scholarly journals Study on Ecological Economic Benefits of Mangrove in Sauk Village, Lolak Sub-district, Bolaang Mongondow District

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Muhammad Yusran Boynauw ◽  
Ridwan Lasabuda ◽  
Unstain N. W. J. Rembet

This study was carried out in Sauk village,  Lolak district, Bolaang Mongondow regency on June 10th – August 11th, 2016, around mangrove ecosystem at the geographic position of 00 50’ 10’’ N and 1230 56’ 40’’E. It was aimed to a) assess the ecological condition of the mangrove ecosystem of Sauk village based upon the community structure and (b) estimate the economic value of the mangrove ecosystem from direct and indirect benefit. Results found that the ecological value of the mangrove ecosystem was categorized as “rare” (<1000 trees/Ha), with low diversity index (< 2), and Sonneratia alba had very important role with the highest IVI. Total economic value was IDR. 1,116,830,000 per year based upon the benefit value.Keywords : economic benefit, ecology, mangrove ecosystem, Sauk village. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sauk Kec, Lolak Kab. Bolaang Mongondow pada tanggal 10 juni–11 Agustus 2016, di sekitaran kawasan ekosistem mangrove Desa Sauk yang terletak pada posisi geografis N 00 50’ 10’’ dan E 1230 56’ 40’’. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (a) Menilai kondisi ekologi ekosistem mangrove di Desa Sauk berdasarkan struktur komunitas. (b) Menghitung nilai ekonomi ekosistem mangrove berdasarkan nilai guna langsung dan tidak langsung. Nilai ekologi  ekosistem mangrove di Desa Sauk dikategorikan “jarang” (<1000 pohon per Ha), dengan indeks keanekaragaman  rendah (< 2) dan jenis yang yang sangat berperan adalah Sonneratia alba yang memliki INP tertinggi. Sedangkan nilai ekonomi total berdasarkan nilai manfaat sebesar Rp.1.116.830.000 per tahun.Kata Kunci : Manfaat ekonomi, ekologi ekosistem mangrove Desa Sauk

2020 ◽  
Vol 007 (02) ◽  
pp. 239-248
Trisla Warningsih ◽  
Kusai Kusai ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ◽  
Lamun Bathara ◽  

Mangrove ecosystem is a very important resource for the continuity of community life in coastal areas. Mangrove ecosystem in the coastal area of downstream Rokan district has decreased mangrove area because it is used as a pond area to reduce the production of mangrove litter as an ecological function that can be a carrying capacity of coastal capture fisheries. However, the use of coastal areas as pond areas provides economic benefits for aquaculture. This study aims to calculate the economic value of the Rokan Hilir Coastal mangrove ecosystem. This research was conducted in March-April 2019 in the survey method. Analysis to calculate the total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem is NET=ML+MTL+MP. The results showed the total economic benefit value of Rokan Hilir mangrove forest reached IDR 98.697.950.594 / year was a direct benefit value of IDR 701,425,106 / year, indirect benefits were obtained at IDR 94,606,056,000 / year, and the optional benefits reached IDR 3,512,126,520 / year. Mangrove ecosystems are ecosystems that provide many benefits to the Rokan Hilir Coastal community, so this ecosystem is highly expected to be sustainable.

Dwike Ariestantya ◽  
Rika Harini

Mangrove ecosystems have multiple functions, including economic and environmental ones. For optimal benefits, mangrove ecosystem management should be well-proportioned. The purpose of this study was to determine the most appropriate scenario for managing a mangrove ecosystem alongside aquaculture ponds, by performing an economic valuation to find out the value of management with the most beneficial scenarios, both ecologically and economically. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires, literature reviews, and institutional data. These data were then processed through economic valuations of the total economic value and cost-benefit analysis. Data were analysed spatially and descriptive-quantitatively. The total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem was USD 6.73 million. The benefit and costs of managing mangrove ecotourism were USD 3,930.74/ha/year and USD 1,701.69/ha/year, respectively, whereas the benefits and costs of managing ponds were USD 150,433.85/ha/year and USD 55,269.46/ha/year, respectively. The prioritized scenario of mangrove ecosystem management is one with an ideal proportion of mangrove and pond areas (i.e. 50:50) and the total ecological and economic benefits for a period of 25 years is USD 19.17 million.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
Rochadi Kristiningrum ◽  
Abubakar M. Lahjie ◽  

Abstract. Kristiningrum R, Lahjie AM, Masjaya, Yusuf S, Ruslim Y, Ma’ruf A. 2020. Fauna diversity, production potential and total economic value of mangrove ecosystems in Mentawir Village, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 1940-1953. Mangroves play important role in life. The benefits of the mangrove ecosystem consist of ecological and socio-economic values. However, it is a challenge to discern how the mangrove ecosystem provides a comprehensive economic value. This research is aimed to analyze the Total Economic Value (TEV) of mangrove ecosystems in Mentawir Village, North Penajam Paser District, East Kalimantan Province. This aim will be achieved by conducting fauna inventory, analysis of mangrove wood production potential, social-economic interviews, and infrastructure cost analysis as the inputs to calculate four elements (i.e. Direct Use Value, Indirect Use Value, Option Value, and Existence Value) to sum up the TEV. The research used a mixed-method combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. Fauna inventory was conducted using boat survey method and interviews with local fishermen. Data on mangrove wood production was obtained using the systematic random sampling method by establishing two plots with an area of one hectare for each plot to calculate mean annual increment (MAI) and current annual increment (CAI). The economic value of the mangrove ecosystem was calculated using market price values, replacement costs, and the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The results of fauna inventory consisted of 3 species of mammals, 1 species of reptile, 16 species of birds, 25 types of fish, 8 species of crustaceans, and 7 species of mollusks. The economic valuation resulted in the contribution of direct use value with 39.56% in the form of wood (94,875,000,000 IDR) and fishery products (103,500,000,000 IDR); indirect use value with 53.47% in the form of breakwater (38,028,881,407 IDR), abrasion resistance (218,549,528,110 IDR), and carbon sequestration (11,580,313,067); option value with 6.92% in the form of biodiversity (34,690,085,038 IDR); and existence value with 0.05% (241,500,000 IDR). All these resulted in the total economic value (TEV) of the mangrove ecosystem in Mentawir Village of 501,465,307,621 IDR. Therefore, this value can be the basis for policymakers in managing natural resources so that the ecosystem is more protected and sustainable, and can continue to provide environmental services for the welfare of the community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-162
Nyoto Santoso ◽  
Rizki Praba Nugraha ◽  
Ricardo Andalas

Mangrove ecosystems have enormous benefits for the community, especially for people living on the coast. The problems in the management of mangrove forests in Pangkah Kulon and Pangkah Wetan Villages are people did not consider the importance of mangrove ecosystems in terms of economics. The purpose of this study is 1) analysis community perceptions of the mangrove ecosystem; 2) estimating the total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem in Pangkah Kulon and Pangkah Wetan Villages. Data analysis in this study used descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activity of utilizing mangrove ecosystem resources, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the perceptions and total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The method of selecting respondents was purposive and snowball sampling, with a total number of respondents 60 person. Perception analysis using a Likert scale, analysis of the total economic value for the direct-use value using the price of resources used, indirect-use value using replacement costs, and option value using benefit transfers. The average perception of respondents has a value between 3.60 to 4.60, this mean that respondents agree and strongly agree to the functioning of mangrove ecosystems, both in economic, socio-cultural, ecological and physical functions, and respondents have a high dependency on mangrove resources. Analysis of the potential total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem is Rp. 97,547,237,496/year. The total economic value obtained from the direct-use value (utilization of the fisheries sector) amounted to Rp. 51,672,497,300/year, indirect-use value (abrasion restraints and sea waves) amounted to Rp. 45,161,544,004/year, and option value (biodiversity) amounted to Rp.713,196,192/year. The total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem in Pangkah Kulon and Pangkah Wetan Villages shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits for the community. Keywords: direct-use value, existence value, indirect-use value, mangrove ecosystem, option value, total economic value

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-50
Vita Fitriana Mayasari ◽  
Rudhi Pribadi ◽  
Nirwani Soenardjo

Ekosistem mangrove memiliki fungsi fisik, ekologi, dan ekonomi bagi manusia. Pemanfaatan mangrove yang tidak konservatif dapat menimbulkan kerusakan mangrove dan abrasi. Pemulihan ekosistem mangrove dengan rehabilitasi dan konservasi dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat ini mendorong diperlukannya perhitungan valuasi ekonomi terhadap ekosistem mangrove. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui total use value dan non use value ekosistem mangrove di Desa Timbulsloko, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif untuk menghimpun data monografi terkait ekosistem mangrove dan metode eksploratif untuk penentuan use value dan non use value ekosistem mangrove. Responden penelitian adalah 30 orang terdiri dari 29 masyarakat dan 1 orang perangkat desa yang berkaitan dengan keberadaan ekosistem mangrove secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Penelitian dilakukan pada Bulan September – Desember 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai total ekonomi ekosistem mangrove di Desa Timbulsloko adalah Rp 164.897.377,1/ha/tahun atau Rp 12.703.693.939/ tahun dengan luasan ekosistem mangrove 77,04 ha. Nilai tersebut terdiri dari total use value dan non use value dari sektor perikanan dan kelautan yang terkait dengan ekosistem mangrove. Use value sebesar Rp 11.095.403.189/tahun atau Rp 144.021.329/ha/tahun. Use value meliputi nilai guna langsung, nilai guna tidak langsung, dan nilai pilihan. Sedangkan non use value sebesar Rp 1.608.290.750/tahun atau Rp 20.876.048,16/ha/tahun. Non use value meliputi nilai keberadaan dan nilai warisan.   Mangrove ecosystem has physical, ecological and economical functions for humans. Non conservative use of mangrove can cause mangrove damage and abrasion. Restoration of mangrove ecosystems with rehabilitation and conservation can increase community income. The increasing of community income can cause the need of economic valuation calculations for the mangrove ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to determine the total of use value and non-use value of the mangrove ecosystem in Timbulsloko Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency. The method used in this study was a descriptive method to collect monograph data related to mangrove ecosystems and an exploratory method for determining use value and non-use value of the mangrove ecosystem. The research respondents were 30 residents consisting of 29 communities and 1 village officer who were directly and indirectly related to the existence of the mangrove ecosystem. This researched was conducted in September – December 2017. The result showed that the total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem in Timbulsloko Village was Rp. 164,897,377.1 / ha / year or Rp. 12,703,693,939 / year in 77.04ha of mangrove ecosystem area range. This value consists of the total use value and non-use value from the fisheries and marine sector which associated with the mangrove ecosystem. The use value of IDR 11,095,403,189 / year or IDR 144,021,329 / ha / year. The use values include direct use value, indirect use value, and option value. Meanwhile, the non-use value is IDR 1,608,290,750 / year or IDR 20,876,048.16 / ha / year. The non-use values include existence value and bequest value.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 007 (02) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Hades Mandela ◽  
Achmad Fahrudin ◽  
Gatot Yulianto ◽  

Mangrove ecosystems become an important ecosystem for the community of Mandah district, this is because the community uses the mangrove ecosystem as a producer of mangrove wood, as well as a place to catch fish, shrimp, and crabs. Therefore, it is important to maintain the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems in multiple ways; one option is by providing an economic report regarding the mangrove ecosystem. The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic value of mangrove ecosystems. This research was conducted in Mandah District using the survey method. Data analysis using economic valuation by calculating the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem services, comprising: supporting services, provisioning services, regulating services, and cultural services. The results showed that the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem services which has an area of 31,007 Ha amounting to IDR 6,100,130,675,685/year or IDR 196,733,985/Ha/year consisting of the value of supporting services amounting to IDR 2,843,521,034,280/year, the value of provisioning services IDR 120,274,922,887/year, the cost of regulatory services is IDR 3,132,894,718,518/year, and the value of cultural services is IDR 3,440,000,000/year. The high economic value of regulating and supporting services indicates that the mangrove ecosystem has a high value of environmental services, so it needs to be preserved and the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem to remain of high economic value.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
Maria MD Widiastuti ◽  
Novel Novri Ruata ◽  
Taslim Arifin

Ekosistem mangrove mengalami tekanan dan penurunan jasa lingkungan diduga karena abrasi dan fenomena alam serta aktivitas masyarakat seperti penggalian pasir di pesisir pantai. Pemerintah telah melakukan upaya konservasi hutan mangrove dengan cara penanaman kembali, namun belum berhasil. Salah satu permasalahan adalah belum atau tidak adanya informasi nilai ekonomi mangrove sebagai dasar penentuan program konservasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai ekonomi ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Laut Arafura meliputi 3 distrik yaitu Malind, Merauke dan Naukenjerai. Metode yang digunakan yaitu TEV (Total Economic Value) yang terdiri dari analisis nilai guna langsung menggunakan harga pasar. Nilai guna tidak langsung dan nilai pilihan menggunakan benefit transfer. Nilai non guna yang terdiri dari nilai keberadaan dan nilai pewarisan menggunakan WTP (willingness to pay). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ekonomi hutan mangrove di kawasan pesisir pantai Laut Arafura per tahun sebesar Rp. 213.344.656.759,00 (213 Milyar Rupiah) atau setara dengan Rp. 21.075.240,00/ha/tahun atau setara dengan Rp. 8,6 juta rupiah per kepala keluarga. Title: Economic Valuation In The Coastal Mangrove Ecosystem District MeraukeEcosystem mangrove in Araufra Coastal had underpressure and decreasing environmental services because of abration as natural phenomena, and unsuistainable community activities such as digging sand on the coast. The Government has made the conservation of mangrove forests by replanting, but has not succeeded. One of the problems is not yet or absence of information about the economic value of mangroves as the basis for determining the conservation program. This study aims to determine the economic value of the mangrove ecosystem in the Arafura Sea coast in three districts: Malind, Merauke and Naukenjerai. The methodology using TEV (Total Economic Value) consisting of direct use value analysis using market prices. Indirect use values and the options value using the benefits transfer. Non-use value consist the existence and bequest value using WTP (willingness to pay). The result showed that the economic value of mangrove forests in the coastal regions of the Arafura Sea is Rp. 213.344.656.759,00 (213 billion rupiah per year) or equivalent with Rp. 21.075.240,00/ha/year, or equivalent with Rp. 8,6 million per household.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 355-361
Bellatris Santri ◽  
Rudhi Pribadi ◽  
Irwani Irwani

ABSTRAK: Ekosistem hutan mangrove memiliki 3 fungsi utama yaitu fungsi fisik, fungsi ekologis dan fungsi ekonomi. Pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove semakin meningkat sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan dan penurunan jasa lingkungan. Untuk menghindari hilangnya fungsi ekosistem hutan mangrove maka perlu dilakukan konservasi mangrove dengan upaya rehabilitasi. Perhitungan valuasi ekonomi untuk mengetahui kerugian dari hilangnya nilai ekonomi ekosistem hutan mangrove. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui nilai guna (use value) maupun nilai non guna (non use value) dan nilai ekonomi total ekosistem hutan mangrove di Desa Betahwalang, Kecamatan Bonang, Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif eksploratif yang ditekankan pada kuantifikasi total nilai pemanfaatan langsung maupun tidak langsung ekosistem hutan mangrove. Sampel penelitian yang diambil adalah masyarakat yang mempunyai mata pencaharian berkaitan dengan keberadaan ekosistem hutan mangrove secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai ekonomi total ekosistem hutan mangrove di Desa Betahwalang adalah sebesar Rp 1.510.046.534/tahun yang didapatkan dari nilai guna (use value) sebesar Rp 817.443.034,35/tahun dan nilai non guna (non use value) sebesar Rp 692.603.500/tahun.  ABSTRACT: The mangrove forest ecosystem is an ecosystem located along the coast or river estuary that is influenced by the tide of sea water. The existence of this ecosystem has a very important role in the surrounding environment, either directly or undirectly. The Mangrove forest ecosystem has 3 main functions, physical, ecological and economic function. The utilization of mangrove ecosystem by the community is increasing and causing damage to the mangrove forest ecosystem. To avoid the loss of ecosystem function of mangrove forest, it needs to be renewed with mangrove rehabilitation. Calculation of economic valuation to determine the loss of economic value of the mangrove forest ecosystem if its existence is not maintained properly. This research has purposes for knowing the use value or non use value and the total economic value of the mangrove forest ecosystem in Betahwalang Village, Bonang District, Demak Regency. The methods used in this research are descriptive and explorative method that is emphasized on quantifying the total value of direct or undirect utilization of mangrove forest ecosystems. The method of discourse is used to describe the socio-economic activities of the community and the condition of mangrove forest ecosystem through interviews. Exploratory method is a method to find out the problems that exist in the community and natural phenomena that can affect the existence of economic value of the mangrove forest ecosystem. The results showed the total economic value of the mangrove forest ecosystem in the Betahwalang village is Rp. 1.510.046.534/year consisting of use value of Rp. 817.443.034.35/year and non use value Rp 692.603.500/year. The use value includes direct use value Rp 800.275.000/year and option value Rp The non use value include existence value Rp 612.576.000/year and bequest value Rp 80.027.500/year.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  

Abstract. Kristiningrum R, Lahjie AM, Masjaya, Yusuf S, Ruslim Y. 2019. Species diversity, stand productivity, aboveground biomass, and economic value of mangrove ecosystem in Mentawir Village, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 2848-2857. Mangrove forest is one of the important ecosystems. It provides a variety of benefits both ecologically and economically. There are many biodiversity values of mangrove ecosystems that it can be evaluated economically. This study aims to: (i) identify the species diversity of mangrove forest; (ii) analyze the mangrove productivity and aboveground biomass; (iii) analyze the ecosystem value of mangrove forest in Mentawir Village, Penajam Paser District, East Kalimantan Province. The research used systematic random sampling method by establishing two plots with extent of one hectare for each plot in which each plot was divided into 20m x 20m subplots. The volume and mean annual increment (MAI), as well as current annual increment (CAI), were calculated. Economic value of mangrove ecosystem was calculated using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to reveal the total margin between Willingness to Pay (WTP) of wood produced by mangrove forest and Willingness to Accept (WTA) of fisheries catches. The results showed that there were 12 species of mangroves in the studied areas in which Rhizophora apiculata was the dominant species. Total aboveground biomass in Plot I and Plot II were respectively 127.46 tons ha-1 (62.61 tons C ha-1) and 79.26 (38.85 tons C ha-1) and dominated by Rhizophoraceace family with 76.80%, while 23.22% of the biomass was contributed by other mangrove families. The mangrove forest had a maximum average volume increment at 48 years and 42 years with MAI of 2.97 ha-1yr-1and 2.12 m3 ha-1yr-1 at Plot I and Plot II, respectively, with the total volume reached 127.5 m3 ha-1 and 79.60 m3 ha-1. The calculation of total margin between WTP and WTA indicated that in economic value of mangrove ecosystem in Mentawir Village with an extent of 2,300 ha was between IDR 207,000,000 yr-1 and IDR 345,000,000 yr-1. Our findings suggest that a good mangrove ecosystem will result in high economic value and biodiversity values cannot be separated from economic benefits in order to protect its sustainability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 133 ◽  
Rio N. Puasa ◽  
Adnan S. Wantasen ◽  
Stephanus V. Mandagi

This research was conducted in coastal area of Tongkaina Village, Bunaken Sub-district, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this study was to calculate the diversity of mangrove plants and map the zoning of mangrove species distribution in three research sites. The data collected are categorized as primary and secondary data. Primary data collection related to biophysical condition of mangrove ecosystem, including vegetation structure and area of mangrove cover in study site and further analyzed. Secondary data were collected from various literature studies, documentation and scientific papers and related legislation. Based on  the obtained results, it was known that the diversity index of mangrove in Tongkaina is 1.71 which is categorized as medium in term of its diversity, because the value of H 'is greater than 1 and smaller than 3. This value means also that there was enough productivity, ecosystem condition is quite balanced, and moderate ecological pressures. The highest species diversity index was found in Sonneratia alba with an index of 0.37 and the lowest was in the Bruguiera gymnorrhiza species with index of 0.06. Mapping of mangrove species is done by taking coordinate points within quadrant at three research sites. Color degradation with rounded symbols are used to distinguish each species. The aims are designed to be able to easily distinguish between species visually and can be used as one method of mapping study on the diversity of mangroves. This study reveals the known levels of mangrove diversity are moderate. The existence of fishing activities and mooring boat by the local community contribute to mangrove land degradation. Indispensable protection or conservation through knowledge transfer and building awareness to the community, as well as providing an economic alternative for those utilizing mangrove for both household and commercial needs, in order to maintain better conditions are equally important.Keywords: Mapping, Mangrove, Diversity, TongkainaAbstrakPenelitian ini berlokasi di kawasan pesisir pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghitung keanekaragaman hutan mangrove serta memetakan zonasi pembagian jenis mangrove di tiga stasiun penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer berkaitan dengan kondisi biofisik ekosistem mangrove yaitu, struktur vegetasi dan luasan mangrove di daerah penelitian dan selanjutnya dianalisis. Kemudian data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai kajian literature, dokumentasi dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah serta peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Pada hasil yang diperoleh diketahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman mangrove di Tongkaina adalah 1,71 dimana nilai indeks ini tergolong dalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang, karena nilai H’ lebih besar dari 1 dan lebih kecil dari 3, yang berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang, dan tekanan ekologis sedang. Indeks Keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi didapati pada Sonneratia alba dengan nilai indeks 0,37 dan terendah ada pada spesies Bruguiera gymnorrhiza yang memiliki nilai indeks yaitu 0,06. Pemetaan jenis mangrove dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan titik koordinat pada kuadran di tiga stasiun penelitian. Degradasi warna dengan simbol bulat di pakai untuk membedakan tiap spesies. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat dengan mudah membedakan antar spesies secara visual serta dapat dijadikan salah satu metode kajian untuk memetakan keanekaragaman mangrove. Diketahui tingkat keanekaragaman mangrove tergolong sedang. Adanya kegiatan pertambakan dan tambatan perahu masyarakat membuat lahan mangrove semakin berkurang. Sangat diperlukan adanya perlindungan atau pelestarian melalui pengetahuan dan penyadaran kepada masyarakat, serta memberikan alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga ataupun komersial, demi menjaga perkembangan kondisi yang lebih baik.Kata kunci:      Pemetaan, Mangrove, Keanekaragaman, Tongkaina

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