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Published By Universitas Sam Ratulangi


2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Risandi D Sitaba ◽  
Carolus P Paruntu ◽  
Billy Theodorus Wagey

This research was conducted in the waters of Tarabitan Peninsula, West Likupang North Minahasa using quadants transect method. The purpose of this study was to determine the community structure of seagrass found in that waters as initial information for sustainable management seagrass ecosystem . Field observation was conducted to identify the seagrass species, number of individuals/shoots, percent cover for each type of seagrass in those plotting quadrants. The result of this study documented 6 types of seagrass namely, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis. The species composition and distribution of seagrass were varied and was dominated by Thalassia hemprichii was the most dominant seagrass species with a relative density of 55.55%, a relative frequency of 33.67%, 39.92% relative cover, an important value index of 129.03%, a diversity index of 1.30 belonging to this condition, moderate, the uniformity index of 0.72 is classified as high and the dominance index of 0.2 is classified as low. Based on Minister of Environment Decree Republic Indonesia No. 200 of 2004 concerning the status of seagrass beds, the condition of the seagrass beds in the waters of Tarabitan Village is classified as rich / healthy with a cover value of ≥ 60. Keywords : Seagrass Community, Species Composition,  distribution, Tarabitan Peninsula           Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Semenanjung Tarabitan Likupang Barat Minahasa Utara dengan menggunakan metode transek kuadran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas lamun yang terdapat di perairan tersebut sebagai informasi awal untuk pengelolaan lamun secara berkelanjutan. Pengamatan lapangan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis lamun, jumlah individu/tegakan, persentase tutupan tiap jenis lamun pada tiap kuadran. Hasil penelitian ini mendokumentasikan 6 jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halophila ovalis dan Halodule uninervis. Komposisi jenis dan sebaran lamun bervariasi dan didominasi oleh jenis lamun Thalassia hemprichii merupakan jenis lamun yang paling dominan dengan kerapatan relatif 55,55%, frekuensi relatif 33,67%, tutupan relatif 39,92%, indeks nilai penting 129,03%, indeks keanekaragaman 1,30 tergolong dalam kondisi sedang, indeks keseragaman 0,72 tergolong tinggi dan indeks dominansi 0,2 tergolong rendah. Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 200 Tahun 2004, kondisi padang lamun di perairan Desa Tarabitan tergolong kaya / sehat dengan nilai tutupan ≥ 60.Kata Kunci: Komunitas Lamun, Komposisi Jenis, Distribusi, Semenanjung Tarabitan

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Q Xaxa Alvin Kai ◽  
Inneke FM Rumengan ◽  
Rosita AJ Lintang ◽  
Stenly Wullur ◽  
Deiske A Sumilat ◽  

Glutathion is a tripeptides produced by almost all living creatures, including marine fauna such as rotifers and shrimps. Judging from the important molecular role of glutathion in living cell,  the ability of glutathion as antiviral compound, has been assed by application of the AutodockTools to predict the ability of glutathion as ligand to bind receptors of several viral diseases such as  covid-19, malaria, and hepatitis B. Docking results of glutathion toward target receptor were shown by the parameter, Gibbs energy value, and supported by other data such as the amount of hidrogen bond, amino acid residues, and bond distance. Evidently, the glutathion could bind to  each receptor of covid-19, malaria and hepatitis B, with values of  Gibbs energy (∆G), -7,9, 7,1 and -7,1 kcal/mol, respectively. This proves that glutathion has ability to bind covid-19 receptor, even stronger than its ability to bind receptors of other viral diseases, and to the remdesevir. Between glutathion and covid-19 receptor, there were 11 hidrogen bonds, with distance ranged from 2,76 to 3,25 Å. These were stronger than those between glutathion and receptors of malaria and hepatitis B, only  8 and 4 Å hidrogen bonds, respectively.  To develop glutathion as antiviral drug, it is necessary to carry out in vitro and in vivo analyses, prior to clinical test. Therefore, it requires to explore the marine fauna species that produce glutathion and their cultivation.Keywords: molecular docking, glutathion, marine fauna, autodock vina, viral diseases, binding affinity

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Rivaldo A Wuisan ◽  
Erly Kaligis

Crab of the genus Uca is one type of crustacean that makes mangroves a habitat to carry out their life cycle in order to remain sustainable. The purpose of this research is to identify the first, the second is to calculate the abundance, species diversity, dominance, and the third is to know the state of the aquatic environment around pH, temperature, salinity and substrate. The method used is the cruising method and the quadratic line transect method. The method of roaming as far as 300 m. While the line transect method is carried out by drawing three transect lines along 28 m. The identification results in Meras waters found 6 species. Based on data analysis using the cruising method, the number of individuals in Meras waters is 383 individuals, while in Molas waters there are 210 individuals. Based on data analysis using the quadratic line transect method, the species abundance index in Meras waters is 6,767 ind/m2, while in Molas waters it is 4,533 ind/m2. The value of H' at two locations is moderate. The value of C in two locations is low.   Keywords: Meras, Molas, Crabs, abundance, species diversity, dominance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Stenly J Loliwu ◽  
Natalie DC Rumampuk ◽  
Joshian NW Schaduw ◽  
Sandra O Tilaar ◽  
Frans Lumoindong ◽  

Based on the material content, waste is grouped into two types, namely organic waste (waste derived from animal, plant and human parts) and inorganic waste (waste derived from materials such as metal, glass, styrofoam, plastic and rubber). Inorganic waste is one of the coastal pollution problems, yet information about inorganic waste in mangrove ecosystem was relatively low, especially at Lesah Village, Tagulandang Sub district, Sitaro Regency. This study aims to determine the distribution of inorganic waste by type and to analyze the characteristic of inorganic waste based on the amount of size and weight found. The method used in this research is the line transects method at 3 different stations. The results showed that the types of marine debris that found were plastic, rubber, metal, and glass waste and there were 2 characteristics, namely mega-debris and macro-debris. Of the various types of debris obtained, plastic is the most commonly found, 161 items/23.329m2 (69.099 Items/ha) with a total weight of 1357.75 gram/ha and a total size of 1938.93 cm/ha. Followed by rubber debris as many as 5 items/23.329m2 (2.146 items/ha) with a total weight of 159.309 gram/ha and a total size of 59.871 cm/ha. Then, glass debris as many as 4 items/23.329m2 (1.717 items/ha) with a total weight of 402,159 grams/ha a total size of 31.030 cm/ha. Whereas, metal debris is the lowest value found as many as 3 item/23.329m2 (1.288 items/ha) with a total weight of 67.622 gram/ha and a total size of 19.528 cm/ha.Keywords: Inorganic waste, Mangrove Ecosystem, Desa Lesah

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Zulkifli Otoluwa ◽  
Rignolda Djamaluddin ◽  
Royke M Rampengan ◽  
Jane Mamuaya ◽  
Esry T Opa ◽  

Beach formation has an important role in protecting land from the action of the sea and it is useful for recreation, conservation and other uses. In “Wisata Bahari Sario” Kota Manado coastal area there is still a particular area of beach that is used for various purposes, so it is important to study its morphology. This research was conducted with the aim of describing morphology and analyzing oceanographic factors that affected the dynamic process of beach morphology. The results showed that the beach had an area of 422.69 m2, with the criteria for short slopes in the Northeast and long slopes in the Southwest. The shapes of the beach surface were in the form of gutters and shoots, their appearance was more visible towards the Southwest. In general, the deposition process took place more intensively in the Southwestern part of the beach. Keywords: Beach, Morphology, Slope, Deposition

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Intanta Br Ginting ◽  
Ping Astony Angmalisang ◽  
Royke M Rampengan ◽  
Rignolda Djamaluddin ◽  
Hermanto WK Manengkey ◽  

The waters surrounding the Minahasa Peninsula are important areas of various activities by use of coastal and marine space. This research aims, firstly to describe direction, period and height of waves at several water areas around the Minahasa Peninsula in various season. Secondly to analyze the characteristic of daily and seasonal waves. The wave parameter, which reanalysis by ECMWF for 5 years (September 2014 to august 2019) were used in this research.  By the analysis spasial-temporal, the results are presented by the rose grapich waves direction and stock chart. The wave propagation in the north season and transition season I, is dominated by the northeasterly wave. While the wave propagation in the southern season and the transitional season II, is more diverse directions. The characteristics of the waves formed in the southeast Minahasa waters in the north season and transitional season I, show that the wave period is greater than in the waters of Manado Bay and Bitung waters. Furthermore, the wave characteristics formed in the waters of the Minahasa Peninsula show a significant wave height in Bitung waters which is higher than the waters of Manado Bay and Southeast Minahasa waters.Keywords: Waves, ECMWF, Minahasa Peninsula Waters Perairan sekitar Semenanjung Minahasa merupakan kawasan penting dalam berbagai aktivitas pemanfaatan ruang pantai dan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan, pertama untuk mendeskripsikan arah, periode, dan tinggi gelombang di beberapa kawasan perairan sekitar Semenanjung Minahasa dalam berbagai musim yang berlangsung. Kedua adalah menganalisis karakteristik gelombang harian dan musiman pada perairan sekitar Semenanjung Minahasa.  Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data reanalysis ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) parameter gelombang selama 5 tahun mulai bulan September 2014 sampai Agustus 2019.  Dengan metode analisis spasial-temporal hasilnya disajikan dalam bentuk grafik mawar arah datang gelombang dan grafik kotak (stock chart). Rambatan gelombang pada musim Utara dan musim Peralihan I, arah datangnya didominasi dari arah Timur Laut.  Sedangkan rambatan gelombang pada musim Selatan dan musim Peralihan II, arah datangnya lebih beragam.  Karakteristik gelombang yang terbentuk di perairan Minahasa Tenggara pada musim Utara dan musim Peralihan I memperlihatkan periode gelombangnya lebih besar dari pada perairan Teluk Manado dan Perairan Bitung. Selanjutnya karakteristik gelombang yang terbentuk di perairan Semenanjung Minahasa memperlihatkan tinggi gelombang signifikan di perairan Bitung lebih tinggi dari pada perairan Teluk Manado dan perairan Minahasa Tenggara.Kata kunci: Gelombang, ECMWF, Perairan Semenanjung Minahasa

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Easter Tulung ◽  
Dannie R.S. Oroh ◽  
Frans V Rattu ◽  
Alma Pongtuluran

The research, which was conducted in the Coral and Mangrove Modulation Area, Tateli Campus, Manado State Polytechnic, from January to October 2020, aimed to obtain data on the growth of mangroves in the Coral & Mangrove Modulation Area of the Tateli Campus. nature and research place for lecturers. Collecting data using a mangrove modulation area of 20 m2 and divided into four quadrants measuring 10 m2. Observations and data collection in this study included measurements of trees, saplings, seedling height, seedling leaves, and seedlings branches. As for Coral Reefs using the observation method. Observation is conducting direct observations in the field to dive and take pictures and measure the growth of corals in that location. Observations were made every month, by measuring the length of the transplanted coral using a ruler to determine coral growth. Furthermore, coral length growth data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. From this research, it can be concluded that the existing mangrove areas and artificial coral areas are identified as very suitable to be used as natural laboratories for learning and research at the Tateli Marine Ecotourism Campus. There were several individual mangroves whose growth was observed, which was seen from the height, number of leaves and mangrove branches. Ecological and oceanographic conditions of mangrove ecosystems are temperature, salinity, pH, depth and brightness which are very good for the suitability of mangrove ecosystems and coral reefs as a natural laboratory because the measurement results show numbers that are still within the quality standard limits according to the Quality Standard of Minister of Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004.Keywords: mangrove ecosystem, coral reefs, ecological conditions, growth, natural laboratory, ecotourism Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di Area Modulasi Karang dan Mangrove Kampus Tateli Politeknik Negeri Manado, pada bulan Januari sampai Oktober tahun 2020 ini bertujuan mendapatkan data pertumbuhan mangrove yang berada di Area Modulasi Karang & Mangrove Kampus Tateli kemudian diatur dan dikembangkan untuk menjadi sarana pembelajaran mahasiswa atau sebagai laboratorium alam dan tempat penelitian bagi dosen. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan luasan modulasi mangrove seluas 20 m2 dan dibagi menjadi empat kuadran berukuran 10 m2, Pengamatan dan pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi pengukuran pohon, pancang, tinggi semai, daun semai, dan cabang semai. Sedangkan untuk Terumbu Karang menggunakan metode observasi. Observasi adalah mengadakan pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan untuk melakuakan penyelaman dan pengambilan gambar serta mengukur pertumbuhan karang yang ada di lokasi tersebut. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap bulan, dengan cara mengukur panjang karang yang ditransplantasi menggunakan mistar untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan karang. Selanjutnya data pertumbuhan panjang karang dianalisis menggunakan bantuan Microsoft Excel. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa daerah mangrove dan area artificial coral yang ada, teridentifikasi sangat layak untuk dijadikan laboratorium alam untuk pembelajaran dan penelitian di Kampus Ekowisata Laut Tateli. Ada beberapa individu mangrove yang di amati pertumbuhannya, yang dilihat dari tinggi, jumlah daun dan cabang mangrove. Kondisi ekologi dan oseanografi ekosistem mangrove adalah suhu, salinitas, pH, kedalaman dan kecerahan sangat baik untuk kesesuaian lahan ekosistem mangrove dan terumbu karang sebagai laboratorium alam karena hasil pengukuran menunjukkan angka yang masih masuk dalam batas baku mutu sesuai dengan Baku Mutu Kepmen LH No. 51 Tahun 2004. Kata kunci: Ekosistem mangrove, terumbu karang, kondisi ekologis, pertumbuhan, labarotorium alam, ekowisata

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Gianfranco Montolalu ◽  
Deiske A Sumilat ◽  
Natalie D.C. Rumampuk ◽  
Inneke FM Rumengan ◽  
Rosita AJ Lintang ◽  

Ascidian is a benthic invertebrate that produces secondary metabolites. The substances were produced by the ascidian as self-defense from many environmental factors. Several studies report the similar structure between the substances extracted from ascidian and symbiotic fungi with biological activities. This study aims to isolate fungi associated with ascidian Eudistoma sp., then observe its potency on inhibiting bacteria S. aureus dan A. hydrophila. PDA was used to isolate and culture fungal isolate, then extraction using solvent ethyl acetate. Antibacterial activity of this symbiotic fungi isolates extract was performed using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Molecular identification of fungi results that the symbiotic fungi were Schizophyllum commune. The observing result showed that fungal extract has the ability on inhibiting the growth of S. aureus and with the inhibition zone 8 mm and A. hydrophila 8,5 mm.Keywords: Ascidian, Eudistoma sp., Schizophyllum commune, Symbiotic, Antibacterial

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Kezia Keren Erika Tampi ◽  
Joice R.T.S.L Rimper ◽  
Veibe Warouw

The city of Manado has several islands which are strategic places with the development of marine potential. One that is so potential is the waters of Bunaken Island and the forms of activity in Bunaken Island waters vary widely. The purpose of this study is to determine the abundance value and biological index and to analyze the condition of the waters in the waters and to see the comparison at each research station. The results of zooplankton identification consisted of 7 genera including all research stations. The results of the analysis of the highest abundance data were at the third station (8.4822 ind / l) and the lowest abundance value was at the first station (7.4220 ind / l). The results of the biological index analysis obtained are as follows: the average diversity value at three stations is 1.08, the uniformity is 0.98 and the dominance is 0.20. The results of the Morisita index for each station are: stations. Which means the value of the distribution pattern is three groups, and the others are uniform in each research genus, the overall distribution is uniform.Keywords:  Zooplankton, Bunaken Island waters, Abundance, Bioindex

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Udin Upara ◽  
Janny Dirk Kusen ◽  
Calvyn F.A. Sondak ◽  
Joshian N.W Schaduw ◽  
Sandra Olivia Tilaar ◽  

Mangrove ecosystem is a collection of distinctive plant types that contained in tropical and subtropical coastal region. The purpose of research was to find out the community structure and mangrove zonation at Darunu Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted by   the quadrant transect line method. It was done by pulling a straight line, perpendicular from the outermost mangrove area to the land direction, along 100 m by determining three data retrieval Station. To determine the condition of mangrove then density, species frequency, species coverage, important value index, diversity index and equality types were analyzed. The result found 5 mangroves species, namely: Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Avicennia officinalis. The highest density value was R.apiculata, as well as species frequency, while the species coverage value  found in S. alba. The diversity value found at Station 2. The zonation of mangrove vegetation in Darunu village respectively, at Station 1 and 2 in the front was overgrown by R.apiculata species with sandy mud substrate.  The Station 3 was overgrown by S.alba species with sandy mud. Generalyl, this location substrate contains of sandy mud and mud.Keywords : Mangrove, community structure, zonation.

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