2019 ◽  
pp. 223-230

Contemporary Russian literature develops on the basis of Russian classical traditions, while at the same time creatively rethinking the problems and themes, principles and techniques of the artistic work of classic writers. Today, different artistic systems coexist at the same time, realism is developing in a complex interweaving with naturalism, modernism, sentimentalism, etc. All this makes up the general picture of modern Russian literature. Hence the understanding of the last decades of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries as a special period in the general development of Russian literature. Before you start talking about the modern literary process, you need to remember what the concept of “literary process” means. As we know, the literary process is a historical movement of national and world literature, which developed in complex relationships and interactions. Also, the literary process is the story of the accumulation of aesthetic and spiritual moral values. Today, there are several concepts of the modern literary process, which are very diverse and contradictory in content. Modern young writers and their work gain their circle of lovers and connoisseurs of Russian literature, which, at times, inspires with its number and scope. The author of the article focuses on the problem of the existence of realism, its place and role in modern Russian literature. For a more detailed analysis, the works of a young Russian writer, prose writer, critic and journalist - Alice Arkadyevna Ganieva are taken. The study revealed the main features of the image system in the work of this, still young, writer.

2019 ◽  
pp. 234-244
Madinabonu AHMEDOVA

The article is devoted to the problem of the evolution of the literary hero and the types of heroes in modern Russian literature of the XXI century. The admiration of the person of the person being described and the desire to redirect this feeling to the reader make the style of the work of Zakhar Prilepin realistic through the prism of modernity (neorealism). The writer sets himself the task of telling about the fate of a modern person who faces many difficulties to squeeze in the modern world where human values have already changed, transformed beyond recognition than they were in the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. Zakhar Prilepin is gradually moving to comprehending a more global problem: is it possible in the conditions where absolutely everyone is wearing a bit of hell in himself. The writer seeks to get an answer to this question on a truly epochal, historical scale.This article also discusses the role of Zakhar Prilepin in the context of modern Russian literature. He writes willingly and openly on topics of concern to the general public. One of the essential components of such statements is his reflections on classical and modern Russian literature, showing love or, on the contrary, dislike for the work of this or that author.The aim of the work is to determine the transformation of modern Russian prose on the example of the works of contemporary Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin. His views on the formation and development of the literary process in the twenty-first century, explores the peculiarities of the hero and the specifics of the writer's artistic world based on the work and literary analyzes. Types of heroes’ characteristic of the prose of this neorealist writer: the hero-provincial, the rebellious hero, the intellectual hero and others. The article attempts to analyze the main features of the imaginative system in the works of Z. Prilepin in the context of the traditions of the new realism (neorealism). Мақола адабий қаҳрамон эволюцияси муаммоси ва ХХI аср замонавий рус адабиётидаги қаҳрамонлар турларини ўрганишга бағишланган. Захар Прилепиндаги таърифлаётган шахснинг ҳайрати ва ички дунёсини ёритиб бериш истаги ва уни китобхонга етказиш учун қўллаган услуби асарларини замон (неореализм) призмаси орқали реализмга олиб ўтади. Ёзувчи ўз олдига ХIХ ва ХХ аср адабиётларидаги инсоният қадриятлари ХХI асрга келиб мутлақоўзгариб, таниб бўлмас даражага етганини замонавий одамнинг тақдири орқалий ёритиб бериш вазифасини қўяди. Захар Прилепин аста-секин янада глобал муаммони англашга интилмоқда: мутлақо ҳамма ўзини дўзах азобига солаётган шароитда бу мумкинми? Ёзувчи ушбу саволгзамон ва тарих миқёсида жавоб олишга интилади.Ушбу мақолада замонавий рус ёзувчиси Захар Прилепиннинг замонавий рус адабиётида тутган ўрни муҳокама қилинади. У кенг жамоатчиликни қизиқтирган мавзуларда очиқ ёзади. Бундай баёнотларнинг муҳим таркибий қисмлариданбири, бу –унинг классик ва замонавий рус адабиётига бўлган муҳаббатини акс эттириши ёки аксинча у ёки бу муаллифнинг ишини ёқтирмаслигидир.Ушбу мақоланинг мақсади замонавий рус ёзувчиси Захар Прилепиннинг ижоди мисолида замонавий рус насрнинг ўзгаришини аниқлашдир. Унинг ХХI аср адабий жараёнининг шаклланиши ва ривожланиши ҳақидаги фикрлари, қаҳрамонининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари ва ёзувчининг ижодий дунёсининг ўзига хос хусусиятларини кўрсатишдир. Бу неореализм оқимига мансуб ёзувчининг насрига хос қаҳрамонлар турлари: провинциал қаҳрамон (қишлоқ аҳолиси), исёнкор қаҳрамон, интеллектуал қаҳрамон ва бошқалар. Муаллиф З. Прилепин асарларидаги образлар тизимига хос хусусиятларни янги реализм (неореализм) анъаналари контекстида таҳлил қилган. Статья посвящена проблеме эволюции литературного героя и типов героев в современной русской литературе XXI века. Восхищение личностью описываемогочеловека и желание переадресовать это чувство читателю делают стилистику произведении Захара Прилепина реалистическими через призму современности (неореализма). Писатель ставит перед собой задачу рассказать о судьбе современной личности сталкивающегося с множеством затруднений чтобы выжать в современном мире где уже человеческие ценности изменились, трансформировались до неузнаваемости чем были в литературе XIXи ХХ веке. Захар Прилепин постепенно переходит к постижению более глобальной проблемы: возможно ли то же самое условиях, где частичку ада в себе носит абсолютно каждый. Ответ на этот вопрос писатель стремится получить в поистине эпохальном, историческом масштабе.А такжев данной статье рассматривается роль Захара Прилепина в контексте современной русской литературы. Он пишет охотно и открыто на темы, волнующие широкую общественность. Одной из существенных составляющих такого рода высказываний становятся его размышления о классической и современной русской литературе, проявляющие любовь или наоборот, неприязнь, к творчеству того или иного автора.Целью работы является определить трансформацию современной русской прозы на примере творчества современного писателя России – Захара Прилепина. Его взгляды на формирование и развитие литературного процесса вХХIвеке; исследуются особенности героя и специфика художественного мира писателяна основе произведении и литературных анализов. Типы героев; характерные для прозы этого писателя-нео реали зма : герой-провинциал; бунтующий герой; герой-интеллигент и другие.В статье осуществляется попытка анализа основных особенностей образной системы в творчестве З. Прилепинав контексте традиций нового реализма (неореализм).

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-102
Irina Belyaeva ◽  
Elżbieta Tyszkowska-Kasprzak

The article examines the correlation of the Russian classic novel with the Easter archetype dominant in Russian culture. The authors believe that the novel assumed a central position in the genre system of 19th century Russian literature, not only because of its natural openness, which allowed it to recreate life and man both in the general dimension and in private manifestations, but also because of the greatest responsiveness of this genre to the spiritual needs of Russian culture. The article examines the “plot space” of the Russian novel, which gravitates towards the archetypal model, actualizing the scenario of rehabilitation (Dostoevsky) / awakening (Goncharov), or salvation. Not only doesn’t the hero’s line in the Russian novel imply an end; moreover, as it lines up vertically, it suggests his rebirth to a “new life,” sometimes even posthumous, as was the case with Turgenev’s Bazarov, or through the fear of falling into the hellish abyss of modern life, as is it was with Oblomov. Using the example of novels by F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev, I. Goncharov and L. Tolstoy, the article demonstrates that the main mission of the hero of the Russian novel was that of personal salvation, the achievement of “new happiness” (Prince Andrei Bolkonsky), which is associated with forgiveness, a willingness to accept God and with the “new life.” The Easter nature of Russian culture predetermines the gravitation of the Russian classical novel (as a typological variety of the Russian novel) to the artistic realizations of the idea of salvation present in world literature in genres of a non-novel nature. The Russian novel primarily developed the storylines and motifs that originated in Dante’s Divine Comedy and Goethe’s Faust, which suggested two options for personal salvation: the awareness of sins and “behind the door of the grave.” The second option was more relevant for the 19th century Russian novel. The savior hero, rooted in Cervantes’s novel, was also relevant for Russian literature, although not as popular. Taking into account the complex explorations of modern writers in the field of the novel genre, the authors conclude that there is a present-day connection with the Russian classic novel, i.e., in E. Vodolazkin’s prose: apparent signs of a “Dante plot” are present in the novel Lavr. Regardless of all the metamorphoses, the Russian classical novel is still a national literary model in the space of Russian culture.

Tatiana T. Davydova ◽  
Еlena V. Kulikova ◽  

The article deals with the research of Russian and American so called ethnic worlds (cultural backgrounds) in the novel «Bessonitsa» (“Insomnia”) by E.V. Rudashevsky. The other of the novel is a representative of YA literature in modern Russian literature. The relevance of the research is due to the investigating a possible links between American and European cultures in the novel, and the comparison of the American and Russian value systems. The article examines the genetic links between “Insomnia” and new journalism, a popular trend in the US press in the 1970s, as well as American cinema and the work of European writers, artists, and film Directors. Much attention is paid to the generic nature of the novel, the form of the narrative, the problems and images of the characters. The research results make the following conclusions: the idea to describe and compare different ethnic and cultural worlds is characteristic of Rudashevsky’s novel; the depth of Den's inner world disclosure makes the work an important event in modern Russian prose; the poetics of “Insomnia” is largely based on the thematic and aesthetic settings of the American new journalism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-318
Marina Iosifyan ◽  
Igor Vlasov

Abstract ‘And Quiet Flows the Don’ is an epic novel, considered one of the most significant works of Russian and world literature. The debate on the authorship of ‘And Quiet Flows the Don’ had been surrounding the novel since its first release in 1928 by Mikhail Sholokhov, who was repeatedly accused of plagiarism. The supporters of the plagiarism theory often indicate that the real author of the novel is the Cossack writer, Fyodor Kryukov, who died before ‘And Quiet Flows the Don’ was published. In the present study we applied the information-based similarity analysis (Yang et al., 2003a, Linguistic analysis of human heartbeats using frequency and rank order statistics. Physical Review Letters, 90: 108103; Yang et al., 2003b, Information categorization approach to literary authorship disputes. Physica A, 329, 473) and Burrows's Delta (Burrows, 2002, ‘Delta’: a measure of stylistic difference and a guide to likely authorship. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 17(3):267–87) to a corpus of Russian literature of XIX and XX centuries. We next used these two methods to compare ‘And Quiet Flows the Don’ to Sholokhov’s and Kryukov’s writings. It was found that Fyodor Kryukov writings are distinct from ‘And Quiet Flows the Don’, whilst Sholokhov’s writings being close to the Don novel. The results also highlight how both information similarity analysis and Delta analysis can be used Russian language.

Alexander G. Storozhuk

The paper covers the issue of Pu Song-ling’s “Liao Zhai zhiyi” translations into Russian and their influence on the modern Russian literary process. Having analyzed the most significant translations of “Liao Zhai” we come to the following conclusions: 1. At the end of 19th — beginning of the 20th centuries the works by Pu Song-ling started to be translated into Russian, though influence of these translations was not that substantial. 2. By 1920-s about a dozen of “Liao Zhai” stories have been translated into Russian, though all of them lacked both: a special pattern of this kind of translations and a special literary style to match. 3. In 1920–1930-s academician V. Alekseev worked out the pattern to follow and a special literary style, suiting the peculiarities of “Liao Zhai zhiyi” and very appropriate for translation. 4. While translating “Liao Zhai” V. Alekseev did not preserve the original structure of the collection, but translated tales according to their plots and characters. 5. Later there have been several other attempts to translate the very stories in a different style, but none led to a real success with the readers. 6. A great many issues of the traditional Chinese culture have been absorbed by Russian readers primarily from “Liao Zhai” translations made by V. Alekseev. 7. V. Alekseevs translations of “Liao Zhai” have produced a significant influence on Russian literature of late 20th — early 21st centuries

Fattakhova Amina Rustamovna

Modern national literature is developing on the basis of Russian classical traditions, however reflecting the problems and the issues, principles and the methods of fictional works of writers’ classics. Today, there are various artistic systems, and realism is progressing in a complicated way of connecting with naturalism, modernism, sentimentalism and etc. These all aspects make up the whole picture of modern Russian literature.  Here it gives the conception of the last decades the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century as special direction in general growth of Russian literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-273
Z. Sametova ◽  
M. Aitimov ◽  

This article States that the classic artistic basis of modern Kazakh prose, which influenced its content and form, were the works of new written realistic literature ( works of Abay, Y. Altynsarina et al.). Images of Kazakh prose created by Shokan, Ibrai, Abai and works written at the subsequent stages of the development of Kazakh literature are national spiritual values. It also examines the literary process of the early twentieth century and the work of individual writers who contributed to the development of the novel genre in Kazakh prose along with examples of world literature. A large number of Kazakh novels created during the period of independence were published in the 90s of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century. The article examines how the centuries-old history of the Kazakh people, the history of the Kazakh state from ancient times to the present day is depicted in fiction within the framework of the traditional creative process.

2020 ◽  
pp. 21-33

Chronotope is being concerned as the literary-aesthetic category in the world literature critical studies, expressing the scope of the universe interpretation, the author’s outlook and imagination regarding the world foundation, defining personages, the composition means of expressing the sequence and duration of the events. In the following development of the scientific-theoretical thought in the world, a chronotope is accepted to be one of the poetic means to demonstrate the reality as well as to be a literary process that is basic for the expression of the reality in the compositional construction and illustration of the plot relying on the writer’s intention and the ideological conception of the literary work. The chronotope enables to cognate the literary world picture created by the author in terms of the descriptive subject and object of the work. Some of the topical tasks of contemporary literature are to analyse the fictional epic real evidences comparatively, typologically and individually in the writers' works exist in the same time and space, in the same space and different time, in the same time and different spaces. The aim of the research is to generalize the chronotope forms scientific-analytically, comparative-typologically and theoretical on the examples of Chingiz Aitmatov's "The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years".

2020 ◽  
Aleksandra Pavlova

This article describes some of the features of contemporary Russian literary processes. Contemporary Russian literature presents vast number of authors and works. The literary process is going on intensively, but it lacks is no distinct core, a certain vector. Also, there is a serious need to explore the differences between expert opinions in literary sphere (influential critics, literary awards) and the reading habits of the public. This article presents an attempt to compare two approaches to modern Russian literature: by the expert community, and by popularity at the market. To determine opinions of expert community, nominations and literary awards were chosen. To assess demand from the public, sales leaders and market ratings were explored. By comparing data on expert opinions and requests from a mass audience, we can identify two lines of assessment: the line of incoherence and the line of coherence. The results show complex intertwining between serious literature and mass market in modern Russian literary process. Keywords: literary process, modern Russian literature, reader

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 58-67
Aygul Ochilova ◽  

Although the work of James Joyce has been studied in English and Russian literature and translation, it has not been studied in detail in Uzbek literature and translation studies. In this work, along with revealing the problems of tradition and innovation in the work of J. Joyce, we study how the stylistic means used in the text of the novel "Ulysses" are preserved in the Russian and Uzbek translations by means of comparative-typological analysis of the original and translated texts. We identify alternatives and non-alternatives to the original Russian and Uzbek translations

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