e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Fahriah . ◽  
Herry E. J. Pandaleke

Abstract: Pyoderma is the most common skin-bacterial disease caused by infection. The main causes of pyoderma are staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus sp. Pyoderma can occur among females or males of any ages. Generally, pyoderma is influenced by nutrient state, skin integrity, immunologic condition, and environmental condition inter alia heat, humidity, as well as poor sanitation and hygiene. This study aimed to obtain the profil of pyoderma at Dermato-venereology Department, Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou General Hospital Manado from January to December 2012. This was a retrospective study using data of pyoderma patient medical records Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado within January-December 2012. The results showed that the occurence of pyoderma in 2012 was 1.09% (44 cases), most were females 52.3% (23 cases), and aged 45-46 years 52,3% (23 cases). Cellulitis is a type of pyoderma which occured 52.3% (23 cases). Clindamycin is a systemic antibiotic which was used the most, 65.9% (29 cases), and topical antibiotic which was mostly used was fucidic acid 31.8% (14 cases). Conclusion: Cellulitis was the most common case found, in females were more than in males, aged 45-64 years old. Clindamycin was the mostly used systemic antibiotics, while the topical one was fucidic acid.Keywords: skin infected disease, adult, pyodermaAbstrak: Pioderma adalah penyakit infeksi bakterial kulit yang paling sering ditemukan. Penyebab utama pioderma ialah bakteri staphylococcus aureus maupun streptococcus sp. Pioderma dapat menyerang laki-laki maupun perempuan pada semua usia. Terjadinya pioderma umumnya dipengaruhi oleh gizi, integritas kulit, kondisi imunologis, serta faktor lingkungan seperti panas, kelembaban, kurangnya sanitasi dan higieni. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil pasien pioderma pada orang dewasa di poliklinik RSUP Prof. Dr. D. Kandou Manado periode Januari – Desember 2012. Penelitian ini bersifat studi retrospektif menggunakan data catatan medik penderita pioderma yang datang ke poliklinik kulit dan kelamin RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado bulan Januari – Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan insiden pioderma tahun 2012 1,09% (44 kasus). Distribusi menurut jenis kelamin terbanyak pada perempuan yaitu 52,3% (23 kasus). Menurut kelompok umur terbanyak pada umur 45-64 tahun yaitu 52,3% (23 kasus). Jenis pioderma terbanyak ialah selulitis 52,3% (23 kasus). Distribusi berdasarkan penggunaan antibiotik sistemik yang terbanyak digunakan ialah klindamisin sebanyak 65,8% (29 kasus), dan atibiotik topikal terbanyak digunakan ialah asam fusidat 31,8% (14 kasus). Simpulan: Selulitis merupakan kelompok kasus terbanyak yang ditemukan, perempuan lebih banyak daripada laki-laki, kelompok umur yang paling banyak terkena ialah 45-64 tahun, antibiotik sistemik yang terbanyak digunakan ialah klindamisin dan untuk penggunaan antibiotik topikal terbayak ialah asam fusidat.Kata kunci: penyakit kulit infeksi, dewasa, pioderma

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Cindy E. Gama ◽  
Ferra O. Mawu ◽  
Renate T. Kandou

Abstract: Pyoderma is one of the most common skin infection caused mainly by Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, or both. It is closely associated with low-sosioeconomic, malnutrition, high density of population, and bad hygiene. This study was aimed to figure out the profile of pyoderma infection in adults at Department of Dermato-venereology, Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou General Hospital Manado in the period of 2013-2015. This was a descriptive retrospective study using data of register books and medical records. The results showed that there were 164 new cases (4.59%) of pyoderma in adults, predominantly males (51,8%), age group of 45-64 years (44.5%), and folliculitis as the most clinical diagnosis. Most infections were treated with combination therapy of systemic antibiotic and topical antibiotic, clindamicyn (48.2%) and fusidic acid (59.8%) respectively.Keywords: pyoderma, adult Abstrak: Pioderma merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi kulit yang paling sering ditemui. Penyakit ini paling banyak disebabkan oleh kuman Gram-positif, yakni Staphylococcus dan Streptococcus, atau keduanya. Pioderma erat hubungannya dengan keadaan sosial ekonomi yang rendah, malnutrisi, kepadatan penduduk, dan sanitasi yang buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil pioderma pada orang dewasa di Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode tahun 2013-2015. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif retrospektif menggunakan data dari buku register dan catatan rekam medik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan insidensi pioderma pada orang dewasa periode tahun 2013-2015 sebanyak 164 kasus baru (4,59%). Distribusi terbanyak pada laki-laki (51,8%), usia 45-64 tahun (44,5%), dengan bentuk klinis folikulitis (38,4%). Sebanyak 95 pasien (57,9%) menggunakan terapi kombinasi antibiotik sistemik dan antibiotik topikal. Terapi antibiotik sistemik yang terbanyak digunakan ialah klindamisin (48,2%) dan antibiotik topikal yang paling banyak digunakan ialah asam fusidat (59,8%). Kata kunci: pioderma, dewasa

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Priscilia F. Lumataw ◽  
Herry Pandaleke ◽  
Pieter L. Suling

Abstract: The skin can easily affected by the external environment and continues to change due the adaption to environmental condition, triggering infection of the skin. Pyoderma is the most common skin infection in infants and children. Pyoderma is a skin disease that caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, or both. Pyoderma oftenly found in developing countries, especially the tropic areas. Pyoderma is one of four disease that have the highest number of outpatient visits in Indonesia. High incidence of pyoderma in children in developing countries, leading to a need for periodic evaluation of morbidity pyoderma. This descriptive retrospective study aimed to identify the gender, age, type of pyoderma, and therapy in children with pyoderma in Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado year period 2013-2015. The number of new cases in children with pyoderma is 114 cases (14,88%), oftenly found in males and 1-4 years age group (49,12%). The diagnosis of impetigo krustosa is the most finding type of pyoderma and the most commontly given therapy is a combination therapy of systemic antibiotics with topical (73,68%). Erythromycin is the most common drug that used orally and fusidic acid as topical.Keywords: pyoderma, children Abstrak: Kulit mudah terpengaruh oleh lingkungan luar dan terus mengalami perubahan karena beradaptasi dengan perubahan lingkungan, sehingga memicu infeksi pada kulit. Pada bayi dan anak, infeksi kulit yang paling sering didapatkan adalah pioderma. Pioderma ialah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Staphylococcus, Streptococcus atau oleh kedua-duanya. Pioderma merupakan jenis penyakit kulit yang paling sering didapatkan di negara-negara berkembang, terutama daerah tropis. Pioderma menempati urutan empat besar jumlah kunjungan rawat jalan di Indonesia. Kejadian pioderma tinggi pada anak di negara berkembang membuat perlunya evaluasi secara berkala morbiditas pioderma. Penelitian retrospektif deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kelamin, usia, jenis pioderma, dan terapi pada anak yang menderita pioderma di Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode tahun 2013-2015. Jumlah pasien kasus baru pioderma pada anak sebanyak 114 kasus (14,88%), dengan terbanyak pada jenis kelamin laki-laki dan kelompok umur 1-4 tahun (49,12%). Diagnosis impetigo krustosa adalah jenis pioderma terbanyak yang ditemukan dan terapi yang paling sering diberikan adalah pemberian terapi kombinasi antara antibiotik sistemik dengan topikal (73,68%). Golongan eritromisin merupakan antibiotik sistemik tersering yang digunakan dan asam fusidat merupakan antibiotik topikal yang paling sering diberikan. Kata kunci: pioderma, anak

Diabetes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 908-P

2012 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-49 ◽  
Ellen L. Idler ◽  
David A. Boulifard ◽  
Richard J. Contrada

Marriage has long been linked to lower risk for adult mortality in population and clinical studies. In a regional sample of patients ( n = 569) undergoing cardiac surgery, we compared 5-year hazards of mortality for married persons with those of widowed, separated or divorced, and never married persons using data from medical records and psychosocial interviews. After adjusting for demographics and pre- and postsurgical health, unmarried persons had 1.90 times the hazard of mortality of married persons; the disaggregated widowed, never married, and divorced or separated groups had similar hazards, as did men and women. The adjusted hazard for immediate postsurgical mortality was 3.33; the adjusted hazard for long-term mortality was 1.71, and this was mediated by married persons’ lower smoking rates. The findings underscore the role of spouses (both male and female) in caregiving during health crises and the social control of health behaviors.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 1505-1516 ◽  
Ana Rita Barbieri ◽  
Crhistinne Cavalheiro Maymone Gonçalves ◽  
Maria de Fátima Meinberg Cheade ◽  
Cristina Souza ◽  
Daniel Henrique Tsuha ◽  

The increasing incidence of chronic renal failure in Brazil and the consequential expansion of hemodialysis as a choice for treatment in final stage have to be taken into account to guarantee access to those in need. The ecological study conducted in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in 2012, using data from the Brazilian Health Informatics Department (DATASUS) and from the analysis of medical records in 12 clinics, identified and mapped patients on hemodialysis, the distance they travelled and the estimated number of patients. The prevalence of hemodialysis patients in Mato Grosso do Sul State, about 55 per 100,000 inhabitants, is similar to the national average. The analyses indicated concentration of patients in counties with clinics and also geographical gaps that generate displacement of over 100km for more than 16% of patients. The results point to the necessity of strengthening public policies that consider, for decision-making, the decentralization of service, the expansion of home care and the follow-up education for professionals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-197 ◽  
Patrick G Hogan ◽  
Marcela Rodriguez ◽  
Allison M Spenner ◽  
Jennifer M Brenneisen ◽  
Mary G Boyle ◽  

2021 ◽  
Hossein Estiri ◽  
Zachary Strasser ◽  
Sina Rashidian ◽  
Jeffrey Klann ◽  
Kavishwar Wagholikar ◽  

The growing recognition of algorithmic bias has spurred discussions about fairness in artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) algorithms. The increasing translation of predictive models into clinical practice brings an increased risk of direct harm from algorithmic bias; however, bias remains incompletely measured in many medical AI applications. Using data from over 56 thousand Mass General Brigham (MGB) patients with confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), we evaluate unrecognized bias in four AI models developed during the early months of the pandemic in Boston, Massachusetts that predict risks of hospital admission, ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and death after a SARS-CoV-2 infection purely based on their pre-infection longitudinal medical records. We discuss that while a model can be biased against certain protected groups (i.e., perform worse) in certain tasks, it can be at the same time biased towards another protected group (i.e., perform better). As such, current bias evaluation studies may lack a full depiction of the variable effects of a model on its subpopulations. If the goal is to make a change in a positive way, the underlying roots of bias need to be fully explored in medical AI. Only a holistic evaluation, a diligent search for unrecognized bias, can provide enough information for an unbiased judgment of AI bias that can invigorate follow-up investigations on identifying the underlying roots of bias and ultimately make a change.

2021 ◽  
Jiaming Zeng ◽  
Michael F. Gensheimer ◽  
Daniel L. Rubin ◽  
Susan Athey ◽  
Ross D. Shachter

AbstractIn medicine, randomized clinical trials (RCT) are the gold standard for informing treatment decisions. Observational comparative effectiveness research (CER) is often plagued by selection bias, and expert-selected covariates may not be sufficient to adjust for confounding. We explore how the unstructured clinical text in electronic medical records (EMR) can be used to reduce selection bias and improve medical practice. We develop a method based on natural language processing to uncover interpretable potential confounders from the clinical text. We validate our method by comparing the hazard ratio (HR) from survival analysis with and without the confounders against the results from established RCTs. We apply our method to four study cohorts built from localized prostate and lung cancer datasets from the Stanford Cancer Institute Research Database and show that our method adjusts the HR estimate towards the RCT results. We further confirm that the uncovered terms can be interpreted by an oncologist as potential confounders. This research helps enable more credible causal inference using data from EMRs, offers a transparent way to improve the design of observational CER, and could inform high-stake medical decisions. Our method can also be applied to studies within and beyond medicine to extract important information from observational data to support decisions.

Francesc X. Marin-Gomez ◽  
Jacobo Mendioroz-Peña ◽  
Miguel-Angel Mayer ◽  
Leonardo Méndez-Boo ◽  
Núria Mora ◽  

Nursing homes have accounted for a significant part of SARS-CoV-2 mortality, causing great social alarm. Using data collected from electronic medical records of 1,319,839 institutionalised and non-institutionalised persons ≥ 65 years, the present study investigated the epidemiology and differential characteristics between these two population groups. Our results showed that the form of presentation of the epidemic outbreak, as well as some risk factors, are different among the elderly institutionalised population with respect to those who are not. In addition to a twenty-fold increase in the rate of adjusted mortality among institutionalised individuals, the peak incidence was delayed by approximately three weeks. Having dementia was shown to be a risk factor for death, and, unlike the non-institutionalised group, neither obesity nor age were shown to be significantly associated with the risk of death among the institutionalised. These differential characteristics should be able to guide the actions to be taken by the health administration in the event of a similar infectious situation among institutionalised elderly people.

2016 ◽  
Vol 89 (3) ◽  
pp. 430-434 ◽  
Madalina Anca Lazar ◽  
Dan Vodnar ◽  
Doina Prodan ◽  
Horatiu Rotaru ◽  
Calin Rares Roman ◽  

Background and aims. Despite the fact that implants are sterilized, antiseptic techniques are applied and systemic antibiotics are routinely administered prior to and after craniofacial surgery, infection rates between 3% and 40% are still reported for alloplastic implants, urging for implant removal. The present study focuses on the development of a fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) implant for craniofacial reconstruction with antimicrobial properties.Methods. A new fiber-reinforced composite coated with gentamicin was developed and tested for bacterial adherence and antibacterial efficiency, using two of the most involved bacterial strains in the postoperative infections: Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Results. Bacteria were efficiently inactivated in direct contact with gentamicin coatings (p<0.05). The inhibition zone for Staphylococcus aureus ranged from 17.21 mm to 20.13 mm and for Pseudomonas aeruginosa ranged from 12.93 mm to 15.33 mm. Although no significant statistical results were found for bacterial adhesion and gentamicin concentration, (Staphylococcus aureus: β= -0.974; p=0.144>0.05 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: β = -0.921; p=0.255>0.05), a negative relation was observed, indicating the reversed relation between the antibiotic dosage and the bacterial adherence.Conclusion. The results of the two applied microbiological protocols used in the study suggested that gentamicin eluting coating inhibited not only the bacterial growth, but also led to a lower initial bacterial adhesion to the surface of the implant. Thus, antibiotic coating of craniofacial implants may reduce the infection rate related to reconstructive surgery.

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