scholarly journals 多言語多読の意義と可能性:多読実践報告を通じて • The Significance and Possibilities of Multilingual Extensive Reading: An Extensive Reading Practice Report

2019 ◽  
Vol 2018 (1) ◽  
pp. 305
Rieko Nishigai ◽  
Noriko Kobayashi

従来型の一斉読解授業のみで個々の読解力を育成することには限界があるとして、近年、多読を授業に取り入れる教育機関が増えており、英語教育及び日本語教育における実践研究報告も数多くなされている。本稿では外国語専門学校における、レベル差のある日本語学習者を対象に行った多読授業の実践、及び授業外活動として目標言語の異なる学習者を対象として行った多読活動を紹介する。両活動後の記述および聞き取り調査の結果から、多読は学習者の自律的な学びを促し、総合的な言語能力を高める上で教育的な効果が高いと判断した。また、授業外活動で中国語、韓国語等の多言語による多読を取り入れた結果、多読は第二言語だけではなく外国語学習においても、同様の効果を期待し得ると結論付けた。さらに、絵本など言語外の情報から、ことばの背景にある文化への関心を引き出し、多文化理解を促すという相乗効果も期待できると言えよう。 Because reading ability is difficult to teach in a large class, extensive reading (ER) has been incorporated in both English and Japanese classes, and many studies report on ER activities. This report introduces two types of ER activities conducted at a language school: ER as a classroom activity for Japanese (L2) learners with various levels and ER as an extracurricular activity for learners of foreign languages. Postactivity feedback reports indicated that ER activities foster autonomous learning and they are effective in enhancing overall abilities of target languages. Authors also concluded that ER in different languages such as Chinese and Korean, which was done as an extracurricular activity, exerts positive effects not only on L2 learning but also on foreign language learning. In addition, extralinguistic information such as pictures brings out learners’ interest in foreign cultures, which encourages their multicultural understanding.

Olena Ivashko

The article tackles the problem of teaching foreign languages to seniors. The general trends in FL education for the third-age learners are outlined. The institutions in which seniors can study foreign languages in Poland are enumerated. The psychological, physiological, methodological and social peculiarities of teaching a foreign language to the third agers are analyzed. Special emphasis is laid upon educational needs of the Third Age learners. Some language learning strategies which help seniors’ foreign language learning are suggested.

1979 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-97 ◽  
T. S. Rodgers

My intent in this short piece is to provide a context for consideration of learner variables in foreign language learning. I first propose a question set outlining the major issues, as I see them, arising in the design of learner-based foreign language learning systems. I then present a simplified three-part design model comprising knowledge considerations (language needs assessment), instructional considerations (learning access alternatives) and learner considerations (characteristics of learners). A review of some recent work in the first two of these prefaces the discussion of the third, learner considerations. A brief state of the art report on research in learner variables is followed by some speculation on next directions in the determination and description of learner variables within a general design model for learning foreign languages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Made Frida Yulia

Due to the minimum language exposure that EFL learners have, one recommended way to promote interest in foreign language reading is through Extensive Reading. This kind of reading has gained popularity over the years, ever since it was introduced to the realm of foreign language learning. Extensive Reading has been shown to bring a lot of benefits for L2 learners in many respects, and, consequently, it has been implemented in a variety of contexts. This paper aims at revisiting Extensive Reading along with its pertaining principles. In addition, it attempts to scrutinize a number of recent studies conducted in the area of Extensive Reading to discover current trends and possible areas which are open for further exploration. 

N. Zaichenko

The article deals with modern views on the concept of “nationally oriented foreign language teaching”, presented in the linguo-didactic discourse of domestic and foreign scholars of the last decades. The author reveals and characterizes its evolution as one of the basic concepts of Russian and Ukrainian language education as foreign languages. It is found that they relate to the subject matter, content, and operational components of this phenomenon. There are significant changes in the views of scholars on taking into account students’ native language in teaching these languages by speakers of languages with different systems. There is a growing interest in didactic and linguistic data processing of the analysis of Chinese and Russian (Ukrainian) languages and their practical implementation. In terms of content, priority is given to culturally oriented and ethno-psychological aspects of mastering foreign language in a monocultural and multicultural educational environment. The innovative approach to this issue is also manifested in the increasing attention of researchers to the peculiarities of cognitive, mental and educational activities of Chinese-speaking students, formed by the national linguistic and methodological tradition, which is radically different from the national communicative and active lingvodidactic paradigm and needs appropriate methodological correction. Prospects for further study of the issues raised in our investigation are related to the research of a number of “new” terms in the terminological field of the basic concept of “nationally oriented foreign language learning”, as well as from the normative and codification side.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-78
Валерия Алексеевна Петрова

Рассматривается процесс изменения вектора государственной политики в сфере изучения иностранного языка в 30-е годы ХХ века. Показано, что после революции 1917 г. изучение иностранного языка было прекращено, потому что расценивалось как пережиток прошлого, антагонистического общества с ярко выраженным и непримиримым классовым неравенством. Однако в 1923 г. Н. К. Крупская в статье «О преподавании иностранных языков» доказательно опровергла необходимость изучения эсперанто и четко обосновала свою позицию по поводу изучения иностранных языков, описала практическую значимость, обозначила основную цель и показала приоритетный метод их преподавания, заложив тем самым основы изучения иностранных языков в нашей стране на многие десятилетия. Рассматривается ряд постановлений Центрального комитета Коммунистической партии Советского Союза от 1929 и 1932 гг., направленных на усиление изучения иностранного языка в городских школах второй ступени, техникумах и вузах, фабрично-заводских семилетках. Приводятся размышления общественных и политических деятелей, педагогов, публицистов, филологов о культурологическом потенциале иностранных языков. Показана цель их изучения в 30-е годы ХХ века. The article deals with the process of changing the vector of state policy in the field of foreign language learning in the 30s of the XX century After the October Revolution, they stopped the study of a foreign language because they regarded it as a relic of the past, an antagonistic society with a pronounced and irreconcilable class inequality. However, in 1923, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya denied the need to study Esperanto on a national scale in her article “Teaching Foreign Languages” and described the practical significance, main goal and priority method of teaching a foreign language and more than that her own position about the role of foreign languages, thereby laying the foundation for its study for many decades. The 1927 became a further important step in the history of teaching a foreign language in the country of the Soviets. The People’s Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR adopted a special decree on the study of a foreign language in all city schools of the second level, starting a large campaign “Foreign languages to the masses”. It considers a number of resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1929 and 1932, aimed at strengthening the study of a foreign language in all city schools, technical schools and universities, and Factory Seven-Years. The article gives the reflections of public and political figures, teachers, publicists, philologists on the cultural potential of foreign languages. It shows the purpose of foreign language study in the 30s of the XX century.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-104
Józef Jarosz

Abstract The contemporary teaching of foreign languages assumes the development of the ability to use a foreign language in different communication situations. Apart from language competence, also the cultural competence is developed as it is a necessary component of communication. A successful transfer of knowledge and language skills in the process of foreign language learning is determined by a textbook (in addition to other factors). The goal of this article is to analyze the content and assess three Danish textbooks, which were published in Germany in the years 2008-2010. The textbooks are examined in terms of knowledge about Danish life and institutions, the transfer of intercultural competence and the presence of stereotypes. The textbooks were studied based on the list of criteria and it resulted in stating that the textbooks fulfill the objective of providing the knowledge about the country to a great degree. The intercultural component and the issue of stereotypes are dealt with in a different manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-69
Chendy Sulistyo ◽  
Nunung Supriadi

The development of foreign language learning in Indonesia in the millennial era nowadays requires the child to speak at least two foreign languages fluently. As in the case that the researcher founded which is a dual citizenship 10 years old child studying French as his third language. The study then focuses on 1) what third language learning’s steps for a 10 years old goes through, 2) at which stage each method is properly used, and 3) what factors influence that success. The data of this research is processed quantitatively and qualitatively. This study uses Skinner’s behaviorism theory, conventional reading and audio visual learning methods. The researcher found that the two methods complement to each other in the third language learning for dual citizenship Abstrak Perkembangan pembelajaran bahasa asing di Indonesia pada era milenial sekarang menuntut anak dapat menguasai minimal dua bahasa asing. Kasus yang ditemukan oleh peneliti yaitu seorang anak berusia 10 tahun dengan dwi kewarganegaraan yang mempelajari bahasa Prancis sebagai bahasa kedua. Penelitian ini kemudian fokus menjawab 1) tahapan pembelajaran bahasa kedua apa saja yang dilalui anak usia 10 tahun, 2) pada tahapan yang mana setiap metode itu tepat digunakan, dan 3) faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan itu. Data penelitian ini diolah dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori behaviorisme Skinner, metode pembelajaran konvensional membaca dan audio visual. Peneliti menemukan bahwa kedua metode tersebut saling melengkapi dalam pembelajaran bahasa kedua bagi anak dwi kewarganegaraan

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-318 ◽  
Kathryn Everhart Chaffee ◽  
Nigel Mantou Lou ◽  
Kimberly A. Noels ◽  
Joshua W. Katz

Large gender disparities in participation still exist across many university subjects and career fields, but few studies have examined factors that account for gender gaps in female-dominated disciplines. We examine one possible cause: threatened masculinity among men who hold traditional gender ideologies. Past research has linked endorsement of traditional gender ideologies to gender-stereotypical occupational choices, and threats to masculinity can lead men to distance themselves from femininity. After confirming that 1,672 undergraduates stereotyped language learning as feminine, we applied a masculinity threat manipulation to investigate 182 men’s disinterest in studying foreign languages, a female-dominated university subject. Men with traditional masculinity ideologies reported less interest in foreign language study and less positive attitudes towards foreign languages following masculinity threat, compared to men whose masculinity was affirmed or who held less traditional masculinity beliefs. Traditional masculine gender roles may lead some men to avoid feminine-typed domains, such as foreign language learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Larysa Movchan

Abstract The article tackles the issue of students’ professional identity in relation with their motivation towards learning foreign languages (with the focus on English). Modern European education is based on the principle of integrity of the interests of all stakeholders, and future specialists must be ready to meet the challenges of the growing global market. Yet only a small number of Ukrainian school graduates and students of economic universities can communicate fluently in foreign social and communicative spheres. An attempt to find out what hinders the process of foreign language acquisition at non-linguistic universities and what really influences their motivation has been made. The research shows that an important factor in students’ motivation towards learning foreign languages is their professional self-identity, which is developed during university study and is in its turn determined by the contents, the form of professional education and the goals set. The analysis of the pedagogical literature has enabled us to formulate the definition of the “professional identity of economics students” content. Thus, it denotes person’s professional competencies that help him/her understand his/her role and place in the professional domain, at the job market and in the society on the whole, and also implies motivation, confidence and responsibility as well as readiness to work effectively. Once the student has identified his/her future professional roles, challenges, options and responsibilities he/she is motivated to develop the skills necessary to perform their professional duties and succeed in the career. Economic university training with the global context in mind is a motivating factor of improving foreign language competency of students and a definite factor of economic education prestige.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 183 ◽  
Gholam Reza Parvizi ◽  
Yasser Saremi ◽  
Majid Ghazi ◽  
Ali Reza Kargar

<p>At the beginning levels of learning English, one of the difficulties students or children encounter in learning to is making correspondences between spoken and written English. In many cases, children have become acquainted with oral language and have some difficulty learning English conventions. They need hints and explanations about certain English orthographic rules and peculiarities. Students of English even those who have not so far learned to read in their mother tongue, will take advantage from learning to read from the start of connection with a foreign or second language. This conception forms the argumentation that the researcher seeks for throughout this article. The researcher begins with reviewing basic methods of teaching reading, before reporting on and expounding the results of a pilot study of learning by day care center children. The study indicated that the early preview to extensive reading (ER) promotes their progress in understanding and speech of the foreign language. The researcher suggests that text – based programs or instruction (TBI) extracted from text book with correspondent recordings should be developed as a choice both for children and some teachers.</p>

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