Social Barriers in Business-IT Alignment in a Public Organization in Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Ridwansyah ◽  
Lazar Rusu

The social dimension of alignment plays an important role in business-IT alignment (BITA). The study aimed to get in-depth knowledge of barriers in BITA by identifying and analyzing factors that inhibit alignment from the social perspective using as case study the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on the data collected through semi-structured interviews and internal documents from this public organization in Indonesia, the data was thematic analyzed. The findings of the study are 15 social barriers in BITA in MEMR from which the following five are new social barriers in BITA: uncoordinated IT initiatives; sectoral ego; frequent rotation of executives in organizational structure; poor understanding of IT for growing; and the lack of support by the business in IT initiatives continuation. The findings of the study can be considered by other public organizations that aim to improve their alignment between business and IT, and finally their public service delivery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Fadi Shammas ◽  
Guanjie Meng ◽  
Lazar Rusu

Business-IT alignment (BITA) continues to be a top management concern for the last ten years. Moreover, organizations mangers are still looking to understand the barriers between the status of alignment and misalignment. The barriers in BITA differ from a business area to another and particularly the authors have not found any research studies concerning the barriers in BITA in the manufacturing area in Sweden. Therefore, the research question is: What are the strategic, tactical, and operational barriers in business-IT alignment in a large company in manufacturing area? The research strategy is case study, and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews and also from company's internal documents and it was analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings of this study are a number of thirty barriers in BITA that includes six new barriers in BITA at operational, tactical and strategic level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1193
Anna Podara ◽  
Dimitrios Giomelakis ◽  
Constantinos Nicolaou ◽  
Maria Matsiola ◽  
Rigas Kotsakis

This paper casts light on cultural heritage storytelling in the context of interactive documentary, a hybrid media genre that employs a full range of multimedia tools to document reality, provide sustainability of the production and successful engagement of the audience. The main research hypotheses are enclosed in the statements: (a) the interactive documentary is considered a valuable tool for the sustainability of cultural heritage and (b) digital approaches to documentary storytelling can provide a sustainable form of viewing during the years. Using the Greek interactive documentary (i-doc) NEW LIFE (2013) as a case study, the users’ engagement is evaluated by analyzing items from a seven-year database of web metrics. Specifically, we explore the adopted ways of the interactive documentary users to engage with the storytelling, the depth to which they were involved along with the most popular sections/traffic sources and finally, the differences between the first launch period and latest years were investigated. We concluded that interactivity affordances of this genre enhance the social dimension of cultural, while the key factors for sustainability are mainly (a) constant promotion with transmedia approach; (b) data-driven evaluation and reform; and (c) a good story that gathers relevant niches, with specific interest to the story.

2002 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-76
Noel Gilzean ◽  
James W. McAuley

This is a case study of the social and physical construction of an ‘Irish’ community in an English town. It asks how or why members of this community migrated and how they construct contemporary images of ‘home’. The article draws on semi-structured interviews and conversations with members of the contemporary Irish community in Huddersfield, including Irish-born and second-generation Irish respondents. We find that their sense of Irish identity is complex, encompassing the totality of social experience, much of which is influenced by often competing interpretations of social and political relationships and understandings of history. What constitutes Irish identity in Huddersfield is determined not just by these factors, but also by the ways in which individuals are socialised as members of different families, neighbourhoods, workplace or other social interest groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 889-912
Maria Luíza Farias Diniz ◽  
Aldo Leonardo Cunha Callado

Resumo: Com a preocupação de as empresas se manterem no mercado em longo prazo, passou a ser adotada por algumas organizações uma estratégia voltada à adesão a práticas sustentáveis. Com isso, o profissional contábil pode gerar ou gerenciar informações que auxiliarão no processo de resultados voltados à sustentabilidade. Assim, nesta pesquisa buscou-se responder à seguinte questão: de que forma o profissional contábil participa dos indicadores de sustentabilidade? Diante dessa problemática, o objetivo com o trabalho foi verificar a participação do profissional contábil em aspectos associados aos indicadores de sustentabilidade em uma empresa pertencente ao setor gráfico. A sustentabilidade empresarial foi mensurada a partir do Grid de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (GSE) que integra as dimensões ambiental, econômica e social. A participação do profissional contábil foi analisada a partir de ações voltadas ao planejamento, execução, controle e tomada de decisão dos indicadores de sustentabilidade. Esta pesquisa pode ser caracterizada como descritiva, exploratória e qualitativa, adotando a estratégia de estudo de caso, e foi desenvolvida a partir da aplicação de um questionário estruturado com realização de entrevista e visita técnica com a finalidade de observar in loco as ações mencionadas. A empresa investigada apresentou um resultado classificado como Sustentabilidade Empresarial Relativa, uma vez que possui resultados positivos nas dimensões econômica e social da sustentabilidade. Observou-se, ainda, que o profissional da Contabilidade participa de 14 indicadores dos 43 definidos pelo modelo, sendo quatro da dimensão ambiental, oito da dimensão econômica e dois da dimensão social. Diante do resultado, destaca-se a participação do contador em resultados associados ao desempenho da sustentabilidade empresarial (por meio dos indicadores) na organização analisada.Palavras-chave: Contabilidade gerencial. Profissional contábil. Sustentabilidade empresarial.Characterizing the participation of the accounting professional in the context of corporate sustainabilityAbstract: With the concern of companies to remain in the market in the long term, a strategy has been adopted by some organizations aimed at adhering to sustainable practices. With this, the accounting professional can generate or manage information that will help in the process of results oriented towards sustainability. Thus, this research sought to answer the following question: How does the accounting professional participate in sustainability indicators? In view of this problem, the objective of the study was to verify the participation of the accounting professional in aspects associated to the sustainability indicators in a company belonging to the graphic sector. . Business sustainability was measured based on the Corporate Sustainability Grid (CSG) that integrates the environmental, economic and social dimensions. The participation of the accounting professional was analyzed based on actions aimed at the planning, execution, control and decision making of the sustainability indicators. This research can be characterized as descriptive, exploratory and qualitative, adopting the case study strategy, and it was developed from the application of a structured questionnaire with interviews and technical visits with the purpose of observing the mentioned actions in loco. The company investigated presented a result classified as Relative Business Sustainability, since it has positive results in the economic and social dimensions of sustainability. It was observed that the accounting professional participates in 14 indicators of the 43 defined by the model, four of the environmental dimension, eight of the economic dimension and two of the social dimension. In view of the result, the accountant's participation in results associated to the performance of corporate sustainability (through the indicators) in the analyzed organization stands out.Keywords: Management accounting. Accounting professional. Corporate sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Karen Coulton

<p>International and New Zealand research continues to show that there is concern about boys being less successful than girls in writing at all levels of the school. This study examines to what extent year 7 and year 8 boys are motivated to advance their writing when they collaborate with a peer and choose to use a drama strategy. A qualitative approach was taken to explore the insiders‟ view of writing from eight year 7 and year 8 boys in an intermediate school in New Zealand. Data gathered were from semi-structured interviews, in class observations and samples of writing. Sociocultural theory was used to inform the investigation of the social and cultural influences on the boys‟ learning about writing. The findings illustrate that the drama intervention was successful as the boys were motivated to write through their social interaction of role- playing characters from a choice of topics represented in their everyday lives. The boys revealed their metacognitive knowledge by showing their awareness of their thought processes about writing and how to use this knowledge to develop their writing abilities. The study makes recommendations for teachers, including the need for teachers to recognise the boys‟ position of authority over their knowledge, which is essential for their motivation and learning to write successfully.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Kudzayi Savious Tarisayi

Although there is a plethora of studies on poverty in schools, poverty in satellite schools in Zimbabwe remains a neglected phenomenon. Satellite schools are newly established temporary schools which are attached to a registered school. This paper derives from a study that focused on the social capital influences of communal farmers and land reform beneficiaries on satellite schools in the Masvingo district, Zimbabwe after the year 2000. The study drew on the capability approach by Sen (2000) and the poverty pyramid by Baulch (2011). The study was qualitative and it was positioned in the interpretive paradigm. The paper reports on one case study of communal farmers in the Masvingo district. Four semi-structured interviews and a focus group discussion with a purposive sample of ten participants were carried out in the Sambo community. Qualitative content analysis was utilized to analyse the findings and draw conclusions. The manifestations of poverty at Sambo satellite school were infrastructure challenges; physical resources allocation; a natural resource challenge; and learners’ participation in extra-curricular activities with other schools. Due to a multiplicity of manifestations of poverty, Sambo satellite school was clearly in distress. It is recommended that the Zimbabwean government provide additional funding to support satellite schools that are located in poor, environmentally challenging contexts.

Numen ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-76
Valentino Gasparini

Abstract This article analyzes three different case studies related to the Graeco-Roman cult of Anubis, located in different historical periods (Early, Middle, and Late Roman Empire) and approached by the study of different types of material (namely literary, epigraphic/archaeological, and iconographic sources). The goal of this study is to explore the social dimension of religious practice, stressing its variety, creativity, multiplicity, fluidity, and flexibility of identities, changes in forms of individuality, and spaces for individual distinction. By means of a detailed inquiry of Mustafa Emirbayer and Ann Mische’s schema of “disaggregation” of agency into three component elements (iteration, projectivity, and presentification), this analysis will stress the historical variability of religious agency and will show how, across time, emerging situations forced religious actors to select among alternative possibilities of action by recovering patterns belonging to past routines and creating new future options that responded to present hopes and fears. The results of this investigation will then be conceptualized according to the methodological framework of the Lived Ancient Religion paradigm.

2022 ◽  
pp. 318-336
Germain Miteu Tshinu

The third theme of the book seeks to understand the role of mineral resources in the African continent's socio-economic development. The case study of the DRC is used to understand the role played by the state-owned mining company Gecamines to socio-economic conditions of employees and the country's development at large. Resource curse and realism theories are utilised in this case study to unpack the role of mineral resources to Gecamines employees' access to education and healthcare in particular and to the entire country in general. The chapter employed a case study design with a qualitative approach research in its endeavour of exploring Gecamines' socio-economic contribution to its employees. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Gecamines' managers, unskilled mine workers, and the Provincial Department of Mines' officers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Ruth Zárate-Rueda ◽  
Sonia Patricia Díaz-Orozco ◽  
Leonardo Ortiz-Gumán

 This scientific article shows the results of a research process whose objective was to analyze the practices and pedagogical strategies implemented by teachers of the Industrial University of Santander (UIS) and the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (UNAB); these teachers have students with sensory disabilities in their classrooms. For this goal, a qualitative methodology was adopted with a case-study approach; 27 subjects participated in this process: 20 educators and 7 students from the programs of Law, International Business, Accounting, Social Communication, Gastronomy, Music, and Philosophy. Based on a sample of homogenous cases of intentional type and semi-structured interviews, it was possible to conclude that, despite the significant advances made so far, it is required for universities to promote institutional guidelines articulating participatory work with the educational community. This community intervenes in the social reality of students with disabilities, as well as in the axes of accessibility and communication.

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