scholarly journals Struktur dan Komposisi Vegetasi pada Suksesi di Muara Sungai Unda, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
I Made Saka Wijaya ◽  
Gede Surya Indrawan ◽  
Putu Angga Wiradana ◽  
I Made Sara Wijana ◽  
Abd. Rahman As-syakur ◽  

 Letusan Gunung Agung pada tahun 1963 memberikan dampak ekologis di sekitar muara Sungai Unda, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali. Lahar yang mengalir melalui sungai tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya suksesi primer akibat tutupan pasir dan batu. Selama 57 tahun, muara Sungai Unda tidak hanya mengalami suksesi alam, tetapi juga mengalami suksesi antropogenik melalui pemanfaatan sebagai tambang pasir, lahan pastura, dan permukiman sementara.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari struktur dan komposisi vegetasi pada suksesi di muara Sungai Unda. Penentuan struktur vegetasi dilakukan pada 8 stasiun penelitian dengan menggunakan metode plot dengan jumlah 24 plot pohon (20 x 20 m) dan 48 plot vegetasi lantai (1 x 1 m). Data dianalisis menggunakan parameter ekologis seperti densitas, densitas relatif, frekuensi, frekuensi relatif, dominansi, dominansi relatif, dan nilai penting, serta dilengkapi dengan indeks keragaman Shannon-Weiner (H’), indeks dominansi (C), dan indeks keseragaman (E). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semak dan rumput merupakan bentuk hidup yang paling menentukan struktur vegetasi di Muara Sungai Unda. Beberapa spesies penyusun vegetasi tersebut merupakan tumbuhan invasif seperti yang harus dikontrol populasinya adalah Typha angustifolia, Ipomoea carnea, Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara, dan Vachellia farnesiana. Berdasarkan indeks yang digunakan, keanekaragaman vegetasi termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, tanpa ada jenis yang mendominasi, dengan persebaran yang merata.Kata kunci: Gunung Agung; spesies invasive; suksesi antropogenik; vegetasi suksesiStructure and Composition of Successional Vegetation in Unda River, Klungkung Regency, BaliABSTRACTMount Agung eruption in 1963 caused major ecological impact around Unda River, Klungkung Regency, Bali. The volcanic mudflow that surpass the Unda River watershed initiate the primary succession in those areas. This research aimed to study the structure and composition of successional vegetation in Unda River. Twenty-four tree plots (20 x 20 m) and 48 understorey plots (1 x 1 m) derived from 8 research stations were used to determine the structure of vegetation. The data analyzed by ecological parameters, such as density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, dominancy, relative dominancy, and importance value, then completed with Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H’), dominancy index (C), and evenness index (E). The results shown that the vegetation structure in Unda River determined by two major growth form: shrubs and grasses. Some notable invasive species that should be controlled are Typha angustifolia, Ipomoea carnea, Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara, and Vachellia farnesiana. Based on the three indexes, the vegetation diversity was categorized as high diversity, without any species domination, and the distribution of the species are uniformKeywords: Anthropogenic succession; invasive species; Mount Agung; successional vegetation

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Ida Ardiyaningrum ◽  

Abstract. Ardiyaningrum I, Budiastuti MTS, Komariah. 2021. Short Communication: Species composition and diversity of vegetation in dryland agricultural landscape. Biodiversitas 22: 65-71. Drylands are a part of the terrestrial ecosystems with a relatively larger area compared to wetlands. Selo has dryland with steep slopes and high rainfall, resulting in relatively high soil erosion. The land use in this sub-district is dominated by plantations and agriculture, with conditions that have not been fully balanced by trees as a means of controlling erosion and supporting vegetation diversity. Therefore, studies on biodiversity are important as an indicator of dryland sustainability, especially in terms of soil and water conservations. This research aimed to study the species composition and diversity of vegetation in the dryland agricultural landscape in Selo Sub-district, Boyolali District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Vegetation analysis was performed by using the quadratic sampling technique for tree category, pole category, sapling category, and seedling categories. The results indicated that Fabaceae had the highest number of species. Tree species with the highest Importance Value Index were Toona sureni, Artocarpus heterophyllus, and Casuarina junghuhniana, respectively. The Shanon-Wiener Diversity Index showed that the vegetation at tree, pole, and sapling stages had a moderate diversity, and seedling-stage vegetation had a low diversity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 181
Sukirman Rahim ◽  
Dewi Wahyuni K Baderan

Hutan mangrove Langge yang terdapat di Kecamatan Anggrek Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara memiliki keunikan dari pola zonasi dan keanekaragaman jenis. Hal ini yang menjadikan hutan mangrove di kawasan tersebut sebagai objek wisata tracking mangrove yang dikenal dengan nama “mangrove in love. Hutan mangrove memiliki berbagai fungsi ekologis yang sangat kompleks yakni sebagai daerah pemijahan  (spawing ground), tempat asuhan (nursery ground), dan tempat mencari makan (feeding ground) biota laut yang beraneka jenis dan memiliki fungsi ekonomis diantaranya buah mangrove dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk kue dan sumber pangan alternatif pengganti beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis mangrove asosiasi; 2) untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas dari hutan mangrove Langge; dan 3) nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode jalur berpetak (kombinasi plot dan transek). Jumlah spesies yang ditemukan akan dilihat untuk menjadi dasar penentuan komposisi jenis. Untuk pengkuran struktur komunitas mangrove dengan melakukan perhitungan terhadap Kerapatan Relatif (KR) dan Frekuensi Relatif (FR). Selanjutnya data yang didapatkan ditabulasikan untuk memperoleh nilai Indeks Nilai Penting (INP). Perhitungan keanekaragaman jenis menggunakan rumus (Sannon-wienner). Hasil penelitian menemukan 12 spesies tumbuhan mangrove asosiasi yakni Acanthus spinosus, Chromolaena odorata, Crassocephalum sp, Calotropis gigantean, Ipomea pes-caprae, Ricinus communis Excoecaria agallocha, Scaevola taccada, Spinifex littoreus, Terminalia catappa, Derris trifoliate dan Nypa fruticans. Struktur komunitas menunjukkan Chromolaena odorata memiliki nilai INP sebesar 33,2%, Kerapatan Relatif sebesar 24,91%, dan Frekuensi Relatif sebesar 8,33%.  Spesies dengan nilai INP terendah dimiliki oleh Nypa fruticans yaitu sebesar 9,14%, Kerapatan Relatif sebesar 0,81%, dan Frekuensi Relatif sebesar 8,33%. Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) mangrove asosiasi sebesar 2,175 dan termasuk dalam kriteria tingkat keanekaragaman sedang. Data yang diperoleh ini dapat digunakan dalam pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Gorontalo Utara serta dapat menjadi database dalam usaha konservasi mangrove guna mengurangi efek pemanasan global.Langge mangrove forest located in the District of North Gorontalo District Orchid has a uniqueness of zoning patterns and keanekragaman types. This is what makes the mangrove forests in the region as a tourist attraction tracking mangrove known as the "mangrove in love. Mangrove forests have a variety of ecological functions is very complex which is a spawning area (spawing ground), point of care (nursery grounds), and foraging (feeding ground) various types of marine life and has the economic function of which pieces of mangrove can be processed into various products cake and alternative food sources instead of rice. This study aims to: 1) to determine the association of mangrove species composition; 2) to determine the community structure of mangrove forests Langge; and 3) the value of diversity index. The method used in this study is a terraced path method (combination of plots and transects). The composition of the types of views based on the number of species found. For sizing mangrove community structure by calculating the Relative Density (KR) and Relative Frequency (FR). Then the data obtained are tabulated to get the value of Importance Value Index (IVI). Calculation of species diversity using the formula (Sannon-wienner). The study found an association of twelve species of mangrove plants and the relative dominance (DR), then the data obtained are tabulated to get the value of Importance Value Index (IVI). Calculation of species diversity using the formula (Sannon-wienner). The study found an association of eight species of mangrove plants and the relative dominance (DR), then the data obtained are tabulated to get the value of Importance Value Index (IVI). Calculation of species diversity using the formula (Sannon-wienner). The study found an association of twelve species of mangrove plantsnamely Acanthus spinosus, Chromolaena odorata, Crassocephalum sp, Calotropis gigantean, Ipomea pes-caprae, Ricinus communis Excoecaria agallocha, Scaevola taccada, Spinifex littoreus, Terminalia catappa, Derris trifoliate dan Nypa fruticans. Community structure showed Chromolaena odorata has a value of IVI of 33,2%, amounting to 24,91% Relative Density and Relative Frequency of 8,33%. The species with the lowest IVI owned by Nypa fruticans that is equal to 9,14%, 0,81% Relative Density and Relative Frequency of 8,33%. Values Diversity Index (H ') at 2.175 and mangrove associates included in the criteria for a medium level of diversity. The data obtained can be used in the management of mangrove forests in North Gorontalo and can be a database of mangrove conservation efforts to reduce the effects of global warming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Nia Sylviana Sari ◽  
Samsun Hadi ◽  
Rr. Eko Susetyarini

Long drought and uncontrolled human activities resulted in R. Soerjo Prigen Pasuruan Grand Forest Park experiencing fire. Adverse impacts on vegetation can result in vegetation death. Damage caused by fire to vegetation can lead to succession which can be seen from the composition and structure of forest vegetation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of environmental parameters, structure and composition of plant vegetation in Tahura R. Soerjo, which were used as a learning resource for biology. This study used a purposive sampling technique. The method used is a combination of paths and checkered lines. The data analysis technique used is the Importance Value Index (INP), the dominance index, the diversity index, the wealth index, and the evenness index. The results showed that the identification of plant vegetation diversity was found as many as 33 species from 17 families that came from 3 divisions. The highest INP was found at the seedling level. The value of the dominance index is less than 1. The results show that the value of the density index is low, because it has a value of <3.5. The evenness value is at a high value, except at the tree level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Imelda Tidora Sombo ◽  
Florentina Y. Sepe ◽  
Getrudis W. Nau ◽  
Maria Novita I. Buku ◽  
Aloysius Djalo

This study aims to determine the spread of herbal vegetation in the environment of the campus environment of UNWIRA Penfui Kupang, by applying vegetation parameters including density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, dominance, relative dominance, Importance Value Index (INP), and Comparison Important Value (SDR). The method used in this study is the quadratic method, with the determination of the sampling point divided into two observation stations, based on open and sheltered areas with each station there are 5 observation plots with a size of 1x1 m2. The results of research conducted in the environment of the campus environment of UNWIRA Penfui Kupang found 7 types of herbal plants namely Solanum nigrum, Mussaenda frondosa, Oplismenus hirtellus, Amaranthus viridis, Eclipta L, Bidens pilosa, Imperata cylindrical and the composition of the highest number of individuals were Oplismenus hirtellus. The amount of diversity index value of basket grass plants (Oplismenus hirtellus) is 0.146 with a large amount of basket grass plants tend to be more stable compared to the other 6 plants found. Index value of vegetation diversity of herbaceous plants obtained is 0.782, so species diversity is lacking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-27
Eva Kusuma ◽  
Merti Triyanti ◽  
Sepriyaningsih Sepriyaningsih

This study aims to determine the Importance Value Index (INP), Vegetation Diversity Index, and abiotic factors in herbal strata in Bukit Gatan, Musi Rawas Regency. Determination of Herbs Strata Vegetation Diversity in Bukit Gatan Musi Rawas Regency using the point intercept method, which uses herbal touch rods that are below the touch point line. This research was made into 3 research study areas, namely study area A (1-10 stands), study area B (1-10 stands) and study area C (1-10 stands), then the data were analyzed descriptively quantitative. the highest importance index (INP) has been conducted in the study area A, the caladium (Caladium sp) of 50.33%, the study area B is the arrowroot (Maranta arundiciae) plant at 69%, and in the study area C is the bandotan plant (bandotan plant) Ageratum conyzoidez) by 39%. The average diversity of the Study Area A diversity index was 0.55, Study area B was 0.26 and Study area C was 0.33. Abiotic factors in the Bukit Gatan Region, Musi Rawas Regency, greatly affect the life of herbaceous strata in the Bukit Gatan Forest Area, Musi Rawas Regency. The air temperature in the gatan hill protection forest area ranges (28.30C) with soil moisture (15) while the humidity ranges (92.6%) while the soil temperature ranges (27.10C) and soil pH ranges (6.6).

2020 ◽  
Vol 637 ◽  
pp. 195-208 ◽  
EM DeRoy ◽  
R Scott ◽  
NE Hussey ◽  
HJ MacIsaac

The ecological impacts of invasive species are highly variable and mediated by many factors, including both habitat and population abundance. Lionfish Pterois volitans are an invasive marine species which have high reported detrimental effects on prey populations, but whose effects relative to native predators are currently unknown for the recently colonized eastern Gulf of Mexico. We used functional response (FR) methodology to assess the ecological impact of lionfish relative to 2 functionally similar native species (red grouper Epinephelus morio and graysby grouper Cephalopholis cruentata) foraging in a heterogeneous environment. We then combined the per capita impact of each species with their field abundance to obtain a Relative Impact Potential (RIP). RIP assesses the broader ecological impact of invasive relative to native predators, the magnitude of which predicts community-level negative effects of invasive species. Lionfish FR and overall consumption rate was intermediate to that of red grouper (higher) and graysby grouper (lower). However, lionfish had the highest capture efficiency of all species, which was invariant of habitat. Much higher field abundance of lionfish resulted in high RIPs relative to both grouper species, demonstrating that the ecological impact of lionfish in this region will be driven mainly by high abundance and high predator efficiency rather than per capita effect. Our comparative study is the first empirical assessment of lionfish per capita impact and RIP in this region and is one of few such studies to quantify the FR of a marine predator.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Faezah Pardi

This study was conducted at Pulau Jerejak, Penang to determine the floristic variation of its tree communities. A 0.5-hectare study plot was established and divided into 11 subplots. A total of 587 trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) of 5 cm and above were measured, identified and recorded. The tree communities comprised of 84 species, 63 genera and 32 families. The Myrtaceae was the most speciose family with 10 recorded species while Syzgium glaucum (Myrtaceae) was the most frequent species. The Myrtaceae recorded the highest density of 306 individuals while Syzgium glaucum (Myrtaceae) had the highest species density of 182 individuals. Total tree basal area (BA) was 21.47 m2/ha and family with the highest BA was Myrtaceae with 5.81 m2/ha while at species level, Syzgium glaucum (Myrtaceae) was the species with the highest total BA in the plot with value of 4.95 m2/ha. The Shannon˗Weiner Diversity Index of tree communities showed a value of 3.60 (H'max = 4.43) and Evenness Index of 0.81 which indicates high uniformity of tree species. The Margalef Richness Index (R') revealed that the tree species richness was 13.02. Myrtaceae had the highest Importance Value of 20.4%. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that Diospyros buxifolia (Ebenaceae) and Pouteria malaccensis (Sapotaceae) were strongly correlated to low pH. Dysoxylum cauliflorum (Meliaceae) and Eriobotrya bengalensis (Rosaceae) were correlated to phosphorus (P) and calcium ion (Ca2+), respectively. Therefore, the trees species composition at Pulau Jerejak showed that the biodiversity is high and conservation action should be implemented to protect endangered tree species. Keywords: Floristic variation; Tree communities; Trees composition; Pulau Jerejak; Species diversity

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Asep Sadili ◽  
Kuswata Kartawinata ◽  
Herwasono Soedjito ◽  
Edy Nasriadi Sambas

ADILI, A., KARTAWINATA, K., SOEDJITO, H. & SAMBAS, E. N. 2018. Tree species diversity in a pristine montane forest previously untouched by human activities in Foja Mountains, Papua, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 17(2): 133‒154. ‒‒ A study on structure and composition of the pristine montane forest previously untouched by human activities was conducted at the Foja Mountains in November 2008. We established a one-hectare plot divided into 100 subplots of 10 m × 10 m each. We enumerated all trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm which diameters were measured, heights were estimated and habitats were noted. We recorded 59 species, 42 genera and 27 families, comprising 693 trees with the total basal area (BA) of 41.35 m2/ha. The forest had lower species richness compared to those of lowland forests in Kalimantan, and Sumatra and montane forests in West Java. The Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index was 3.22. Nothofagus rubra (Importance Value, IV=47.89%) and Parinari corymbosa (IV=40.3%) were the dominant species, constituting the basis for designating the forest as the Nothofagus rubra - Parinari corymbosa association. To date, the dominance of N. rubra is unique to the Foja Mountains, as elsewhere in Papua the montane forests were dominated by N. pullei or other species. The species-area curve indicated a minimal area of 5000 m2. On the family level Fagaceae (IV=53.23%), Chrysobalanaceae (IV=40.53%) and Myristicaceae (IV=26.43%) were dominant. Verti-cally the forest consisted of four strata (A–D). In each stratum Nothofagus rubra, Platea latifolia, Parinari corymbosa and Myristica hollrungii were dominant. The diameter class distribution of Nothofagus rubra, Parinari corymbosa and Platea latifolia led us to assume that these species were regenerating well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-251
Hung Thanh Tran ◽  
My-Ngan Thi Luong ◽  
Le Van Bui ◽  
Hieu Trung Tran

The current study was carried out to evaluate antifeedant and insecticidal activities of three essential oils from leaves of Hyptis suaveolens, Chromolaena odorata and Lantana camara against fourth instar larvae of Spodoptera litura under the laboratory conditions. Results indicated that the essential oil from leaves of Hyptis suaveolens had a strong antifeedant impact on the larvae with antifeedant index (AI) of 75.4, 88.5 and 92.9 when leaf disks of Ipomoea batatas were treated with the essential oil at concentration of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 %, respectively. Also dose dependent mortalities were observed in the larvae topical treated with the essential oil at different concentrations. At the treated concentration of 0.4 mg per each larva, 68.3 % of the larvae were killed after 24 hours, and 25.0 % were died at the pupal stage after 30 days of observation. At the concentration of 1.2 mg/larva, 93.3 % of the larvae were killed after 24 hours, and no emergence of adults was recorded after 30 days of observation. Larvicidal activity of the H. suaveolens essential oil (with the lethal doses LD50=0.16 and LD95=1.52 mg/larva) was stronger than those of the C. odorata and L. camara essential oils (with LD50=0.57–0.63 and LD95=4.64–4.97 mg/larva) after 24 hour of treatment. GC–MS analysis indicates that the major volatile components of the essential oil from leaves of H. suaveolens are composed of b-caryophyllene (30.0 %), eucalyptol (12.0 %), copaene (5.9 %), and a-bergamotene (5.7 %). This essential oil needs to be further investigated and used as a bio-insecticide for control of S. litura.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 945-953 ◽  
Akash . ◽  
Navneet . ◽  
B.S. Bhandari

In present study, we present data on tree diversity, stand structures and community composition in six sites of tropical forest in Rajaji tiger reserve, Northern India. The enumeration of 72 plots results a total of 19,050 individuals, 47 species, 42 genera, 25 families in which Holoptelia integrifolea, Dalbergia sissoo, Shorea robusta, Cassia fistula and Trewia nudiflora were the species which showed higher importance value index (IVI) in the study area. The stand density of the six sites ranges from 149.99 - 397.91 hac-1 where as the total basal area of trees ranges from 3.612 - 46.813 m2/hac-1. The Shannon diversity index ranged from 1.35 to 2.51, Simpson index ranged from 0.097 - 0.446, Margalef index ranged 2.584 - 4.9, The Evenness index ranged from  0.551 - 0.852 in the study area. Further the studied area has showed ample evidences from indices in supporting the higher floristic diversity and stand structure after providing the present area as a status of tiger reserve.

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