной группы) в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, в Краснодарском и Приморском краях, в Московской, Тверской, Липецкой, Омской областях, в республиках Крым и Северная Осетия – Алания (не менее 50 рисунков в каждом регионе). По результатам исследования выделены как общие тенденции восприятия страны, определяющие гражданскую идентичность молодежи, так и особенности образа России у разных возрастных групп в структуре молодого поколения. Выделены несколько взаимосвязанных направлений (контуров) структурирования образа своей страны, включающих в себя разные аспекты представлений о России молодых россиян: личностно-эмоциональный, властно-государственный, цивилизационный. Отмечено, что наибольшие сложности формирования гражданской идентичности проявляются у младшей возрастной группы исследуемых россиян. Рассмотрение образа страны в структуре гражданского самосознания молодежи на визуальных данных – материалах проективных рисунков – позволило подтвердить наличие зависимости гражданской идентичности от соотнесения молодыми людьми себя с воспринимаемой общностью – Россией как социокультурным и политическим образованием. Сделан вывод о том, что использование визуальных методов в исследованиях молодежи представляется перспективным в том числе в силу особого «клипового» характера восприятия ею социально-политической реальности и значительной роли визуальных средств в ее коммуникации в социальной среде и виртуальном пространстве. The article examines the psychological and sociopolitical features of Russia’s young generation, which determine the characteristics, ways and means of forming the civic consciousness of the youth. The category “civic consciousness” is understood as a complex of value, cognitive, reflexive, motivational and emotional characteristics of a person that determine their stable and conscious self-identification as a citizen and are expressed in a person’s relationship with the state and society. The structural and substantive characteristics of the image of Russia in the minds of young people are given from the standpoints of the theory of political perception and developments of political psychologists in the field of studying the political consciousness of young people, various aspects of the theory of identity in terms of understanding civic identity as the basis of the political self-determination of the individual. The image of Russia, which is a complex of ideas about it as a country and a state, the modern youth has is explored in its visual dimension through young people’s drawings representing their ideas about Russia in the form of images. The study used the projective drawing technique “Russia in the form of a house”, which, like any other similar diagnostic technique, aims at identifying deep and poorly perceived features of the perception of the surrounding reality and oneself in the world. The main focus is on the semantic content of the plots presented in the drawings, their symbolic content, the emotional sign of the images. Data were generalized according to the parameters of the cognitive complexity and congruence of the images. The target group of the study consisted of young Russian citizens aged 15 to 30 within three age groups – 15 to 17, 18 to 23, and 24 to 30 years. In the course of the study, 540 drawings were collected and analyzed (180 drawings by respondents of each age group) in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in Krasnodar and Primorsky krais, in Moscow, Tver, Lipetsk, Omsk oblasts, in the Republics of Crimea and North Ossetia-Alania (at least 50 drawings in each region). Based on the results of the study, the authors identify general tendencies of the perception of the country, which determine the civic identity of young people, and the distinctiveness of the image of Russia in different age groups in the structure of the younger generation. Several interrelated directions (outlines) of structuring the image of their country are also described, including different aspects of young Russians’ ideas about Russia: personal-emotional, power-state, civilizational. The authors note that great difficulties in the development of civic identity are manifested in the younger age group of the studied Russians. The analysis of the image of the country in the structure of the civic consciousness of youth based on visual data, particularly materials of projective drawings, made it possible to confirm the existence of the dependence of civic identity on how the young correlate themselves with the perceived community – Russia as a sociocultural and political entity. The conclusion is made that the use of visual methods in youth research seems to be promising, including due to the specific “clip” nature of the youth’s perception of the sociopolitical reality and the significant role of visual means in the youth’s communication in the social environment and the virtual space.

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