2008 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 232-239
Vytautas Rubavičius

The paper examines the changing character of nation / state power and power relationships between state, regions and cities under the conditions of rapid grobalization and postfordist capitalism. European states, regions and cities sustain not only the pressure of globalizational factors and challenges, but they are the targets of Euro-integrational policy, especcially that of Euro-regionalization and urbanization. A part of state power is transmitted up to a supranational level and some part – down to regional and local levels, thus the authorities of a subnational level are empowered to act on their own account for good competitive positions in domestic and global markets. Some peculiarities of Lithuania‘s transition to a capitalist system are highlighted and landmarks of urbanization are concidered. Attention is paid to Vilnius urban development from the point of view of European regional and urban development policy trends. Santrauka Globalizacijos veiksniai menkina valstybės galią ir keičia jos pobūdį, o Europos Sąjungos plėtra, taip pat jos vykdoma eurointegracijos politika įtvirtina naują valstybės ir regionų bei miestų santykių konfigūraciją. Valstybėms narėms vis labiau susisaistant dalis valstybės galios perduodama į aukštesnį supranacionalinį lygmenį, o dalis į žemesnį subnacionalinį lygmenį. Miestai ir regionai įgauna vis daugiau savarankiškumo, jų valdymo srityje ryškus perėjimas nuo centralizuoto prie daugialygio ar tinklinio, nuo vadybinio prie antrepreneriško valdymo. ES plėtojama Europos regionalizavimo politika ne tik teikia galimybių megzti tiesioginius regionų bei miestų ryšius, bet ir skatina kurti naujus miestų valdymo modelius, kurie laiduotų valdžios, visuomenės ir verslo partnerystę ir padėtų urbanistiniams regionams tapti konkurencingiems globalinėse rinkose. Straipsnyje aptariami kai kurie valstybės ir miestų santykių, taip pat miestų valdymo kaitos aspektai, svarstoma, kaip Lietuvos ir Vilniaus urbanistinė plėtra siejasi su europinės euroregionizacijos politikos nustatomomis gairėmis ir tos politikos teikiamomis galimybėmis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-113 ◽  
Edyta Szafranek

The purpose of this article is to assess the quality of life of the residents of a degraded satellite area of a city. It is considered in the context of urban development policy – as the result of decisions and as a challenge for long-term development. The research was based on a case study, which is the district of Opole referred to as Metalchem. It is characterized by an isolated location in the city structure as well as economic transformations. The study was based primarily on an analysis of source materials and results of a survey. The results show that the assessment of the quality of life is inconsistent. The living conditions are good, but satisfactory fulfilment of social needs is lacking. The residents of the studied area feel that their quality of life is lower than that of other residents of the city. This situation is the result of three main factors: insufficient access to public services, an ingrained negative image of the quarter, and a lack of coherence and continuity of the policy regarding this area. Research shows that the quality of life of the residents of degraded and satellite districts depends on the management and investments in the area, on the area’s perceived status within the city, but primarily on a consistent implementation of spatial and economic policies. Ensuring cohesion and integration between the satellite districts and the city center as well as other districts is also important.

2020 ◽  
pp. 147309522098111
Elham Bahmanteymouri

Urban development and land release policies in the city fringes are criticised because they often fail to achieve their objectives such as providing affordable housing for low to moderate-income groups as well as provision of infrastructure and transportation. From a Marxian point of view, urban development plans fail because of the inherent contradictions of capital, and consequently, maximisation of surplus-value becomes the main objectives of land supply policies. In this paper, I draw on the Lacanian concept of drive and use the homology between Marxian surplus-value and Lacanian surplus-enjoyment to explain how the market rationality of neoliberalism (late-capitalism) deflects the desired objectives of urban development plans (UDPs); that is, the desire to provide affordable housing and urban services and infrastructure instead facilitates speculative activities on land in the suburban areas of a metropolis, such as Perth, Western Australia. In particular, the paper focuses on the neoliberal intuitional and financial dimensions of UDPs. In conclusion, I suggest how planners may deal with the pressure of the lack in the hegemonic discourse of neoliberalism in order to avoid the stuckness of the logic of drive materialised in the operation of planning institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 46-70
Rodrigo Moraes Fritz ◽  
Wagner Batella

No estágio atual do sistema capitalista no mundo, as estratégias dos agentes econômicos para sobreviverem no mercado se fazem cada vez mais notórias. Tida como uma modernização na forma de vender e comprar, o Franchising vem se destacando em todo mundo e sendo fator importante na economia dos países. As franquias são muito presentes em realidades urbanas complexas, como as metrópoles, porém, nos últimos anos, nota-se sua difusão para centros urbanos intermediários, particularmente em cidades consideradas como médias, que possuem certo grau de influência regional. A cidade de Viçosa, localizada na Zona da Mata mineira, faz parte desse conjunto de cidades que, pela centralidade que exercem, atraem capitais, pessoas e mercadorias. O crescente número de franquias na cidade em questão despertou o interesse em caracterizá-las e entendê-las do ponto de vista da sua espacialidade, bem como do potencial que apresentam para promover mudanças na estrutura urbana, já que elas são indutoras de investimentos, reestruturações e, principalmente, de centralidade.   THE ROLE OF FRANCHISES IN THE RESTRUCTURING OF CITIES: the ascension of the sector in Viçosa - Minas Gerais State Palavras-chave: Franchising; Cidades Médias; Centralidade; Reestruturação Urbana. Abstract At the present stage of the capitalist system in the world, the strategies of the economic agents to survive in the market become more and more notorious. Considered as a modernization in the form of selling and buying, franchising has been standing out in the world and being an important factor in the economy of the countries. Franchises are very present in complex urban realities, such as metropolises, but in recent years, it has been diffused to intermediate urban centers, particularly in medium-sized cities with a certain degree of regional influence. The city of Viçosa, located in Zona da Mata mineira, is part of this group of cities that, because of the centrality they exert, attract capital, people and merchandise. The increasing number of franchises in the city in question has aroused interest in characterizing and understanding them from the point of view of their spatiality, as well as the potential they present to promote changes in the urban structure, since they are conducive to investment, restructuring And, mainly, of centrality.  Keywords: Franchising; Medium sized cities; Centrality; Urban Restructuring.   EL PAPEL DE LAS FRANQUICIAS EN LA REESTRUCTURACIÓN DE LAS CIUDAD: la ascensión del sector en Viçosa – MG Resumen En la etapa actual del sistema capitalista en el mundo, las estrategias de los agentes económicos para sobrevivir en el mercado se hacen cada vez más notorias. La Franchising se ha destacado en todo el mundo y es un factor importante en la economía de los países. Las franquicias son muy presentes en realidades urbanas complejas, como las metrópolis, sin embargo, en los últimos años, se nota su difusión a centros urbanos intermediarios, particularmente en ciudades consideradas como medias, que poseen cierto grado de influencia regional. La ciudad de Viçosa, ubicada en la Zona da Mata mineira, forma parte de ese conjunto de ciudades que, por la centralidad que ejercen, atraen capitales, personas y mercancías. El creciente número de franquicias en la ciudad en cuestión despertó el interés en caracterizarlas y entenderlas desde el punto de vista de su espacialidad, así como del potencial que presentan para promover cambios en la estructura urbana, ya que ellas son inductoras de inversiones, reestructuraciones y, principalmente, de centralidad. Palabras clave: Franchising; Ciudades medias; Centralidad; Reestructuración urbana.

E. I. Volynets ◽  
I. V. Kulikova

Design/methodology/approach: The historical and urban development of Tyumen is analyzed for the period of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The city division into historical areas and administrative districts and the current state of historical areas are considered. The territories of districts and characteristic architectural features are revealed. Purpose: The purpose of this work is to show the development of architecture of the city late in the 19th and early 20th centuries with regard to economic, political and historical factors. Research findings: The analysis of historical areas of Tyumen is given from the point of view of its urban development and architecture. The research utilizes modern and historical maps of the city of Tyumen and scientific publications. The research method consists of the analysis of information about the urban development using the literature and the correlation of this information with historical materials. The analysis is given to architectural dominants and their impact on the architectural and planning of historical areas. Research findings: The definition of historical areas locations and the analysis of the architecture development in Tyumen of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The diagrams are suggested for the location of architectural areas (churches, factories) and important town-planning elements (squares, squares, cemeteries, etc.) in the city infrastructure. Originality/value: The analysis is given to the intensive population growth in Tyumen, which affects the road system. For the last decade, a new system of streets has been developed both inside and outside the city. This fact affects both the urban planning and the architectural appearance of the city because some of architectural areas have been lost.

Sustainable development of large cities and megacities is ensured due to coordinated implementation of program activities in priority sectors of the urban economy. The traditional driver of Moscow’s development and the link for such sectors of the economy is the construction complex, which together with the complex of urban economy, carrying out the improvement of the entire city infrastructure, forms a new urban environment and a modern space for life. The implementation of such a multi-component goal has predetermined a new urban development policy of the city, including the complex of works on construction, reconstruction and renovation of capital objects and territories with supporting engineering, social and transport infrastructure, comprehensive improvement of urban spaces, as well as a number of measures for capital repairs of buildings and structures. The article discusses the methodical approaches and the main results of research dedicated to the urban development of the capital.

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (34) ◽  
pp. 91-102 ◽  
Jerzy J. Parysek ◽  
Lidia Mierzejewska

Abstract In the latest conceptions of urban development planning, special attention is paid to the resident. This is reflected especially in the increasingly popular idea of creating ‘a city for people’. This somewhat banal slogan has got an increasingly sensible and justified theoretical support, as well as examples of practical solutions. The idea of planning urban development to meet human needs (a city for people) underlies many conceptions of urban development, especially those the basic goal of which is to limit suburbanisation unfavourable from a general social point of view and to rationalise the mobility of city residents. It has long been known that their mobility reflects the spatial structure of a city, and that their ever more intensive movement is not favourable from the ecological, social and economic points of view. In this situation it is necessary to shape the spatial-functional structure of the city in a way that will, first, restrict this mobility and, secondly, that will change the ways and means by which residents move. However, in order to make changes in the existing spatial structures in a rational way, it is necessary to know the mobility of city dwellers, its causes, directions, distances covered, and duration. What we shall present in this paper are structural and functional conclusions resulting from an analysis of the mobility of residents relevant for planning. Although our reflections will be primarily theoretical in nature, in many cases they will be backed up by empirical studies, mostly concerning Poznań.

NALARs ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Ari Widyati Purwantiasning

ABSTRAK.Saat ini, perkembangan bangunan-bangunan baru di Jakarta berkembang sangat cepat. Kondisi ini membawa dampak negatif bagi beberapa titik di kawasan ibukota Jakarta, terutama di kawasan Kota Lama Jakarta yang dikenal sebagai kawasan bersejarah di Kota Jakarta. Beberapa bangunan tua di dalam kawasan ini dikenal telah terbengkalai puluhan tahun, dan ini menjadi beban bagi kota Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan. Bangunan-bangunan tua tersebut telah diabaikan dan terbengkalai hingga puluhan tahun karena tidak difungsikan sebagaimana mestinya, hal ini dikarenakan bangunan-bangunan tua tersebut sudah tidak layak pakai karena utilitas dan infrastruktur yang tidak memadai. Mengacu pada kondisi di atas, sudah selayaknya dipikirkan tentang bagaimana memelihara bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut, apakah harus dimusnahkan atau dijaga kelestariannya. Keduanya tentunya harus dipertimbangkan secara baik-baik dan menguntungkan serta bermanfaat bagi semua pihak, khususnya bagi pemilik bangunan, dengan menjaga bangunan tua bersejarah tersebut tanpa harus mencari sumber pendanaan dari sumber lain. Tulisan ini akan mengeksplor dan memberikan solusi terbaik bagi permasalahan ini dan mencari alternatif solusi bagaimana metode yang tepat untuk memelihara bangunan tua bersejarah di Jakarta. Dengan metode yang tepat diharapkan keberadaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah di Jakarta dapat menjadi identitas bagi kota Jakarta dan menjadi peran yang penting dalam perkembangan kota yang seharusnya terbentuk dari peradaban sejarah. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian program hibah Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah dimulai sejak tahun 2012 dengan tiga fokus penelitian dan pengamatan yang berbeda tentang konservasi dan revitalisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan skema akhir dari roadmap penelitian kami dan akan memberikan sebuah jawaban solusi mengenai berbagai permasalahan yang muncul dari tiga penelitian sebelumnya. Kata Kunci: metode, terbengkalai, fungsional, bangunan tua bersejarah, kawasan kota lama Jakarta ABSTRACT. Recently, the development of new buildings in Jakarta is increasing rapidly. This condition has a negative impact for some spots within Jakarta, particularly within Jakarta Old Town which is well known as a historical area in Jakarta. Some old buildings within this area have been neglected for years and this become a burden for Jakarta as a metropolitan city. Those historical old buildings have been abandoned because they could not been functioned anymore, they have lack of utilities and infrastructures.Referring to the above condition, there should be a method to maintain those historical old buildings, either to keep it or to demolish it all. The maintenance should benefit all parties, particularly the owner of the buildings could maintain the buildings without searching other funding's source. This paper will explore and present what is the best solution for this matter, and what is the appropriate method to maintain all those historical old buildings, thus could be existed within Jakarta Old Town area. Historical area could become an identity of the city and would become important role in urban development, which formed from a historical civilization. This paper is a part of research study undertaken from Competition Research Grant Programme - The Minister of Higher Education that has been started from 2012 with 3 different focus and point of view about conservation and revitalization. This research is a final scheme from the roadmap, and will present an answer about many problems occurred in those 3 previous researches.Keywords: method, abandoned, functional, historical old buildings, Jakarta Old Town area

1999 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 229-241 ◽  
A. Kampschulte

Abstract. Globalization and competition between cities require a new kind of planning policy. An urban development policy, which promotes a city's attractiveness for visitors and local enterprises as well as for residents is necessary in order to profitably seil the product «city». Therefore, urban marketing is not only a public relations campaign to attract tourists and investors, but a market oriented urban development policy. This should take into account the interests and needs of all of the city's customers. All target groups should take an active part in a common vision of the future development of Basle. Regarding this, the image analysis identifies a need for action. In the perception of many people Basle lacks a clear profile. Important image factors show weaknesses, and group-specific needs are partly neglected. Especially the identification with the city and a target-oriented marketing of specific attractions should be specifically promoted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  

The creative city has emerged as a driving force in urban studies in both academic and urban planning realms. Increasingly, scholars are interrogating these ideas of the creative city and the creative class as to their political implications and applications to cities around the world. This paper focuses on the role of the artist in urban development through the case study of one hip-hop group from the Pikine neighborhood of Dakar. Pikine, a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, is one of many neighborhoods prone to seasonal flooding. Where city government programs of flood alleviation failed to produce positive results, the hip-hop artists have succeeded to organize and work against flooding. The artists imagined a better urban future from the point of view of disadvantaged neighborhoods, and organized the community to make real, material impacts on the city.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Cecília Avelino Barbosa

Place branding is a network of associations in the consumer’s mind, based on the visual, verbal, and behavioral expression of a place. Food can be an important tool to summarize it as it is part of the culture of a city and its symbolic capital. Food is imaginary, a ritual and a social construction. This paper aims to explore a ritual that has turned into one of the brands of Lisbon in the past few years. The fresh sardines barbecued out of doors, during Saint Anthony’s festival, has become a symbol that can be found on t-shirts, magnets and all kinds of souvenirs. Over the year, tourists can buy sardine shaped objects in very cheap stores to luxurious shops. There is even a whole boutique dedicated to the fish: “The Fantastic World of Portuguese Sardines” and an annual competition promoted by the city council to choose the five most emblematic designs of sardines. In order to analyze the Sardine phenomenon from a city branding point of view, the objective of this paper is to comprehend what associations are made by foreigners when they are outside of Lisbon. As a methodological procedure five design sardines, were used of last year to questioning to which city they relate them in interviews carried in Madrid, Lyon, Rome and London. Upon completion of the analysis, the results of the city branding strategy adopted by the city council to promote the sardines as the official symbol of Lisbon is seen as a Folkmarketing action. The effects are positive, but still quite local. On the other hand, significant participation of the Lisbon´s dwellers in the Sardine Contest was observed, which seems to be a good way to promote the city identity and pride in their best ambassador: the citizens.

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