2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Veronica Anggreni Damanik

Toilet training in children is an attempt to train children to be able to control in the urine and defecate. According to data in Indonesia the number of toddlers reaches 250 million people. The number of children under five who are difficult to control chapter and BAK at preschool age reaches 75 million children. The purpose of this research is to know the relation of family role to the success of toilet taining at preschool age children in Neighborhood 14 KarangBeromakSubdistrict, West Medan Sub-District Year 2019. This research used analytic survey research design with cross sectional approach. The population in this study was all families who have preschool children who numbered 32 people and the sample in this study used the total population of 32 respondents. Data analysis used univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with chi-square test. Based on the result of 32 respondents 6 (18,8%) family role less 5 (15,6%) unsuccessful and 1 (3,1%) that succeed. While 26 out of 26 (81,3%) good family roles 6 (18,8%) unsuccessful and 20 (62,5%) succeed. After chi-square test p value (0,011) <α (0,05). The conclusion of this research is the relation of family role to the success of toilet training in preschool children in Environment 14 KarangBerombak Village, West Medan District. It is advisable to mothers with children of ages to teach children to do toilet training with affection and sympathy, always advise well and support and give praise for its success, avoid violence and anger.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Lusi Lestari ◽  
Ima Sukmawati ◽  
Devi Amanda

Toilet training in children is an attempt to train children so that the children were able to control in the conduct of urination and defecation. Do urinate and defecate, children need good preparation physically, psychologically or intellectually, through the preparation of the expected child able to control bowel movements and urination with independently. Factors that can affect the success of toilet training is parenting the mother or parents. A survey in the United Kingdom, was a half million children aged 6-16 years still love bed wetting, about 17% of children aged five years, 14% of children aged seven years, 9% of children aged nine years old, and 1-2% of the children aged 15 years still bedwetting. As for the cases of bedwetting in children 6 years of age in Indonesia is around 12%. This study aims to determine the relationship between mother's parenting with successful toilet training in preschoolers (4-6 years) in Raudhatul Athfal Al-Mu'minin District Ciamis. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional study design. Total population 82 people and sampling by way of purposive sampling. Bivariate analysis using Chi Square test. The results showed that as many as 63 respondents (100%) that implementing democratic parenting all succeed in toilet training, as much as 2 respondents (100%) that implements the authoritarian parenting all haven't managed to do the toilet training and as many as 3 of the respondents (100%) that implements the permissive parenting all have not succeeded in toilet training. The result of statistical test, p value = 0.000 <(? = 0,05) means that there is a significant correlation between mother care pattern with successful toilet training in preschool age children (4-6 years). Conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between mother care pattern with successful toilet training in preschool children (4-6 years) in Raudhatul Athfal Al-Mu'minin District Ciamis. It is expected that mothers can apply democratic parenting so that successful toilet training can be achieved.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Juliani Fitri ◽  
Rini Sartika

ABSTRACTBackground: Nutrition and health problems characterized by the use of unbalanced food are significant problems for most of the population, including children. In the world and in Indonesia, they are experiencing environmental challenges due to the 3 burdens of malnutrition which may worsen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Children can face various kinds of malnutrition due to poor eating patterns, parenting applications that are not optimal. The government has determined stunting as one of the priority programs. Preschool-aged children are included in the nutritionally vulnerable group of people, namely the group of people who are most susceptible to nutritional disorders, while at this time they are experiencing a relatively rapid growth process. One of the significant aspects that affect the nutritional status of children is the aspect of mother's knowledge about nutrition in children. Objective : This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of the relationship between the level of knowledge and motivation of mothers about balanced nutrition with nutritional status in preschool children aged 3-6 years. Methods: This research is quantitative in nature using correlational descriptive techniques with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was 100 people and the number of samples taken using the Slovin formula was 80 people using purposive sampling technique. This study uses univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi Square test. Results: based on univariate analysis of 80 people the majority with a high level of knowledge as many as 61 people (76.3%), sufficient motivation as many as 62 people (77.5%) and nutritional status normal children as many as 37 children (46.3%). The results of the bivariate analysis with the chi square test were obtained for the level of knowledge with nutritional status p-value 0.026, and the results of the bivariate analysis of mother's motivation with nutritional status p-value 0.006, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and motivation of mothers about balanced nutrition with the nutritional status of children aged preschool 3-6 years. Conclusion: there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and motivation of mothers about balanced nutrition with the nutritional status of preschool children aged 3-6 years.Keywords : Knowledge,Motivation,Nutritional Status

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-118
Yulaeka Yulaeka

Anemia is a condition when the levels of hemoglobin and erythrocytes are lower than normal. The normal value of hemoglobin in women is 12 -16 g / dl with erythrocytes from 3.5 to 4.5 jt / mm3. This study aimed to determine the relationship between nutritional status and Anemia of teenage girl. This research is analytic with cross sectional study design. The samples taken are 66 teenage girls, chosen by quote sampling. The data of this research used primary data obtained through checking up of body mass index and hemoglobin level. The data analysis used univariate analysis and bivariate analysis used Chi-square test. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between nutritional status and Anemia (p value 0.001).

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (03) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Sofiya Rahmawati ◽  
Diah Ratnawati

Abstract Introduction: Healthy the card serves as a tool for monitoring the motion of growth. The population in this study were a number of mothers in the Posyandu Dadali III, Tugu, Cimanggis, Depok. Objective: This research was conducted to find out the relationship between the mother's knowledge about healthy cards with the nutritional status of children. Method: The design of this study was cross-sectional with 83 respondents were used as samples. The univariate analysis used frequency and proportion. The bivariate analysis in this study used the Chi-Square test with a p-value <0.05. Results: The results of this study obtained a p-value of 0.021 which means that there is a relationship between a mother's knowledge about a healthy card with the nutritional status of children. Conclusion: The results of this study obtained a p-value of 0.021 which means that there is a relationship between a mother's knowledge about a healthy card with the nutritional status of children.

Y. Widyastuti Y. Widyastuti

ABSTRACT Preeclampsia is a disease with signs of hypertension, edema, and protein urine due to pregnancy. In Indonesia preeclampsia is still one of the cause of maternal death, range 1,5 % - 2,5 %. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between maternal disease and a history of gravida with severe preeclampsia incidience in the General Hospital Center Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang in 2012. The method used in this reserch is Analytical research with Cross Sectional Design. The Population in this research is a case of delivering mothers with severe preeclampsia and control mothers with lower preeclampsia. The number of samples is 242 maternal, 181 maternal with weight preeclampsia and 61 maternal with lower preeclampsia. The data analysis conducted univariate and bivariate statistics with Chi-Square test with significance level α = 0,05. For the univariate analysis of 242 maternal, 181 mothers ( 74,8 % ) with  severe preeclampsia.which belong to the category of mother with primigravida as much as 131 people ( 72,3 % ) and maternal with history of genetic maternal illnes of 90 people ( 49,7 % ) . while the results of the bivariate analysis, Chi-square statistical test showed that there was sifnificant association between gravida status with weight preeclampsia accident where ( p value = 0,008 ) and also significant relationship between history of genetic maternal illnes with weight preeclampsia accident where ( p value = 0,012 ). We hope this research can be turn of weight preeclampsia accident Suggestion with prevention, early diagnose and prompt treatment with Antenatal Care Consistenly.   ABSTRAK  Preeklampsia adalah penyakit dengan tanda-tanda hipertensi, edema, dan protein urine akibat kehamilan. Diindonesia preeklampsia berat masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian ibu berkisar antara 1,5% - 2,5 %.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gravida dan riwayat penyakit genetik pada ibu hamil dengan kejadian preeklampsia berat di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Tahun 2012. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Survei Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kasus ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia berat dan kontrol yaitu ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia ringan. Jumlah sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 242 ibu hamil, terdapat 181 ibu yang menderita Preeklampsia berat dan 61 ibu menderita preeklampsia ringan. Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square melalui tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Untuk hasil analisa univariat dari 242 ibu hamil, 181 ibu ( 74,8 % ) menderita preeklampsia berat. Yang termasuk kategori ibu dengan primigravida sebanyak 131 orang ( 72,3 % ) dan ibu yang mempunyai riwayat penyakit genetik sebanyak 90 orang ( 49,7 % ). Sedangkan hasil dari analisa bivariat, uji statistik Chi-Square menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara status gravida dan kejadian preeklampsia berat dimana ( p value = 0,008 ) dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara riwayat penyakit genetik dengan kejadian preeklampsia berat dimana ( p value = 0,012 ). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menurunkan angka kejadian preeklampsia berat tentunya dengan melakukan pencegahan dan deteksi dini melalui pemeriksaan secara  teratur.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Fahruniza Meiga Mawarni ◽  
Mona Lestari ◽  
Yuanita Windusari ◽  
Desheila Andarini ◽  
Anita Camelia ◽  

Latar Belakang : Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) merupakan kumpulan gejala yang dialami oleh seseorang atau perasaan tidak sehat tanpa penyebab yang jelas saat melakukan pekerjaan di dalam gedung dan akan menghilang saat seseorang meninggalkan gedung tersebut. Sirkulasi udara yang tidak baik, ditambah dengan adanya faktor fisik, kimia, biologi, dan individu, serta faktor lingkungan lainnya yang terdapat di dalam suatu bangungan dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya SBS. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keluhan SBS pada karyawan di gedung PT. X Palembang.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 107 karyawan yang terpilih sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang telah ditetapkan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat untuk melihat gambaran keluhan SBS, usia, jenis kelamn, masa kerja, suhu, pencahayaan dan kembaban, serta analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji alternatif fisher exact untuk melihat pengaruh faktor risiko terhadap keluhan SBS.Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa prevalensi keluhan SBS sebesar 75,7%, dengan usia terbanyak ≤40 tahun (80,4%), didominasi oleh laki-laki (60,7%), dengan masa kerja paling banyak ≥5 tahun (62,6%), serta lingkungan kerja dengan suhu, pencahayaan, dan kelembaban yang tidak memenuhi syarat secara berurutan sebesar 18,7%, 49,5%, dan 36,4%.Simpulan: Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan bahwa kelembaban mempengaruhi terjadinya keluhan SBS pada karyawan PT. X Palembang (p-value = 0,005). Untuk menyeimbangkan kualitas udara di dalam ruangan, salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan meletakkan tanaman sanseviera sebagai menyeimbang dan penyerap polutan di dalam ruangan. ABSTRACT Tittle : Sick Building Syndrome Complain in PT. X BuildingBackground : Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a syndrome where people experience unexplained malaise symptoms while working in a building that will disappear once they leave the building.  Poor air circulation combined with the presence of physical, chemical, biological and individual factors, and other environmental factors  within a building may cause SBS.  This study aimed to determine factors that influence SBS complain among employees of PT.  X in Palembang.Method : This study used a qualitative approach with cross sectional study design.  The research sample was 107 employees selected according to inclusive and exclusive criteria.  The data analysis methods in the study are univariate analysis to describe SBS complain, age, sex, years of service, temperature, lighting and humidity. Bivariate analysis using the chi-square test and fisher exact alternative test to determine risk factors influence to SBS complain.Result : The prevalence of SBS complain in the study is 75,7%, with ≤40 as majority age (80,4%), dominated by male workers (60,7%), with ≥5 years as the largest portion of years of service (62,6%), and work environment with temperature, lighting, and humidity that is not adequate 18,7%, 49,5%, and 36,4% respectively.Conclusion : Bivariate analysis showed that humidity influenced the occurrence of SBS complain in PT.X Palembang (p-value = 0,005). To balance out indoor air quality, one of countermeasures that can be applied is to place sansevieria plant as indoor pollutants absorber.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Mutmainah Handayani ◽  
Tigor Abdurrahman Thomy

Gastritis occurs in people who have an irregular diet and eat foods that stimulate stomach acid production. Prevalence The WHO gastritis incidence rate (2009) in several regions in Indonesia is quite high with a prevalence of 274,396 cases of 238,452,952 inhabitants. Based on the identification of the problem above many factors that can affect the incidence of gastritis, but researchers limit the problems to be examined namely the frequency, type and portion of the meal. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between eating patterns and the incidence of gastritis in adolescents in Sungai Menang Community Health Center 2017 Type of quantitative research with Cross Sectional study design. the number of 60 respondents taken by the Stratified random sampling method. The data obtained were then performed chi-square statistical test. Univariate analysis results showed 55% of the majority of respondents had gastritis, which had a frequency of poor eating as much as 65%, and there were 76.7% of respondents who consumed irritated food, and 50% of the respondents eat poorly. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test, the results of the analysis there is a relationship between the type of meal and gastritis (P value = 0.023), there is a relationship between diet and gastritis (P value = 0.000), there is no correlation between eating frequency and gastritis (P value = 0.165), and there is no relationship between eating portions and gastritis (P value = 0.436). It is expected that Puskesmas can provide counseling / health promotion by distributing structured and phased educational brochures, which can increase knowledge about controlling and preventing gastritis. Keywords: Gastritis, diet

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Tiurmaida Simandalahi ◽  
Honesty Diana Morika ◽  
Weni Sartiwi ◽  
Ratna Indah Sari Dewi

Abstract : Response time is indicated as one indicator in the quality assessment of hospitals / health centers in the form of customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between response time and the level of patient satisfaction in the Emergency Department. Type of research: descriptive analytic with cross sectional design carried out in July-August 2018. Population: patients who visited the emergency room Air Amo Health Center, taken by accidental sampling as many as 74 respondents. Instruments used: questionnaires and observation sheets, computerized, and univariate analysis: frequency distribution and bivariate: Chi-Square test with a 95% confidence level. The results obtained 56.8% of respondents were satisfied with nursing services, 70.3% stated response time in the response category. Bivariate analysis found there was a relationship between response time and the level of patient satisfaction (p value 0.039). It was concluded that response time was one of the factors related to patient satisfaction. Suggestions through Puskesmas leaders to always evaluate service management so that Puskesmas service quality is always maintained.Keywords : Patient Satisfaction, Response TimeAbstrak : Respons time diindikasikan sebagai salah satu indikator dalam penilaian mutu pelayanan Puskesmas melalui kepuasan pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara  respons time dengan Tingkat kepuasan pasien di Instalansi Gawat Darurat. Jenis penelitian: deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional dilaksanakan pada Juli–Agustus 2018. Populasi: pasien yang berkunjung ke IGD Puskesmas Air Amo, diambil secara accidental sampling sebanyak 74 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan: kuesioner dan lembar observasi, diolah secara komputerisasi, dan di analisis secara univariat: distribusi frekuensi dan bivariat: uji Chi-Square dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil didapatkan 56,8% responden puas dengan pelayanan keperawatan, 70,3% menyatakan response time pada kategori tanggap. Analisis Bivariat didapatkan ada hubungan antara response time dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien (p value 0.039). Disimpulkan response time merupakan salah faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien. Saran melalui pimpinan puskesmas agar selalu mengevaluasi manajemen pelayanan agar mutu pelayanan Puskesmas selalu terjaga.Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Pasien, Response Time

Khairunnisa z Khairunnisa z ◽  
Rizka Sofia ◽  
Sulfia Magfirah

Covid-19 is a global outbreak that is not ended yet and a significant amount of positive cases are keep increasing. Positive cases and the death rates are increasing in Indonesia, therefore it is necessary to break the chain to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The purpose of this research is to find out the relation between characteristics and knowledge levels with prevention behavior of Covid-19 in society of Paya Bujok Blang Pase Langsa City. The research method that has been used was an analytical study with cross sectional design and the statistical analysis was the chi square test. The sampling technique in this research used a simple random sampling with a total of 260 people according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the univariate analysis found that the highest level of knowledge was good (73.5%), and the highest level of behavior was good (67.7%). The results of the bivariate analysis found that there was no relationship between gender and Covid-19 prevention behavior (p value 0.427), there was no relationship between work and Covid-19 prevention behavior (p value 0.230), and there was a relationship between age, education, and knowledge with Covid-19 prevention behavior (p value 0.000). The conclusion of this research is there is no relationship between gender and work with Covid-19 prevention behavior and there is a relationship between age, education, and level of knowledge with Covid-19 prevention behavior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24

ABSTRACT Indoplant as one of the methods of contraception under the skin, is officially used in several countries including Indonesia and is quickly accepted by the public and is one of the programmed methods of contraception. However, there are still many acceptors who do not carry out re-control after installation. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the Indoplant acceptors in carrying out re-control at TanjungBerigin Health Center in Langkat Regency in 2018. This study uses a descriptive design with cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all indoplant acceptors after 13 months installation at Tanjung Beringin Health Center, as many as 68 people and the sampling technique was total sampling .The result of univariate analysis was the highest age of respondents>  = 0.05) found the effect of age on the re-contro (p-value = 1000) and the influence of education (p-value = 0.023) and the influence of parity (p-value = 0.034) and the influence of knowledge (p-value = 0.015).a35 years 37 people (54.4%) higher education 42 people (61.8%) high parity 41 people (60.3%), high knowledge 39 people (57.4%) and those who re-controlling 53 people (77.9%). While the results of the bivariate analysis using the chi square test (95% CI and Based on the results of the study it is expected that health workers, especially midwives, can provide counseling or complete information about indoplant, especially the implementation of re-control. Keywords: Indoplant acceptors, re-control

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