Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Drible Bola Basket

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Pulung Riyanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran jigsaw terhadap pengingkatan kemampuan drible bola basket. Model penelitian yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain one group pre test post test desaign. Sampel yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas VIII. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa moel pembelajaran jigsaw dapat meingkatkan hasil drible dalam permainan bola basket. Peningkatakan ini dilandaskan pada model pembelajaran kooperatif Jigsaw, dimana setiap siswa menjadi anggota kelompok asal (home group) dan juga sebagai kelompok ahli (expert group) Siswa dalam kelompok ahli bertanggung jawab terhadap penguasaan materi yang menjadi bagian yang dipelajari dan berkewajiban mengajarkan kepada siswa lain dalam kelompoknya. Selain itu, siswa bekerja dengan sesama siswa dalam suasana kooperatif dan mempunya banyak kesempatan untuk mengolah informasi dan meningkatkan keterampilan berkomunikasi Dengan asumsi ini maka hasil drible dalam permainan bola basket akan meningkat, hal ini di tunjukan dengan hasil penghitungan uji-t diperoleh nilai t-hitung sebesar 6,31.

Lisa Diyah Ma'rifataini

 AbstractThe Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with ACDP has facilitated 40 PAI teachers to attend a training of Islamic Religious Education learning methods in Oxford, English. Among the learning methods implemented in Oxford are Market Place Activites, Expert Group, and Group Investigation methods. Such learning methods are not yet familiar to PAI teachers in Indonesia, so then a question arises as to how the implementation of such PAI methods after the said training. This research deployed experimental method. The results showed that the Market Place Activities, Expert Group, and Group Investigation learning methods had been implemented by PAI Teachers of SMAN 11 of Bandung upon their PAI learning activities; The students responded positively to those three implemented methods, according to the students, the learning materials taught through Market Place Activities method make them easily to understand, so did they when taught through Expert Group and Group Investigation. The result of significant test of those three methods is 0,008, it shows that these three methods, based on the students’ achievement on pre-test and post-test, improved and there was no difference between these three learning methods. Supporting factors in the application of these three methods are the teachers’ masteries thereof, the students accustomed to receive learning materials through application of various learning methods, the school management encourages each teacher to develop various learning methods, the school’s infrastructures, and the supporting learning resources and learning media in implementing such learning methods.Abstrak Kementerian Agama bekerjasama dengan ACDP telah memberikan fasilitas 40 guru pendidikan agama Islam mengikuti pelatihan metode pembelajaran PAI di Oxford Inggris. Diantara metode pembelajaran yang diimplementasikan di Oxford adalah metode Market Place Activites, Expert Group, dan Group Investigation. Metode-metode pembelajaran tersebut masih belum familliar dikalangan guru PAI di Indonesia, sehingga timbul pertanyaan bagaimana implementasi tiga metode PAI pasca pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode Market Place Activities, Expert Group, dan Group Investigation pada pembelajaran PAI telah diimplementasikan oleh Guru PAI SMA Negeri 11 Bandung; Respon siswa terhadap tiga metode mengatakan baik, materi dengan metode Market Place Actifitties pada umumnya siswa mengatakan sangat mudah, Expet Group dan Group Invergation siswa mengatakan mudah. Hasil uji signifikansi dari tiga metode tersebut sebesar 0,008, ini menunjukkan ketiga metode berdasarkan hasil pre tes dan post tes prestasi siswa meningkat dan tidak ada perbedaan diantara ketiga metode pembelajaran tersebut. Faktor pendukung dalam penerapan ketiga metode tersebut adalah Guru menguasai metode pembelajaran, siswa terbiasa menerima pembelajaran melalui penerapan berbagai metode pembelajaran, manajemen sekolah mendorong setiap guru untuk mengembangkan berbagai  metode pembelajaran, sarana prasarana, sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran mendukung dalam mengimplementasikan metode pembelajaran tersebut. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 474-486 ◽  
Stan Van Ginkel ◽  
Ramona Laurentzen ◽  
Martin Mulder ◽  
Asko Mononen ◽  
Janika Kyttä ◽  

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to design a rubric instrument for assessing oral presentation performance in higher education and to test its validity with an expert group. Design/methodology/approach This study, using mixed methods, focusses on: designing a rubric by identifying assessment instruments in previous presentation research and implementing essential design characteristics in a preliminary developed rubric; and testing the validity of the constructed instrument with an expert group of higher educational professionals (n=38). Findings The result of this study is a validated rubric instrument consisting of 11 presentation criteria, their related levels in performance, and a five-point scoring scale. These adopted criteria correspond to the widely accepted main criteria for presentations, in both literature and educational practice, regarding aspects as content of the presentation, structure of the presentation, interaction with the audience and presentation delivery. Practical implications Implications for the use of the rubric instrument in educational practice refer to the extent to which the identified criteria should be adapted to the requirements of presenting in a certain domain and whether the amount and complexity of the information in the rubric, as criteria, levels and scales, can be used in an adequate manner within formative assessment processes. Originality/value This instrument offers the opportunity to formatively assess students’ oral presentation performance, since rubrics explicate criteria and expectations. Furthermore, such an instrument also facilitates feedback and self-assessment processes. Finally, the rubric, resulting from this study, could be used in future quasi-experimental studies to measure students’ development in presentation performance in a pre-and post-test situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 5408-5416
Istiqomah Et al.

Jigsaw cooperative learning is a learning model that encourages active students and helps each other in mastering the subject matter by dividing it into groups of origin and groups of experts in teaching and learning activities. Each group of experts is responsible for a material or subject. After the expert group has finished studying one topic of their expertise, each student returns to their home group to teach their expertise material to their friends in a discussion group. The aim of the study was to test whether the online Jigsaw method was effective for college students. The jigsaw method is done online, so it's done using zoom software, and goegle meet. The research subjects were 98 students in the 5th semester. The data analysis technique used the Independent sample T-test inferential statistics. The result of the analysis shows that there are significant differences between students who get online learning using the jigsaw method and the conventional method.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-225 ◽  
Helvi Koch ◽  
Nadine Spörer

Zusammenfassung. Ziel war es, die Effektivität zweier Interventionen zur Förderung der Lesekompetenz von Fünftklässlern zu untersuchen. Beide Treatments wurden von Regellehrkräften implementiert. Die eine Intervention war das reziproke Lehren, welches um Selbstregulationsprozeduren angereichert wurde (RT+SRL). Die zweite war eine von Lehrkräften konzipierte lesestrategiebasierte Unterrichtseinheit (Good Practice, GP). Zusätzlich gab es eine No-Treatment-Kontrollgruppe (KG0). Insgesamt nahmen an der Studie N = 244 Schüler teil. Im Rahmen eines Pre-, Post-, Follow-Up-Test-Untersuchungsplans kamen standardisierte Leseverständnisaufgaben, selbstkonstruierte Lesestrategieaufgaben und eine Selbstwirksamkeitsskala zum Einsatz. Kontrastierende Einzelvergleichsanalysen ergaben, dass sich die Schüler der Treatmentbedingung RT+SRL im Vergleich zu den Schülern der Kontrollgruppe zum Post-Test signifikant stärker im Leseverständnis, in der Lesestrategieanwendung und in der Selbstwirksamkeit verbesserten. Gleiches galt für die Lesestrategieanwendung zum Follow-Up-Test. Schüler der Bedingung GP konnten im Vergleich zu KG0-Schülern weder zum Post- noch zum Follow-Up-Test vorteilige Ergebnisse in den drei Kriteriumsmaßen erzielen.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-57
Anke Buschmann ◽  
Bettina Multhauf

Zusammenfassung. Das Ziel vorliegender Studie bestand in einer Überprüfung der Akzeptanz und Teilnehmerzufriedenheit eines Gruppentrainings für Eltern von Kindern mit Lese- und/oder Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Zudem sollten erste Indikatoren bezüglich der Wirksamkeit des Programmes untersucht werden. Dazu wurden Daten von 25 Müttern zu 2 Messzeitpunkten (Post-Test, 3-Monats-Follow-up) analysiert. Die Probandinnen nahmen über einen Zeitraum von 3 Monaten an 5 Sitzungen des Programms «Mein Kind mit Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten verstehen, stärken und unterstützen: Heidelberger Elterntraining zum Umgang mit LRS» teil. Ein Paper-Pencil-Fragebogen diente zum Post-Test der Erhebung von Teilnahmeparametern, der Zufriedenheit mit dem Training, der Relevanz einzelner Themen und der wahrgenommenen Veränderungen in wichtigen Zielbereichen. Zusätzlich kam eine für das Gruppensetting adaptierte Form des Goal Attainment Scaling zum Einsatz, um das Erreichen persönlich relevanter Ziele unmittelbar nach dem Training sowie 3 Monate später zu erfassen. Die Analyse des Fragebogens zeigte eine hohe Partizipationsbereitschaft der Mütter. Die Rahmenbedingungen des Trainings (Gruppengröße, Dauer des Trainings und der Sitzungen) sowie die didaktischen Methoden wurden als ideal und die Themen als relevant eingeschätzt. Die Mütter sahen sich in der Lage, die Inhalte im Alltag anzuwenden und nahmen positive Veränderungen hinsichtlich Einfühlungsvermögen, Unterstützung des Kindes, Hausaufgabensituation und Beziehung zum Kind wahr. Das Ausmaß des Erreichens individueller Ziele zum Post-Test variierte je nach Zielbereich: Einfühlen und Verstehen (75 %), Optimierung der Hausaufgabensituation (76 %), Unterstützung psychosozialer Entwicklung (86 %), Lese-Rechtschreibförderung (60 %) und war auch 3 Monate später noch vergleichbar hoch. Die Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich einer Belastungsreduktion und Kompetenzstärkung seitens der Eltern erfolgt aktuell im Vergleich zu einer unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe.

Methodology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-105
Rodrigo Ferrer ◽  
Antonio Pardo

Abstract. In a recent paper, Ferrer and Pardo (2014) tested several distribution-based methods designed to assess when test scores obtained before and after an intervention reflect a statistically reliable change. However, we still do not know how these methods perform from the point of view of false negatives. For this purpose, we have simulated change scenarios (different effect sizes in a pre-post-test design) with distributions of different shapes and with different sample sizes. For each simulated scenario, we generated 1,000 samples. In each sample, we recorded the false-negative rate of the five distribution-based methods with the best performance from the point of view of the false positives. Our results have revealed unacceptable rates of false negatives even with effects of very large size, starting from 31.8% in an optimistic scenario (effect size of 2.0 and a normal distribution) to 99.9% in the worst scenario (effect size of 0.2 and a highly skewed distribution). Therefore, our results suggest that the widely used distribution-based methods must be applied with caution in a clinical context, because they need huge effect sizes to detect a true change. However, we made some considerations regarding the effect size and the cut-off points commonly used which allow us to be more precise in our estimates.

2005 ◽  
D. Sozen ◽  
B. Sayiner ◽  
M. Turanly ◽  
D. Taspinar

2005 ◽  
Vol 38 (01) ◽  
I Gaertner ◽  
P Baumann ◽  
C Hiemke ◽  
S Ulrich ◽  
G Eckermann ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Abdullah Tamrin ◽  
Hikmawati Masud ◽  
Indah Suci Ramadani

ABSTRAK Berbagai masalah gizi diderita oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia dan salah satu masalah gizi utama adalah anemia gizi besi. Salah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki pola konsumsi pangan dan pola kebiasaan yang bertujuan untuk menanggulangi anemia dikalangan masyarakat terutama ibu hamil dengan melalui peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku seseorang dengan penyuluhan gizi dan mengonsumsi tablet tambah darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan gizi, asupan gizi dan pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil di Puskesmas Paccerakkang Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan one-group pre-test and post-test design. Data diperoleh dari hasil Pre test dan Post test menggunakan kuesioner, pengambilan Hb, recall 24 jam dan data tablet tambah darah yang di konsumsi. Kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil pada awalnya anemia (100%) dan pada akhir terdapat sebanyak 8 orang (53,33%). Hasil pre dan post test ibu hamil yang memiliki criteria baik sebelum mendapatkan penyuluhan gizi sebanyak 2 orang (13,33 %) dan setelah mendapatkan penyuluhan gizi sebanyak 4  orang (26,67%). Asupan gizi (energi) ibu hamil yang memiliki criteria asupan baik di awal sebanyak 1  orang (6,67 %) dan di akhir sebanyak 9  orang (60%). Asupan gizi (protein) baik di awal sebanyak 3 orang (20 %) dan di akhir sebanyak 4  orang (26,67%). Pada umumnya asupan Fe di awal dan di akhir dari 15 ibu hamil 100% tergolong kurang. Ibu hamil yang mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah dengan baik sebanyak 6 orang (40%). Disarankan ibu hamil turut berpartisipasi setiap pemeriksaan rutin yang diadakan oleh Puskesmas guna mencegah terjadinya masalah gizi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Moch Agus Choiron ◽  
Siti Azizah ◽  
Nafisah Arina Hidayati

Arjowilangun Village is a post-TKI village. People choose to become sheep farmers with less capital than being cattle farmers. Based on the previous discussion, waste management is required to ensure the sustainability of environment in Arjowilangun Village. Processing sheep and agricultural waste program is held by Doktor Mengabdi team. Farmers can learn how to make Bokashi from waste. The method used is composting aerobic or anaerobic starters for composting organic material. A decomposer as collection of several good microbes from fungi work to control pathogenic microbes assists the fermentation process. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test during the training, it can be showed that understanding of the breeders' potential of the environment is increased.

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