scholarly journals Commemorative album of a 1948 graduate of the natural-geographical faculty of Biysk State Teachers’ Institute Malkova Ida Kuzminichna: representation / memorialization of female Soviet post-war everyday life

E. A. Kolyaskina ◽  
G. E. Kamishnikova ◽  

The article analyzes the memory of a Soviet woman about the student everyday life of the post-war years and professional life. The material for study was a commemorative album with the memories of a graduate and teacher of Biysk State Pedagogical Institute Ida Kuzminichna Malkova.

D. A. Lomakin

On the basis of extensive archival material from the fund of People’s Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR (file A-2306 «People’s Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR: 1917–1945, Ministry of Education of the RSFSR: 1946–1988») of the State Archives of the Russian Federation (SARF, Moscow), the history of M. V. Frunze Crimean State Pedagogical Institute after its return to Simferopol in 1944 has been restored. Various groups of documents have been widely used: correspondence of the director of the institute V. M. Borovsky with numerous authorities on the functioning of the university; directives, decisions of state institutions, reflected in the activities of the CSPI; reporting and planning documentation of the Institute; materials of inspections of the educational institution by the supervising bodies for its readiness to conduct training sessions during the period under review. The stage of restoration of the activity of the university after its re-evacuation to Simferopol has been examined in detail; the measures for preparing for the beginning of the first academic year in the Crimea have been examined. The unrealized project on restoration of the university on the peninsula on the basis of M. V. Frunze Crimean State Pedagogical Institute is analyzed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 44
Iryna P. Antonyak

The key issues of this work are the definition of all the development patterns and trends of higher historical education in Lviv during 1944?1957. During this period, it was possible to gain an education in history at the Lviv State University and at the Lviv State Pedagogical Institute. The main attention is paid to the problems faced by the history faculties in the post-war years: material and technical support, selection of teaching staff, recruitment of students for studying, and also the introduction of an ideological component into all areas of higher historical education. Demand for "ideological direction" had a significant impact on the educational-methodological and ideological process, which led to theestablishment of Soviet historical concepts, changes in the content of historical education and its unification under theSoviet style. The influence of party politics reflected on the teaching staff of the history faculties, because in this period attention was focused not only on professional qualities, but also on political convictions. This position was justified for the purpose of preventing the influence of teachers whose views were "ideologically and politically unverified" on the student environment. So-called "re-education" or "re-thinking" methods were applied to the teaching staff. The purpose of these methods was to recognize the correctness of the Soviet historical concepts and the Soviet world outlook in general. Significant requirements were placed on the students as well. Only students “with a clean political past” had the right to enter higher educational institutions. Educational and independent work with students at the historical faculties was based on the confirmation of the correctness of Marxist theories on the grounds of historical material, which was meant to become the basis for the formation of the Soviet world outlook among students of historians faculties. However, the change of the political course and redirecting education to be more technical in nature led to the elimination of the historical faculty at the Lviv State Pedagogical Institute, which established the Lviv University as the only center of higher historical education in Lviv.

Mikhail V. Popov ◽  
Maksim V. Suvorov

The history of higher education in Russia and the near abroad is inseparably connected with the activity of higher education institutions administrators and their teaching and scholarly activity. They were the people who implemented the government policy in the sphere of higher education. In the 1920–40s, the academic and scholarly activity in the Soviet higher education institutions depended, to a large extent, on the change of the socio-political situation in the country. This was reflected in the fates of those who headed higher school administrations. The authors’ study of political and professional activity of higher school administrators can provide an objective assessment of their activity as managers, pedagogues and scholars. In this regard, the study the life of Solomon Zakharovich Katsenbogen – a sociologist, philosopher, pedagogue and higher school administrator becomes especially interesting and urgent. The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Belarusian State University and the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute (now Ural State Pedagogical University) can also serve as very good reasons for the publication of this material. The article deals with the work of S. Z. Katsenbogen under the conditions of the change in the socio-political life taking place in the USSR in the second half of the 1930s – 1940s. It is the first attempt to study his professional activity as a lecturer and administrator at the higher education institutions of the Urals, and first of all at Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute. The article analyzes the political leanings and behavior of S. Z. Katsenbogen under the conditions of the Stalinist regime, which was responsible for false allegations against him: suspiciousness and distrust in relation to colleagues and slowdown in scholarly activity because of fear of criticism for political reasons. At the same time, the authors make a conclusion about a positive contribution of the professor to the improvement of the functioning of higher schools in the Urals: a new approach to the organization of planning of scientific activity of higher education institutions, the creation of the system of control of the conduct of lectures and tutorials by teachers on the part of the heads of departments and higher school administration. Under the conditions of mass repression, S. Z. Katsenbogen did not become a slanderer and careerist; he sincerely believed that due to his hard work and moral behavior, he would eventually have his party disciplinary penalties withdrawn. His colleagues – pedagogues of the higher education institutions of the Urals – also believed in this, but he never achieved rehabilitation from the party officials. The fate of professor Katsenbogen was to a great extent highly typical of the historical situation in the country during Joseph Stalin’s rule. In this perspective, the aim of the article is to reveal the consequences of the impact of political factors and peculiarities of the social life of the period of 1935–1946 on the activity of the higher school administrator, scholar and pedagogue. On the other hand, the authors tried to carry out their investigation within the framework of the historical-anthropological approach, in which a person functions as an active historical subject, as a historical factor, and as a bearer of a political culture and mentality. To achieve the aim and the tasks of the study, it is important to expand the investigation source base now as a result of publicizing a number of archival materials previously inaccessible for historians.

2021 ◽  
Andrey Shishkin

Contains an exposition of the basic concepts and theorems of the axiomatic theory of the basic elementary functions of real and complex variables. The textbook is written on the basis of lectures given by the author for a number of years at the Armavir State Pedagogical University, at the Slavyansk-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute and at the branch of the Kuban State University in Slavyansk-on-Kuban. It is intended for students of natural-mathematical profiles of preparation of the direction "Pedagogical education". It can be used in the study of mathematical analysis, the theory of functions of a real variable, the theory of functions of a complex variable, etc.

Battsengel Gelen ◽  

The article briefly examines the history of the development of special and inclusive education Mongolia. Some data on the training of students from Mongolia in theIrkutsk State Pedagogical Institute are presented. Information is provided on the current state of the problem of inclusive education, the efforts made to solve it at the Mongolian State University of Education. The urgency of resuming interaction with Russian scientists on the problems for exchange experiences on inclusive education.

Mykola Stepanenko

The article describes the humanistic paradigm of Ivan Ziaziun on the harmonious synthesis of art and pedagogy in teacher training. In particular, the philosophical and pedagogical and organizational and managerial ideas of a scientist- philosopher and teacher, a long-time rector of Poltava V. G. Korolenko State Pedagogical Institute have been discovered. Pedagogy of humanity of Academician I.   Ziaziun through the system of professional training in Poltava V. G. Korolenko State Pedagogical Institute – the formation of a person, the formation of a strategy for person’s development and self-development, the basis of which is the value-semantic constituency of a man have been estimated from the diachronic-synchronous positions. A significant feature in the research is given to the ideas of the personal subject-subject and environment approaches to the training of the future teacher, the idea of forming the image of a higher educational institution as a leader of the region, self-management and autonomy of higher education institutions. Moreover, the system of professional training (careful selection and individual work with young people who show a tendency to pedagogical activity) through the establishment (on the initiative and with the direct participation of Ivan Ziaziun) a comprehensive target program «Teacher» (School – teacher – school), and its implementation into schools with the help of introduction of an optional course «Young teacher», with the help of selecting institutions that interviewed university entrants, and recommended those who are capable to study in higher educational institutions. The constituents of Ivan Ziaziun's humanistic conception are presented in the projection on the basis of the continuity of education postulates: formal, nonformal, and informal. In this aspect, the following priorities were determined such as training at Poltava Pedagogical Institute, first of all through the introduction of the special course «Fundamentals of Pedagogical Teaching Excellence», the opening of blended majors, additional qualifications at the Faculty of Public Professions, through the development of informal artistic and educational activities in higher education, which has its contemporary creative sustainable development. Exclusive attention was paid to Poltava Pedagogical Institute as a leader of higher educational institutions during the rectorship of Ivan Ziaziun and the rector himself.

Anna A. Golovanova ◽  
Milena A. Klenova ◽  

The article provides information on the forthcoming international scientific conference “Strakhov Readings – 2021”, which will be held on November 11–12, 2021. The conference continues the tradition of holding annual Strakhov Readings in memory of the founder of Saratov Psychological School, the first head of the Department of Psychology of Saratov State Pedagogical Institute, Professor I. V. Strakhov.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 187-190
Usmonova Lola Mallaevna

This research corresponds to the priority of the development of science and technology of the republic. "Spiritual and moral, cultural development of a democratic and legal society, the formation of an innovative economy." The research is carried out within the framework of the research plan of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. The main results of the study will be tested in the activities of pedagogical institutes, including students of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, as well as in the 1st academic lyceum in Navoi and the 2nd academic lyceum under Navoi State Mining Institute.

Alyona N. Zhivotova ◽  
Irina V. Khazheeva

During the Great Patriotic war the scientific activities of higher educational institutions changed, responding to the needs of wartime. This article discusses directions and topics of scientific work of the Tyumen State Pedagogical Institute faculty during the war. The authors present the faculty, the direction of scientific research of the faculty and departments of the Institute, analyze the conditions in which their work was carried out, problems and achievements of science in the war years. The article is based on the involvement of archival documents from the funds of the State archive of the Tyumen region, and the State archive of socio-political history of the Tyumen region, periodicals of the war years. The authors note the transition of scientific developments of teachers to the needs of the front and agriculture, orientation on Patriotic themes. The authors consider the positive side of the evacuation of specialists from Central Russia, who have contributed to the development of the science of the pedagogical Institute.

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