Enhancing and Restoring Habitat for the Desert Tortoise

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 255-279 ◽  
Scott R. Abella ◽  
Kristin H. Berry

AbstractHabitat has changed unfavorably during the past 150 y for the desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii, a federally threatened species with declining populations in the Mojave Desert and western Sonoran Desert. To support recovery efforts, we synthesized published information on relationships of desert tortoises with three habitat features (cover sites, forage, and soil) and candidate management practices for improving these features for tortoises. In addition to their role in soil health and facilitating recruitment of annual forage plants, shrubs are used by desert tortoises for cover and as sites for burrows. Outplanting greenhouse-grown seedlings, protected from herbivory, has successfully restored (>50% survival) a variety of shrubs on disturbed desert soils. Additionally, salvaging and reapplying topsoil using effective techniques is among the more ecologically beneficial ways to initiate plant recovery after severe disturbance. Through differences in biochemical composition and digestibility, some plant species provide better-quality forage than others. Desert tortoises selectively forage on particular annual and herbaceous perennial species (e.g., legumes), and forage selection shifts during the year as different plants grow or mature. Nonnative grasses provide low-quality forage and contribute fuel to spreading wildfires, which damage or kill shrubs that tortoises use for cover. Maintaining a diverse “menu” of native annual forbs and decreasing nonnative grasses are priorities for restoring most desert tortoise habitats. Reducing herbivory by nonnative animals, carefully timing herbicide applications, and strategically augmenting annual forage plants via seeding show promise for improving tortoise forage quality. Roads, another disturbance, negatively affect habitat in numerous ways (e.g., compacting soil, altering hydrology). Techniques such as recontouring road berms to reestablish drainage patterns, vertical mulching (“planting” dead plant material), and creating barriers to prevent trespasses can assist natural recovery on decommissioned backcountry roads. Most habitat enhancement efforts to date have focused on only one factor at a time (e.g., providing fencing) and have not included proactive restoration activities (e.g., planting native species on disturbed soils). A research and management priority in recovering desert tortoise habitats is implementing an integrated set of restorative habitat enhancements (e.g., reducing nonnative plants, improving forage quality, augmenting native perennial plants, and ameliorating altered hydrology) and monitoring short- and long-term indicators of habitat condition and the responses of desert tortoises to habitat restoration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 167-184
SK Carter ◽  
KE Nussear ◽  
TC Esque ◽  
IIF Leinwand ◽  
E Masters ◽  

Two tortoise species native to the American southwest have experienced significant habitat loss from development and are vulnerable to ongoing threats associated with continued development. Mojave desert tortoises Gopherus agassizii are listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act, and Sonoran desert tortoises G. morafkai are protected in Arizona (USA) and Mexico. Substantial habitat for both species occurs on multiple-use public lands, where development associated with traditional and renewable energy production, recreation, and other activities is likely to continue. Our goal was to quantify development to inform and evaluate actions implemented to protect and manage desert tortoise habitat. We quantified a landscape-level index of development across the Mojave and Sonoran desert tortoise ranges using models of potential habitat for each species (152485 total observations). We used 13 years of Mojave desert tortoise monitoring data (4732 observations) to inform the levels and spatial scales at which tortoises may be affected by development. Most (66-70%) desert tortoise habitat has some development within 1 km. Development levels on desert tortoise habitat are lower inside versus outside areas protected by actions at national, state, and local levels, suggesting that protection efforts may be having the desired effects and providing a needed baseline for future effectiveness evaluations. Of the relatively undeveloped desert tortoise habitat, 43% (74030 km2) occurs outside of existing protections. These lands are managed by multiple federal, state, and local entities and private landowners, and may provide opportunities for future land acquisition or protection, including as mitigation for energy development on public lands.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-289 ◽  
Scott R. Abella ◽  
Lindsay P. Chiquoine ◽  
E. Cayenne Engel ◽  
Katherine E. Kleinick ◽  
Fred S. Edwards

Abstract Vegetation in habitat of the federally listed desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii in the Mojave and western Sonoran Desert is now partly or mostly dominated by nonnative annual plants. To improve forage quality and augment availability of perennial cover plants, we tested seeding (pelletized or bare seeding), watering, and fencing for increasing a native annual forage species (desert plantain Plantago ovata), a perennial forage species (desert globemallow Sphaeralcea ambigua), and two shrub species (cheesebush Hymenoclea salsola and winterfat Krascheninnikovia lanata) that provide cover in desert tortoise habitat of southern Nevada. Treatments were ineffective at establishing the perennial species, even though greenhouse assays confirmed that some bare and pelletized seeds were germinable. In contrast, pelletized seeding quadrupled the density of desert plantain compared with not seeding or seeding untreated seed by the end of the first year (autumn 2013). Fencing tripled density of desert plantain to 17 plants/m2. Pelletized seeding plus fencing produced a desert plantain density of 39 plants/m2, the highest average density among all treatment combinations. The positive effect of fencing persisted until at least the second year after treatment (autumn 2014). Augmenting native annual forage plants favored by desert tortoises is feasible.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 395
Alex J. Lindsey ◽  
Adam W. Thoms ◽  
Marshall D. McDaniel ◽  
Nick E. Christians

Soil health and sustainable management practices have garnered much interest within the turfgrass industry. Among the many practices that enhance soil health and sustainability are applying soil additives to enhance soil biological activity and reducing nitrogen (N) inputs—complimentary practices. A two-year study was conducted to investigate if reduced N fertilizer rates applied with humic substances could provide comparable turfgrass quality as full N rates, and whether humic fertilizers would increase biological aspects of soil health (i.e., microbial biomass and activity). Treatments included synthetic fertilizer with black gypsum (SFBG), poly-coated humic-coated urea (PCHCU; two rates), urea + humic dispersing granules (HDG; two rates), urea, stabilized nitrogen, HDG, and a nontreated control. Reduced rates of N with humic substances maintained turfgrass quality and cover, and reduced clipping biomass compared to full N rates. There were no differences in soil physical and chemical properties besides soil sulfur (S) concentration. SFBG resulted in the highest soil S concentration. Fertilizer treatments had minimal effect on microbial biomass and other plant-available nutrients. However, PCHCU (full rate) increased potentially mineralizable carbon (PMC) and N (PMN) by 68% and 59%, respectively, compared to the nontreated control. Meanwhile SFBG and stabilized nitrogen also increased PMC and PMN by 77% and 50%, and 65% and 59%, respectively. Overall, applications of reduced N fertilizer rates with the addition of humic substances could be incorporated into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly turfgrass fertilizer program.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 1403-1417 ◽  
Mark A. Lee ◽  
Aaron P. Davis ◽  
Mizeck G. G. Chagunda ◽  
Pete Manning

Abstract. Livestock numbers are increasing to supply the growing demand for meat-rich diets. The sustainability of this trend has been questioned, and future environmental changes, such as climate change, may cause some regions to become less suitable for livestock. Livestock and wild herbivores are strongly dependent on the nutritional chemistry of forage plants. Nutrition is positively linked to weight gains, milk production and reproductive success, and nutrition is also a key determinant of enteric methane production. In this meta-analysis, we assessed the effects of growing conditions on forage quality by compiling published measurements of grass nutritive value and combining these data with climatic, edaphic and management information. We found that forage nutritive value was reduced at higher temperatures and increased by nitrogen fertiliser addition, likely driven by a combination of changes to species identity and changes to physiology and phenology. These relationships were combined with multiple published empirical models to estimate forage- and temperature-driven changes to cattle enteric methane production. This suggested a previously undescribed positive climate change feedback, where elevated temperatures reduce grass nutritive value and correspondingly may increase methane production by 0.9 % with a 1 °C temperature rise and 4.5 % with a 5 °C rise (model average), thus creating an additional climate forcing effect. Future methane production increases are expected to be largest in parts of North America, central and eastern Europe and Asia, with the geographical extent of hotspots increasing under a high emissions scenario. These estimates require refinement and a greater knowledge of the abundance, size, feeding regime and location of cattle, and the representation of heat stress should be included in future modelling work. However, our results indicate that the cultivation of more nutritious forage plants and reduced livestock farming in warming regions may reduce this additional source of pastoral greenhouse gas emissions.

L A Gabbarini ◽  
E Figuerola ◽  
J P Frene ◽  
N B Robledo ◽  
F M Ibarbalz ◽  

Abstract The effects of tillage on soil structure, physiology, and microbiota structure were studied in a long-term field experiment, with side-to-side plots, established to compare effects of conventional tillage (CT) vs. no-till (NT) agriculture. After 27 years, part of the field under CT was switched to NT and vice versa. Soil texture, soil enzymatic profiles, and the prokaryotic community structure (16S rRNA genes amplicon sequencing) were analysed at two soil depths (0–5, 5–10 cm) in samples taken 6, 18, and 30 months after switching tillage practices. Soil enzymatic activities were higher in NT than CT, and enzymatic profiles responded to the changes much earlier than the overall prokaryotic community structure. Beta diversity measurements of the prokaryotic community indicated that the levels of stratification observed in long-term NT soils were already recovered in the new NT soils thirty months after switching from CT to NT. Bacteria and Archaea OTUs, which responded to NT were associated with coarse soil fraction, SOC and C cycle enzymes while CT responders were related to fine soil fractions and S cycle enzymes. This study showed the potential of managing the soil prokaryotic community and soil health through changes in agricultural management practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
Todd C. Esque ◽  
Lesley A. DeFalco ◽  
Gayle L. Tyree ◽  
K. Kristina Drake ◽  
Kenneth E. Nussear ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 116 ◽  
Lynette K. Abbott ◽  
David A. C. Manning

<p>Soil health is dependent upon complex bio-physical and bio-chemical processes which interact in space and time. Microrganisms and fauna in soil comprise highly diverse and dynamic communities that contribute, over either short or long time frames, to the transformation of geological minerals and release of essential nutrients for plant growth. Certified organic soil management practices generally restrict the use of chemically-processed highly soluble plant nutrients, leading to dependence on nutrient sources that require microbial transformation of poorly soluble geological minerals. Consequently, slow release of nutrients controls their rate of uptake by plants and associated plant physiological processes. Microbial and faunal interactions influence soil structure at various scales, within and between crystalline mineral grains, creating complex soil pore networks that further influence soil function, including the nutrient release and uptake by roots. The incorporation of organic matter into soil, as either manure or compost in organic farming systems is controlled to avoid excessive release of soluble nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, while simultaneously contributing an essential source of carbon for growth and activity of soil organisms. The interdependence of many soil physical and chemical processes contributing to soil health is strongly linked to activities of the organisms living in soil as well as to root structure and function. Capitalizing on these contributions to soil health cannot be achieved without holistic, multiscale approaches to nutrient management, an understanding of interactions between carbon pools, mineral complexes and soil mineralogy, and detailed examination of farm nutrient budgets.</p>

1994 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 72 ◽  
David C. Rostal ◽  
Valentine A. Lance ◽  
Janice S. Grumbles ◽  
Allison C. Alberts

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Katherine Sánchez-Zúñiga ◽  
Ana Tapia-Fernández ◽  
William Eduardo Rivera-Méndez ◽  

Soil microorganisms play an important role as a link in the transfer of nutrients from the rhizosphere. The physical and chemical properties of soil, the metabolic profiles of microbial communities and different crop management practices can enhance our understanding of hizospheric interactions. This study aimed to establish differences in microbial communities associated with banana crops and the biochemical profile in farms under different agronomic conditions. Seven farms with different levels of intervention, management, and fusariosis severity were analyzed. The biochemical profile of the microbial community was determined using EcoPlates and the main substrates consumed by the microbial communities were identified through multivariate principal component analysis (PCA). Seven microorganisms were selected as indicators of nutrient cycles, pathogenicity and soil health. Also, soil chemical indicators were determined through a complete mineral analysis. For the physiological profile of soil microbial populations, it was observed that farms with the same management tend to be metabolically very similar. In the PCA, two principal components explained 90 % of the variance in the data. It was also determined that the genus Bacillus is predominant in all farms and that farm 4 (medium intervention) presented the most favorable values in all factors analyzed. The effective cation exchange capacity values are highlighted in the chemical analyses, which determined that all farms have a high fertility level. The metabolic profile, diversity and richness of each of the different farms were affected by the type of agronomic management used.

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