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Aayush Gupta ◽  
Anant Gandhi ◽  
Saarthak Agarwal ◽  
Shamin Chokshi ◽  

The concept of Natural Language Processing that deals with problems of identifying the sentiment from the voice or text of a speaker or writer and then use that analysis further for making predictions, market survey, customer service, product satisfaction, precision targeting etc. is called Sentiment analysis. From one viewpoint, it is an abstract evaluation of something dependent on close to home observational experience. It Is mostly established in target realities and incompletely governed by feelings. Then again, a sentiment can be deciphered as a kind of measurement in the information in regards to a specific subject. It is a lot of markers that mix present a point of view, i.e., perspective for the specific issue. So as to enhance the accuracy of sentiment analysis/classification, it is imperative to appropriately recognize the semantic connections between the various words and phrases that are describing the subject or aspect. This can be done by applying semantic analysis with a syntactic parser and supposition vocabulary. This research will discuss different sets of approaches for application or domain specific problems and then compare them to obtain the best possible approaches to the problem of sentiment analysis.

2021 ◽  

The authors will present a comprehensive account of the neurological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim is to provide a practical clinical book which will serve as a guide for clinicians from all specialties involved in the management of COVID-19 patients. The authors share the extensive clinical experience gained in major hospitals in Lombardy, the first European region to face the COVID-19 emergency in 2020. All are recognized international experts in their respective fields and have been involved in the management of COVID-19 cases from the very beginning of the Italian SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. The text begins with a description of pathobiological and pathophysiological aspects related to the involvement of the nervous system, moving on to the discussion of the neurological complications observed in COVID-19 patients; these range from central to peripheral symptoms, and can occur in the acute or post-acute phases of the disease. Further topics are: neuropathology, seizures and EEG, neuroimaging, delirium, encephalomyelitis, stroke, psychopathology and psychiatry, neuropsychology and cognitive impairment, neuromuscu-lar disorders, and the impact of COVID-19 on other pre-existing neurological disorders. In addi-tion, the book will discuss the new developments in teleneurology approaches, which have been a direct response to the ongoing pandemic. Finally, the possible neurological complications of the COVID-19 vaccines and the neurological complications in children will be considered.Each chapter will present a critical review of the existing literature concerning the specific subject matter, followed by practical clinical recommendations, as well as personal considerations based on the experience gained by each author during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurology of COVID-19 will be an original and innovative reference book for clinicians of all the specialties involved in the management of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection

2021 ◽  
Liudmila Rupšienė ◽  
Milda Ratkevičienė ◽  
Regina Saveljeva

Even though the recent decades have witnessed extensive attempts around the world to ensure the equality of people with disabilities in the health system, it has not been achieved yet. To some extent, the problem is related to the education of health workers to work with people with disabilities. In order to gain more understanding in this regard, this paper focuses on the preparedness of health workers to work with people with hearing, visual, movement and mental disabilities: Is there a link between the studies of the health care workers in higher schools and their preparedness to deal with the specific problems that arise when working with people with hearing, visual, movement and mental disabilities? How does a specific subject / module on working with people with disabilities relate to the preparedness of health workers to address these specific issues? How is it related to the integrated preparation during the study years to work with people with disabilities? A survey of 664 health workers (doctors, nurses, kinesiotherapists, and social workers) working in Lithuania has been conducted. The research revealed that a number of health workers were not properly prepared in higher schools to work with people with hearing, visual, movement and mental disabilities. The research has also revealed that while studying a specific subject / module about working with people with disabilities or studying it in an integrated way across a variety of study activities, health professionals become better prepared to deal with the specific problems of working with people with hearing, visual, movement and mental disabilities. The results of the study suggest the necessity to pay more attention to the particularity of working with people with disabilities in health workers education, so that they are more prepared to work with people with hearing, visual, movement and mental disabilities and ensure more equality and non-discrimination in the healthcare system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 133-144

Plagiarism is non-academic behavior and a gross violation of academic integrity. Students, as members of the academic community, should respect the principles of academic conduct. They should not engage in plagiarism, but condemn it. However, plagiarism is present, so it is necessary to consider the causes of this phenomenon in order to prevent it. This paper presents the results of a research, whose goal was to determine the degree of knowledge, the need for education and the way of educating students about plagiarism and the rules of academic writing. In order to understand the problem of plagiarism and to prevent it, surveys of both students and teachers’ opinions were conducted. The research showed that students are partially familiar with the concept and types of plagiarism and academic writing, and that there is a need for them to gain more knowledge or expand their knowledge on these topics. Two models of student education were proposed: through a specific subject of academic writing or organizing various seminars, workshops, courses, or similar.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026377582110423
Katherine G Sammler ◽  
Casey R Lynch

This paper examines two space science infrastructures in Hawai'i, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) and the Hawai'i Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS). It considers how scientific observation and colonial occupation are co-constituted through the production of apparatuses – extensive material practices and arrangements that iteratively produce subject–object relations. By analyzing TMT and HI-SEAS as apparatuses, we show how both involve the active ordering of space, time, and matter in ways that are dependent upon existing settler colonial relations while enacting specific subject positions key to the projection of settler colonialism across space and time. TMT materializes the Archimedean point, or view-from-nowhere, on which Western scientific “objectivity” depends, while HI-SEAS works to produce ideal colonizer-subjectivities and orient their bodies to the spatialities of the colony. Engaging Native Hawai’ian, Indigenous, and allied anti-colonial critiques, we argue that social science of outer space research must critically address the colony, as its basic logics are foundational to the practices of contemporary space science and imaginaries of space exploration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 94-98
Aiming Yu

Improving the ability of predictive thinking is conducive in seeking the future and mastering initiative. In order to improve the ability of predictive thinking, it is necessary to strengthen the spirit of active exploration to give full play to people’s subjective initiative. Scientific methodology is the basis for improving this ability. It is necessary to learn and apply dialectical materialist methodology and to master advanced methods in specific subject areas. A deep and broad knowledge system is the fundamental for the development of predictive thinking, hence a deep professional knowledge system and a broad multifield knowledge reserve must be formed. The development of science and technology provides traction in discovering new forecasting directions, more advanced tools for forecasting research, and philosophical epistemological guidance for forecasting. Therefore, there is a need to pay great attention to the development of science and technology.

Yu. N. Stolyarov

The article is a follow-up of the previous publications by Yu. N. Stolyarov “Documentology: The backgrould and development” and “The basic postulates of documentology as the general theory of documents”. The author substantiates the need for developing the library documentology as an individual discipline with its specific subject, specific document definition, and specific content. The subjects of library document studies are the primary and secondary document; technological document; accompanying document; and administrative document (record). The library workflows are based on procedural documents that form the class of administrative documents that ensure the optimal functioning of the library. Administrative documents in the library, as in other legal entities, are grouped into large subclasses: planning, accounting, reporting, personnel, financial documents, etc. Among them, the managerial documents are mostly important as they are to support the entire management process. Beside these subclasses, the accompanying documentation forms the subclass that makes an essential part of the collection, namely technological, and administrative documentation. To separate the fundamental library concepts of the document, the author proposes to adopt a specific definition for each document process. The library collection document is information specific for the library that is fixed or to be fixed. Fixed information refers to the diachronous, discrete documents, information to be fixed (continuously and to be continuously updated) refers to synchronous (existing at the time of retrieval), continuous (having only the beginning) document. The author defines library documentation as the systematized collection of internal documents. The tasks and purpose of these documents are determined by the specific of library technological tasks and functions. The author insists on developing the key provisions and, above all, the terms of library documentology.

2021 ◽  
pp. 52-59
I. A. Dudkovskaya

The article actualizes the need to use an electronic textbook as one of the means of developing cognitive universal educational actions of students. Various psychological and pedagogical sources are analyzed, which reflect the concepts of "cognitive universal educational actions" and "electronic textbook". It is substantiated that the main task of the educational system in modern society is the formation of a set of universal educational actions that can provide the emerging personality with the opportunity to self-develop and self-improve through the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities based on specific subject knowledge within the framework of specific studied disciplines (informatics, information technology, etc.). A comparative analysis of the textbook by L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova "Informatics. Grade 7" (BINOM) and an electronic supplement to this textbook is given. The experience of the development by the student (under the guidance of the author of the article) of an electronic textbook on informatics, aimed at the development of cognitive universal educational actions of students, is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 168
Paulo Daniel Marcos dos Santos ◽  
Daiana da Conceição Alves de Magalhães ◽  
Nelma Camêlo de Araujo

O tesauro é um método de esquema de listagem que funciona como instrumento de organização documental onde as palavras apresentam relação semântica dentro de um assunto/tema específico, e essa relação é estabelecida hierarquicamente por meio de descritores que estabelecem padrão e maior especificidade do tema trabalhado, a partir do tema escolhido “Crustáceos utilizados na culinária alagoana”. Durante a produção do presente artigo, tornou-se perceptível que a literatura acerca do tema frutos do mar no litoral alagoano não se encontra disposta de modo organizado, logo, foi constatado que o tema seria conveniente para elaboração deste tesauro experimental. Com base nas instruções do sistema Tesauro foi possível analisar, recuperar e indexar a informação, tornando o resgate desse tema disponível como um registro documental padronizado contribuindo para outros pesquisadores/estudiosos que demonstrem interesse na temática, seja pelo tema crustáceos ou pela estruturação.ABSTRACTThe thesaurus is a method of listing scheme that works as an instrument of document organization where words have a semantic relationship within a specific subject/theme, and this relationship is established hierarchically through descriptors that establish a pattern and greater specificity of the theme being worked on, from the chosen theme “Crustaceans used in Alagoas cuisine”. During the production of this article, it became noticeable that the literature on the theme of seafood on the coast of Alagoas is not arranged in an organized way, so it was found that the topic would be convenient for the elaboration of this experimental thesaurus. Based on the instructions of the Thesaurus system, it was possible to analyse, retrieve and index the information, making the rescue of this theme available as a standardized documental record, contributing to other researchers/scholars who show interest in the theme, whether by the theme of crustaceans or by structuring. 

2021 ◽  
Georgi Cholakov ◽  
Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva

Nowadays distance education helps when no other traditional possibility is allowed. But is it a good alternative to replace entirely the traditional education? Could it provide at least the same level of quality or it brings problems that we are not prepared for? The paper presents an observation of a problem with keeping students focused on their education – constant dropping of engagement and unintentional loss of attention during situation of distance learning. Appling measures to keep students’ attraction led to the need of some aspects’ automation – a model for a new intelligent assistant, software agent, was developed, along with the current ones in the existing system. This assistant will create profiles of students, helping with personalized tracking of each student’s progress in specific subject, recommending topics to improve knowledge and fill knowledge gaps. It will “live” in the extension of an existing system and cooperate with other agents to accomplish its goals, proactively assisting in students’ learning aspects, as well as teachers’ efforts to prepare better and more suitable educational materials.

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