scholarly journals Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Lamtoro terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa l.) Varietas Nauli-F1

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Odang Hidayat ◽  
Aep Suharyana

The research was conducted in Padasari Village, Cimalaka Sub-district, Sumedang District, from June to September 2018, located at an altitude of 600 m asl. The objective of experiment was to study the effect of dosage of lamtoro leaf organic fertilizer to growth and yield of Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) plant varieties Nauli-F1. The research was conducted by experimental approach through field experiment. The design used in the experiment was a simple randomized block design consisting of six treatments and four replications. The dose of liquid organic fertilizer treatment Lamtaro leaves consist of: A : 0 L Ha-1, B: 100 L Ha-1, C: 200 L Ha-1, D: 300 L Ha-1, E: 400 L Ha-1, and F: 500 L Ha-1. The result of experiment showed that the use of lamtoro liquid organic fertilizer gave a good effect on all observation variables. The dose of Lamtoro leaf organic fertilizer 500 L Ha-1 showed the best result an plant height, number of leaves, net weight per plant, net weight per plot, and the shoot root ratio.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-163
Wiwik Ambarsari ◽  
Henly Yuliana

The study aimed to determine the effect of the combination of city waste compost and cattle manure on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants (Brassica rapa, L. Chinensis) in Aluvial, Indramayu Regency. The study was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Wiralodra University, Indramayu Regency from March to August 2018. This study used Factorial Pattern Randomized Block Design with two factors. The first factor is city waste compost and the second factor is cattle manure with 4 levels: 0%, 3.0%, 6.0%, and 9.0%, repeated twice. The results showed that there was an independent influence between city waste compost and cattle manure on plant height and number of leaves. The best combination to increase the feasibility weight of pakcoy consumption is by giving city waste compost 9.0% (S4) and cattle manure 6.0% (K3).

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 166

The Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on The Growth and Results of Green Mustard (Brassica rapa L.). Green mustard (Brassica rapa L.) is a vegetable that preferred by many consumers, this causes many farmers cultivate this vegetables. One of the important factor in the cultivation of green mustard is fertilizer type. Alternative to improve soil quality and fertility is by providing organic matter. A field research was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of green mustard, in Banjar Taman Tande, Baturiti Village, Bedugul from April to June 2018. This study was designed with a Randomized Block Design with nested patterns consisting of two factors. The first factor was the type of fertilizer, which was consisted of four types of organic fertilizer, namely: vermicompost, cow manure, chicken manure, goat manure and inorganic fertilizers (NPK Mutiara). The second factor was fertilizer dosage, which was consisted of three levels, namely: 0 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha, and 30 tons/ha, while for NPK Mutiara fertilizer dosages, namely: 0 kg/ha, 150 kg/ha, and 300 kg/ha.The results showed that the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers were not significantly different on the growth and yield of green mustard plants and RAE values. The total N content of soil on vermicompost treatment was 0.23% equal to NPK Mutiara. The total population of soil microbes on vermicompost treatment under dosage of 15 tons/ha and 30 tons/ha were 1.4 x 106 cfu/g that was much higher compared to NPK Mutiara 150 kg/ha fertilizer (0.3 x 106 cfu/g).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-170
Arnis En Yulia ◽  
Murniati ◽  
Isna Rahma Dini ◽  
Laila Manja

This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of AB mix nutrients with liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) of tofu liquid waste on the growth and yield of lettuce plants and to obtain the best combination for the growth and yield of lettuce hydroponically. This study used a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of a comparison of nutritional treatments, namely: N1 = 100% AB mix + 0% LOF of liquid waste tofu, N2= 75% AB mix + 25% LOF of tofu liquid waste, N3= 50% AB mix + 50% LOF of tofu liquid waste, N4= 25% AB mix + 75 % LOF of tofu liquid waste, N5= 100% LOF of waste liquid tofu which consists of 4 replications. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, root length, fresh weight, root volume and weight fit for consumption. The results showed that the administration of 50% AB mix + 50% LOF of tofu liquid waste and 25% AB mix + 75% LOF of tofu liquid waste showed results that tended to be the same but the results of the combination of 75% AB mix + 25% LOF of tofu liquid waste were higher. On the parameters of the number of leaves is 11.12 strands, fresh weight is 66.40 g and suitable weight for consumption is 58.31 g.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-102
Dessy A Ralahalu ◽  
Rhony E Ririhena ◽  
Abdul K Kilkoda

This study aims to examine the effect of concentration of liquid organic fertilizer supermes on various spacing to the growth and yield of onion. The experiment was conducted in Dusun Telaga Kodok, Hitu Lama Village, Leihitu Barat District, Central Maluku District, from March to April 2017. The experiment used was a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The concentration of liquid organic fertilizer supermes consists of: 0, 2, 4, 6 mL/L water. Plant ing distance consists of: 10 × 15 cm, 15 × 15 cm and 20 × 15 cm. Varieties used were varieties of Bima Brebes. Parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, number of tubers, root length, wet weight and dry weight of tubers. During the experiment, rainfall and rainy days were quite high at the research location. This condition causes the crop to be harvested at 41 HST because it is attacked by ground caterpillar, mosaic disease and purple spots. The application of liquid organic fertilizer has not shown any significant effect to the growth and yield parameters of shallot crop. Planting distance of 15 × 15 cm shows the effect on plant height and number of leaves at 35 HST, tuber weight and tuber dry weight and there is a significant interaction on the leaf number at 35 HST with concentration of 4 mL/L water and Planting Distance 15 × 15 cm. Keywords: liquid organic fertilizer, planting distance, red onion   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk organik cair supermes pada berbagai jarak tanam terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Dusun Telaga Kodok, Desa Hitu Lama Kecamatan Leihitu Barat, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, dari bulan Maret sampai dengan April 2017. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Konsentrasi pupuk organik cair Supermes terdiri dari 0, 2, 4, 6 mL/L air. Jarak tanam terdiri dari 10 ×15 cm, 15 × 15 cm, dan 20 × 15 cm. Varietas yang digunakan adalah varietas Bima Brebes. Paramater yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah umbi, panjang akar, bobot basah dan bobot kering umbi. Selama percobaan berlangsung curah hujan dan hari hujan cukup tinggi terjadi di lokasi penelitian. Kondisi ini menyebabkan tanaman dipanen pada umur 41 HST karena diserang oleh hama ulat tanah, penyakit mozaik dan bercak ungu. Pemberian pupuk organik cair belum memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah. Jarak tanaman 15 × 15 cm berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun pada 35 HST, bobot basah umbi dan bobot kering umbi serta adanya interaksi perlakuan yang nyata terhadap jumlah daun pada umur 35 HST dengan konsentrasi 4 mL/L air dan jarak tanam 15 × 15 cm. Kata kunci: bawang merah, jarak tanam, pupuk organik cair

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Murdaningsih Murdaningsih

Research on Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Market Waste in Chinese Mustard Plants (Brasica juncea L.). The production of mustard greens in Ende Regency is still low compared to the production of mustard greens. This condition is caused by fertilization that has not been optimal. Efforts to increase mustard production through the application of technology, especially the use of fertilizers, including using liquid organic fertilizer Market waste that can provide nutrients for plants.This study aims to determine the application dose of liquid organic fertilizer from market waste and the response of growth and yield of mustard plants. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Flores in Ende, using a Randomized Block Design consisting of five treatments using Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from Market Waste namely L0 (without POC), L1 (10 liters of POC), L2 (20 liters POC), L3 (30 liters of POC), L4 (40 liters of POC), repeated four times. The results showed that the application of POC from market waste significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight of mustard greens, fresh weight of mustard ha-1 and dose of 40 liters ha-1 showed the best growth, which was an average plant height of 24.68 cm, number of leaves 9.25 strands, fresh weight of mustard 147.40 g and production of mustard 23.58 tons ha-1

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Supandji Supandji ◽  
Edy Kustiani ◽  
Agus Purwanto

This study aimed to determine the effect of Phonska NPK fertilizer on the growth and production of asparagus beans (Vigna sinensis L). A hypothesis is that applying Phonska NPK fertilizer at a 200 kg/ha dose is suspected to affect the growth and yield of long beans (Vigna sinensis L). This research was carried out in rice fields in Gempolan Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province, from November 2020 to February 2021. The study was carried out using a simple Randomized Block Design (RAK) experimental method, repeated three times with one factor. Phonska NPK fertilizer dosage treatment (P) consists of 7 levels P0 = Without Phonska NPK fertilizer. P1 = Phonska NPK administration with a dose of 50 kg hectare-. P2 = Phonska NPK administration with a dose of 100 kg hectares-1 =. P3 = Phonska NPK administration at a dose of 150 kg ha-1. P4 = Phonska NPK administration at a dose of 200 kg ha-1. P5 = Phonska NPK administration at a dose of 250 kg ha-1. P6 = Phonska NPK administration at a dose of 300 kg ha-1 . The results showed that the application of Phonska NPK fertilizer significantly affected the observations of plant height, number of leaves, number of flowers per plant, number of pods per plant, weight of consumption pods per plant, and weight of consumption pods per hectare. The highest yield was achieved at a 200 kg NPK Phonska/ha fertilizer dose for a plant height of 237.75 cm. The number of leaves was 111.50 pieces. Phonska NPK fertilizer treatment at a 200 kg/ha dose resulted in 20,750 flowers, 112,500 pods per plant, 616,250 grams per plant weight, and 27,385 tons per hectare production per hectare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan Phonska NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis L). Penelitian dilakukan di lahan persawahan milik petani di Desa Gempolan, Kecamatan Gurah, Kabupaten Kediri, Provinsi Jawa Timur. November 2020 hingga Februari 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), satu faktor dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Perlakuan dosis pupuk Phonska NPK (P) meliputi 7 taraf, P0= kontrol, P1= pemberian NPK Phonska dengan dosis 50 kg hektar-1 , P2= pemberian NPK Phonska dengan dosis 100 kg hektar-1 , P3= pemberian NPK Phonska dengan dosis 150 kg hektar-1 , P4= pemberian NPK Phonska dengan dosis 200 kg hektar-1 , P5= pemberian NPK Phonska dengan dosis 250 kg hektar-1 , P6= pemberian NPK Phonska dengan dosis 300 kg hektar-1 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemupukan NPK Phonska memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap nilai pengamatan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah bunga, dan jumlah polong per tanaman. Berat polong yang dapat dimakan per tanaman dan berat polong yang dapat dimakan per hektar. Hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh dosis pupuk 200 kg/ha untuk tinggi tanaman sebesar 237,75 cm, jumlah daun sebanyak 111,50 buah. Perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK Phonska dengan dosis 200 kg/ha menghasilkan jumlah bunga sebesar 20.75 buah, jumlah polong per tanaman sebesar 112,500 buah, berat polong sebesar 616,25 gram per tanaman dan produksi tiap hektar sebesar 27,38 ton/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 2743-2750
Okti Herliana ◽  
Yugi R Ahadiyat ◽  
Wilis Cahyani

This study aimed to determine the effect of biochar and Trichoderma harzianum toward lead removal in soil, lead absorption, lead content in plant tissue also growth and yield of shallot cultivated on lead-contaminated soil. The experimental design used was a completely factorial randomized block design consisting of 2 factors. The first factor was corn cobs biochar which was applied 1 week after basic fertilizer treatment and consisted of 4 levels, namely B0: without biochar, B1: 2.5 t ha-1, B2: 5 t ha-1, and B3: 10 t ha-1. The second factor was the dosage of liquid of Trichoderma harzianum, namely TR0: without T.harzianum, TR1: 10 mL L-1, and TR2: 20 mL L-1, which was applied three times at 14, 28 and 42 days after planting. Data were analyzed using the F test and continued with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) at P= 0.05 level. The results showed that the application of 5 t biochar ha-1 was able to remove lead and decreased lead uptake in plants. Application of T. harzianum could remove and decrease absorption in plant tissue biochar was not able to increase the growth of shallot while T. harzianum increased the number of leaves and the number of tubers.

Kultivasi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Arkan Azis Kusuma ◽  
Santi Rosniawaty ◽  
Yudithia Maxiselly

Sari Permasalahan tanaman kakao di Indonesia adalah produktivitasnya rendah. salah satu penyebabnya akibat kekurangan nutrisi pada fase tanaman belum menghasilkan TBM. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah memberikan pupuk organik, yaitu asam humat dan pupuk kandang sapi. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh macam pupuk organik (asam humat susulan dan pupuk kandang sapi) terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kakao klon Sulawesi 1 umur 7 bulan setelah tanam. Percobaan dilakukan dari bulan September sampai dengan Desember 2017 di Kebun Percobaan Ciparanje Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat pada ketinggian ± 752 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl). Tipe curah hujan di lokasi percobaan berdasarkan klasifikasi Schmidt dan Fergusson adalah tipe C. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan sembilan perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari tanpa perlakuan pupuk organik; asam humat dengan konsentrasi 5, 10, 15, dan 20 mL.L-1; dan pupuk kandang sapi dengan dosis 5, 10, 15, dan 20 kg per lubang tanam. Pemberian asam humat dan pupuk kandang sapi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap pertambahan tinggi tanaman umur 8 – 12 minggu setelah perlakuan (MSP) dibandingkan dengan kontrol, sementara pupuk kandang sapi 10 kg meningkatkan jumlah daun umur 4 dan 12 MSP.  Kata Kunci: kakao, Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan (TBM), asam humat, pupuk kandang sapi Abstract.Problem of cocoa crops in Indonesia is low productivity. One of causes is lack of nutrients in the young plant. Effort to solve that problem is providing organic fertilizer, such as cattle manure and humic acid. This research aimed to find out effect of organic fertilizer (humic acid and cattle manure) on the growth of cocoa plants (Sulawesi 1 Clone), 7 months after planting. The experiment was conducted from September to December 2017 at Ciparanje Experimental Field of Agriculture Faculty, University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, West Java at the altitude of ± 752 m above sea level (asl). The type of rainfall at the experimental site was type C, according to Schmidt and Fergusson classification. The experimental design used Randomized Block Design with nine treatments and three replications. The treatments consisted of no organic fertilizer treatment (control); humic acid at concentration of 5, 10, 15, and 20 mL.L-1; and cattle manure at doses of 5, 10, 15, 20 kg per planting hole. The result showed that organic fertilizers (humic acid and cattle manure) had same plant height with control, while cattle manure 10 kg increased number of leaves at 4 weeks after treatment (WAT) and 12 WAT. Keywords: cocoa, young plants, humic acid, cattle manureSari Permasalahan tanaman kakao di Indonesia adalah produktivitasnya rendah. salah satu penyebabnya akibat kekurangan nutrisi pada fase tanaman belum menghasilkan TBM. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah memberikan pupuk organik, yaitu asam humat dan pupuk kandang sapi. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh macam pupuk organik (asam humat susulan dan pupuk kandang sapi) terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kakao klon Sulawesi 1 umur 7 bulan setelah tanam. Percobaan dilakukan dari bulan September sampai dengan Desember 2017 di Kebun Percobaan Ciparanje Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat pada ketinggian ± 752 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl). Tipe curah hujan di lokasi percobaan berdasarkan klasifikasi Schmidt dan Fergusson adalah tipe C. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan sembilan perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari tanpa perlakuan pupuk organik; asam humat dengan konsentrasi 5, 10, 15, dan 20 mL.L-1; dan pupuk kandang sapi dengan dosis 5, 10, 15, dan 20 kg per lubang tanam[a1] . Pemberian asam humat dan pupuk kandang sapi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap pertambahan tinggi tanaman umur 8 – 12 minggu setelah perlakuan (MSP) dibandingkan dengan kontrol, sementara pupuk kandang sapi 10 kg meningkatkan jumlah daun umur 4 dan 12 MSP.  Kata Kunci: kakao, Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan (TBM), asam humat, pupuk kandang sapi [a1] Kg  per …?

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Faiftin Nurul Laili ◽  
Tri Kurniastuti ◽  
Palupi Puspitorini

The aims of this study was 1) to determine the effect of interactions between the dose of NPK fertilizer and bokashi fertilizer on growth and yield of curly red chilli plants 2) to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer dose on the growth and yield of curly red chili plants 3) to determine the effect of  bokashi fertilizer dose on the growth and yield of curly red chilli plants. This study was arranged using a factorial randomized block design (RAK), factor  I was NPK fertilizer namely N1: 0.624 gram, N2: 0.832 gram, N3: 1.04 gram, N4 1,248 gram, factor II is fertilizer Bokashi is B1: 20.8 grams, B2: 41.6 grams, B3: 49.9 grams, B4: 62.4 grams. There were 16 treatments and repeated 3 times, so there were 48 experimental units. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance method based on (ANNOVA) level of 5% analysis of variance analysis. If the treatment has a significant effect on the observed variables then continued with the Duncan test of the level of 5%. The results of variance showed that there was a significant interaction with NPK fertilizer treatment (N) and Bokashi fertilizer (B) on plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, anditotal number of fruit plantations at 14, 21, 28, 35, and 49 DAP (date after plant). The best treatment wasifound in the dosage of 0.832 gram NPK fertilizer and 41.6 gram Bokashi fertilizer (N2B2).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Rini Sitawati ◽  
Roni Anggara ◽  
Sri Nur Widyastuti L

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) which is often called green flower cabbage is one type of vegetable that is popular with the public. To meet the growing needs of broccoli, its cultivation business requires the right planting medium and is rich in nutrients.This study aims to obtain a ratio of soil mass and granule organic fertilizer which can increase the growth and yield of broccoli. The experiment was carried out from March 2017 to May 2017, located in Cicalung Village, Wangunharja Village, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency, with an altitude of 1200 m above sea level. The design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 7 treatments and repeated 4 times, namely A = 6 kg of soil: 0 kg of granular organic fertilizer, B = 5.9 kg of soil: 0.1 kg of granular organic fertilizer, C = 5, 8 kg soil: 0.2 kg granule organic fertilizer, D = 5.7 kg soil: 0.3 kg granule organic fertilizer, E = 5.6 kg soil: 0.4 kg granule organic fertilizer, F = 5.5 kg soil: 0.5 kg granule organic fertilizer, G = 5.4 kg soil: 0.6 kg granule organic fertilizer.The results showed that in treatment F the use  5.5 kg of soil: 0.5 kg of granular organic fertilizer gave a better effect on plant height, number of leaves, canopy width and gross weight but had the same effect on net weight between treatments give.

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