scholarly journals Two new xylophile cytheroid ostracods (Crustacea) from Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, with remarks on the systematics and phylogeny of the family Keysercytheridae, Limnocytheridae, and Paradoxostomatidae

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 ◽  
pp. 171-188
Hayato Tanaka ◽  
Hyunsu Yoo ◽  
Huyen Thi Minh Pham ◽  
Ivana Karanovic

Abstract Keysercythere reticulatasp. nov. and Redekea abyssalissp. nov., collected from the wood fall submerged in the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench (Northwestern Pacific), are only the second records of the naturally occurring, wood-associated ostracod fauna from a depth of over 5000 m. At the same time, K. reticulata is the second and R. abyssalis is the third representative of their respective genera. While Keysercythere Karanovic and Brandão, 2015 species are free-living, deep-sea taxa, all Redekea de Vos, 1953 live symbiotically on the body surface of wood-boring isopods, Limnoria spp. Since R. abyssalis is the only genus representative found in the deep sea, we hypothesize that its ancestor colonized this ecosystem as a result of the symbiotic relationship. Newly collected material enabled us to update molecular phylogeny of Cythreoidea based on 18S rRNA gene sequences, especially to clarify the current systematics of the families Keysercytheridae, Limnocytheridae, and Paradoxostomatidae. The resulting phylogenetic tree supports a close relationship between Keysercythere and Redekea and a distant relationship between two Limnocytheridae lineages, Timiriaseviinae and Limnocytherinae. Consequently, we propose a transfer of Redekea from Paradoxostomatidae to Keysercytheridae, and erecting of the two limnocytherid subfamilies onto the family level. The phylogenetic analysis also implies a close relationship between the nominal Limnocytherinae genus and Keysercythere+Redekea clade, albeit with a low posterior probability, requiring further studies to clarify this.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  

SUMMARY On 9 November 2015, a juvenile male fin whale of 11·60 m length was observed on the bulb of a merchant vessel in the Channel Terneuzen – Ghent (The Netherlands – Belgium). A severe parasitosis was present in the right heart ventricle and caudal caval vein. Parasites were identified as Crassicauda boopis based on macroscopic and microscopic observations. The sequence of the 18S rRNA gene obtained from the parasite samples was 100% similar to the sequence of the 18S rRNA gene from Crassicauda magna available on GenBank. While adults of C. boopis and C. magna are morphologically distinct and found at different locations in the body, the molecular analysis of the 18S rRNA gene seems insufficient for reliable species identification. Although numerous C. boopis were found, the cause of death was identified as due to the collision with the ship, as suggested by the presence of a large haematoma, and the absence of evidence of renal failure. The young age of this whale and the absence of severe chronic reaction may suggest that the infestation was not yet at an advanced chronic stage.

Nematology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (7) ◽  
pp. 653-669 ◽  
Oleg Gorgadze ◽  
Elena Fanelli ◽  
Manana Lortkhipanidze ◽  
Alberto Troccoli ◽  
Medea Burjanadze ◽  

Summary A new species of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema borjomiense n. sp., was isolated from the body of the host insect, Oryctes nasicornis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in Georgia, in the territory of Borjomi-Kharagauli. Morphological characters indicate that the new species is closely related to species of the feltiae-group. The infective juveniles are characterised by the following morphological characters: body length of 879 (777-989) μm, distance between the head and excretory pore = 72 (62-80) μm, pharynx length = 132 (122-142) μm, tail length = 70 (60-80) μm, ratio a = 26.3 (23.0-29.3), H% = 45 (40-51), D% = 54 (47-59), E% = 102 (95-115), and lateral fields consisting of seven ridges (eight incisures) at mid-body. Steinernema borjomiense n. sp. was molecularly characterised by sequencing three ribosomal regions (the ITS, the D2-D3 expansion domains and the 18S rRNA gene) and the mitochondrial COI gene. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that S. borjomiense n. sp. differs from all other known species of Steinernema and is a member of the monticolum-group.

2010 ◽  
Vol 76 (21) ◽  
pp. 7144-7153 ◽  
Rinske M. Valster ◽  
Bart A. Wullings ◽  
Dick van der Kooij

ABSTRACT Legionella pneumophila proliferates in aquatic habitats within free-living protozoa, 17 species of which have been identified as hosts by using in vitro experiments. The present study aimed at identifying protozoan hosts for L. pneumophila by using a biofilm batch test (BBT). Samples (600 ml) collected from 21 engineered freshwater systems, with added polyethylene cylinders to promote biofilm formation, were inoculated with L. pneumophila and subsequently incubated at 37°C for 20 days. Growth of L. pneumophila was observed in 16 of 18 water types when the host protozoan Hartmannella vermiformis was added. Twelve of the tested water types supported growth of L. pneumophila or indigenous Legionella anisa without added H. vermiformis. In 12 of 19 BBT flasks H. vermiformis was indicated as a host, based on the ratio between maximum concentrations of L. pneumophila and H. vermiformis, determined with quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), and the composition of clone libraries of partial 18S rRNA gene fragments. Analyses of 609 eukaryotic clones from the BBTs revealed that 68 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) showed the highest similarity to free-living protozoa. Forty percent of the sequences clustering with protozoa showed ≥99.5% similarity to H. vermiformis. None of the other protozoa serving as hosts in in vitro studies were detected in the BBTs. In several tests with growth of L. pneumophila, the protozoa Diphylleia rotans, Echinamoeba thermarum, and Neoparamoeba sp. were identified as candidate hosts. In vitro studies are needed to confirm their role as hosts for L. pneumophila. Unidentified protozoa were implicated as hosts for uncultured Legionella spp. grown in BBT flasks at 15°C.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Lauren Roman ◽  
Farzana Kastury ◽  
Sophie Petit ◽  
Rina Aleman ◽  
Chris Wilcox ◽  

Abstract Naturally occurring metals and metalloids [metal(loid)s] are essential for the physiological functioning of wildlife; however, environmental contamination by metal(loid) and plastic pollutants is a health hazard. Metal(loid)s may interact with plastic in the environment and there is mixed evidence about whether plastic ingested by wildlife affects metal(loid) absorption/assimilation and concentration in the body. We examined ingested plastic and liver concentration of eleven metal(loid)s in two seabird species: fairy (Pachyptila turtur) and slender-billed prions (P. belcheri). We found significant relationships between ingested plastic and the concentrations of aluminium (Al), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in the liver of prions. We investigated whether the pattern of significant relationships reflected plastic-metal(loid) associations predicted in the scientific literature, including by transfer of metals from ingested plastics or malnutrition due to dietary dilution by plastics in the gut. We found some support for both associations, suggesting that ingested plastic may be connected with dietary dilution / lack of essential nutrients, especially iron, and potential transfer of zinc. We did not find a relationship between plastic and non-essential metal(loid)s, including lead. The effect of plastic was minor compared to that of dietary exposure to metal(oid)s, and small plastic loads (< 3 items) had no discernible link with metal(loid)s. This new evidence shows a relationship between plastic ingestion and liver metal(loid) concentrations in free-living wildlife.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4809 (3) ◽  
pp. 547-559

Considerable effort has been devoted to elucidating the phylogenetic relationships of tetrigides. However, there is still no commonly accepted phylogenetic hypothesis. Therefore, the phylogenetic relationships among some subfamilies remain unclear; e.g., Cladonotinae is a controversial group, in which the phylogenetic relationships between genera and the boundaries of some of the included genera are unclear, causing some of the taxa to be difficult to identify. Therefore, an in-depth phylogenetic analysis of Cladonotinae is urgently needed. In this study, a robust phylogenetic framework for the tetrigides was reconstructed based on the combined mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA), and nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene sequences of 25 species belonging to 16 genera of Tetrigoidea from China, which included 13 species from 8 genera of Cladonotinae. Phylogenetic inferences were performed using the combined dataset and Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum Parsimony (MP) methods, and the phylogenetic tree of Cladonotinae was reconstructed. All inferences based on the results of the present study supported the Cladonotinae subfamily as a polyphyletic group; within the Cladonotinae subfamily, Tetradinodula, and Tuberfemurus were closely related to Tetriginae, while Austrohancockia and Gibbotettix showed a close relationship to the Scelimenidae subfamily. Additionally, a new genus and new species of the Cladonotinae subfamily are described and illustrated: Hainantettix Deng, gen. nov. and Hainantettix strictivertex Deng, sp. nov. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4763 (3) ◽  
pp. 354-370

A new free-living marine nematode of the family Xyalidae is described from Armação Beach, northeastern Brazil, and the genus Pseudosteineria is reviewed. Pseudosteineria longisetis sp. n. is characterized by having six groups of long subcephalic setae, amphids situated slightly anterior to the groups of subcephalic setae or at the level of the first subcephalic setae, long somatic setae located posteriorly to subcephalic setae and distributed along the body, one papiliform precloacal supplement, and gubernaculum with dorso-caudal apophysis. An emended diagnosis of the genus, an updated list of species and dichotomous identification key, and a pictorial key are given. A comparative table including the main characters of all Pseudosteineria species is also provided. 

Parasitology ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-391 ◽  
J. A. RAGA ◽  

Traditionally, the family Campulidae has been associated either with the family Fasciolidae, parasites of ruminants, or the Acanthocolpidae, parasites of fishes, based on morphological similarities. Since morphology does not seem to resolve clearly the problem of the relationships of campulids, we have used the sequences of the 18S rRNA gene of the campulids Zalophotrema hepaticum, Campula oblonga and Nasitrema globicephalae, the fasciolid Fasciola hepatica, the acanthocolpid Stephanostomum baccatum and the outgroup Schistosoma mansoni to infer a phylogeny. Maximum parsimony and neighbour-joining methods were applied. Both methods indicated that campulids are closer to acanthocolpids than fasciolids. In order to confirm this relationship, we generated a second phylogeny using all the partial sequences of the 18S published for trematodes: Lobatostoma manteri, Echinostoma caproni, Calicophoron calicophorum, Tetracerasta blepta, Gyliauchen sp. and Opistorchis viverrini, plus those mentioned above, and Dicrocoelium dendriticum. The aspidogastrean L. manteri was used as the outgroup. Results were identical to the first analysis. According to this and the most recent Digenean phylogeny, which considers campulids and acanthocolpids as sister groups, we suggest that a common origin for these 2 groups would imply a host-switching process. The life-cycle of acanthocolpids includes marine gastropods as first intermediate hosts, and fishes as second intermediate and definitive hosts. In this context, the hypothesis would be that trematodes whose cycle ended in fishes were able to switch to mammalian hosts.

Parasite ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 38 ◽  
Can Li ◽  
Weishan Zhao ◽  
Dong Zhang ◽  
Runqiu Wang ◽  
Guitang Wang ◽  

Morphological studies of Sicuophora (Syn. Wichtermania) multigranularis Xiao et al., 2002, from the rectum of the frog, Quasipaa spinosa, performed using silver impregnation and scanning electron microscopy, confirmed the following newly recognized features: (1) only one apical suture on the right surface; (2) two naked regions at the posterior end of both the left and the right side of the body. Phylogenetic analysis based on the SSU-rRNA gene showed that S. multigranularis is a sister to a clade comprising all other Clevelandellida, strongly supporting the validity of the genus Sicuophora. This is also the first molecular data obtained for the genus Sicuophora. Because of the lack of molecular data, it will be necessary to obtain more genetic data from the family Sicuophoridae to discuss the question of the taxonomic status of the genus Sicuophora.

2015 ◽  
Vol 65 (Pt_8) ◽  
pp. 2622-2629 ◽  
Yi Zhang ◽  
Jie Li ◽  
Xinpeng Tian ◽  
Si Zhang

Two novel filamentous bacteria, strains SCSIO 11157T and SCSIO 11154T, were isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample. Strain SCSIO 11157T grew optimally at 55–60 °C, while strain SCSIO 11154T grew optimally at 40 °C. Both strains produced aerial and substrate mycelia. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains SCSIO 11157T and SCSIO 11154T showed that the isolates were affiliated to the family Thermoactinomycetaceae. The two isolates contained ll-diaminopimelic acid as the cell-wall diamino acid, and did not have diagnostic sugars. The major polar lipids of strain SCSIO 11157T were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylmethylethanolamine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol, and the major polar lipids of SCSIO 11154T were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine. The predominant menaquinone of both strains was MK-7. The major cellular fatty acids of strain SCSIO 11157T were iso-C15 : 0, C18 : 1ω9c and iso-C17 : 0, and strain SCSIO 11154T contained iso-C15 : 0 and iso-C17 : 0 as major fatty acids. The DNA G+C contents of strains SCSIO 11157T and SCSIO 11154T were 54.2 and 51.8 mol %, respectively. On the basis of its phenotypic and phylogenetic properties, strain SCSIO 11157T represents a novel species in the new genus, for which we propose the name Marinithermofilum abyssi gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Marinithermofilum abyssi is SCSIO 11157T ( = CGMCC 1.15179T = NBRC 109939T). Strain SCSIO 11154T represents a novel species of the genus Desmospora, for which we propose the name Desmospora profundinema sp. nov. The type strain is SCSIO 11154T ( = DSM 45903T = NBRC 109626T).

1994 ◽  
Vol 72 (9) ◽  
pp. 1250-1263 ◽  
G. W. Saunders ◽  
G. T. Kraft

Nucleotide sequences of the nuclear, small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNAs, as inferred from polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified products, are presented for Areschougia congesta (Turner) J. Agardh (Solieriaceae), Dasyphloea insignis Montagne (Dumontiaceae), Sarcothalia crassifolia (C. Agardh) Edyvane & Womersley (Gigartinaceae), Nizymenia australis Sonder (Nizymeniaceae), Phacelocarpus peperocarpos (Poiret) Wynne, Ardré & Silva (Phacelocarpaceae), Plocamiocolax pulvinata Setchell, Plocamium angustum (J. Agardh) J.D. Hooker, Plocamium cartilagineum (Linnaeus) Dixon (Plocamiaceae), Rhodymenia linearis J. Agardh (Rhodymeniaceae), and Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackhouse (Sphaerococcaceae). Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU sequences between the Plocamiaceae and members of the Sphaerococcaceae, Phacelocarpaceae, and Nizymeniaceae, with which the Plocamiaceae has been associated historically, show SSU differences of between 87 and 105 nucleotides and do not indicate a close relationship. A review of anatomical knowledge of the Plocamiaceae and Pseudoanemoniaceae and new information on vegetative and tetrasporangial development in Plocamium and Plocamiocolax are presented to buttress a case for the Plocamiales ord.nov. Representatives of the Nizymeniaceae and Phacelocarpaceae differ from one another by only nine nucleotides, suggesting that these two taxa are very closely related and perhaps not distinct at the family rank. Key words: Gigartinales, PCR, phylogeny, Plocamiales ord.nov., Pseudoanemoniaceae, Rhodophyta, small-subunit rRNA, systematics.

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