Self-Assessment Reports

2022 ◽  
pp. 269-285
Nithya Ramachandran ◽  
Madhusmita Indian Nayak

Quality assurance has gained momentum in the education sector also after its recognition in the industry. Quality has become a part of service providers like healthcare and education. The field of education has undergone tremendous change since the word quality penetrated into it. Choosing a higher education institution puts in many criteria of which quality assurance and accreditation also has a vital role. The process of accreditation differs from one country to another. The process depends on the outcomes expected by the accrediting agency along with the guidelines of the government regulatory body. Self-assessment report is a self-evaluation made by an institution which is prepared in a report form and submitted to accrediting agency. An expert team evaluates the application for awarding accreditation to a HEI. The role of self-assessment report is to understand the strength and weakness of the HEI.

Esperanza Vivas ◽  
Aleida González González ◽  
Viviana Moreira Mera ◽  
Antonio Vásquez Pérez

Abstract— The paper presents an analysis related to the results of self-evaluation of careers in higher education, highlighting the particularities in the career of industrial engineering at the Technical University of Manabí. an analysis related to the results of a profiled to identify weaknesses in the quality of training of students, which developed in the Industrial Engineering of higher learning and an improvement plan is presented research is available to achieve obtain the quality demanded by the CEAACES (Council of evaluation and quality Assurance in Higher Education to achieve accreditation. Index Terms— accreditation career, self-assessment, training processes, improvement plan

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-30
Javier Cox-Alvarado

SELF-ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION GROUPS (CLUSTERS) IN THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES OF THE DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF COSTA RICA: A NEW APPROACH TO ADDRESSING THE SELF-ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION.El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad el compartir experiencias vividas en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica sobre la aplicación de un nuevo enfoque en pro del aseguramiento de la calidad de cinco carreras con fines de mejoramiento y acreditación. Para implementar la autoevaluación y la acreditación de carreras por clústeres es necesario conocer experiencias anteriores, así como las conclusiones y lecciones aprendidas de la puesta en práctica de este enfoque novedoso. Con lo cual se podrán determinar parámetros importantes como lo son las condiciones previas que deben tener las carreras y  la coordinación que deben tener los equipos de autoevaluación, la unidades asesoras y las agencias de acreditación; todo ello en procura de un resultado exitoso en la realización de este proceso y en general del aseguramiento de la calidad de las carreras y programas de esta universidad.Palabras clave: autoevaluación, acreditación, calidad de la educación, clústeres.AbstractThis paper’s aims is sharing experiences in the Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica on the implementation of a new approach pro quality assurance of five university programs degrees for purposes and accreditation objectives. To implement self-evaluation and accreditation by blustering of programs degreesis necessary to understand past experiences and the conclusions and lessons learned from the implementation of this novel approach. Thus able to determine important parameters such as the preconditions that should have careers and coordination that must have the selfassessment teams, the advisory units and accreditation agencies, all in pursuit of a successful outcome in the performance of this process and overall quality assurance of courses and programs at the university.Keywords: self-assessment, accreditation, quality of education, clusters

Dariia Shchegliuk

The article is devoted to the introduction of a report on self-assessment in the practical activities carried by higher education institutions in Ukraine. The role of the report on the self-assessment of educational programs in the systems of internal and external quality assurance in higher education Is described. In internal quality assurance systems, a self-assessment report is defined as a tool for self-analysis of educational programs and an assessment of the effectiveness of the quality assurance system of higher education and the quality of educational activities of the institution. This report allows to identify the weaknesses of the program/system and plan ways to manage them. For an external quality assurance system, a self-assessment report is positioned as the main document generated by the provider of educational services for external evaluation. It is included that such a document is created for accreditation and for applications to participate  in global university rankings. The criteria for forming a self-assessment report and its structure are substantiated. A typical template for a self-assessment report that meets all the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and the criteria "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area" is proposed. The template of report includes a list of criteria, essential requirements, key issues for analysis, and possible confirmations, as well as suggestions for improving and further developing the program. The use of the self-assessment report in internal quality assurance systems (during the periodic review and monitoring of educational programs to identify strengths and weaknesses, to ensure the transparency and clarity of various aspects of educational activities by internal and external stakeholders) and in external quality assurance systems (including for determining the progress of institutions of higher education and their ranking - both in subject areas and in general) is suggested.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-48 ◽  
Brighton Nyagadza ◽  
Tatenda Nyauswa

This study seeks to explore the possibility of adopting parametric insurance to manage disaster risk in Zimbabwe. The background of the research is caused by recurrent natural disasters and the failure of the government to offer disaster relief after such events. The main objective of the research is to come up with the success factors of adopting parametric insurance to manage disaster risk and its effectiveness in African countries. The study population consists of 32 employees from seven reinsurance companies and 5 from a regulatory body. Self-administered questionnaires and interviews were used to collect the data. The study assumes that Zimbabwe does not have sufficient infrastructure to establish parametric insurance, and the lack of financial capacity is another major problem. 61% of respondents confirmed that they were underwriting natural disasters and the remaining 39% were not. The natural disasters that are being covered in insurance market and under which insurance products are used were at 61%. About 39% of the reinsurance companies that are not underwriting natural disasters cited the major reasons why they do not. Most of respondents confirmed that there was no support from the government to underwrite catastrophic risks. 57% of the respondents indicated that it is not possible to adopt parametric insurance, whilst 43% of the respondents agreed that it was practical. Recommendations are made for the government and insurance providers, which include use of catastrophe bonds, government incentives and support, the creation of a clearing house and the involvement of international organizations and developing countries in adopting parametric insurance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Busthomi Ibrohim

Abstract. Politically, School Based Management (SBM) becomes the mouthpiece of all issues in the field of education that will be portrayed in schools, because the school is the last network of educational bureaucracy. SBM is also a form of operationalization of the decentralization or education autonomy policy in relation to regional autonomy. Theoretically, SBM is also a concept that offers autonomy to schools in order to improve quality, efficiency and equity of education in order to accommodate the interests of local communities as well as establishing close cooperation between schools, communities and governments. Operationally SBM is an idea that places the authority of school management in a system entity. Based on the above view, this article outlines the basic framework of SBM as a strategy for improving the quality of education. With SBM, principals, teachers and learners get the opportunity to innovate and improvise in schools related to curriculum, learning, managerial and others. So the principal serves as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, motivator, figure, and mediator. SBM also calls for the creation of new institutional arrangements and institutions, including: the establishment of school boards, development of school strategy planning, develop of annual school planning, internal monitoring and self-assessment, annual reporting, school opinion surveys of school stakeholders. Keywords. School Based Management, Decentralization of Education, Quality Assurance, Autonomy of Education, School Committee Abstrak. Secara politis, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) merupakan muara dari semua kebijakan dibidang pendidikan akan tergambarkan di sekolah, sebab sekolah merupakan jaringan terakhir dari rangkaian birokrasi pendidikan. MBS juga sebagai bentuk operasionalisasi dari kebijakan desentralisasi atau otonomi pendidikan dalam hubungannya dengan otonomi daerah. Secara teoretis, MBS merupakan suatu konsep yang menawarkan suatu otonomi kepada sekolah dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu, efisiensi dan pemerataan pendidikan agar dapat mengakomodir kepentingan masyarakat setempat serta menjalin kerja sama yang erat antar sekolah, masyarakat dan pemerintah. Secara operasional MBS merupakan gagasan yang menempatkan kewenangan pengelolaan sekolah dalam suatu keutuhan entitas sistem. Berdasarkan pandangan di atas, artikel ini menguraikan kerangka dasar MBS sebagai strategi dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Dengan MBS, kepala sekolah, guru dan peserta didik mendapatkan peluang untuk melakukan inovasi dan improvisasi di sekolah berkaitan dengan masalah kurikulum, pembelajaran, manajerial dan lain-lain. Maka kepala sekolah berfungsi sebagai educator, manajer, administrator, supervisor, leader, inovator, motivator, figure, dan mediator. MBS juga menuntut penciptaan tatanan dan budaya kelembagaan baru, yang mencakup: pembentukan dewan sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan strategi sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan tahunan sekolah, melakukan internal monitoring, self-assesment, menyusun laporan tahunan, melakukan survei pendapat sekolah terhadap stakeholder sekolah. Kata Kunci.     School Based Management, Desentralisasi Pendidikan, Jaminan Mutu, Otonomi Pendidikan, Komite Sekolah   Daftar Pustaka Fiske, Edward. 1999. Decentrilization of Education atau Desentralisasi Pengajaran (Terjemah). Jakarta: Grasindo. Bappenas. 1999. School Based Management. Jakarta: Bappenas bekerja sama dengan Bank Dunia. Binde, Brome. 2001. Keys to the 21st Century. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. Bryson, Jhon M.. 1995. Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organiztions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Delors, Jacques. 1996. Learning: The Treasure Within. Australia: UNESCO. Engkoswara. 2002. Lembaga Pendidikan sebagai Pusat Pembudayaan. Bandung: Yayasan Amal Keluarga. Finn, C.E dan Prash J.C dalam Dimmock Clive. 1993. School Based Management and School Effectiveness. London: Routledge. Formasi, Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Pendidikan, No. 2, Tahun II Maret 2000. ---------, No. 8 tahun IV November 2003. Gorton, Richart, A. 1976. School Administration Challenge and Opportunity For Leadership. Lowa: Brown Company Publishers. Malen, Ogawa, Kranz dalam Abu-Duhon Ibtisam, School Based Management. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. Mulyasa, E. 2003. Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah: Konsep, Strategi dan Implementasi. Bandung: Rosdakarya. --------. 2003. Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Professional Dalam Konteks Menyukseskan MBS dan KBK. Bandung: Rosdakarya. Naisbitt, John. 1994. Global Paradox, terjemah Budijanto. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Paul I, Dressel. 1980. The Autonomy of Public Colleges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. Peraturan Pemerintah No.25 Tahun 2000 tentang Kewenangan Pemerintah dan Kewenangan Provinsi sebagai Daerah Otonom. Satori, Djam’an. 1999. Pengembangan Sistem “Quality Assurance” Pada Sekolah, Naskah Akademik Untuk Pusat Pengujian. Jakarta: Balitbang Depdiknas. Slamet 2001. Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (buku 1, 2 dan 3) Konsep dan Pelaksananya. Jakarta : Depdinas Dirjen Dikdasmen. Suyatno. 2001. Penerpan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Makalah disajikan pada Colloqium Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Hamka Jakarta 15 Mei 2001 di Jakarta. Thomas L. Wheeler dan J. David Hunger. tt. Strategic Management and Business Pilicy. New Jersey: Upper Saddle iver. Tilaar, H.A.R. 2000. Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Wahjosumidjo. 2000. Dasar-Dasar Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen Kepemimpinan Abad XXI. Jakarta: LAN-RI.

Ardhin Primadewi ◽  
Mukhtar Hanafi

Higher education in Indonesia is regulated by the government with the Higher Education Accreditation (APT). In APT 3.0, Higher Education is required to be able to present performance data in the form of a Higher Education Performance Report (LKPT) as a reference in making a Self-Evaluation Report (LED). However, it is necessary to have an in-depth analysis to determine the gaps in the data required by Higher Education according to the APT 3.0 standard. The process of integrating the samples refer to the Zachman Framework (ZF). The results of this simplification that the data is available in support of APT 3.0 approximately 79% of the total data both inside and outside the core business of Higher Education and is well managed in an integrated database. The remaining 21% of the data that are not available is spread across several information systems, especially SIMMawa, SIMHumas and Cooperation, and SIMAKU. This shows that the change in accreditation standards that have been in effect since April 2019 has created a significant data gap for Higher Education. This research also produced an alternative model of integrated data management that can be used as input for Information System developers in the Higher Education scope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2202
Amalka Nawarathna ◽  
Muditha Siriwardana ◽  
Zaid Alwan

The choice of materials is crucial in responding to the increasing embodied carbon (EC) impacts of buildings. Building professionals involved in material selection for construction projects have a vital role to play in this regard. This paper aimed to explore the extent to which building professionals in Sri Lanka considered EC as a material selection criterion. A questionnaire survey was conducted among a sample of building professionals in Sri Lanka. The results indicated that the consideration of EC as a material selection criterion remained low among key professionals, such as architects, engineers, and sustainability managers, despite their reasonable influencing powers and knowledge of EC. Those respondents who had considered EC as a selection criterion said they had been primarily driven by green building rating systems and previous experience. Those respondents who had not considered EC during material selection commonly reported that they had been prevented from doing so by the lack of regulations and the lack of alternative low carbon materials. Respondents believed that the involvement of actors, such as the government, professional bodies, environmental organizations, activist groups, and the public, may be significant in promoting the greater consideration of EC during material selection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 348-363
Damian Boniface Sambuo ◽  
Stephen Kirama ◽  
Kitala Malamsha

Determination of fish landing price is important, as the same contributes to the structure, conduct and performance of the fish market in Lake Victoria. Determination of relevant landing price is a gap to console between fishermen, agents (middlemen), processors and the government. The main objective of this study was therefore to examine fish price determination. Specifically, to examine the methods for fish price determination and analyse factors that affect fish landing price in Lake Victoria, a cross-sectional design was employed, and 300 respondents were randomly selected from two district councils, namely, Sengerema and Buchosa. Both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. Findings show that landing price is determined through formal negotiation with processors, consultation with other traders, informal negotiation with buyers and Beach Management Unit (BMU). The study concluded that these are the common methods used to determine landing prices. Also, distance from fishing to onshore landing centres, market information channels, age and experiences of the fishermen are the factors significantly found affecting landing price. It is recommended that the mechanism for setting up fishery price, fish market structure, fishery information and the formation of fishery regulatory body needs fishery policy and sector reforms that mark the determination of fish landing price.

Rima H BinSaeed

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with its developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure has shown a major progress in business opportunities for overseas investors. Saudi Arabia’s education sector is one of the most attractive investment opportunities for the foreign investors Earlier in 2019, 9 new foreign education enterprises were granted investor licenses, amounting to a total of $141mn of investment deals. The Saudi government introduced Saudi Vision 2030, an aspiring development plan that foresees vital prospects for foreign investors in the regions of education, housing, health and energy, amongst others. In 2016, Saudi Arabia permitted the procurement of 100% of assets by foreign investors in retail and wholesale trade. A privatisation program has also been introduced. The government also attempts to attract FDI in the regions of renewable energy and entertainment. A foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a vital role in local and international economy. Several opportunities and ventures are encouraged by Saudi Arabia to improve the standard of business and economical environments. To accomplish the finances for the projects SAGIA, the lawful authority is there to smooth the progress of investments, which encourages Saudi FDI prospective to grow simultaneously. FDI has a greater scope for diverse businesses and investing in to underdeveloped industrial sectors. FDI plays an important role in boosting the economy of Saudi Arabia by managing international investors who shares the huge portion of 34% in General GDP (Gross domestic product) of Saudi Arabia. This paper aims to review the literature to shed light on the steps taken by the government to increase FDI in the country and what are the current trends that are helping to fulfil VISION 2030.

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