2019 ◽  
pp. 29-31

Изучили репродуктивные функции коров в зависимости от молочной продуктивности и количества лактаций путем регулярных гинекологических обследований, а так же причины и характер нарушений. Установлено, что нарушения воспроизводительной функции коров увеличиваются с ростом молочной продуктивности, максимально осложняясь у 43 коров 6 и более лактаций, а продолжительность сервиспериода достигает 145 дней при средних значениях индекса осеменения 3,2. У коров по 1 и 2 лактации частота репродуктивных осложнений составляет в среднем 21. Анализ материалов исследований по состоянию репродуктивной активности обследованных коров чернопестрой породы в условиях Республики Башкортостан показывает, что основной причиной снижения плодовитости является наличие гипофункции яичников, которая может составлять до 37,1, кист 15,2 в высокопродуктивных стадах и 34,5 персистентных желтых тел в низкопродуктивных. Применение комплекса биорегуляторов позволяет получать достаточно высокие показатели прихода коров в охоту от 74 до 91 животных от общего их числа. Наибольшие значения показателя плодотворного осеменения (до 75) были установлены у коров по 3 и 4 лактациям. Обследование выявило, что увеличение молочной продуктивности приводит к увеличению нарушений воспроизводительной функции. По нашим данным, в высокопродуктивных стадах диагностировано гинекологически больных коров в 2,1 раз больше, чем в низкопродуктивных.Reproductive functions of cows depending on milk productivity and the number of lactation periods, as well as the reasons of reproductive impairments, were studied using regular gynecological examinations. It was found that reproductive function impairment in cows is increased with the growth of milk productivity with the complication reaching maximum in 43 of cows for 6 and more lactation, and the length of the service period amounts to 145 days with the average value of insemination index being equal to 3.2. During lactation periods up to 1 and 2 the average frequency of reproductive impairment in cows is 21. The analysis of research materials concerning reproductive activity of examined cows of blackandwhite breed in the conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan shows that the main reason of decrease in breeding performance lies in the presence of ovary hypofunction which can amount to 37.1, cysts 15.2 in highly productive herds, and 34.5 of persistent yellow bodies in those with low productivity. The use of bioregulator complexes allows achieving rather high values of cows coming in heat from 74 to 91 of animals from the total quantity. The highest values of successful insemination (up to 75) were registered in cows during lactation periods 3 and 4. Examination found that improvement of milk productivity leads to the increase in reproductive function impairment rate. According to our information, the number of cows with gynecological diseases in highly productive herds was higher than in those with low productivity by 2.1 times.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 2046-2052
I. Dolmatova ◽  
T. Sedykh ◽  
F. Valitov ◽  
R. Gizatullin ◽  
D. Khaziev ◽  

Aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of thyroglobulin (TG5) gene polymorphism on milk and meat productivity in the various cattle breeds currently bred in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Materials and Methods: The test was performed on dairy cattle of Black-and-White, Bestuzhev, and Simmental breeds, and meat cattle of Hereford and limousine breeds. The purpose of the test was to search for associations between the polymorphic alleles of the thyroglobulin (TG5) gene and economically useful traits. Results: All studied breeds showed a frequency predominance of the TG5C allele (from 0.56 to 0.71). A clear trend of an effect of the genotypes of the TG5 gene on milk-productivity indicators was revealed; cows with the TG5TT genotype have the highest milk yield and fat content in milk. The milk of cows of Bestuzhev and Simmental breeds that possessed this genotype was also characterized by higher protein content. Conclusion: We identified an effect of the polymorphism of the TG5 gene in the Hereford and limousine breeds on fat metabolism intensity indicators, such as fat output and fat content, in the longissimus muscle and in the general sample of ground beef.

I. Fayzullin ◽  
R. Islamov ◽  
N. Kostomakhin

Promising in feed production is the preparation of haylage with subsequent storage of herbage together with preservatives. The modern market off ers various chemical preservatives in the form of organic acids: propionic, formic, benzoic and their salts. Some disadvantages of preservatives of this group (volatility, toxicity, venom, ability to cause respiratory burns, corrosion, etc.) require to organize a search for new ones based on bacteria and enzymes. The purpose of the work was to increase the level of milk productivity of cows and quality of milk by using the preservatives Biosib and Silostan in the preparation of haylage. Scientifi c and economic experiment has been carried out in LLC “Agrofi rma Bairamgul” in the Uchalinsky area in the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the research, 36 Holstein cows have been selected, from which 3 groups of animals have been formed based on the principle of analogues per 12 heads in each. The input in the ration of lactating cows of grain and legume haylage prepared using the technology with the use of preservatives Biosib and Silostan contributes to the increase in milk productivity. The best eff ect has been demonstrated when using the drug Silostan (the 2nd experimental group), which can be explained by the diverse biological composition of microbes, as well as amino acid complexes, enzymes, vitamins and trace elements. The increase in milk productivity of cows of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups allows to reduce the prime cost of production, respectively according to groups, by 38,7 rubles or 3,31 % and 51,1 rubles or 4,43 %; to increase revenue from the sale of milk by 3186,5 rubles or 4,32 % and 3664,0 rubles or 7,24 %; net profi t by 1791,9 rubles or 17,97 % and 2570,6 rubles or 25,78 % and the level of profi tability by 4,14 and 5,52 % compared to the control group.


В работе приводится схема гидролиза сырого протеина в рубце с образованием метаболита, а также методика расчета усвоенного протеина, микробного протеина и баланса азота на примере сена злаково-разнотравного. Представленные формулы легли в основу программы АСТРА , которая позволяет составлять необходимые рационы для крупного рогатого скота с учетом показателей белковой обеспеченности. Рацион в программе рассчитывается по 36 показателям питательности, а его анализ производится по 20 показателям. Демонстрация работы программы осуществлялась на примере анализа хозяйственного рациона в сельхозпредприятии Республики Башкортостан. Расчет показал, что набор кормовых компонентов для коров с молочной продуктивностью 24 кг в сутки и массой 500 кг подобран оптимально, что позволяет данному хозяйству получать высокие удои от коров. В рационе преобладают сочные корма (39,29), которые положительно сказываются на молочной продуктивности, так как некоторые компоненты относятся к молокогонным кормам. Программа выявила и слабые места рациона. Установлено, что в нем наблюдается незначительный избыток обменной энергии 2,0, сырого протеина 5,0 и переваримого 1,0, при этом не хватает 41,0 нерасщепляемого протеина. Рацион нуждается в дополнительном обогащении незаменимыми аминокислотами, такими как лизин, в количестве не менее 25,0 г и триптофан не менее 35,0 г. Алгоритм работы программы позволяет проводить зооанализ составленного рациона с учетом изменяемой питательности. Помимо расчетов можно выявить недостатки и дать соответствующие рекомендации по их устранению.The work presents the scheme of raw protein hydrolysis in the rumen with the formation of a metabolite, as well as the method used to calculate digested protein, microbial protein and nitrogen balanced on the example of hay containing grain and various herbs. Presented formulae were used as the foundation of ASTRA program allowing to create the required diet plans for large cattle taking the values of protein sufficiency into account. The program calculates the diet plan according to 36 nutritiousness parameters, its analysis is carried out using 20 parameters. The demonstration of programs work was carried out on the example of the analysis of farm diet plan in an agricultural enterprise located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The calculation showed that the set of feeding components for cows with milk productivity amounting to 24 kg per day and body weight of 500 kg was selected correctly, which allows the farm to achieve high cow milk yield. The predominant part of the diet is succulent feed (39.29) which positively influences milk productivity due to the fact that certain components stimulate milk production. The program was also able to detect the downsides of the diet plan. It was found that there is a slight excess of metabolic energy (2.0), raw protein (5.0) and digestible elements (1.0), as well as 41.0 insufficiency of by-pass protein. The diet plan required additional enrichment with such essential amino acids as lysin in the amount of not less than 25.0 g, and tryptophan not less than 35.0 g. The algorithm of work of the program allows carrying out the animal analysis of the diet plan created taking changeable nutritiousness into account. Apart from calculation, it is possible to identify existing downsides and give the corresponding recommendations that can be used to eliminate them.

Timur Bulatovich Minasov ◽  
Radik Zufarovich Nurlygayanov ◽  
Angela Yurievna Vershinina ◽  
Yulia Viktorovna Soboleva ◽  
Damir Rimovich Akhmeldinov ◽  

The results of a study of the concentration of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone in 353 residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan in blood serum. The frequency of hypovitaminosis and a deficiency of 25 (OH) D in the older age groups of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan is excessively high, the level reaches 77.1 %. The average value of parathyroid hormone was 55.1 ± 26.33 pg/ ml, vitamin D –22.57 ± 12.24 ng / ml. A negative correlation between 25 (OH) D and the level of PTH is characteristic (r = –0.144, p <0.001). Normal level of parthyrin was detected in 89.8 %, an excess in 8.8 % of the studied, which indicates the active work of the gland in conditions of cholecalciferol deficiency.

Victorov V. V. ◽  
Sharafutdinov M. A. ◽  
Mukhamadeeva O. R. ◽  
Pavlova M. Yu. ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (6) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Guzel Gumerova ◽  
Georgiy Gulyuk ◽  
Dmitry Kucher ◽  
Anatoly Shuravilin ◽  
Elena Piven

Data of long-term researches (2015–2018) in southern forest-steppe zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan, is justified theoretically and experimentally the mode of irrigation of potatoes on leached chernozems of unsatisfactory, satisfactory and good ameliorative condition of irrigated lands. For the growing periods of potatoes with different heat and moisture supply, the number of watering, the timing of their implementation, irrigation and irrigation norms are established. On lands with unsatisfactory meliorative state the number of irrigation depending on weather conditions of potato vegetation period varied from 0 to 3 (1.5 on average) with average irrigation norm – 990 m3/ha. With satisfactory meliorative state of lands the number of irrigation on average increased from 0 to 4 (2.3 on average) with irrigation norm – 1305 m3/ha. On lands with good meliorative state the number of irrigation was the highest – from 1 to 5 (3 on average) with average irrigation irrigation norm is 1653 m3/ha. It was noted that in the dry periods of potato vegetation the greatest number of watering was carried out (3–5 watering), and in the wet periods (2017) watering was not carried out except for the area with a good reclamation state, where only one irrigation was carried out by the norm of 550 m3/ha. Water consumption of potato was studied in dynamics as a whole during the growing season and the months of the growing season depending on weather conditions of vegetation period and land reclamation condition of irrigated lands, as well as in the control (without irrigation). The lowest total water consumption was in the area without irrigation and averaged 226.8 mm. In irrigated areas, its values increased to 319-353.4 mm. The average daily water consumption varied from 2.12 to 3.3 mm. The highest rates of potato water consumption were observed in June and July, and the lowest – in May and August. In the total water consumption of potatoes on the site without irrigation, the largest share was occupied by atmospheric precipitation and in addition to them the arrival of moisture from the soil. Irrigation water was used in irrigated areas along with precipitation, the share of which was 30.2–46.1 %.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 405-411
Elena Ju. Gorbatkova

Introduction. The important factors affecting health and performance of young people are the conditions of education, in particular, a comfortable microclimate in the classrooms of higher educational institutions. Materials and methods. In view of the urgency of this problem, an analysis was made of the microclimate parameters of educational organizations of different profiles (Ufa city, the Republic of Bashkortostan). 294 classrooms were studied in 22 buildings of 4 leading universities in Ufa. A total of 3,822 measurements were taken to determine the parameters of the microclimate. The analysis of ionizing radiation in the aerial environment of classrooms. There was performed determination of radon and its affiliated products content. In order to assess the conditions and lifestyle of students of 4 higher educational institutions of the city of Ufa, we conducted an anonymous survey of 1,820 students of I and IV years of education. Results. The average temperature in the classrooms of all universities studied was 23.9±0.09 C. The average relative humidity in all classrooms was 34.2 ± 0.42%. Analysis of ionizing radiation (radon and its daughter products decay) in the aerial environment of the classrooms and sports halls located in the basement determined that the average annual equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of the radon daughter products (EROA ± Δ222Rn) ranged from 28 ± 14 to 69 ± 34.5 meter, which meets the requirements established by SanPiN. Conclusion. The hygienic assessment of the microclimate parameters of educational institutions of various profile revealed a number of deviations from the regulated norms. The results indicate the need to control the parameters of the microclimate, both from the administration of universities, and from the professors. According to the results of the study, recommendations were prepared for the management of higher educational institutions in Ufa.

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