The Role of Anglicist Women in the Development of Gender Studies in Serbia: From NGO to Academia

2018 ◽  
Suzanne Scanlan

In the fifteenth century, the Oblates of Santa Francesca Romana, a fledgling community of religious women in Rome, commissioned an impressive array of artwork for their newly acquired living quarters, the Tor de'Specchi. The imagery focused overwhelmingly on the sensual, corporeal nature of contemporary spirituality, populating the walls of the monastery with a highly naturalistic assortment of earthly, divine, and demonic figures. This book draws on art history, anthropology, and gender studies to explore the disciplinary and didactic role of the images, as well as their relationship to important papal projects at the Vatican.

Dahlia Lubis

<strong>Abstrak: </strong>keberadaan<strong> </strong>berbagai kajian dan literatur tentang gender tidak serta merta merubah pandangan masyarakat tentang keadilan gender. Sebab, kajian gender tetapi memiliki pendukung dan penentang. Ada pendapat bahwa kajian gender berupaya merubah ajaran agama itu sendiri. Dalam kajian gender selama ini, ditemukan banyak pihak yang ikut berkontribusi bagi muncul dan berkembangnya paham yang bias gender dalam masyarakat Muslim, khususnya di Indonesia. Di antara pihak yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kelestarian paham yang diskriminatif terhadap perempuan adalah para pemuka agama yang diwakili oleh para ustaz dan ustazah dimana mereka memainkan peran sebagai penyampai ajaran agama kepada masyarakat Muslim. Artikel ini mengkaji pandangan para ustaz dan ustazah terhadap ketidakadilan gender yang dilihat dari latar belakang suku masing-masing, sehingga akan terungkap perihal adakah kaitan antara latar belakang suku seorang ustaz dan ustazah terhadap persepsi mereka tentang ketidakadilan gender. Didasari oleh studi lapangan, dimana data penelitian diperoleh dari angket dan wawancara, kajian ini menemukan bahwa masih ditemukannya pemahaman bias gender dalam persepsi ustaz dan ustazah di kota Medan. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi kajian gender di Indonesia.  <strong></strong><br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>ustaz, ustazah, ketidakadilan, gender, suku<br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>Abstract: The Perception of Islamic Preachers about Gender Bias Reviewed From Ethnic Group Backgrounds.</strong> The existence of various studies and literature on gender does not automatically change the society's opinion about gender equality. As such, supporters and opponents of the idea are readily found. One opinion goes as far as saying that gender studies try to alter the teachings of religion itself. In the gender studies has been found that many contributed to the emergence and development of gender biased ideology in Muslim societies, especially in Indonesia. Among those responsible to discriminatory preservation of women are religious leaders who are represented by <em>ustaz</em> and <em>ustazah</em> where they play the role of religious teachings to the Muslim community. This article examines the opinions of <em>ustaz</em> and <em>ustazah</em> on gender inequality realized from the background of each ethnic group, so it will be revealed about whether there is a link between ethnic background of an <em>ustaz</em> and <em>ustazah</em> to their perception of gender injustice. Based on field studies, where the research data was obtained from questionnaires and interviews, this study found that there is an understanding of gender bias in <em>ustaz</em> and <em>ustazah</em> perceptions in Medan city. This study is expected to contribute to gender studies in Indonesia.<br /> <br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> ustaz, ustazah, injustice, gender, ethnic group

2002 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
Yolanda Dreyer

Women in the Synoptic Gospels – more than decorative charactersThe aim of the paper is to show that the Synoptic Gospels represent different perspectives on Jesus and gender. From these perspectives Jesus’ narrated vision on the role of the male disciples and the women is described in order to explore some implications of the three visions in Mark, Matthew, and Luke. The focus is on developing a comprehensive philosophy which attests to the full humanity and personhood of women, the equal value of men and women as persons, and the public acknowledgement of their value. The paper demonstrates that gender studies in biblical interpretation can contribute not only to the special interests of women, but also in a broader sense to society as a whole.

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (12) ◽  
pp. 1609-1631 ◽  
Varda Wasserman ◽  
Michal Frenkel

How does the multiplicity of surveilling gazes affect the experience of employees subjected to a matrix of domination in organisations? Building on a case study of ultra-religious Jewish women in Israeli high-tech organisations, the article demonstrates how the intersectionality of gender and religiosity exposed them to a matrix of contradicting visibility regimes – managerial, peers, and religious community. By displaying their compliance with each visibility regime, they were constructed as hyper-subjugated employees, but simultaneously were able to use (in)visibility as a resource. Specifically, by manoeuvring between the various gazes and playing one visibility regime against the other, they challenged some of the organisational and religious norms that served to marginalise them, yet upheld their status as worthy members of both institutions. Juxtaposing theoretical insights from organisational surveillance and gender studies, the article reveals the role of multiple surveilling gazes in both the reproduction of minorities’ marginalisation, and their ability to mobilise it to maintain their collective identities.

Thais Fernandes Campos ◽  
Gracia Regina Gonçalves

RESUMO: Alice Munro, escritora canadense e vencedora do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 2013, é reconhecida por sua relevante contribuição dentro dos estudos de gênero. A ficção de Munro tem proporcionado aos leitores interessantes e complexas personagens, em especial no que tange ao papel da mulher face ao seu amadurecimento e sua inserção social. Neste estudo, pretendo desenvolver uma leitura do conto “Paixão” (ano 2004) de Munro tendo em vista a visão crítica da autora, a qual desafia pressupostos ligados a padrões tradicionais e presentes tanto na construção do feminino, quanto do masculino. Para o desenvolvimento desse estudo conto com o apoio das reflexões de Elisabeth Badinter e Chris Weedom. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Conto, Gênero, Padrões, Alice Munro. _____________________________ ABSTRACT: Alice Munro, a Canadian writer and winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature, is recognized for her relevant contribution to gender studies. Munro's fiction has provided readers with interesting and complex characters, especially in reference of the role of women in face of their growing and social insertion. In this study, I intend to develop a reading of the story "Paixão" (year 2004) by Munro in relation to the author's critical view expressed through  male and female representations , which challenge assumptions linked to traditional gender patterns.  For the development of this study I count on with the support of the reflections of Elisabeth Badinter and Chris Weedom. KEYWORDS: Short-story, Genre, Standards, Alice Munro.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Mayola Andika

Abstract. Nowadays, the issues of gender become hot topics to be discussed. It caused by the reality of some society who still hold the principle of patriarchal culture. Men tend to get the privileges than women. Basically, Islam upholds equality between men and women. Islam is believed as an ideal religion that is revealed for lift level and free up women from Jahiliyyah tradition in which marginalize women’s position. Verses of the Qur'an have revealed the equality of man and women and outline the equation in between both of them. As for the difference is their level of devotion. However, in religious empirical reality, the problem of gender bias arises whilst understanding and interpreting the religion texts. The misinterpretation then brought up the problem interrelated with men and women relation, for instance injustice, subordination, discrimination, and marginalization. Thus, the author assumes that a review of the interpretations of the verses and models of interpretation that tend to marginalize the role of women is needed to be conducted. In this research, the author elaborates of how the relation betwen men and women in Al-quran’s perspective through reinterpretation of Surat An-Nisa, verse 34 in contextual. The author focuses on the gender studies and connect it with the concept of men and women equality with descriptive-analitics method. Abstrak. Dewasa ini isu gender hangat diperbincangkan. Hal itu dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas masyarakat yang sebagian masih memegang prinsip budaya patriaki. Laki-laki mendapatkan hak-hak istimewa, sedangkan kaum perempuan cenderung dinomorduakan. Islam pada dasarnya menjunjung tinggi kesetaraan. Agama Islam diyakini sebagai agama yang ideal. Diturunkan untuk mengangkat derajat dan membebaskan perempuan dari tradisi jahiliyyah yang memarginalisasi kedudukannya. Ayat al-Qur’an telah mengungkapkan kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan serta menggariskan persamaan kedudukan di antara keduanya. Adapun yang membedakan adalah tingkat ketaqwaan. Namun, dalam realitas empiris keagamaan timbul problem pemahaman dan penafsiran teks-teks agama yang bias gender. Hal tersebut kemudian memunculkan masalah berkaitan dengan relasi laki-laki dan perempuan, seperti ketidakadilan, subordinasi, diskriminasi, dan marginalisasi. Untuk itu penulis menganggap perlu adanya peninjauan ulang interpretasi ayat dan model penafsiran yang cenderung meminggirkan peranan kaum perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memaparkan bagaimana relasi laki-laki dan perempuan dalam perspektif al-Qur’an melalui reinterpretasi terhadap penafsiran QS an-Nisa` ayat 34 secara kontekstual. Penulis memfokuskan kajian gender dan menghubungkannya dengan konsep kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan dengan metode deskriptif-analitis. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-171
Petra Svoljšak

WORLD WAR I AND SLOVENIANS: 1994–2014The paper examines the Slovenian historiographic production about the topic of World War I from 1994 to 2014 and represents a continuation of a commented bibliography, which encompassed the period from 1918 to 1993. The time between 1994 and 2014 was characterised by enormous production and a shift of the contents from the »Yugoslav« themes, which had tailored the statehood remembrance after World War I; the decline of the World War I themes as the focus shifted to the historiographic examination of World War II; and the very diversified research in the last period. The central theme of the historical writings is the Soča/Isonzo Front, but not merely as a military process: the focus shifted on the level of the soldiers’ experience, gender studies, the role of the Church, fatalities among soldiers, and remembrance of World War I. All of these issues have been subjected to historical research as well.

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