scholarly journals Analysis Of Types Of Carotenoid Pigments In Crab Sesarmops sp From Manado By Coast

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Melinda Margareta Adrian ◽  
Darus S. J Paransa ◽  
James J. H Paulus ◽  
Nickson J. Kawung ◽  
Robert A. Bara ◽  

Carotenoid pigments are a group of pigments that are yellow, orange, and red-orange in color. Pigments are natural dyes found in plants and animals, extracts of carotenoid pigments can be separated by chromatographic methods where the common chromatographic methods in determining the type of pigment are Column Chromatography (CC) and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The purpose of this study was to determine the types of pigments contained in the carapace extract of the male crab Sesarmops sp. The Sesarmops sp crab has a brown dorsal carapace with blackish-brown leg spots known as mangrove crabs. Crabs in the Sesarmidae family have a carapace formation and wide legs, do not have swimming legs, and have a pair of claws that are faded purple, the presence of these colors can be identified as containing carotenoid pigments. The results of this study obtained the content of carotenoid pigment 25.2 g/gr and the value of the concentration of carotenoid pigment in the male crab extract Sesarmops sp 10.99 g. The results of the separation of the total pigment extract using column chromatography obtained the types of pigments -carotene, Ekinenon, Zeaxanthin, and Astaxanthin. Keywords: Column Chromatography (CC); Carotenoids; Sesarmops sp                                                                       AbstrakPigmen karotenoid adalah sekelompok pigmen yang berwarna kuning, oranye dan merah oranye. Pigmen adalah zat warna alami yang terdapat pada tumbuhan  dan hewan, ekstrak pigmen karotenoid dapat dipisahkan dengan metode kromatografi yang dimana metode kromatografi umum dalam menentukan jenis pigmen adalah Kromatografi Kolom (KK) dan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pigmen apa saja yang terdapar pada ekstrak karapas kepiting jantan Sesarmops sp. Kepiting Sesarmops sp memiliki karapas dorsal bewarna coklat dengan bintik kaki coklat kehitaman yang dikenal sebagai kepiting mangrove. Kepiting dalam keluarga sesarmidae memiliki bentukan karapas dan kaki yang lebar tidak memiliki kaki renang serta memiliki sepasang capit berwarna ungu pudar, adanya warna tersebut kepiting dapat diidentikasikan mengandung jenis pigmen karotenoid.  Dari hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan kandungan pigmen karotenoid 25,2 dan nilai konsentrasi pigmen karotenoid pada ekstrak kepiting jantan Sesarmops sp 10,99 . Hasil pemisahan dari ekstrak pigmen total menggunakan kromatografi kolom didapatkan jenis pigmen β-karoten, Ekinenon, Zeaxantin dan Astaxantin

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 132
Fatika Sari Mokoginta ◽  
Darus Saadah Johanis Paransa ◽  
Kurnati Kemer ◽  
James J. H. Paulus ◽  
Nickson J. Kawung ◽  

Carotenoid pigments have various colors such as yellow, orange, or red-orange. One of the carotenoid pigment sources is Crab G. albolineatus Latreille in Milbert 1812. Column chromatography separation technique was used to determine the metabolism of carotenoid pigments in the crab G. albolineatus latreille in Milbert 1812. This CC separation used hexane and acetone as the developer solution (70:30). The developer solution as known as the mobile phase is semipolar, while the stationary phase is silica powder G60. Therefore, it formed two metabolic pathways. The male G. albolineatus crab used in this study was on the D3 molting stage which had a concentration of 36.37 g/g dry residue and 4.72 g content. The types of pigments identified are: β – karoten, Zeaxanthin, lutein, β – kriptoxanthin dan Astaxanthin.Keywords: Carotenoid Pigments; G. albolineatus; Column Chromatography; MoltingAbstrakPigmen karotenoid memiliki berbagai warna seperti kuning, oranye, atau merah oranye. Salah satu sumber pigmen karotenoid adalah pada karapas kepiting G. albolineatus Latreille in Milbert 1812. Untuk mengetahui metabolisme jenis pigmen karotenoid pada kepiting Grapsus albolineatus latreille in Milbert 1812 yaitu menggunakan pemisahan kromatografi Kolom. Pemisahan KK ini menggunakan larutan pengembang heksan dan aseton (70:30). Larutan pengembang merupakan fase gerak yang bersifat semipolar dan fase diamnya menggunakan bubuk silika G60. Terbentuk dua  jalur metabolisme. Kepiting G. albolineatus jantan yang digunakan pada penelitian berada di stadium molting D3 dengan konsentrasi sebesar 36,37 µg/g berat residu kering dan kandungan 4,72 µg. Jenis pigmen yang teridentifikasi yaitu : β – karoten, Zeaxanthin, lutein, β – kriptoxanthin dan Astaxanthin.Kata kunci: Pigmen; Karotenoid; G. albolineatus; Kromatofrafi Kolom; Molting

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Dias Diasasthisa ◽  
Darus J Paransa ◽  
Desy MH Mantiri ◽  
Antonius Rumengan ◽  
Veibe Warouw ◽  

Carotenoids are pigments with a range of red, orange and yellow colors. In carotenoid and chlorophyll plants are located in chloroplasts which undergo photosynthesis as well as photosynthetic bacteria and fungi. Carotenoid compounds have antioxidant activity, anticancer, as precursors of vitamin A and can enhance immunity. Crustaceans like crabs Grapsus sp. have carotenoid pigments, visible red, orange, and yellow are scattered in the carapace. Pigments found in crustaceans as well as crabs of Grapsus sp. generally sourced from food eaten by the crab. To determine the process of carotenoid pigment metabolism, each crab organ of Grapsus sp. isolated using thin layer chromatography separation method and column chromatography to determine the type of pigment contained therein. Pigment types identified in the crabs of Grapsus sp. males using the TLC method: β-carotene, Astasen type, Cantasantin, Astasantin, and Adonirubin. Pigment types identified in the crabs of Grapsus sp. males using the CC method: β-carotene, Astasen, β-cryptosanthine, Zeaxantine, and Cryptosanthine. Keywords : Grapsus sp., Thin Layer Chromatography, Column Chromatography, Carotenoids Pigments.             Karotenoid merupakan pigmen dengan kisaran warna merah, orange dan kuning. Pada tumbuhan karotenoid dan klorofil terletak pada kloroplas yang mengalami proses fotosintesis seperti juga pada bakteri fotosintetik dan fungi. Senyawa karotenoid memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, antikanker, sebagai prekursor vitamin A dan dapat meningkatkan imunitas. Krustasea seperti kepiting Grapsus sp. mempunyai pigmen karotenoid, terlihat warna merah, jingga, dan kuning yang tersebar pada karapas. Pigmen yang terdapat pada krustasea demikian juga pada kepiting Grapsus sp. umumnya bersumber dari makanan yang dimakan oleh kepiting tersebut. Untuk mengetahui proses metabolisme pigmen karotenoid maka masing-masing organ kepiting Grapsus sp. diisolasi dengan menggunakan metode pemisahan kromatografi lapis tipis dan kromatografi kolom untuk mengetahui jenis pigmen yang terkandung didalamnya. Jenis pigmen yang teridentifikasi pada kepiting Grapsus sp. jantan dengan metode KLT yaitu : β- karoten, Tipe Astasen, Kantasantin, Astasantin, dan Adonirubin. Jenis pigmen yang teridentifikasi pada kepiting Grapsus sp. jantan dengan metode KK  yaitu : β- karoten, Astasen, β-kriptosantin, Zeaxantin, dan Kriptosantin. Kata Kunci : Grapsus sp., Kromatografi Lapis Tipis, Kromatografi Kolom, Pigmen Karotenoid.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Anisa ET Silaa ◽  
Darus SJ Paransa ◽  
Anton P Rumengan ◽  
Kurniati Kemer ◽  
Natalie DC Rumampuk ◽  

Grapsus sp crab has a greenish black body color and also known as stone crab. Crabs in the genus Grapsus sp have a swift movement, long legs, they do not have swimming legs and have small reddish purple or purple-orange color, claws on the body of this crab indicated the presence of pigments such as carotenoid pigments. Carotenoid pigments are one form of secondary metabolites which consist of carotene and xanthophyll groups. Carotenoid pigments are present in yellow, orange or orange red which are also found in crabs. Separation of carotenoid pigments can be done using the TLC method, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Column Chromatography (CC). The purpose of this study was to determine the type of carotenoid pigment from male Grapsus sp crab extract using the Column Chromatography separation method. From the results of this study, the carotenoid pigment content in the 1,2 and 3 carapace was 46,85 μg, 39 µg, and 33,14 µg. The carotenoid pigment concentrations in carapace extracts 1,2 and 3 are 25,38 µg/g, 23,4 µg/g and 5,11 µg/g. From the results of the separation using the column chromatography method, the type of carotenoid pigment identified from the carapace extract of Grapsus sp male is β-Carotene, Ekinenon, Astaxantine, Kantaxantine and Astacen.Keywords: Grapsus sp, Carotenoid, Column ChromatographyKepiting Grapsus sp memiliki warna tubuh hitam kehijauan dan dikenal dengan nama kepiting batu. Kepiting dalam genus Grapsus sp memiliki gerakkan yang cekatan, mempunyai kaki yang panjang, tidak memiliki kaki renang dan memiliki capit berukuran kecil yang berwarna ungu kemerahan atau ungu-oranye warna pada tubuh kepiting ini mengindikasikan adanya kandungan pigmen seperti pigmen karotenoid. Pigmen karotenoid merupakan salah satu bentuk metabolit sekunder yang yang terdiri dari golongan karoten dan xantofil. Pigmen karotenoid  hadir dalam warna kuning, oranye, atau merah oranye, yang juga ditemukan pada kepiting. Pemisahan pigmen karotenoid dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode KLT, Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dan Kromatografi Kolom (KK). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis pigmen karotenoid dari ekstrak kepiting Grapsus sp Jantan dengan menggunakan metode pemisahan Kromatografi Kolom. Dari hasil penelitian ini, didapatkan kandungan pigmen karotenoid pada karapas 1,2 dan 3 adalah 46,85 µg 39 µg, dan 33,14 µg. Konsentrasi pigmen karotenoid pada ekstrak karapas 1,2 dan 3 adalah 25,38 µg/g, 23,4 µg/g dan 5,11 µg/g. Hasil pemisahan menggunakan metode pemisahan kromatografi kolom didapatkan ekstrak karapas kepiting Grapsus sp jantan memiliki jenis pigmen β-Karoten, Ekinenon, Astaxantin, Kantaxantin dan Astasen.Kata kunci: Grapsus sp, Karotenoid, Kromatografi Kolom, 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 75
Sutandi Makalalag ◽  
Darus saadah Paransa ◽  
Desy M H Mantri

Grapsus albolineatus (Lamarck) is one of the species of blackish-green crab found above or below the coastal rocks. At has long legs and no swimming legs and has a small claw. Purple capitals, is characteristic of this type of crab., the G. albolineatus crab has an attractive color on the carapace organ that indicates the presence of pigment content. This study was aimed to determined the content and it’s pigment type of the organs of the carapace, epidermal layer, hepatopancreas, blood and gonads in the female G. albolineatus (Lamarck) crab. The method of this research in order to separated and determinated of pigment content by using thin layer chromatography (TLC) method. The results obtained in this study were the total pigment content of G. albolineatus crab showed the highest value in gonad organ with value 34,41 μg, followed by epidermal layer organ 12,19 μg, hepatopancreas 9,61 μg, blood 1,06 μg and carapace 0.42 μg. the pigment content of the gonads organ has the highest value compared with other organs, it is presumed that the female G. albolineatus crab is at the mature stage of the gonad, so that the carotenoid pigment is still accumulated on the gonad organ used for the gonadal maturation process. The types of pigment identified in the extract of the carapace organ, epidermal layer, hepatopancreas, gonads and blood from female G. albolineatus crabs with semipolar solution of Petroleum Eter and Acetone are: β-carotene, echinone, kantaksantin, adonirubin type, astaxanthine and astacene .Keywords: Grapsus albolineatus, TLC, pigmentGrapsus albolineatus (Lamarck) merupakan salah satu spesies kepiting yang berwarna hitam kehijauan yang ditemukan di atas atau di bawah batu pantai. Memiliki kaki jalan yang panjang dan tidak memiliki kaki renang serta memiliki capit yang berukuran kecil. Capit berwarna ungu, merupakan ciri khas kepiting jenis ini. Kepiting G. albolineatus memiliki warna yang menarik pada organ karapas yang mengindikasikan adanya kandungan pigmen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kandungan dan jenis pigmen pada organ karapas, lapisan epidermis, hepatopankreas, darah dan gonad pada kepiting G. albolineatus (Lamarck) betina. Pemisahan yang umum digunakan dalam penentuan jenis pigmen karotenoid adalah menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis. Pemisahan ini dikenal karena proses pemisahannya mudah, sederhana dan membutuhkan waktu yang relatif singkat serta dapat menghasilkan data yang akurat. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah kandungan pigmen total dari kepiting G. albolineatus menunjukkan nilai tertinggi pada organ gonad dengan nilai 34,41 g, diikuti organ lapisan epidermis 12,19 g, hepatopankreas 9,61 g, darah 1,06 g dan karapas 0,42 g. kandungan pigmen pada organ gonad memiliki nilai tertinggi dibandingkan dengan organ lainnya, diduga kepiting G. albolineatus betina ini berada pada tahap matang gonad, sehingga pigmen karotenoid masih tertumpuk pada organ gonad yang digunakan untuk proses pematangan gonad. Jenis-jenis pigmen yang teridentifikasi pada ekstrak organ karapas, lapisan epidermis, hepatopankreas, gonad dan darah dari kepiting G. albolineatus betina dengan larutan pengembang PE dan Aseton (80:20) yang bersifat semipolar yaitu: β-karoten, ekinenon, kantaksantin, tipe adonirubin, astaksantin dan astasen.Kata kunci : Grapsus albolineatus, KLT, pigmen

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 380-387
Jaswinder Kaur Virk ◽  
Vikas Gupta ◽  
Mukesh Maithani ◽  
Ravindra K. Rawal ◽  
Sanjiv Kumar ◽  

Background: Vriddhi is one of the Rasayana herbs in Ayurveda broadly used in vitality, strengthening Ayurvedic formulations. To fulfill steeply increased demand and declined supply, tubers have been collected in destructive manner resulting in reduced plant population and pushing the plant in Red list of IUCN endangered species. However, manufacturers are using substitutes and other substandard drugs leading to adulteration which puts the importance of therapeutically rich herbal plants at stake. Lack of chemical markers is the main inability of regulatory authorities for not taking any action against this adulteration. Objective: Isolation of chemical marker of plant that can be used as a reference compound for identification of unauthorized substitution. Methods: Preliminary phytochemical screening of methanolic and toluene extract of H. intermedia D. Don was done using standard methods followed by column chromatography for the isolation of phytoconstituents. A total of 3004 fractions were collected with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) profiling and different fractions were pooled. A single compound was isolated and confirmed by chemical test, melting point, spectral analysis and compared with the literature. Results: Phytochemical screening of extracts shows the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolics. A pure white crystalline powder was isolated by column chromatography which was characterized as 3,5-dimethoxy-4- hydroxycinnamic acid (Sinapic acid) with the help of IR and Mass spectroscopy. Conclusion: This is the first report of Sinapic acid as a novel compound from Vriddhi, Habenaria genus and Orchidaceae family. It can be used as a marker for the identification of unauthorized substitution and adulteration claiming the use of Vriddhi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-92
B.A. Ayinde ◽  
J.O. Owolabi ◽  
I.S. Uti ◽  
P.C. Ogbeta ◽  
M.I. Choudhary

The antidiarrhoeal effect of Waltheria indica methanol extract and fractions have been reported earlier but, the present work examined the intestinal relaxant effects of two flavonoid-phenyl propanoids isolated from the methanol extract. The active aqueous fraction was subjected to vacuum liquid chromatography using dichloromethane with increasing concentration of ethyl acetate, and that of methanol and water successively. The ten (10) fractions obtained were combined to give seven (7). The fraction 2 (C, D) was subjected to preparative thin layer chromatography on silica gel GF254 (10-40μm) using CHCl3-CH3OH (8:2) to obtain compound coded F2. Fraction 4 (F) was subjected to column chromatography using silica gel (60-120μm mesh) and eluted with  dichloromethane with increasing concentrations of methanol. Fractions 9-28 were combined and subjected to column  chromatography using chloroform with increasing concentration of methanol. The fractions 1-16 of these were purified on Sephadex LH-20 to obtain compound BAA. The identities of the two compounds were established using spectroscopic methods. The  antidiarrheal effect of compound F2 was evaluated on mice using charcoal transit (100,200, 400mg/kg), castor oil (40, 60 mg/kg)  while the two compounds were examined for their inhibitory effects on Ach-induced ileum contraction. The effects of the  compounds were compared with loperamide (3mg/kg) and atropine (80μg). Compounds F2 and BAA were identified as tiliroside and 3’’’, 5’’’-dimethoxy tiliroside respectively. Tiliroside inhibited the charcoal transition in the animals in a dose dependent pattern with 400mg/ mL eliciting 63.41% inhibition compared to 59.23% produced by loperamide. The compound also elicited significantly (P<0.05) prolonged onset of stooling and reduced the number and weight of stools produced lower than the control. The two  compounds drastically inhibited the Ach-induced contractions of the ileum. The compound, tiliroside at 10mg, completely abolished  the contraction by Ach unlike 3’’’, 5’’’-dimethoxy tiliroside which reduced the contraction to 1.92% at 20mg. The identified compounds seem to be responsible for the ethnomedicinal use of the plant in treating diarrhea.

Mahmoud A Tantawy ◽  
Israa A Wahba ◽  
Samah S Saad ◽  
Nesrin K Ramadan

Abstract Two sensitive, selective and precise chromatographic methods have been established for concomitant quantification of ciprofloxacin HCl (CIP), fluocinolone acetonide (FLU) along with ciprofloxacin impurity A (CIP-imp A). The first method was thin-layer chromatography (TLC-densitometry) where separation was accomplished using TLC silica plates 60 G.F254 as a stationary phase and chloroform–methanol–33%ammonia (4.6:4.4:1, by volume) as a developing system. The obtained plates were scanned at 260 nm over concentration ranges of 1.0–40.0, 0.6–20.0 and 1.0–40.0 μg band−1 for CIP, FLU and CIP-imp A, respectively. The second method was based on high-performance liquid chromatography using a Zorbax ODS column (5 μm, 150 × 4.6 mm i.d.) where adequate separation was achieved through a mobile phase composed of phosphate buffer pH 3.6–acetonitrile (45:55, v/v) at flow rate 1.0 mL min−1 with ultraviolet detection at 254 nm. Linear regressions were obtained in the range of 1.0–40.0 μg mL−1 for CIP, 0.6–20.0 μg mL−1 for FLU and 1.0–40.0 μg mL−1 for CIP-imp A. The suggested methods were validated in compliance with the International Conference on Harmonization guidelines and were successfully applied for determination of CIP and FLU in bulk powder and newly marketed otic solution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Bahman Nickavar ◽  
Hossein Vahidi ◽  
Mehrnoosh Eslami

Abstract Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus is a fungus that belongs to the Mucoraceae family that is used for the preparation of some soy-fermented foods. Microbial biotransformation of progesterone by R. microsporus var. oligosporus afforded some monohydroxylated and dihydroxylated metabolites. The main product was purified using chromatographic methods and identified as 11α-hydroxyprogesterone on the basis of its spectroscopic features. Time course studies by high-performance thin-layer chromatography demonstrated that this fungi efficiently hydroxylated progesterone at the 11α-position for 3 days with a yield of 76.48%, but beyond this time, the microorganism transformed 11α-hydroxyprogesterone into dihydroxylated metabolites. 11α-Hydroxyprogesterone is widely used as a precursor in the synthesis of hydrocortisone and other steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

1979 ◽  
Vol 34 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 288-289 ◽  
M. M. El-Olemy ◽  
J. Reisch

Abstract Batatasin I was shown to occur in the fresh rhizomes of poisonous yam (Dioscorea dumetorum Pax.,). It was isolated by column chromatography and identified by chromatographic and spectral evidence. Two other unknown phenanthrenes were shown to occur by thin-layer chromatography.

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